Winston Interviews Eurobrat, Expat in Europe and Italy

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Post by publicduende »

Rock wrote:Maybe he sees you as a personification of all he hates about Italy. If that's his reason for lashing out at you, very lame and immature. I wouldn't put it past him. He's pretty abrasive sometimes.

But he doesn't come off as the braggart type. He never makes lofty claims of dating lots of hot women. Nor does he often talk of making a high income like several others on this forum such as Paloaltoguy, Newlifeinthefillipines, and you Duende. He seems straightforward, tell it like it is style according to his personal impressions and experiences on the podcast and in most of his posts. In this regard, he's similar to Winston, not some Oiltrader big talk man.

At the very minimum, he's got a great opportunity. He's all set. Decent enough looking, resident in an exciting foreign city, EU citizenship, income sources, and intelligent. Now he just has to get his head out of his a** and make some interesting things happen.

EB, prove Duende wrong. Live the life, take lots of photos, and share them here along with your stories. Show us what a great place Berlin really is.
It might sound proposterous, but that's precisely what I wanted EB to do, for the past year or so, whether in Italy of anywhere else. Be serene and in peace with himself and those around you. He chose to let his frustration get to him to the point he could no longer see straight, and he took on Italy as the scapegoats of all that is wrong in Western Europe and perhaps the world.

When did I "often" talk about making high income, Rock. The mention about the house was the first ever in my posting history, and I think I made a passing mention of my wages a few days ago just because PaloAltoGuy or some other nutter of the same specimen was bragging that he could make thousands a day while people like me with normal jobs were doomed to depressed salaries and professional misery. I just wanted to point out that, in many cases, working for someone else might pay off and certainly offer less risk.

You guys better stop thinking of me as a frustrated white collar mang.ina whose purpose here is to provide some balance and punching ball action in a discourse entirely biased towards seeking Truth and Freedom, amazing sexual adventures in exotic locales, and such. If, indeed when any of you lashes out at me and show themselves as a arrogant or a hypocrite, I react. When the debate becomes personal, I react. As Jester wisely said, my white gloves have come off a long time ago.

I know EB is not the bombastic bragging type of guy, never said that. He is no Roosh, or PAG. Yet, a true Americano, he still feels the need to define himself as in contrast with someone else. He is happy in Berlin because Italy is s*it and thanks heaven he's not living there anymore. He is (or says he is) satisfied with his highly mobile job and exciting lifestyle because he is not an cog in the machine like me. Of course neither sides of the story are 100% transparent and credible, as he is no lazy bum and he does have a boss like anybody else, and I have a hard time falling into the definition of a corporate slave.

Perhaps having to antagonise with your neighbour is part of your culture and you don't find it peculiar, but we Europeans might, and surely I do. I find it quite artificial, and a cheap narrative the seller needs to believe in before he can sell others to it.

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Post by eurobrat »

Rock wrote:
The wrote:I dont understand why Publicduende has to comment on every thread that eurobrat is on , if hes so annoyed with him? I just dont understand it...I thought you were done speaking to eurobrat after the last thread.....I swear some people are f***ing idiots...And Im not on eurobrats side either...I don't hang out with aspergers victims but come on!!!
Perhaps deep inside Duende resents EB and is quite jealous of him. So he takes it out by bashing him with all the negativity.

Duende offered personal guidance to EB when the latter was in Italy. But that country just did not work out for him. EB had a bad attitude and instead of appreciating Duende's time and effort invested, just complained and even even blamed him. Doesn't exactly encourage others to help him in the future.

Still, Italy was a fantastic learning experience for EB. He now has a much better understanding of what he likes and dislikes in W. Europe and what city(ies) will provide the lifestyle he desires. And he shared it all with the forum. Let's give credit where credit is due. But Eurobrat, never again pull a stupid and selfish stunt like deleting all of your posts! You lost a lot of credibility when you did that last year after all the help you received here.

