Latin American women and American women = same thing

Discuss culture, living, traveling, relocating, dating or anything related to Latin America, Mexico, or Central America.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Ghost »

Tapatio89 wrote: I, on the other hand, I am a good looking guy, even yourself admitted to it in one thread saying I will not have trouble getting another dame if my wife becomes abusive again. You and I know very well I can get most good looking gals: ... 9&start=15
I did say that at the time, although that was before other photos of you came to light. You're not the most hideous guy out there. Your problems with females probably stem from your narcissism. You should work on your narcissism and stop f***ing trannies.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Tapatio89 »

Ghost wrote:
Tapatio89 wrote: I, on the other hand, I am a good looking guy, even yourself admitted to it in one thread saying I will not have trouble getting another dame if my wife becomes abusive again. You and I know very well I can get most good looking gals: ... 9&start=15
I did say that at the time, although that was before other photos of you came to light. You're not the most hideous guy out there. Your problems with females probably stem from your narcissism. You should work on your narcissism and stop f***ing trannies.
I do not look bad on my other photos. In fact, on my facial symmetry test, I scored 82/100. Only disqualification was my prominent, somewhat hooked nose. I consider myself an 8/10 as I do have an attractive face and I am slender, though I want to be a bit taller and more muscular though I cannot gain muscle due that my body type being an ectomorph kills all my mass quickly

I never had problems with the ladies. In fact, the only time I recall was when I used to be fat. Now, nah. In fact, yesterday the bank teller at the bank next to my company told me I am a handsome guy, and she is a lady around my age and also quite beautiful.

I will work on not being too arrogant and as for f***ing trannies, never had done it despite the false claims.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on July 30th, 2019, 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Tapatio89 »

Ghost wrote:The truth about your tranny-f***ing has already come to light. Everybody on the forum knows it now. Best thing you can do presently is delete old stuff, assuming you care about your reputation. Denying it doesn't help you since the evidence is there.
My photo does not appear there. So it is no evidence. I know you are cherrypicking and letting Droid dictate what is more convenient for the situation.

But, I am the holder of the truth of all of this. If you do not want to take it, not my problem.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on July 30th, 2019, 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Tapatio89 »

Ghost wrote:Too much from that other thread aligned with your identity. Everything from your username, location, and language. What you're learning now is that you can't put the shit back in the horse. Best you can do now is delete or disappear. Or own up to it, since everyone knows it anyway.
You do not know my full address, so ha. Not quite you know my location.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by cdnFA »

Tapatio89 wrote: You are afraid of showing it because you know your smile is the one of a sex offender. The gals never said nothing about my smile being of a sex offender. As long as the gals like it, I do not care what a social loser like you said.

You are just envious because if they put you and me, most women will chose me as you are a social loser, most likely middle age, dress bad, ugly. I, on the other hand, I am the complete opposite of you. So, you have much more to lose than I. That is why you get low-class, low quality women from Third World countries, whilst I get gals of the same social status as me or sometimes even above me and both local and foreign gals. I will NEVER stoop down or lower my standards as I know my value unlike you.

Except the evidence is clear. You have that photo. That photo has a dude with a creepy as hell sex offender type smile, or someone who is constipated.
You can tell all sorts of stories about what girls think but it should be obvious that you have 0 credibility by now.

You do care what a social loser like me says because otherwise you would not be responding with lenghty attempts to defend yourself. You sure as hell wouldn't bother to post a picture of yourself. Not after saying that you wouldn't because you don't take orders.

You claim that other people are this and that. There is the difference between me and you. I use the information you and others provided to make fun of you.
You just make up random facts about people with no evidence what so ever. You have no idea what sort of smile I have because you have never seen it, and I don't bother to post it because 1: I don't need to in order to prove that you are a mook, 2: I have no crushing need to prove your baseless comments wrong and 3: I have no interest in publicly linking my real self with this forum.

