List of Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

How about these freedoms:

Freedom to be ripped off/ scammed constantly. Left and right, day and night.

Freedom to be mocked
Freedom to be ridiculed and laughed at
Freedom to be extorted by Chinese employer
Freedom to be excluded by women
Freedom to be treated as a slave by Chinese employer
Freedom for them to go into your bank account directly and take money
Freedom to never get or hear the truth on anything.

China f***ing sucks. I'm starting to think you've never been here. This whole site is a scam. USA isn't perfect. No place is, but the Honest to God truth is - uou are protected from a lot of these things back home. You can and will get eaten alive in a foreign culture....especially China. It is the worst most callous/ruthless one. Communism breeds this shithole and the nearly subhumans that you see here.

People always told me there were more freedoms back home. But I didn't believe them. There are, you are so pampered and don't know it. You can do whatever you want, live however you f***ing want. No one will bother you, you can't do that here.

Stop making China sound like a paradise. Stop whining, Stop complaining. Fix yourself and take some responsibility for your unhappy life...that's how I see it.

It's also FAR easier to get laid back in U.S.A. than it is here...or practically anywhere else. That's a fact, people all over the world know it.

You have laws and rights back home others dont have. Which protect you from the corruption there is here.

There is far more brainwashing in USA making it harder to see amd enjoy things, I admit that, but no place is perfect. I still say that among all the countries and places I've visited, China is by far the coldest, cruelest, most harsh & clever climate I've ever seen. Making it an unhappy place that I won't wish to remember at all.
I'm FAR from alone in this view.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

I'm starting to think this website is populated by a bunch of kids or adults who've never left their basements or computers. Life is hard, very hard. Most of us arent some Casanovas going around able to bang chicks all of the time. It simply isnt like that.

I think a lot of liars and dreamers here. Wake up.
Misery and happiness are only states of mind.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

There is far more brainwashing in USA making it harder to see amd enjoy things, I admit that, but no place is perfect. I still say that among all the countries and places I've visited, China is by far the coldest, cruelest, most harsh & clever climate I've ever seen. Making it an unhappy place that I won't wish to remember at all.
I'm FAR from alone in this view.
Far more brainwashing in the US than China? You mean that you are not being brainwashed in China like you were in the US because in China the media does not surreptitiously enter your daily life? I suspect that you meant to write, 'there is a lot of brainwashing in the US'.

The CCP is the most successful brainwasher on planet Earth, they have been in power since 1949 and have been continuously working on their 'brainwash' game. Eric, you are good example of China not being good for one's mental health. When are you leaving the place? I hope you get out OK. You are wholly negative where Winston was wholly positive. Both of you are viewing the most populated country on Earth through the narrow prism of your personal experience. That's fine, but recognize it - or in Winston's case define who his essay is really about. Who will experience all these wonderful freedoms in China?

Matt, I know Kradmelder is a broken record, bringing the same old speech to every thread, but he is right in that travelling the world with the sole purpose of finding the perfect woman will not bring happiness. Tapatio said hardly hard evidence. Does China interest you as a place? Does the Philippines? Do you prefer chaos or organization, futuristic cities or nature? Would you rather stay somewhere that speaks Spanish? These are the questions you might like to ask yourself.

Hopefully somebody else who has actually been to China and isn't as angry as Eric can help us here in showing Winston why his essay is not a mind-blowing masterpiece.
Even Billy knows that, just ask Mr S!
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Freedom to be ripped off/ scammed constantly. Left and right, day and night.

Freedom to be mocked
Freedom to be ridiculed and laughed at
Freedom to be extorted by Chinese employer
Freedom to be excluded by women
Freedom to be treated as a slave by Chinese employer
Freedom for them to go into your bank account directly and take money
Freedom to never get or hear the truth on anything.
This is all very extremist, but there is a lot of truth here. As a foreign English teacher in China you are very much at the mercy of your employer. They will arrange things like a marketing event on Saturday that will take all day long and you'll have to be there to show your foreign face - this kind of thing does make you feel exploited. How did they get into your bank account? Details please, that's terrible! And something should be done - that school should be blacklisted!
Even Billy knows that, just ask Mr S!
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Kradmelder »

You cannot fault Winston for his view because from his reality he is correct. He is Chinese. He looks like them and if he was fluent in the language and adapted the culture he would be accepted as one. A white man will always be alien hence have a different reality. Just like a white man in Africa after 350 years will always be seen as a European to be robbed. Even if you have no family in europe and no right to live there.