Now EB is living the HA lifestyle - dual EU/USA citizen, lots of freedom, ability to earn enough money wherever he goes, living in a place he loves, a great deal of his adventures still ahead of him, and limitless dating possibilities. Meanwhile, Duende is stuck in a soul crushing Anglo environment as a corporate slave with a similar aged wife who is likely suffering the same fate (she's a career woman right, any kids)?

Of course money is very important as a means to the HA lifestyle. If and when you get the opportunity to make some big dosh, you should compromise by sacrificing a few years to build up an asset base. But you need to have the balls to walk when you've saved enough. Otherwise, you become your money worshiping job and loose yourself. Of course if your job truly makes you happy, then you've found your way. But I suspect a very high percentage of guys who's time is owned by their firms or clients are somehow empty inside.

EB has made choices which jibes well with a lot of what Winston preaches here. And he's sharing here generously. He's doing what I wish Winston would do a lot more of - traveling, living outside of Anglo world, and telling us all about it. He suffered a lot of what Winston would call Murphy's Law in Italy too. Yet that doesn't stop him.
Of course Duende is jealous of my free spirit and carefree attitude towards the world.

Truth is he see's me as unstoppable and restless in getting what I want and going to insane extreme measures and it probably scares him because he doesn't see it too often, especially not here. He might not be jealous of my current work situation and lifestyle but I think he gets jealous of the risks I take and the persistence I have to find and get what I want, not letting anything get in my way or discourage me and giving up like most people do. Because honestly Italians are not risk takers or persistent and they do get discouraged easily, it has to do with their upbringing and cultural environment when being raised in Italy having a lot handed to you by family or the government so thats all you expect out of life is what's given to you as the only thing you have to work with.

My attitude when I first went to Italy was very good, I didn't go there with a shitty attitude. I don't appreciate Duende's advice on Italy because it was ill intentioned and he was out to hurt me by sending me to places I don't belong, he knew my background and intentions and what I was looking for yet sent me in circles in Italy without clear guidance. All in all his advice was, not good at all and cost me a year of my life. Had he told me the truth about what he thought of me not fitting in or liking it I would have listened and not got stuck hating where I was.

Contrary to what he says, I am much happier in Berlin and Germany now than I was in Italy. Things are far more stable here and I think being in an unstable country effects your expating experience just like it effects the peoples lives in the US. Sorry about deleting my posts and I hope I'm making up for it now.
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Post by gsjackson »

OutWest wrote:
In light of this LONG and continuing exchange (I can only imagine...EB slaps your face with his gloves, insults your mother and says disdainfully, "Pistols or sabres? ") I think it possible that BOTH of you have missed your calling. Both of you should have been some kind of materials engineers, as you can get incredible use out of what is originally little material.
Yes, I'm quite sure I've never followed any pissing contest to anywhere near this length, across multiple threads.
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Post by eurobrat »

publicduende wrote:
The wrote:I dont understand why Publicduende has to comment on every thread that eurobrat is on , if hes so annoyed with him? I just dont understand it...I thought you were done speaking to eurobrat after the last thread.....I swear some people are f***ing idiots...And Im not on eurobrats side either...I don't hang out with aspergers victims but come on!!!
That's because he never misses a chance to provoke me, too. And knowing what I know about him a little more than you guys, I know that he is 1) no happier in Berlin and 2) a friggin hypocrite saying what he says.
Blatant attacks, I am happier and proud of myself for trying out new things and cultures and find my current situation more suitable. No I didn't ever imagine living in Berlin but this is working out far better than the Italian tragedy. A large group of Italians don't even want to live in Italy nor do they like the current situation of things, aren't happy and want to leave. Why is it so hard for you to believe I wouldn't like living there?

Io non sono un ipocrita.
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Post by eurobrat »

Rock wrote:Maybe he sees you as a personification of all he hates about Italy. If that's his reason for lashing out at you, very lame and immature. I wouldn't put it past him. He's pretty abrasive sometimes.
I see him as everything thats wrong in the community of giving advice. Yea sure I have a chip on my shoulder about some things in Italy but ultimately he was the one that painted the wrong picture in the first place.

