Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

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Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by tjh14 »

Hello to everyone and I hope that life is treating you well.
I left the USA in July 2008 and it has been the best decision I ever made, I just wish I had done it sooner. From reading the forum, I'd say I am not a typical expat in that I didn't leave the USA until I was 52. I went to Kiev, Ukraine to take a CELTA course and begin my career as an English teacher. Kiev was great at that time and I found a job at a school and was enjoying my new life when the economy collapsed and I was let go from my job. China didn't seem to be affected by the fiscal disaster so I got a job in a Beijing University. I've been in China for six years and have had the time of my life. I dated several women and married one of them back in 2012. She is so much better than the western women I knew back home. She was raised to care for her husband and loses face if she doesn't. Sweet, loyal and patient, she is a joy to be with. Most of the men who stay here a while get married and they all think as I do. We are grateful and contented.
I left the USA mostly because I wanted to travel following my divorce from an adulterous woman. I worked like a slave to give her everything but it wasn't good enough. After I got over the depression, I realized that I could do what I wanted, which was to travel. I had always had women in the USA when I actually wanted one but I had grown to dislike them and wanted nothing to do with them.
I had to go back to America last year and frankly didn't like it. The natural beauty of the countryside is great but the culture just sucks. I re-noticed many of the things that Winston mentions that is wrong with the US and I agree that you will feel better simply by leaving the country. I think the women have gotten even fatter and more masculine since I left in 2008. I remember seeing reasonably handsome men walking in the mall with these two ton Tessies and thinking, My God what is wrong with that guy? He must be desperate. No way overseas would he have to degrade himself to be seen in public with a 250 lb she-beast. The culture also seems hostile to men, especially white men or maybe it just seemed that way to me. If I was a woman or a transgender I might be celebrated in today's America but I'm just a Caucasian male who is seemingly responsible for all the ills of society. Funny, I thought we built the country. America has gotten even worse than when I left in 2008.
I have traveled to many counties in the past 7 years and regularly go on vacation in Thailand. I have had more fun and had better women since I left America than in all the years before. Men are treated badly in America and it wore me down, but I didn't realize what the problem was until I got out.
I encourage you not to wait as long as I did; go while you are young. Many guys get married and raise families here, the culture is traditional and there is lots of money to be made. As far as teaching English and earning decent money, there is only Asia and the Middle East. Most people have a tougher time in Europe and Latin America is just a poverty level existence or so I hear. You need a college degree, a TEFL certificate and a clean criminal record to get good jobs, and it is not hard to build a life overseas. The ones who get into trouble most often are the drunks and druggies, just like back home.
America was a good place when I was a young man but it has become a feminist armpit and you would do yourself a favor by leaving.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by HappyinEurope »


Hi there TJH14, it is refreshing to see someone that actually took the plunge and left the American rot.

On september 10, 2013 after 32 years, I left the United States and moved back to my homeland The Netherlands. Strange things are happening in the United States these days, and every day seems to bring additional scary news. It is similar to the erosion of civil liberties in Germany during the 1930s. I have seen a move toward a domestic police force that increasingly looks, thinks, acts, and is armed more like a military force than a civilian police force. I asked myself if I wanted to stay in such an environment, bereft of friendship and community, and the answer was a loud and resounding NO! The longer I am in Europe, the more I realize what a ridiculous country the US is........

Europe today is a close-knit, ultra-efficient, pan-democratic & participatory political organism. The member nations, like US states, are in many ways the laboratories for change; each one trying out slightly different versions of ideas than its neighbors. However, because each nation has absolute veto power over any changes to EU policy, rules and regulations (a nation must pass a series of entry hurdles , then agree to abide by EU laws already in place), any new law that has the slightest whiff of authoritarianism (let alone totalitarianism or Draconianism), simply has no chance. To paraphrase a phrase: CONSENSUS is king, (nation) state rights reign supreme.

Just recently visited a friend in Florida and it was a stark reminder what a cesspool America is. Waiting in a long line for hours at immigration a young couple with a baby asked a INS goon if they could get out of line to change the baby's diaper, the INS Nazi said NO! This was truly the last time I go there.....

As far as women is concerned there is no comparison. American women are selfish, narcissistic, fake, arrogant, paranoid, angry, emotionally unstable, mentally unstable, suffer from delusions and are out of touch with reality and on top of that are fat or become fat once they are married. American women have no trace of empathy and no genuine interest in bonding emotionally with a mate. Once the surface charm is scraped off, their marriages are loveless, one-sided, and almost always short-term. If a marriage partner has any value to the sociopath/American wife, it is because the partner is viewed as a possession, one that she may feel angry to lose, but never sad or accountable.