If I have so much more to lose than you, if I am such a loser, why is thread after thread filled with pages of posts of you desperately trying to get a bunch of dudes to think well of you [and hilariously failing at that task].

BTW my girl, for the last 6 months. Canadian Citizen. Chinese doctor. Canadian MSC in a STEM field in which she works.

Can I prove it, no. Even if I could, I couldn't be bothered to because I am not desperate for other people here to like me.

Also some third world girl is better than a Japanese ex whore that is very abusive to you and you went crawling back to her. You have no basis on which to speak of standards.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by drealm »

Tapatio89 wrote:
Dont be an idiot. You are overthiking things and seeing five legs to the cat when you know the cat has four legs. The photo is not edited.

You say this about the photo because you still think I look much more darker than what in reality I am. Didnt you saw my unedited photo and comment towards you? You most likely also think my friend from Spain and Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal are also shit coloured despite that Rafael Nadal is also the same skin colour as me and my friend from Spain is a dark olive coloured and I can post you photos of Spaniards that are the same skin tone as me or even darker than me. After all, Mediterraneans are olive like me to dark olive on average. Ask any German, Dutch or Scandinavian person, and most will never say Spaniards or Southern Europeans are light in skin colour. In fact, the Nordics I have met (the ones from Europe, not the ignorant ones of the USA) they thought at first I am an Spaniard due to my skin colour and predominantly Mediterranean features.

Now, who is the Indian around here? I also posted my DNA tests, so you cannot say I am predominantly Indigenous as you love to claim. You lost on this one, buddy as you cannot fight against a DNA test nor the other evidences I posted 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And since you seem to be like a stubborn mule or like you say, you are a dog that chases his own tail, then I will show you on Skype via webcam and you will see I am not lying about my skin tone or anything for that matter unlike your buddy Droid. I do not have nothing to hide, especially from a stubborn loser like you.

I can be online on the forum, but not no take photos, stupid.

You can clearly see it is me and it says Happier Abroad. You are just getting clever and want to find any dumb excuse to make it not approvable. And he gave me 24 hours to take a photo unedited, and that is what I did. I am not like you or Droid who are cunning an dishonest. Do NOT lower me to your low class ways.
The only reason I think you are lying is because no intelligent person would accidentally or intentionally expose so much scandalous personal information.

Lets go through the list:

1) You claim your allegded wife is afraid of being identified as a hooker yet you make a public confession about her being a hooker. And you effectively expose her real name, living location, facebook page and instagram page. You could not of hid her privacy any worst.

2) You get angry when I say you probably worked at Dunkin Donuts yet your linked in profile says you worked there almost 7 years.

3) You publicly complain about your employer but identify your exact position, employment location and contact info for your employer.

4) Your handle yields a public confession about screwing transexual hookers with someone who matches your real name, handle, age, location and the fact that you're circumcised.

5) Your handle also yields links to a "chaturbate" site for "". At least one of the links matches your age. We can imagine what these sites are for.


So there are only one of two possibilities here. You are creating a fake person with self deprecating humor for your own amusement. Or you are the least intelligent person I have ever met in my entire life.

You are practically committing suicide online.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Tapatio89 »

cdnFA wrote:
Tapatio89 wrote: You are afraid of showing it because you know your smile is the one of a sex offender. The gals never said nothing about my smile being of a sex offender. As long as the gals like it, I do not care what a social loser like you said.

You are just envious because if they put you and me, most women will chose me as you are a social loser, most likely middle age, dress bad, ugly. I, on the other hand, I am the complete opposite of you. So, you have much more to lose than I. That is why you get low-class, low quality women from Third World countries, whilst I get gals of the same social status as me or sometimes even above me and both local and foreign gals. I will NEVER stoop down or lower my standards as I know my value unlike you.

Except the evidence is clear. You have that photo. That photo has a dude with a creepy as hell sex offender type smile, or someone who is constipated.
You can tell all sorts of stories about what girls think but it should be obvious that you have 0 credibility by now.