Sure maybe I'm brass at times but thats my style. Maybe I take it too far and I can imagine him reading some of my posts and whispering under his breath to himself alone in his computer room "oh you f***ing wanker, you didn't just write that did you".
Rock wrote:EB, prove Duende wrong. Live the life, take lots of vids and photos, and share them here along with your stories. Show us what a great place Berlin really is.
I've proven him wrong so far, he originally doubted me packing up and leaving the US.
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Post by publicduende »

Eurobrat wrote:Of course Duende is jealous of my free spirit and carefree attitude towards the world.

Truth is he see's me as unstoppable and restless in getting what I want and going to insane extreme measures and it probably scares him because he doesn't see it too often, especially not here. He might not be jealous of my current work situation and lifestyle but I think he gets jealous of the risks I take and the persistence I have to find and get what I want, not letting anything get in my way or discourage me and giving up like most people do. Because honestly Italians are not risk takers or persistent and they do get discouraged easily, it has to do with their upbringing and cultural environment when being raised in Italy having a lot handed to you by family or the government so thats all you expect out of life is what's given to you as the only thing you have to work with.
Dude, stop the fairy tale. Yes you took the risk of leaving everything behind and taking that flight to Milan Malpensa, but in my opinion you still don't have a clue what you want. If that is what you want, a dead-end job that pays you a student type lifestyle and little social contact apart from a beer or two with your roommate, which is more or less what you were doing back in Italy, then it's very clear to me that you've been cutting your nose to spite your face.

You might have changed now, I don't know because I stopped talking to you, but for the best part of a year the only unstoppable activity you had was endless complaining and cursing Europe, Italy and their citizens every way imaginable. The risk would have been to leave Como there and then, but you preferred to stay in your misery soup and rot in there for a lot longer than you needed.

And see? Now you have to immediately talk about all Italians not being risk takers. LOL it's almost pathological. We have been a migrant people for 200 years, how does that sound like a risk taking activity, be it out of abject poverty and desperation, desire to better our chances, or simple cultural curiosity? Didn't you say you met a few Italians in Berlin? They have probably made choices similar to yours and mine, and yet they're not risk takers because they don't have a US seal of approval? Last time I checked it was you Americans who rarely tend to move abroad as they believe their country is the alpha and the omega of the civilised world. Now, I know there are many of the opposite camp in this forum, still why generalise? What kind of point do you want to prove?
Eurobrat wrote:My attitude when I first went to Italy was very good, I didn't go there with a shitty attitude. I don't appreciate Duende's advice on Italy because it was ill intentioned and he was out to hurt me by sending me to places I don't belong, he knew my background and intentions and what I was looking for yet sent me in circles in Italy without clear guidance. All in all his advice was, not good at all and cost me a year of my life. Had he told me the truth about what he thought of me not fitting in or liking it I would have listened and not got stuck hating where I was.

Contrary to what he says, I am much happier in Berlin and Germany now than I was in Italy. Things are far more stable here and I think being in an unstable country effects your expating experience just like it effects the peoples lives in the US. Sorry about deleting my posts and I hope I'm making up for it now.
Gosh, so you're still buying and selling the "evil Duende" narrative. Will you stop it before you embarrass yourself beyond repair? So I was purposely putting you off track for my sadistic pleasure? :) In a way, it was a sadistic pleasure indeed to sit with you and our Skype connections, me listening to your endless rants about how shitty Italy must be if you couldn't pull poon using Roosh's advice, when you were the one shunning every chance under the sun to establish meaningful connections with the locals, even despite the obvious cultural and language barriers. That man was a hopeless bum, that woman was a lowly barista who won't speak fluent English, those girls are kind of intellectual but trashy and leftwing, that girl gave me some attention but she's Albanian and I want Italian middle class cuties, I could go out more but nobody is inviting me (then when somebody does invite you you pull an excuse and ignore them).