American women have no trace of empathy and no genuine interest in bonding emotionally with a mate. Once the surface charm is scraped off, their marriages are loveless, one-sided, and almost always short-term. If a marriage partner has any value to the sociopath/American wife, it is because the partner is viewed as a possession, one that she may feel angry to lose, but never sad or accountable. Get out now guys, while you can.....It's amazing how my life has transformed into what I call "normal civilized behaviour." I have met a nice woman from Indonesia who is funny, down to earth, pretty and never asked probing(qualifying) questions that American women do.

I agree, for those who are still there, it is time to leave. The decline of the U.S. will not follow a neat slow descent as many here note. Rather, we shall see a sort of fractal shift for as idiocy piles upon idiocy increasing fragility ensues. and this coupled with complexity is a heady mix. I think there will be a total U.S. chaos by 2015 end of year (many technical economic reasons for this). In fact, the collapse of the U.S. is well underway; just look at Obamacare, it takes longer to fix an escalator on a D.C. subway than constract the empire state building in 1920's, dollar lost 1/4 of value against RMB in 5 years, 50 million on foodstamps, 2/3 overweight or obsese NSA spying, really what exactly do americans have to be "proud" about? A friend of mine says that for some parts of the country the apocalypse has already taken place and its spreading and will soon envelop the whole joint. Tend to agree and there a reams of data that support this notion.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by tjh14 »

Good post. It is indeed a ridiculous country, not great at all, although it once was...
Happy to hear that you are doing so well. I had wanted to work in Europe but without an EU passport, it is difficult. Americans do well in Asia; they still seem to like us.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Moretorque »

I am very happy for you, America has been slated for a major redo by the social engineers and they are coming for the land to execute UN 21 for the debt owed. You have to realize for the most part wherever you go the same power centers are in place that can convert your living conditions into a American style hell hole in relatively short time. Weather this can be averted decides on the quality or brains of the mass populace in the country you occupy.

Iceland as of recent date is the only country that seems to be able to congeal to move another direction peaceably as decided by the mass of it's people. Iceland is small potatoes but a gleam of light amongst the fascist entity taking the planet over and China has all the makings where complete lock down could take place at a whim if desired.

Way to much power world wide has been consolidated through the fascist financial model currently ruling the planet.

Glad you found a true and loving wife, good luck!
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Moretorque »

tjh14 wrote:Good post. It is indeed a ridiculous country, not great at all, although it once was...
Happy to hear that you are doing so well. I had wanted to work in Europe but without an EU passport, it is difficult. Americans do well in Asia; they still seem to like us.
America had to be destroyed, under no circumstance do our rulers want you to understand the American republic was dismantled over 80 years ago through the financial system and legal fiction. They call it a Democracy which is the clever code name for what really amounts to dictatorship.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Moretorque »

HappyinEurope wrote:Blog

Hi there TJH14,

Europe today is a close-knit, ultra-efficient, pan-democratic & participatory political organism. The member nations, like US states, are in many ways the laboratories for change; each one trying out slightly different versions of ideas than its neighbors. However, because each nation has absolute veto power over any changes to EU policy, rules and regulations (a nation must pass a series of entry hurdles , then agree to abide by EU laws already in place), any new law that has the slightest whiff of authoritarianism (let alone totalitarianism or Draconianism), simply has no chance. To paraphrase a phrase: CONSENSUS is king, (nation) state rights reign supreme..
Don't kid yourself, the same people who run America set the EU up. There all conquered nations just like America by the ruling elites printing press. Just ask Greece if the people have say financially and what direction their nation takes and all the EU member nations debts have really really risen since the EU was formed. RULE by COMPOUND INTEREST.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by jamesbond »

tjh14 wrote:I think the women have gotten even fatter and more masculine since I left in 2008. I remember seeing reasonably handsome men walking in the mall with these two ton Tessies and thinking, My God what is wrong with that guy? He must be desperate. No way overseas would he have to degrade himself to be seen in public with a 250 lb she-beast.
Yes, I have noticed this too, women who are obese dating guys who are good looking and in shape. It's absolutely pathetic how low men's standards are here in America.
tjh14 wrote:The culture also seems hostile to men, especially white men or maybe it just seemed that way to me. If I was a woman or a transgender I might be celebrated in today's America but I'm just a Caucasian male who is seemingly responsible for all the ills of society. Funny, I thought we built the country. America has gotten even worse than when I left in 2008.
In America, white men are seen as the enemy, even though hundreds of thousand of white men died defending America in WW I and WW II. Of course if you are a gay white man you are considered a hero and are part of the protected class.

America truly is a dysfunctional society. Just look at how the media is praising Bruce Jenner for becoming a woman. He now has his own reality TV show on the E! channel. WTF? :shock:
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Moretorque »

jamesbond wrote:
tjh14 wrote:
In America, white men are seen as the enemy, even though hundreds of thousand of white men died defending America in WW I and WW II. Of course if you are a gay white man you are considered a hero and are part of the protected class. :shock:
The Americans were used to defend the ruling elite pretty much in both wars, how could America be teamed up with England and Stalin be called to defend America ? Patton said we fought on the wrong side and he paid dearly with his life for such comments.