You may finally be accepted in a small circle if you try hard, but to the masses you are an alien. Winston as a Chinaman doesn't face this. But he did in America. Hence his reality. Winston is not wrong if you are Asian. But the rules are not the same for everyone.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Kradmelder because of your fixation with race you are missing many key elements in Winston's state of affairs. Have you noticed that a huge amount of his writing is about how he doesn't fit in and feel accepted in Taiwan? Taiwanese are racially Chinese too. In contrast he felt accepted in China.

By your logic plonk an American-Korean in either North or South Korea and they should do fine...they are all Koreans right? They say men think about sex every five seconds, I suspect you think about race every three.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Winston wrote:Outwest and El_Caudillo,
How do you know if what you hear is true? Lots of myths about China turned out not to be true when you go there. For example, the media says there is a female shortage there, but I saw more women than men. People think mainland Chinese eat dogs and cats, but I never saw anyone eating that. People say mainland Chinese cut in line. But I only saw that in the subway station during rush hour or at the intercity train station when people have a limited time to get to their seats and walk a long way to it. I heard that people pee out in public without toilet stalls but I never saw that. So a lot of stuff I heard about China turned out to be wrong or rare. I never saw any of the stuff I heard.

Outwest, the organ harvesting thing is an urban legend. Globetrotter debunked that years ago. There is only one documented case of a boy selling his organ for a video game machine, but he did that willingly.

If the media in China is dishonest, then so is the Western media. So you don't know what to believe. How do you know those articles about China stealing people's houses and lands are true? Shouldn't the government have to buy your house before they destroy it? Otherwise who's house is secure then?

As I said, lots of stuff that I heard about China turned out to be untrue or greatly exaggerated. And 90 percent of what Taiwanese say about China is either untrue or overly exaggerated. So don't trust Western sources or Taiwanese sources.

Anyone can write a story or make one up. You can't know if it's true.
About the woman shortage in China, in some ways it's a myth, but in some ways it's true. It's mainly in the countryside where it's a sausage fest. But in the cities, ratios are almost equal or there is a surplus of women. That's what Ghost told us since he teaches English in China.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by OutWest »

Eric wrote:I'm starting to think this website is populated by a bunch of kids or adults who've never left their basements or computers. Life is hard, very hard. Most of us arent some Casanovas going around able to bang chicks all of the time. It simply isnt like that.

I think a lot of liars and dreamers here. Wake up.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by OutWest »

El_Caudillo wrote:
There is far more brainwashing in USA making it harder to see amd enjoy things, I admit that, but no place is perfect. I still say that among all the countries and places I've visited, China is by far the coldest, cruelest, most harsh & clever climate I've ever seen. Making it an unhappy place that I won't wish to remember at all.
I'm FAR from alone in this view.
Far more brainwashing in the US than China? You mean that you are not being brainwashed in China like you were in the US because in China the media does not surreptitiously enter your daily life? I suspect that you meant to write, 'there is a lot of brainwashing in the US'.

The CCP is the most successful brainwasher on planet Earth, they have been in power since 1949 and have been continuously working on their 'brainwash' game. Eric, you are good example of China not being good for one's mental health. When are you leaving the place? I hope you get out OK. You are wholly negative where Winston was wholly positive. Both of you are viewing the most populated country on Earth through the narrow prism of your personal experience. That's fine, but recognize it - or in Winston's case define who his essay is really about. Who will experience all these wonderful freedoms in China?

Matt, I know Kradmelder is a broken record, bringing the same old speech to every thread, but he is right in that travelling the world with the sole purpose of finding the perfect woman will not bring happiness. Tapatio said hardly hard evidence. Does China interest you as a place? Does the Philippines? Do you prefer chaos or organization, futuristic cities or nature? Would you rather stay somewhere that speaks Spanish? These are the questions you might like to ask yourself.