And so on... You built yourself an ivory tower of excuses and sat on top of it, for months, just to validate your wicked theory about not belonging to Italy. Soon enough, nothing I or anybody else could have done to help, would have helped you. All you wanted is build up more hate so as to make your jump to Berlin even more meaningful. Thanks heaven you're liking it. If you hadn't (or if you were not in the near future), I would be seriously worried about your mental sanity, no jokes this time.

You're genuinely happy in Berlin now? A much more stable country and environment? Fine, good for you. So, for one last time, as Rock said, prove everybody that you're indeed in peace with your hate demons and stop throwing blame and poison like paintball pellets.

Everybody is prepared to believe you that, for better or worse, your Italian experience was a learning experience. Prove them right and show that you've grown out of it, and grown up in the process.
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Post by eurobrat »

publicduende wrote:Perhaps having to antagonise with your neighbour is part of your culture and you don't find it peculiar, but we Europeans might, and surely I do. I find it quite artificial, and a cheap narrative the seller needs to believe in before he can sell others to it.
Oh please, Italians fight each other and trash talk each other all the time even on the family level and behind others backs. Don't try to sell Italians off as prestigious and noble people 100% flawless, that might work with a few guys here but you know it won't work with me or the smarter ones.

Italians have their cheap narratives and stories they follow too. There's one that comes to mind that reminds me of a certain someone who posts things about me here...

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Post by eurobrat »

publicduende wrote:And see? Now you have to immediately talk about all Italians not being risk takers. LOL it's almost pathological. We have been a migrant people for 200 years, how does that sound like a risk taking activity, be it out of abject poverty and desperation, desire to better our chances, or simple cultural curiosity? Didn't you say you met a few Italians in Berlin? They have probably made choices similar to yours and mine, and yet they're not risk takers because they don't have a US seal of approval? Last time I checked it was you Americans who rarely tend to move abroad as they believe their country is the alpha and the omega of the civilised world. Now, I know there are many of the opposite camp in this forum, still why generalise? What kind of point do you want to prove?
There's a small majority of you know that get pushed outside your own country but it's not the same as when I had it all in the US, wasn't happy and walked away from what a lot of guys could never imagine e.g. good paying corporate job, nice place, fully paid off truck, all my stuff yet I just unplugged and disconnected on a whim stepping into the unknown. You can't compare the Italian migrants of yesteryear to todays Italians, most of you just migrating within Europe close by while you still have your comfy and cheap 2 hour Ryan Air flights back to momma's kitchen.
publicduende wrote:And so on... You built yourself an ivory tower of excuses and sat on top of it, for months, just to validate your wicked theory about not belonging to Italy. Soon enough, nothing I or anybody else could have done to help, would have helped you. All you wanted is build up more hate so as to make your jump to Berlin even more meaningful. Thanks heaven you're liking it. If you hadn't (or if you were not in the near future), I would be seriously worried about your mental sanity, no jokes this time.
At least I'm accepting of my flaws and fate and bad times and misfortune. It was an experience none the less good or bad I learned a lot and that to me is still valuable. I live a no regrets lifestyle because to me regretting that I never tried at all would have been far worse than failing.
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Post by eurobrat »

Echoing what Rock says about the braggart types, heres what a RooshV member posts and the fantasy forum posting world they live in.
About me, I am 21 years old Asian 6'1" (about 185cm) average/athletic build avg/slightly above avg looks, proper hygiene/style, moderate game No debt because scholarships and responsible spending Graduating college in December w/ Business Admin degree from decent college Around $100k Net Worth, mostly liquid. Not wealthy by any means, but doing well for my age and comfortable. Current monthly expenses at about 4-5k/month plus whatever extra shit I do like go to RSD summit. Been making about 75-100k/yr on average since age 18 without a degree (very unstable income though) Current self employed internet marketing job allows me to live wherever I want, though moving right now could definitely complicate shit with my local business setup especially if I move countries Potential income in multi six figures soon depending on how these IM projects work out If I had to take a 9-5, would want to have a sales job, like selling cars at a Porsche dealership

Currently dating a couple of girls nearby who I really like. One is basically an escort but doesn't charge me anything. I really don't want to give this up because I've never had this before and don't want to start over again.I also have a handful of close friends nearby and feel pretty secure in my social circle here. They are mostly pickup guys that are pretty dedicated and a couple of people from college. Don't want to start over with that or lose my connection to these guys.

