Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by chanta76 »

Mr Man,

The american GI are the ones that created the whole sexpat scene in the Philippines and Thailand. It was soon replace with the European tourist.

I'm just amazed that after decades you would think with all these sexpat going there all the girls in the those countries would be hoes. And or the local men would just hating on the foreigner taking all the girls and start killing.
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by Yohan »

chanta76 wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 7:03 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 1:54 am
Glad to have more US military bases. President Marcos is clearly moving away from Duterte's misguided pivot to China. Less godlesss commie chink influence is always a good thing... Even if the price to pay is steep; an influx of borderline retarded military grunts from Hamburgerland.

I am not concerned about competition in the dating pool from these yankee soldiers; it is a well known fact that Americans usually only end up with the least attractive, dark, flat-nosed "katulong" maid-lookalikes anyway so no expat worth his salt ought to be concerned by more US presence.
Chink? f**k you . You racist scum bag. Oh I get it. Can't get the quality white girls so your no better than those sexpats ..your kid has Asian blood mix in it but I guess your kid part chink.

Duterte was going for more the Asian alliance . With this new president is just going the way of colonialism.
Marcos Zeitola said: commie chink (= CCP members) - but he did not call all Chinese in general to be 'chinks'.

When I see their Chinese Communist party member faces daily on TV here in Japan and I hear what BS they talk, I cannot help to say that 'commie chinks' is still a rather mild way to address these dishonest CCP people.

An Asian alliance with this Chinese government, are you dreaming?

China has land and sea disputes with almost every neighbour and if the neighbour is weak, it will be accupied and looted - happened to Tibet in the past, HongKong contract was broken after 25 years not willing to wait 50 years as signed, threatening Taiwan with military actions, demanding from India a large piece of land called Anuchal Pradesh which China claims to be 'South Tibet', demanding some rocks in the sea from South Korea, insisting of some islands from Japan, despite never a Chinese was living there, claiming sea territory even from Indonesia, which is farer located south from Vietnam, looting resources out from sea which should be Vietnamese waters, and of course also looting whatever they can from Philippines - Chinese ships were even entering sea territory EAST of Philippines...

Not so well known is that China even forced North Korea to sign fishing agreements and is taking out seafood from North Korean waters, while food supply is a serious problem in North Korea...China has no shame. It takes whatever it can from others - even now claiming some tiny provinces from little Bhutan...

Are you really serious? You think, Asian countries should form an Asian alliance with China?

Yes, It is true that Philippines is a poverty chaos country, politically it is a joke, with Marcos Sen. kicked out to Hawaii, his wife Imelda since then living in the Philippines in hotels spending at least USD 2000,- per day and counting her shoes and with son Bonbbong Marcos Jr. as the new president.

About Duterte, at least he was able to clean up the Muslim terrorist invasion in Marawi, executed some criminals - but considering Communist China as a friend? He was totally wrong with that. - And now? His daughter is the Vice President...LOL

Whatever, Chinese Communist influence from Philippines has to be kept away for security reasons in the Pacific. It cannot be allowed that China is looting out all resources from Philippine sea territory.

As Philippines is too poor to defend itself the only way to go is to invite US forces and to open again military bases in the Philippines.

I see no other solution. What else could the Philippine government do to chase these Chinese looters away from its sea?
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by chanta76 »

The Philippines get screwed over by US military or the Chinese. Because I am Asian and sick of the white worship..I favor the Chinese. Granted they have thier own interest but so does the USA.

And Marcos mention how the Chinese look down on the Philippines. As if White Americans really look up to Asian people or particular the Philippine.

This just escalate things.


You got 9 kids?
Do you support all these kids? Are you in their lives?
I have one child and raising just one is hard enough.
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by Jackfruits »

so we got back to racism here
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 10th, 2023, 3:52 pm
chanta76 wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 4:13 pm
The Philippines get screwed over by US military or the Chinese. Because I am Asian and sick of the white worship..I favor the Chinese. Granted they have thier own interest but so does the USA.

And Marcos mention how the Chinese look down on the Philippines. As if White Americans really look up to Asian people or particular the Philippine.

This just escalate things.
The track record of Chinese leadership is quite atrocious lately when it comes to human rights. Now historically speaking, America has been rather shit in this regard as well, there's no point in denying it. Many slaughters of innocents, much oppression of its own citizens and people abroad. But as of right now, in Asia, I would argue the United States has a more positive influence overall than China, and a lot of countries continue to seek an alliance with America to prevent China from encroaching on their territory. If you look at how the CCP treats its own minority groups, I cannot blame other Asian countries from being wary of being ruled over by China. Never mind America; all they will do is stations some troops, build some hamburger joints and call it a day.