Hopefully somebody else who has actually been to China and isn't as angry as Eric can help us here in showing Winston why his essay is not a mind-blowing masterpiece.
A masterpiece of...well, you know. Winston assumes that anyone making a statement must be basing on rumors or hearsay. Documentation of the brutality of the Chinese government would get this site banned in China. No doubt, the tens of mullions murdered are all just stories made up by deranged

The regime is building in the structural defects that will lead to its own collapse.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Eric wrote:I'm starting to think this website is populated by a bunch of kids or adults who've never left their basements or computers. Life is hard, very hard. Most of us arent some Casanovas going around able to bang chicks all of the time. It simply isnt like that.

I think a lot of liars and dreamers here. Wake up.
I told you that months ago, and now you are finally catching on what most dudes on this site are about. You might get a PM or two about ignore me for life now.
PS: whenever I talk about my sexual escapades, I become ridiculed for only hulk smashing bottom of the heap of women; at least they were women and that helped me to stay from going on a Elliott shoot-em-up tour.
Most people on here are, my coined term, "sociopathetic".
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Matt, I know Kradmelder is a broken record, bringing the same old speech to every thread, but he is right in that travelling the world with the sole purpose of finding the perfect woman will not bring happiness. Tapatio said hardly hard evidence. Does China interest you as a place? Does the Philippines? Do you prefer chaos or organization, futuristic cities or nature? Would you rather stay somewhere that speaks Spanish? These are the questions you might like to ask yourself.
1) China only captured my interest as a place to teach English as the TEFL market is still the easiest in all of Asia, the salaries are good with respect to the cost of living, and all a person needs is a university degree (but that could change in a few years).

2) I've been interested in Philippines since the culture resonates best with Westerner's compared to most other Asian countries. In particular I'm interested in the provinces than Manila or Angeles.

3) I can tolerate a mixture of organization and chaos to an extent. Mexico was a perfect example that displayed just that. The only place where I experienced too much chaos and inefficiency there was in Mexico City. Smaller cities were nowhere near as bad. And Guadalajara was the most organized major city I have seen in Mexico.

4) Since I am still learning Spanish and am somewhat familiar with the local culture having grown up in the Southwest, I might as well would stick to Mexico/Latin America for now.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Matt, I know Kradmelder is a broken record, bringing the same old speech to every thread, but he is right in that travelling the world with the sole purpose of finding the perfect woman will not bring happiness. Tapatio said hardly hard evidence. Does China interest you as a place? Does the Philippines? Do you prefer chaos or organization, futuristic cities or nature? Would you rather stay somewhere that speaks Spanish? These are the questions you might like to ask yourself.
1) China only captured my interest as a place to teach English as the TEFL market is still the easiest in all of Asia, the salaries are good with respect to the cost of living, and all a person needs is a university degree (but that could change in a few years).

2) I've been interested in Philippines since the culture resonates best with Westerner's compared to most other Asian countries. In particular I'm interested in the provinces than Manila or Angeles.

3) I can tolerate a mixture of organization and chaos to an extent. Mexico was a perfect example that displayed just that. The only place where I experienced too much chaos and inefficiency there was in Mexico City. Smaller cities were nowhere near as bad. And Guadalajara was the most organized major city I have seen in Mexico.

4) Since I am still learning Spanish and am somewhat familiar with the local culture having grown up in the Southwest, I might as well would stick to Mexico/Latin America for now.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by yick »

I think Winston's list is great though obviously he should have stated it was from an expat point of view (and one of Chinese ethnicity) it should go without saying that is the vantage point he was adopting and that a mainlander has a harder time of living, dating, socialising etc than we do. It's a given actually - he did kind of state he was on about expats in the first few paragraphs but he should have made this more clear in the ensuing debate that followed it. Winston hasn't got the authority to state how the ordinary, working class mainlander has it, no more than people who aren't mainlanders can deny his view - sure - there are reports online with politically active people who want the regime here to change but I know many (apolitical) people here who are happy and wouldn't dream of leaving here and living anywhere else.

I live in the middle of China and have done for a number of years, I like it and am happy - was this always the case, no - the first two years I was raging away but what happened was that I got used to how things are and how the people are - the great thing is that most people here are decent people, there are arseholes like there are everywhere but most people are good.