You do care what a social loser like me says because otherwise you would not be responding with lenghty attempts to defend yourself. You sure as hell wouldn't bother to post a picture of yourself. Not after saying that you wouldn't because you don't take orders.

You claim that other people are this and that. There is the difference between me and you. I use the information you and others provided to make fun of you.
You just make up random facts about people with no evidence what so ever. You have no idea what sort of smile I have because you have never seen it, and I don't bother to post it because 1: I don't need to in order to prove that you are a mook, 2: I have no crushing need to prove your baseless comments wrong and 3: I have no interest in publicly linking my real self with this forum.

If I have so much more to lose than you, if I am such a loser, why is thread after thread filled with pages of posts of you desperately trying to get a bunch of dudes to think well of you [and hilariously failing at that task].

BTW my girl, for the last 6 months. Canadian Citizen. Chinese doctor. Canadian MSC in a STEM field in which she works.

Can I prove it, no. Even if I could, I couldn't be bothered to because I am not desperate for other people here to like me.

Also some third world girl is better than a Japanese ex whore that is very abusive to you and you went crawling back to her. You have no basis on which to speak of standards.
And you believe everything those pathetic characters of Drealm and Droid tell you? What are you, a child? For me, I do not follow anyone but my own instinct. Only losers (and I am not calling you a loser, but speaking generally as that is my objective point of view) do that. I have my own criterium and do not play stupid games like this.

Yes, a girl from a Third World country that most likely she is a hooker behind your back and only will marry you for your money (seen it so many times). Please do not tell me that is better as that will go to borderline ridiculous.

I could care less what you or anyone in this forum say. But, I know for a fact you are contradicting yourselves as if you did not cared about me, you would not challenge me in the first place. It seems I am an important person for you guys considering you always challenge me and you give no proof because you know deep inside you cannot show it because most likely you fabricate your gals, or worse, just sightseeing women in their home countries but no talk no action.
Last edited by Tapatio89 on June 2nd, 2016, 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Tapatio89 »

drealm wrote:
Tapatio89 wrote:
Dont be an idiot. You are overthiking things and seeing five legs to the cat when you know the cat has four legs. The photo is not edited.

You say this about the photo because you still think I look much more darker than what in reality I am. Didnt you saw my unedited photo and comment towards you? You most likely also think my friend from Spain and Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal are also shit coloured despite that Rafael Nadal is also the same skin colour as me and my friend from Spain is a dark olive coloured and I can post you photos of Spaniards that are the same skin tone as me or even darker than me. After all, Mediterraneans are olive like me to dark olive on average. Ask any German, Dutch or Scandinavian person, and most will never say Spaniards or Southern Europeans are light in skin colour. In fact, the Nordics I have met (the ones from Europe, not the ignorant ones of the USA) they thought at first I am an Spaniard due to my skin colour and predominantly Mediterranean features.

Now, who is the Indian around here? I also posted my DNA tests, so you cannot say I am predominantly Indigenous as you love to claim. You lost on this one, buddy as you cannot fight against a DNA test nor the other evidences I posted 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And since you seem to be like a stubborn mule or like you say, you are a dog that chases his own tail, then I will show you on Skype via webcam and you will see I am not lying about my skin tone or anything for that matter unlike your buddy Droid. I do not have nothing to hide, especially from a stubborn loser like you.

I can be online on the forum, but not no take photos, stupid.

You can clearly see it is me and it says Happier Abroad. You are just getting clever and want to find any dumb excuse to make it not approvable. And he gave me 24 hours to take a photo unedited, and that is what I did. I am not like you or Droid who are cunning an dishonest. Do NOT lower me to your low class ways.
The only reason I think you are lying is because no intelligent person would accidentally or intentionally expose so much scandalous personal information.