It was also good for populace reduction as well for the long haul. :D
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Lorenzo »

HappyinEurope wrote:As far as women is concerned there is no comparison. American women are selfish, narcissistic, fake, arrogant, paranoid, angry, emotionally unstable, mentally unstable, suffer from delusions and are out of touch with reality and on top of that are fat or become fat once they are married. American women have no trace of empathy and no genuine interest in bonding emotionally with a mate. Once the surface charm is scraped off, their marriages are loveless, one-sided, and almost always short-term. If a marriage partner has any value to the sociopath/American wife, it is because the partner is viewed as a possession, one that she may feel angry to lose, but never sad or accountable.
AMEN! You just described my ex-wife to a tee LOL. You must add control freaks and bossy to your list ;)

Adding insult to injury, the American female will bad mouth you and make you out to be something dirty guy when you decide to go find your future love in Asia.

Leaving America would be hard because of the quality of life (but not the culture) is high. I have considered a future in Singapore but it is so expensive.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Moretorque »

As soon as the Petro $ is done which is soon the quality of life will not be here at all so you should be ready to leave, they also signed into law last week a bill that they can revoke any pass port they desire with no legal recourse.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by tjh14 »

I have considered a future in Singapore but it is so expensive.
I agree that it is expensive. And for people who teach English there is not much money to be made as English is so widely spoken. English teachers need to live where there are students and that usually means Korea, China, Indonesia, etc.
I am going to have to live in a place where the costs are low when I hopefully get my social security in a couple of years. My wife is from Chongqing which is a megalopolis no one has heard of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQOBM37MH0
Apartments are cheap to rent $150 and up but I never paid more than $200 for a nice place. Great looking women as well. $500 a month is about the average salary(not joking) and one can live well there on social security alone; I know guys who do it.
I'd prefer the Phils but I am not sure my wife will let me move there as there are too many women who like foreigners. :lol:
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by MrMan »


This is nosey, but we are using usernames. How old is your wife?
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by Wolfeye »

I've got to ask some specifics (anyone that can answer, please feel free):

(1) What are the people like mentally? I get that there are different cultural styles & different people specifically, but I want to know if people actually think a story is what it is? Or is it like America, where they feel they have some input like a fiction writer co-authoring a book? That thinking by adjudication ("reality is what I say it is" thinking) is a major problem & I'd move away just for that.

(2) What are the women like? Are they quick to dislike people? I know you may or may not be liked in a relationship way, but are they "quick with the red pencil"? I find that people are very quick to figure out how someone else is low-quality & if that person exceeds them in most any way, they don't like that either.

(3) How do conversations go? Do people sit & listen to what you have to say or are they just trying to figure out ways to argue?

(4) What is life like there? Do you have a million different laws about everything you can't do? Is it like a constant grind with work? I've heard otherwise, but what actually goes on? What do people do & how does it go?

I get that this is kind of hard to answer specifically, since different place/conditions/people can happen, but broad overviews will be fine. I'm just looking to get an impression of what things are like- at the very least, it gives me some "ammo" to use in arguments about me moving.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by tjh14 »

MrMan wrote:tjh14,

This is nosey, but we are using usernames. How old is your wife?
She is 45, I am 60. I dated younger women but it didn't last with them.
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Re: Leaving the USA best thing I ever did

Post by gsjackson »

HappyinEurope wrote:
Europe today is a close-knit, ultra-efficient, pan-democratic & participatory political organism. The member nations, like US states, are in many ways the laboratories for change; each one trying out slightly different versions of ideas than its neighbors. However, because each nation has absolute veto power over any changes to EU policy, rules and regulations (a nation must pass a series of entry hurdles , then agree to abide by EU laws already in place), any new law that has the slightest whiff of authoritarianism (let alone totalitarianism or Draconianism), simply has no chance. To paraphrase a phrase: CONSENSUS is king, (nation) state rights reign supreme.
I'd like to believe this about Europe, but what we're able to see through American media of how the EU functions is not encouraging. You have the banking troika running roughshod over Greece, allowing plutocrats to strip the country's resources, while no semblance of democracy within Greece is permitted to affect the process at all. Hold all the referendums you want, but as long as Greece is in the EU the financial elite will rule.

Then you have the disgusting spectacle of the EU's complicity in the insane US campaign to vilify, provoke and isolate Russia, though this madness is clearly not in Europe's financial interest. Essentially, it would seem that Europe has no foreign policy independent of that of the U.S.

I've spent a year and a half total of the last seven years in Europe, and eventually I'm sure I'll make the break permanently (once I come to terms with losing the health-giving benefits of the sun). There seem to be three good possibilities for getting a self-employment visa in the EU: the Netherlands, Germany and the Czech Republic. I'm leaning toward the latter, primarily because they seem to be developing a sort of neutrality in the US/EU war on Russia, and because they have kept their own currency.
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