I understand how Eric feels because I had all those thoughts from time to time in my first two years, but there are two things Eric can do, either accept the bad days, rage and vent where he can and he will find he will adapt more and more and one day find contentment or he can leave for somewhere - because the easiest thing to do is leave China. You can be gone tomorrow if you wished, no-one will stop you but if someone has a crappy job - then that makes things worse, it doesn't actually mean the culture is bad though your own personal situation can be horrifying - Eric has my absolute sympathies - some expats end up in bad situations through no fault of their own.

Though sometimes - expats bring it on themselves, some expats in Thailand marry bargirls and go-go dancers and wonder why they get ripped off of their life savings by some uneducated Issan hick who left school at nine - some of these wankers then go on to get divorced and marry another bar girl - how do you help someone like that? You can't.

I know people have have ran to the airport because they can't get decent Mexican food in the middle of China, how can you help them? You can't. Sometimes it isn't the culture at play but the individual playing expat, all I can say to anyone doing this is find your own place in the sun - find a place that are like and are interested in and everything good - women, mental clarity, fulfillment etc will follow. If it isn't China or Thailand or Italy or wherever - go and find somewhere else.

Kramelder is absolutely correct - of course, Winston being of Chinese ethnicity is going to have a more agreeable time of being an expat in China than he would in say... Spain. My view on his disenchantment of Taiwan is because he isn't getting laid there - but a young Taiwanese woman (I am pretty sure) will want to know where his house, savings etc are and won't be too impressed to find out he has very little. Same with the mainland girls he is trying to chase, they will expect him to have things by his age - this is something non-Chinese men can get a pass on - so though Winston benefits a lot from being a local in the way he looks, he doesn't in other areas.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Thanks for your answers Matt. Sounds like you're are thinking things through, and I agree it's a difficult choice. China does allow you to make decent money teaching, whereas that's not as easy to do in Latin America.

Good post Yick. I too think Winston's original essay has some merit, but it needs work - he needs to make his parameters clearer. I feel like he is trying to promote China as the land of the free. Also, as a self-professed intellectual he has his head in the sand regarding many aspects of Chinese society. For example, he isn't the only free-thinking Asian in the world - and his fellow free-thinkers don't always have an easy ride in the mainland. Most Chinese don't care about that though, as you rightly pointed out, especially in the cities they are busy chasing economic opportunities so they can fulfill material aims - and why shouldn't they. Here's a point I'd like to Winston's list:

Free tea in restaurants, it's nice that they constantly give you a fresh pot of hot tea to have with your food. You don't often get that in the US I believe?
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

Thanks for the response. I admit, I was really very angry in my post. I came back last night from downtown, the club region...I don't go out often, but I did last night. Only to end up being scammed, 'again' out of my money 3,000 rmb, for basically nothing at all in return.
I admit I was in a really terrible place, when I wrote that - but much ALL of what I've wrote is true, regardless. China is far from a utopia or paradise....far from it. You're right, I'm not happy here...I've been thinking on what to do. I definitely think I'd be happier in South or Latin America; someplace 'warmer' and Spanish speaking. I'm not in a rush to hop off to another nightmare, though. So, I"m staying here, now.
You're right - it matters who you are as well as, where you are. If you're not happy at home - you won't be happy elsewhere; only marginally at best.

A lot of expats are in a desperate situation; we came here because it was miserable where we were at... that's all. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff - coming to terms with a lot now; I'm not going to talk about it here. It's just that, I'm 30, I haven't been the person or lived at all the way I'd wanted or felt or hoped I would up to this point... It has to do with internal stuff. I've been alone/single all the time & miserable, really. I'm not going to blame someone for my deficits but they exist, and have far impacted my life. I haven't had near the sex a young attractive man should have had by this point. I'm regretful and bitter about it; things have been really hard.

I'm thinking about what I'm going to do. Last night, was a horrible night ... another night I just wanted to go out having fun, and got 'ripped' off again. ...
It's very hard to deal with when you're already feeling bad/down.
Misery and happiness are only states of mind.
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