Since I have been dating the same few girls regularly recently I feel much less leverage for game, don't see the point of working so hard to approach 250 sets to get one lay when I can get laid easily with girls I like more. It took away my drive to spam approach a lot of women but removed my neediness. I have a "cheat code" for game where if I move to a new city I can easily get 5 new lays in a month's time. So staying here doesn't really seem as appealing as moving to a new city. Texas is not the best state for game in general, especially for Asians/Minorities. This is just a fact. Only attracted to white women. Other areas of the world like Poland would be relatively easy as f**k to game in. (American in Poland = EZ lays) or if I moved to a college party town in California. Same thing, EZ lays. If I move somewhere else entirely, I've gotta sell all of my furniture, ship or sell my car, relocate all my business equipment, pay for long distance shipping of all my shit, etc. And not to mention restart with my dating/social life completely.

Moving is a bitch :/ Where the f**k do I go?? Haha man I am confused.

Thanks Smile
I think realistically these guys are really really in bad shape mentally, low self esteem, low confidence, feel their life is going nowhere and feel the need for instant gratification so they hope on on a forum tell a fable about their lives in hoping someone else will be jealous which in turn will make them feel good because they brought that person down to their level.
Last edited by eurobrat on September 15th, 2014, 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by starchild5 »

Great info. Thanks....I'm planning to move to Berlin. Not sure when it will happen due to Visa issues. Since, I'm in India and work from home. Job is not an issue. Visa is. My last choice is to take up language course, only downside is, it cannot be converted into work visa, if I get a job there after learning German to settle down there...will have to come back to India...which will be torturous and hope they give me visa. Language visas cannot be converted into work visa etc.

Also, they have this freelance visa, but after much research for an Indian guy like me, it won't be an option. is a good website to find work in Germany. I'm getting some offers but only issue is language. I'm planning to learn German and see how it goes. Iit still kind messy what my next solid plan will be. If I could just make it to any shenzen country....moving to other places would be easy
Last edited by starchild5 on September 15th, 2014, 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by eurobrat »

starchild5 wrote:Great info. Thanks....I'm planning to move to Berlin. Not sure when it will happen due to Visa issues. Since, I'm in India and work from home. Job is not an issue. Visa is. My last choice is to take up language course, only downside is, it cannot be converted into work visa, if I get a job there after learning German to settle down there...will have to come back to India...which will be torturous and hope they give me visa. Language visas cannot be converted into work visa etc. is a good website to fin work in Germany. With my skill set I'm getting offers but only issue is language. I'm planning to learn German and see how it goes
If you're skilled in something the big cities often aren't that concerned with language as much as a visa or you actually being here when applying for a job.
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Post by starchild5 »

eurobrat wrote:
starchild5 wrote:Great info. Thanks....I'm planning to move to Berlin. Not sure when it will happen due to Visa issues. Since, I'm in India and work from home. Job is not an issue. Visa is. My last choice is to take up language course, only downside is, it cannot be converted into work visa, if I get a job there after learning German to settle down there...will have to come back to India...which will be torturous and hope they give me visa. Language visas cannot be converted into work visa etc. is a good website to fin work in Germany. With my skill set I'm getting offers but only issue is language. I'm planning to learn German and see how it goes
If you're skilled in something the big cities often aren't that concerned with language as much as a visa or you actually being here when applying for a job.
Yes. I'm planning to come to Germany through a Language Course Visa which seems to be the easiest for me and stay for like six months and apply for jobs, only downside is, If I get a job, I need to go back to India and apply for work permit and hope I get EU blue Card.

