Why I Am Leaving America (Long Read)

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Heart of Shadows
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Post by Heart of Shadows »

FreeYourMind wrote:Not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties. That's what George Wallace said in the 1960s and it's just as true today. But Americans are too dense and so easily fooled. Most have never even visited any other countries yet will emphatically tell anyone that the USA is the greatest country in the world and anyone who disagrees is a communist. How do they know? Because their "Judeo-Christian" preacher tells them so, and so does Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. At a time when consciousness is rising around the world, most Americans would easily fit into the mentality of the 1930s and '40s. And that of the 1830s for that matter.
I've was reading something in the past that must admit that I've forgotten from where but the assessment was that political parties themselves are just a front so the idiotic public can argue and remain separate while they are to busy to see themselves getting ripped off and I generally agreed with it as it seems to match this countries state today. Now I know what you mean with the whole worship of the empire so well as I had an uncle who was born in the 1940s who went apeshit when I proved to him that America just lies to him and that there are better and superior countries. Only one in my family who isn't a christian or half christian is my stepdad who was raised in the ghetto and he got no favors from the magic man in the sky or the government when the corrupt cops f***ed him and his family over.

E_Irizarry: I'll try but I must admit this already feels like a second home to me.
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Post by The_Hero_of_Men »

Heart of Shadows wrote:
FreeYourMind wrote:Not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties. That's what George Wallace said in the 1960s and it's just as true today. But Americans are too dense and so easily fooled. Most have never even visited any other countries yet will emphatically tell anyone that the USA is the greatest country in the world and anyone who disagrees is a communist. How do they know? Because their "Judeo-Christian" preacher tells them so, and so does Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. At a time when consciousness is rising around the world, most Americans would easily fit into the mentality of the 1930s and '40s. And that of the 1830s for that matter.
I've was reading something in the past that must admit that I've forgotten from where but the assessment was that political parties themselves are just a front so the idiotic public can argue and remain separate while they are to busy to see themselves getting ripped off and I generally agreed with it as it seems to match this countries state today. Now I know what you mean with the whole worship of the empire so well as I had an uncle who was born in the 1940s who went apeshit when I proved to him that America just lies to him and that there are better and superior countries. Only one in my family who isn't a christian or half christian is my stepdad who was raised in the ghetto and he got no favors from the magic man in the sky or the government when the corrupt cops f***ed him and his family over.

E_Irizarry: I'll try but I must admit this already feels like a second home to me.
I know what you mean... Why don't you read my post on ,y problems with Christianity? It's in the Religion part of this forum.
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Post by Berube »

ladislav wrote:Multiculturalism = Glorified Apartheid.
I agree. I live in Toronto, Canada and it's multiculturalism gone WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY too far!!! Rachelle.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

Berube wrote:
ladislav wrote:Multiculturalism = Glorified Apartheid.
I agree. I live in Toronto, Canada and it's multiculturalism gone WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY too far!!! Rachelle.
Toronto does have a lotttttttttttttttttt of nationalities (more so than NYC - although T.O.'s population is smaller than NYC's), but at least they aren't as bigoted as different ethnic groups in America are to each other!!
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

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Post by puresolium »

The west (especially the U.S. and the rest of the Anglo 'superempire') is strictly the commodity fetish, i.e. SEX SIMPLY SELLS! Extremely sexual repressed, man. When you deal with a sadistic technocracy operating as a phantom democracy such as the Corporate States of America, you are involved in a society that is so disconnected to anything practical, it's shockingly comical.