Lets go through the list:

1) You claim your allegded wife is afraid of being identified as a hooker yet you make a public confession about her being a hooker. And you effectively expose her real name, living location, facebook page and instagram page. You could not of hid her privacy any worst.

2) You get angry when I say you probably worked at Dunkin Donuts yet your linked in profile says you worked there almost 7 years.

3) You publicly complain about your employer but identify your exact position, employment location and contact info for your employer.

4) Your handle yields a public confession about screwing transexual hookers with someone who matches your real name, handle, age, location and the fact that you're circumcised.

5) Your handle also yields links to a "chaturbate" site for "". At least one of the links matches your age. We can imagine what these sites are for.


So there are only one of two possibilities here. You are creating a fake person with self deprecating humor for your own amusement. Or you are the least intelligent person I have ever met in my entire life.

You are practically committing suicide online.
1. You do not even know her Facebook page because she has it private. Thus, you are adding false claims on it and I never publish her Facebook or Instagram here. I also never mention what is her name here or the company she works at.

2. You claim I am not an important person for you, but you contradict yourself as you went to those lengths to find my linkedin. Personally, I could care less what you do with your life as I do not waste my times on worthless ideas. But, you are envious and jealous of me and my successes, that is why you did to do this. Jealous and envious people always do this.

3. Where you see I complain about my employer? I never talk about my job things here in this forum. Do not put words in my mouth.

4. You most likely took that information or someone in here and posed as myself. After all, if you are capable of searching deep of my info, I will not be surprised you did this as revenge or to frame me. But, do not worry, I already told Winston about you always harrasing me and insulting me.

5. I do not know what site is that, and you claiming false accusations about this can cost you being banned. I never been to that site until you sent me there, and saw that photo, and that is clearly not me. That guy there is very light skin and I will never wear such ugly underwear. Just because this person has the same username does not mean it is me. You posting this photo and falsely accusing it is called defamation, and I will send this to Winston. You are digging your own grave, pal.

For me, you are the least intelligent person I met. Your false accusations only can come from someone with serious self-esteem issues like you.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by drealm »

Tapatio89 wrote:
1. You do not even know her Facebook page because she has it private. Thus, you are adding false claims on it and I never publish her Facebook or Instagram here. I also never mention what is her name here or the company she works at.

2. You claim I am not an important person for you, but you contradict yourself as you went to those lengths to find my linkedin. Personally, I could care less what you do with your life as I do not waste my times on worthless ideas. But, you are envious and jealous of me and my successes, that is why you did to do this. Jealous and envious people always do this.

3. Where you see I complain about my employer? I never talk about my job things here in this forum. Do not put words in my mouth.

4. You most likely took that information or someone in here and posed as myself. After all, if you are capable of searching deep of my info, I will not be surprised you did this as revenge or to frame me. But, do not worry, I already told Winston about you always harrasing me and insulting me.

5. I do not know what site is that, and you claiming false accusations about this can cost you being banned. I never been to that site until you sent me there, and saw that photo, and that is clearly not me. That guy there is very light skin and I will never wear such ugly underwear. Just because this person has the same username does not mean it is me. You posting this photo and falsely accusing it is called defamation, and I will send this to Winston. You are digging your own grave, pal.

For me, you are the least intelligent person I met. Your false accusations only can come from someone with serious self-esteem issues like you.
1. Yes I do know her facebook page. Whether a person's facebook page is private or not doesn't change that it is public. You missed my point, as usual. You did not post the information, but you effectively did since someone can just find that information based on the information you did provide.

2. Do you understand what an argument of authority is? This is where someone based on their authority is supposed to be taken at face value. For example lets say a meteorologist claims that an astroid is going to hit Earth and kill everyone. However it turns out the person who claimed this is someone who's never looked at a telescope before in their life. It is correct to challenge anyone who claims to be an authority on a subject but cannot back it up. It is especially important to challenge people on direct lies. Your claim is that you're an upper middle class Mexican who would never work at a lowly job like that, yet you worked there about 7 years.

