Things you should know before going to Colombia

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Things you should know before going to Colombia

Post by Robert77 »

1. Colombian women are very diverse and their looks vary depending on the region.... in the north caribbean part (cartagena) they have a more african admixture and if you happen to be a black american man, you'll likely be successful there; they're also more open, louder and outgoing....

the central part of colombia, around the coffee highlands (medellin) the girls tend to have the more european look or a white latin look, if you're a white boy chances are you'll do very good there.... natural blonde women in towns around medellin or manizales are actually relatively common, gringo looking people are a dime a dozen in certain regions of this part of colombia.... the people in these regions are more industrious, conservative and proud.

girls in bogota have a more indigenous latin look, they look like Catalina sandino, the actress from maria full of grace (google it); they're also colder, more introverted and distant perhaps shy..... conservative and friendly, if those girls are what u want, then bogota might be for u.

2. If you're looking for a serious relationship STAY AWAY from the colombian women u meet in bars where foreigners hang out, these women are often prepaids (the name for those type of girls in colombia), they are there to render their services to u no strings attached.... how can u spot them? easy!!! they often have breast implants or surgical procedures done on them, they have a kim kardashian look and the reason they are with u is to make some money out of u, to get drunk at your expense and perhaps get banged by you in exchange for gifts or money.

3. if you're looking for a relationship, GO OUT WITH YOUR COLOMBIAN FRIENDS, TO COLOMBIAN PARTIES AWAY FROM PLACES WHERE FOREIGNERS, EXPATS AND THE COLOMBIANS WHO CATER TO THE GRINGO HANG OUT, LET YOUR COLOMBIAN FRIEND TAKE YOU TO COLOMBIAN FAMILY GATHERINGS OR REUNIONS, LET YOUR COLOMBIAN FRIEND INTRODUCE YOU TO HIS FEMALE CLASSMATES FROM COLLEGE OR HIS FEMALE COUSINS.... that is how you'll meet that 25 year old smart sincere feminine Colombian girl, who can cook like her mom, can love u like no other and will want to marry u and give u children.

4. Dont expect colombia to be mexico, I know many americans think everything south of the border is mexico or mexico like, but in reality colombia has nothing to do with mexico, other than sharing the same language (jamaica and america both speak english, are they the same? NO)
dont go to colombia expecting to find mexican looking people, mexican food, or cinco de mayo celebrations..... tell a colombian u want a burrito and they'll look at u weird (burrito in colombian spanish means donkey, they dont know what a mexican burrito is), tell a colombian u want a taco and they'll take you to a place where u can play pool (taco is a billiard table in colombia)... colombia is a complete different country of its own and in their eyes mexicans or puerto ricans are just as foreign to them as you're american self will be!!! the whole latino thing that american latinos have going on in the states does not exist there, in colombia they are colombians and the rest are foreigners regardless of if that foreigner comes from a "latin" country.

5. Colombia is NOT as dangerous as the media makes it out to be, yes if u go to a shanty town with your rolex in hand and your fancy camera hanging on your neck you'll be mugged and possibly stabbed... by following rules you'd follow in any big american city you should be fine in most of colombia.... dont go to areas where colombians themselves would not go to, in medellin NEVER go to any neighborhood of the city that starts with the word "comuna", in bogota avoid going to the south of the city.... avoid the jungle and remote towns in the middle of no where (that is where las farc is). in cartagena, medellin or bogota you'll be ok and that is where u find foreigners and the colombians u want to meet anyway.

6. make an effort to speak some spanish, the average colombian speaks as many languages as the average american (both nations are pretty monolingual), so speaking some spanish will take u a long way.

7. are colombian women racist to black men? frankly you're a foreigner, so you'll be in another category regardless of your skin color..... some girls have preferences, many prefer white boys, many others prefer darker types.... regardless of their preference, the average colombian will not be that closed minded and will not ostracize u because of your race (colombia is not america), to them you'll be a novelty, and foreigner and hanging out with u will be fun to most of them.

8. how do asian men do in colombia? quite well actually..... in colombia asian men do not have the stereotype they have in the states, so as an asian man, u actually get a fair chance at scoring.... if you're a good looking asian man you'll probably land yourself a colombian girlfriend in no time.
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Post by publicduende »

A good analysis, Robert, only two observations.

1) why do you assume that most (or all) young women who hang out in bars where foreigners are are automatically prepagos (= escorts)? During my stints in Medellin I have never been to a bar "that caters gringos". In fact any gringo or foreigner with a grain of gray matter will naturally want to be, enjoy and mingle in the same places where average Colombian men and women would be. The only issue I see that, once you are willing or happy to play by the same rules as Colombians do, you'd better be good at their game. That means not only speak good Spanish, lest you have a lot of charm and body language to fill in the pauses and misunderstandings typical of a broken conversation (most Italians are world masters at that :) ), but also know a little salsa, merengue, bachata etc. and - most importantly - strive your best to feel confident and uninhibited.

What I have noticed directly with my wife and her friends, and even most of her younger family members, ladies in Colombia really don't mind raunchy humour, sensual overtones, and even the occasional, (not so) veiled hint at your real intentions for the night. It's true that women in Bogota often feel more sophisticated and metropolitan, but it's not a universal stereotype. In fact Monica and some of her friends told me that this distance they like to put between them and anybody else is mostly due to their sense of insecurity, especially in a social situation where they rub shoulders with women from Medellin or Cali, who compare to them like basil to red chilli. As you said above, Cundinamarca (where Bogota is) is essentially an Andean region, and the gene mix veers more towards the mountain indigenous, so darker skin, shorter and stockier (think Peruvians/Bolivians). Calenos and Paisas, the boys especially, absolutely love rubbing salt on the wound by teasing Bogotans about how unattractive their ladies are...

2) You must have lived in Colombia some 7/8 years ago, or more. Nowadays every girl with 4 million pesos, and even a lot of those without (thanks to spefically-designed short loans), will have her due pair of breast implants, and/or a large array of cosmetic treatments and mini-surgeries to enlarge, refine, chisel down and round up every imaginable part of their anatomies. Again, Medellin is packed full with surgeons of the highest quality who, partly out of mutual competition and partly because of the benefits of such a wide clientele (every female citizen, 16 years of age and up), perform excellent stuff at very reasonable prices. Said 4 million pesos (little more than $2000) will book you up a boob job with a doc who would probably eat most of those pretentious NYC or Hollywood star surgeons alive for breakfast.

That's how they can look like this.




Back to the point, I would say definitely no. Having fake breasts and other enhanced bits definitely doesn't mean the girl is a prepago, or even a slut. It simply means she was lucky enough to have the financial means to access that aforementioined buffet of good-value-for-money treatments. Hate it or not, in large cities it's now quite common for quinceaneras to ask their parents for one or more touch-ups. Some parents even give into the boob job option, something that every surgeon worth his salt wouldn't want to do on a still developing body!
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