Phoenix Sosa, you have to understand (which you may probably already do at this point) that American society operates on this robotic, left-brain dominant paradigm of destroying and exploiting all what's natural in the name of capitalism (and ego). I do agree with you, any sign of creativity let alone common sense, you are seen as an outcast, a 'terrorist' really. When you live in a society that operates on personality instead of principle, it becomes an uphill battle to live your life practically among others who are fixated on acheiving fame and fortune. Western culture is the microwave culture, as I know you will completely agree to. Instant love, instant sex, instant enlightenment, you can be what you want to be and have whatever you like. While we appease the ego, we have less than a decade of freshwater left in the world, clear cutting the BRAIN of the Earth (the Amazon) for the sake of profits and global economic power. Phoenix, you clearly not asking for much and your frustration is completely valid as in trying to develop socially in this reality takes a level of self-deception, self-pacification, and self-delusion to pass off.
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Post by Iawesome60 »

I'm going to put the pros and cons of America and Americans. Phoenix Sosa, I like the posts you put on here.

-Americans can be extremely intelligent (members on here, others)
-America is an excellent place for jobs and making money (if you get a job though)
-Gas is cheap
-Military is excellent

-American women are the most unattractive (ugly is mean to say) women in the world (inside and outside)
-American women suck for multitudinous reasons
-There are Americans that are very ignorant
-America is the most racist country in all of the western hemisphere (even years after MLK Jr made the "I have a dream" speech)
-It's a very expensive place to live (insurance, bills, etc)
-The food is unhealthy (you'll gain weight)
-There are Americans that are very bigoted (they're bigoted towards your religious preferences, who you are, etc)
-Finding a job is very grueling
-Americans can be extremely cruel towards each other and sometimes other nationalities (if the hate intensifies, they'll do bad things)
-The political system is messed up
-Crime is prevalent (the more populated the city is, the higher the crime)
-It's a live to work country, which is very stressful (because of the long hours)
Last edited by Iawesome60 on July 2nd, 2011, 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There aren't many attractive women (inside and outside) in America. A man wants a physically attractive woman with attractive personality traits. American women usually don't have that combination.

Ever since I found Winston's website and read the information on there, my life has been much easier and I've been a MUCH more happier person!

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Post by Adama »

I used to think there were positives to living in America. Now I can't think of even one. Most would say the educational system. The student loans you have to take out to get a decent job really do make you a slave. The price of education far outstrips inflation, due to greed and the availability of student loans themselves due to competition of students and government intervention (government insists the price goes up every year in fact). Then when you finally get a job, you'll simply be a disposable commodity to your employer, with no real benefits or time off.

At least in Europe there is some return benefit for the high rate of taxation; if you fall, the government will actually help you. If you fall in the USA and you arent a custodial parent, you'll wind up homeless or in prison.

And as MR.S has said, try skipping out on those student loans, and it is very likely the school will not send transcripts to your prospective employers in the future.
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Post by Winston »

Since you're interested in Scandinavia, here are some job resources for that region:


Also, here are job resources for other parts of Europe:

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

Join my Dating Site to meet thousands of legit foreign girls at low cost!

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by travelingjohn69 »

What does being atheist have to do with the focus of this website? Our focus is on women and making men happy, not religion or lack there of. I cater my book to all men.

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If your going to post something, post about something that falls in line with the focus of this website.

Jack Rover
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Post by Cyrus »

Hey PhxSosa

Let us know about getting into the EU. I'm curious about how to do that myself. I experience similar frustrations and would like to settle down in a European country.

Also I'm curious how your freelance work translates to Euros. If you're still making dollars from Americans, that could be a significant price cut. I also work in freelance areas and that's been an issue of mine that I've considered.

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Re: Why I Am Leaving America (Long Read)

Post by fox »

Hey I have some questions since I'm not from America...
You can't find a black woman atheist.
If black women believe in the bible\Jesus, how come so many of them don't dress modestly and don't treat men good?
the same goes for white women of course....
The bible says to dress modestly and to treat your men well (among other things....)

Americans are generally superficial. Americans are materialistic and all they care about is their image, money and fame. Who do I need to impress today? Do I have the latest iPhone, do I have the coolest shoes, do I have the best page on MySpace? I had this brainwashing done to me about how you always need to impress people.

if Americans really believe in the bible - the bible talks about modestly and not needing to show off.
America doesn't want you to be honest. You must lie. You have to be fake.
again this doesn't go hand in hand with the bible....