3. You talked about complaints in the thread about your wife.

4. Well any intelligent person can look at the facts. You attacked me after the account was created. So your revenge theory doesn't work.

5. There is nothing false about it. I searched your name and it came up. Your only logical explanation is that your name is so common that any random person would use it.

Like I said you are either using a false identity for entertainment, you're trying to trash someone's real identity (maybe another guy in Mexico) or you just lack intelligence to know what you're doing.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Tapatio89 »


You know, your arguments are completely pointless and lack coherence. You think you are a know-it-all, but in reality you are the most unreasonable person that lacks any valuable argument.

If you are such a know-it-all, then explain to me why you came like a little baby to ask me for advices to get a castiza Mexican, hmmm? It is because you are completely useless when it comes to women regardless of their nationality. I never ask advices from no one because I know I can get any gal I want without much effort.

I have gotten castiza women in the past without too much effort as it is common us harnizos and castizos date or even marry as they are only 10%-15% more white than us harnizos (60%-65% Euro vs 75% Euro). And you, being a WASP American, cannot even get one successfully as I had because the harsh truth is that they ARE NOT interested in gringos. In fact, us harnizos, the castizos and the full Caucasian Mexicans we are not impressed by a gringo or Nordic foreigner nor we consider you physically appealing. The only ones that will consider you "handsome" or interesting are the indo-mestizos, the mestizos and the full Amerinds, NOT US!!!

In short, we are not impressed by a gringo or Nordic foreigner because we already have the good looking women for ourselves and our women prefer us both physically and culturally and we consider Nordic/WASP features bland, cold and not interesting. That is why you failed at your attempt, whilst I had been successful on it considering I am not a foreigner and I know very well how things work here.

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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by drealm »

Tapatio89 wrote:@drealm

You know, your arguments are completely pointless and lack coherence. You think you are a know-it-all, but in reality you are the most unreasonable person that lacks any valuable argument.

If you are such a know-it-all, then explain to me why you came like a little baby to ask me for advices to get a castiza Mexican, hmmm? It is because you are completely useless when it comes to women regardless of their nationality. I never ask advices from no one because I know I can get any gal I want without much effort.

I have gotten castiza women in the past without too much effort as it is common us harnizos and castizos date or even marry as they are only 10%-15% more white than us harnizos (60%-65% Euro vs 75% Euro). And you, being a WASP American, cannot even get one successfully as I had because the harsh truth is that they ARE NOT interested in gringos. In fact, us harnizos, the castizos and the full Caucasian Mexicans we are not impressed by a gringo or Nordic foreigner nor we consider you physically appealing. The only ones that will consider you "handsome" or interesting are the indo-mestizos, the mestizos and the full Amerinds, NOT US!!!

In short, we are not impressed by a gringo or Nordic foreigner because we already have the good looking women for ourselves and our women prefer us both physically and culturally and we consider Nordic/WASP features bland, cold and not interesting. That is why you failed at your attempt, whilst I had been successful on it considering I am not a foreigner and I know very well how things work here.

Now I think there's a rhyme and a reason to my thinking, but perhaps it just isn't a salsa song and therefore you don't wanna tango.

Let me put it this way, if I wanted to hump a sub-saharan primate, I think it would make sense to get advice from Africa. And by the same token if I wanna go slumming in Mexico, I'd ask an indian on the reservation the best trapping methods. I mean you're basically like one of those trackers in the outback, except we're hunting stupid Mexican women. To be fair it's not really my priority to figure out how these animals tick, I just want to bag one and hang it on my wall. Does that make sense?