Learning German will ease lot of issues in my skill set. However, I'm in my mid 30s and not sure, learning German and seeking a job is all worth it. I'm looking at small small Shenzhen countries for easier entry :)

All I really want is experience Europe for a year and get laid....:) ..Getting a Visa and Learning Language For it..seems too hard for me right now...Indian passport doesn't get you anywhere...I wish I could get a permanent residency in any schezen country which will allow me to see all over europe
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Post by gsjackson »

publicduende wrote: If you really need to know, by the end of next year we will be owning outright a fully remodelled 4 bedroom house in a central area of Cambridge, probably worth more than £600,000, living in it rent (and debt free) and ready to use all of our cashflows on new investments, probably in Colombia.
PD, you may not identify with them politically, but you are solidly in the one percent. That is a City of London financial profile, which bears no relation to the real economy that most people have to live in. Especially in the U.S., where something like 70 percent of the population has virtually no net worth, and lives paycheck to paycheck.

Without making any comment about the psychological/mental health issues you and EB have raised, I would agree with Rock that EB is in a fairly enviable situation -- young, free of debt (I presume) and commitments, living in one of the world's great cities, making enough to have a decent social life and travel occasionally. The sort of career tracks you seem to be recommending to him just aren't available to him in the U.S. now. A young white male from the West coast with a B.A. -- no, all he can do is scramble and freelance, just like he's doing in Berlin, and make about the same amount of money.

Again, without making any judgment about whether someone is truly happy -- which always depends on the individual and his attitude, notwithstanding the thesis of this website -- I would note also that when I flew into Berlin after a month and a half in the Balkans, the comparative sense of economic vibrancy was palpable. While most of us here lambaste the superficialities and distorted values of western consumer capitalism, there may be something to EB's notion that economic prosperity has something to do with the quality of social relations. I'm here to testify that in the golden economic era of the U.S., circa 1945-1973, the human climate was far more agreeable. And I'm not misremembering. Now it's all about the hustle and the con; everybody's a mark.
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Post by Rock »

eurobrat wrote:Echoing what Rock says about the braggart types, heres what a RooshV member posts and the fantasy forum posting world they live in.
About me, I am 21 years old Asian 6'1" (about 185cm) average/athletic build avg/slightly above avg looks, proper hygiene/style, moderate game No debt because scholarships and responsible spending Graduating college in December w/ Business Admin degree from decent college Around $100k Net Worth, mostly liquid. Not wealthy by any means, but doing well for my age and comfortable. Current monthly expenses at about 4-5k/month plus whatever extra shit I do like go to RSD summit. Been making about 75-100k/yr on average since age 18 without a degree (very unstable income though) Current self employed internet marketing job allows me to live wherever I want, though moving right now could definitely complicate shit with my local business setup especially if I move countries Potential income in multi six figures soon depending on how these IM projects work out If I had to take a 9-5, would want to have a sales job, like selling cars at a Porsche dealership

Currently dating a couple of girls nearby who I really like. One is basically an escort but doesn't charge me anything. I really don't want to give this up because I've never had this before and don't want to start over again.I also have a handful of close friends nearby and feel pretty secure in my social circle here. They are mostly pickup guys that are pretty dedicated and a couple of people from college. Don't want to start over with that or lose my connection to these guys.

Since I have been dating the same few girls regularly recently I feel much less leverage for game, don't see the point of working so hard to approach 250 sets to get one lay when I can get laid easily with girls I like more. It took away my drive to spam approach a lot of women but removed my neediness. I have a "cheat code" for game where if I move to a new city I can easily get 5 new lays in a month's time. So staying here doesn't really seem as appealing as moving to a new city. Texas is not the best state for game in general, especially for Asians/Minorities. This is just a fact. Only attracted to white women. Other areas of the world like Poland would be relatively easy as f**k to game in. (American in Poland = EZ lays) or if I moved to a college party town in California. Same thing, EZ lays. If I move somewhere else entirely, I've gotta sell all of my furniture, ship or sell my car, relocate all my business equipment, pay for long distance shipping of all my shit, etc. And not to mention restart with my dating/social life completely.

Moving is a bitch :/ Where the f**k do I go?? Haha man I am confused.