Americans' happiness is either material belongings or having money.
people who really believe in God don't need so much money or material belongings to be happy.
Americans don't care if you are a homeless person on the street. If you are homeless and that person asks for some change, the American is so arrogant that they won't even give that person 25 cents.
Again that doesn't go hand in hand with the bible.
Americans have no sense of community.

Isn't the church and religion all about community?

Ok if most Americans are really Christians then I don't understand....
could you and others please elaborate?
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Post by Keyser »

odbo wrote:Organized religion trapped people for centuries, this decade atheism and anti-Christian sentiment is being shoved down our throats by the tv, and suddenly you're all philosophers. I got news for you, you drank the cool-aid. You're running a programmed opinion just like the religious. Reality is a lot more complicated than a man in the sky. Pathetic arguments like "If there was a god nothing bad would ever happen" only convince idiots who learned their thought process from satanist and secular shills. Life is not about debating, you can't debate yourself to the truth.

Where did we come from? Where did we get our consciousness?

Maybe you should move out of your hick town because most Americans nowadays don't believe in god, and those who say they do have long lost their connection to it. You're right about your other views on America though, it's Satan's paradise and there's no better reason to leave here than people's complete lack of spirituality.

Research the pineal gland! It's our connection to "god".
Show us one piece of evidence that the Great Heavenly Space Fairy actually exists. I see, you can't, so as with every religion, it is a matter of faith, which is a stretch if you want someone to alter their way of life and entire belief system based on something that cannot be proven...

Now for the reality... Today, there are over 5000 separate deities worshiped on the planet today... Who is to say that your "God" is the actual real-deal and everyone else's god is a false prophet... Religion is nothing but a means for the powers that be to control the minds and actions of the populace... This was much easier prior to the time of instant communications, international travel and a certain degree of intellect through out the world... Today, more than any time in our history, people have the ability to decide for themselves just what philosophy they wish to believe in and to not be persecuted for their beliefs...

No, the evidence is starting to stack up to support the theory that "God" as you know it were aliens that seeded the planet with the DNA and have been monitoring our development for many millennium. This theory IMO is much more acceptable that the concept of religion and is at least as believable as the concept of God, to me anyway...

To the OP, good luck in your adventure... Denmark is as good as place as any...
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Post by Keyser »

djfourmoney wrote: Denmark is trying to pass a law to demand that new immigrants to have over $17,000US in the bank. This obviously means they only want a certain "type" in the country and frankly my brother that likely includes you. I am not saying Danish people as a whole have a problem with Black folk, but they elected the current Government, so you can draw your own conclusion with that one.
What does the cash requirement to obtain a visa have anything to do with race? Bottom line it doesn't and you just pulled that out of your ass... No, the requirement has to do with keeping indigent, undesirables out of the country and off of the social welfare roles... The laws are being enacted all over the EU in a effort to quell the influx of Muslims, who really don't integrate well into their society and often require assistance to survive...

One of the requirements for a retirement visa for Thailand is that you either have $26000 USD in a Thai bank account or can prove that amount of income per annum... Does that make them racist? No, it assures that a person has the where with all to support themselves without becoming a ward of the state... The FACT that Thais are some of the most racist people on the planet is beside the point...
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Post by Keyser »

ladislav wrote:Multiculturalism = Glorified Apartheid.
ladislav = idiot

No comment, you're an idiot, nothing more to say... Unless you care to expand on your assertion...
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Post by ringspun »

Don't bother with the UK we are just as bad here for the same thinking, not so much the religion but the celebrity obsessed and soaring divorce rate and women who you have sex with once and think you should marry and give them a kid!

Asia, Eastern Europe and some parts of South America are the best options I believe, not been to Denmark but many of those countries are very good and have good values still like Poland.
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