In any case I think you should acknowledge that I have more chance with a Castiza at this point to you. After all you're practically in a ball and chain to your senior wife, she's 5 years older than you right? So lets get real, you're never gonna screw another Castiza again. You can look all you want, but you're talking to the real free bird here. And unlike you I have no problems with treating your fellow Mexican women like animals. Your women basically deserve to be raped.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Mercury »

ll444 wrote:
September 10th, 2011, 6:56 pm
It's clear that there is a substantial amount of people on this forum who believe that women from Latin American countries and other third world countries are friendlier and more down to earth than American women.

As a person who has lived in a Latin American country and the US, I would like to take this opportunity to clear up a few misconceptions concerning Latin American women vs American (US) women:

Either women feel physically attracted to you or they don't. A lot of people here whine that American women don't make eye contact. Well, if they are not making eye contact with you it's probably because they don't find you particularly attractive. I had a dark period in my life during which I was very overweight; not surprisingly, I did not receive female attention; there wasn't even eye contact. But then I lost weight and improved my physical appearance, and women began responding to me more positively.

Thing is, I observed the same pattern occur in Costa Rica. When I lived in that country there was a period during which I was overweight and a period during which I wasn't. Women treated me a lot more positively when I wasn't overweight.

So stop saying that Latin American women are wonderful human beings and American women evil ******. You find all types of people everywhere. My guess is that if you went to Latin America and received a positive response from women, a response unlike the responses you are accustomed to receiving from American women, it's not necessarily because Latin American are friendlier and more down to earth than American women, but because men with your phenotype and perceived wealth and social status are particularly desirable in Latin American countries. In case you don't know, most Latin Americans think that all gringos are rich, and there are many Latin American women who would love to marry a gringo and have gringo children.

So it's not that Latin American women are better human beings than American women; it's just that they tend to be more ignorant and assume that your ethnic background and nationality makes you a hot shot, whereas most American women can actually see that you are just another John Doe.
You couldn't be more mixed up and wrong. Latin women ARE much nicer than American trash women. Latin women may be attracted to skinny to average build guys and may be turned off by obesity, but American women are attracted to two things and two things only; 90210, and bodyguard. And especially considering the extreme vast majority of young American women are in gangs and a rapidly exploding number of young American women are behind even violent crime offenses such as homicide, drive-by shootings, extortion, armed robbery, grand theft auto, and armed car jacking, and they party to and they dig only hardcore rap music and country, it's no wonder American women don't like nice guys. Latin women, especially whom are not Americanized, love nice guys.
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Re: Latin American women and American women = same thing

Post by Yohan »

Mercury wrote:
July 29th, 2020, 9:31 pm
ll444 wrote:
September 10th, 2011, 6:56 pm
It's clear that there is a substantial amount of people on this forum who believe that women from Latin American countries and other third world countries are friendlier and more down to earth than American women.

As a person who has lived in a Latin American country and the US, I would like to take this opportunity to clear up a few misconceptions concerning Latin American women vs American (US) women:
So stop saying that Latin American women are wonderful human beings and American women evil ******. You find all types of people everywhere.
So it's not that Latin American women are better human beings than American women; it's just that they tend to be more ignorant and assume that your ethnic background and nationality makes you a hot shot, whereas most American women can actually see that you are just another John Doe.
You couldn't be more mixed up and wrong. Latin women ARE much nicer than American trash women....
While I never had any personal relationship with any women from Latin America, I know a few men from Europe and USA since years, who had a divorce from local women in their past and married later on women from Mexico and Brazil and they are still together, with children, and obviously without any problems.

What I noticed is that Latin American women are really easy-going for relocation, they like to travel and to live somewhere else. Also missing is this hostile, mistrusting, 'racist' attitude and this 'lawsuit mania' or self-pity psycho behavior you find so often in the States.


About United States/Canada, women there are indeed the worst I have ever seen in my life (including the majority of women from USA living here in Japan) - ugly, obese, arrogant, overdemanding, overrating themselves, lazy, violent, etc. etc. - the best is you have nothing to do with women of any kind from this region. Also the legal situation is bad for men in the States, basically 2. class citizens.
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