Thanks Smile
I think realistically these guys are really really in bad shape mentally, low self esteem, low confidence, feel their life is going nowhere and feel the need for instant gratification so they hope on on a forum tell a fable about their lives in hoping someone else will be jealous which in turn will make them feel good because they brought that person down to their level.
It may or may not be a fable. Even if he's being completely truthful, it's still boasting. We guys tend to fall into that trap so easily. It's not enough to just enjoy being successful or in some way gifted. The ego need to be be fed by broadcasting it to the world somehow.
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Post by eurobrat »

gsjackson wrote:
publicduende wrote: If you really need to know, by the end of next year we will be owning outright a fully remodelled 4 bedroom house in a central area of Cambridge, probably worth more than £600,000, living in it rent (and debt free) and ready to use all of our cashflows on new investments, probably in Colombia.
PD, you may not identify with them politically, but you are solidly in the one percent. That is a City of London financial profile, which bears no relation to the real economy that most people have to live in. Especially in the U.S., where something like 70 percent of the population has virtually no net worth, and lives paycheck to paycheck.

Without making any comment about the psychological/mental health issues you and EB have raised, I would agree with Rock that EB is in a fairly enviable situation -- young, free of debt (I presume) and commitments, living in one of the world's great cities, making enough to have a decent social life and travel occasionally. The sort of career tracks you seem to be recommending to him just aren't available to him in the U.S. now. A young white male from the West coast with a B.A. -- no, all he can do is scramble and freelance, just like he's doing in Berlin, and make about the same amount of money.

Again, without making any judgment about whether someone is truly happy -- which always depends on the individual and his attitude, notwithstanding the thesis of this website -- I would note also that when I flew into Berlin after a month and a half in the Balkans, the comparative sense of economic vibrancy was palpable. While most of us here lambaste the superficialities and distorted values of western consumer capitalism, there may be something to EB's notion that economic prosperity has something to do with the quality of social relations. I'm here to testify that in the golden economic era of the U.S., circa 1945-1973, the human climate was far more agreeable. And I'm not misremembering. Now it's all about the hustle and the con; everybody's a mark.
I agree with most but I was making 60-70k a year with just a BA, money was not a problem when I lived in Kansas but could not stand how boring it was and I felt like I was withering away into nothing, putting on weight from eating frustration in that cubicle or when out doing proposals and making schematics for expensive fire alarm/cctv systems dealing with crusty old bitter clients who all looked at me as the big bad evil corporate sales guy out to take their money.

That was then 2.8 years ago at age 26, I did the smart thing and piled most of my pay check that I could and all of my commissions into the property I bought for a steal at $58k in a nice, all white suburban and upscale neighbourhood. Same thing that PD is doing now.

Previous owners were apparent drug users (I found a crack pipe when cleaning it out), bought the property for $85k in 2008 and short sale'd it to me at $58k in absolutely horrible shape which took me 2 years and many many pay checks to restore it's glory. I might have gone a little overboard with everything I put in it, but I knew I wouldn't last in Kansas and I wanted to hold onto it for the future so I made it "rental proof" and maximized almost everything transforming it into a small little luxury condo. Fast forward to today and it has been a small success and I hope it continues that way in the future (knock on wood)

My then said Italian passport arrived for pickup from the Italian consulate 3 months after moving from Kansas back home to California and it sat on my dresser everyday starring at me I could hear it whispering "Use me Eurobrat, move to Europe. This is your golden ticket to adventure on another continent". I fell asleep at night listening to Toto Cutugno, dreaming of torta pasqualina, pizza's, fresh lasagna, espresso's and never ending vino. That entire year I was in doubt about moving overseas, but eventually I saw my life going nowhere and I needed a change so I just packed everything essential into one suitcase and one backpack and I left.

I am lucky I am debt free albeit living check to check mostly but at least I like where I am and the new options I have. See Public Duende seems to see happiness as just getting a big pay check where I see no problem with a smaller pay check but more nomad and free lifestyle. I don't want the responsibilities he has right now or the headache he experiences, because I've been there and done that.
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