It is much better for the balance of power in Asia to have American presence. Just to let the yankees leave and have the neighbors of China fend for themselves will simply play into the hands of the CCP. Divide and conquer is alive and well... God bless Filipino president Bongbong Marcos for realizing that the Philippines still has a need to play both sides instead of saying "well, Chinese are Asians too so I guess we'll go for them!" which was Duterte's (frankly retarded) policy. In these matters a wise leader will play the long game. And having assurances from an ally with a powerful military is the smartest move here.
Yeah because it's better to be allies with a shit country like America that got it's white males acting like self hating fags that get off to real cuckoldry, the same country that tries to remove gender roles by telling girls and boys gender don't exist. And what positive outlook are you even talking about? Have you ever been to any democrat state before? You make it sound like here in the U.S. America treat it's people better than the Chinese which they clearly do not.

Only if you are part of the LBGTQ or some other protected class you are treated "better" you ignore that the only people in the U.S. that "matter" right now are protected groups since they can get away with practically everything. That's why a tranny can get away with doing certain things that other people wouldn't get away with if caught.

You can look at Japan and see how they ended up after surrendering to the U.S. they became a straight up AMERICAN OWNED BITCH. And do nothing when both the UK and the U.S. try to dictate how to run their own country except nod and smile. Everything the U.S. touches turn to crap, it's more than just burger joints, they try to establish and push their garbage cultural influence on other nations. The future of America is more confused gender kids, more retarded white people who can't get over their white guilt issues. And last but not least. The US even tries to imitate China in certain ways. The forced vaccination attempt is only a small portion of what the U.S. tries to do that China does.

So they definitely aren't better. The problem is the world is full of stupid people who still think America is worth relying on, and have everyone's best interest at heart. The only thing the U.S. wants to do is turn everywhere globally into itself. There is no positive outlook for the U.S. ask yourself why were they punishing people for not getting vaxxed? Here in CA there are still some places that try to force that shit or wont hire you unless you get jabbed. America have it's own communist party, hell the internet wasn't censored like it is today. And Snowden exposed the trash U.S. government for the spying fascist that it is. America ain't shit but a corrupt country still pretending it's the greatest/freest in the world and accusing everywhere else of being much "worse" anyone still swallowing that horsecrap in 2023 is an idiot.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on February 10th, 2023, 7:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 10th, 2023, 3:52 pm
The track record of Chinese leadership is quite atrocious lately when it comes to human rights. Now historically speaking, America has been rather shit in this regard as well, there's no point in denying it. Many slaughters of innocents, much oppression of its own citizens and people abroad. But as of right now, in Asia, I would argue the United States has a more positive influence overall than China, and a lot of countries continue to seek an alliance with America to prevent China from encroaching on their territory. If you look at how the CCP treats its own minority groups, I cannot blame other Asian countries from being wary of being ruled over by China. Never mind America; all they will do is stations some troops, build some hamburger joints and call it a day.

It is much better for the balance of power in Asia to have American presence. Just to let the yankees leave and have the neighbors of China fend for themselves will simply play into the hands of the CCP. Divide and conquer is alive and well... God bless Filipino president Bongbong Marcos for realizing that the Philippines still has a need to play both sides instead of saying "well, Chinese are Asians too so I guess we'll go for them!" which was Duterte's (frankly retarded) policy. In these matters a wise leader will play the long game. And having assurances from an ally with a powerful military is the smartest move here.
Chinese have a special chip on their shoulders with Filipinos because of the way Filipinos used to treat them. Spaniards used to treat the multitude of Chinese traders living in Manila, and other large cities, more or less like Europeans used to treat the Jews: a necessary evil for a thriving economy. They were allowed to settle just outside Intramuros (the original fortified perimeter of Manila), which they entered to do their trade and left in the evening. That area is now the famous Binondo.

That happened if you were part of the relatively rich minority. Most Chinese were used for hard labours, they were maids, servants and prostitutes. There was a brief respite of Chinese pride when Cory Aquino became President: Cory Aquino was a Cojuangco, a prominent Chinese-Filipino family and Maoist Chinese thought that she was the first ethnically Chinese leader in the West.

Anyway, China has now all the reasons to look down on Filipinos. If they ever attacked part of the Philippines, perhaps as collateral operations to a Taiwanese invasion, you can expect all sorts of brutality to ensue.
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 1:41 am
Because of this complicated history, it is very understandable to see the current administration distance itself at least somewhat from China while reaffirming close military ties with America. As the leader of any Asian country you tend to walk a tightrope between not upsetting the "mighty Middle Kingdom" that demands tribute to be paid to it, and not to alienate the Yankees too much because you may rely on their support if shit ever hits the fan in the region. Duterte tried to go full-on pro-China at some point, later backpeddled mildly but probably hurt his country more than he helped it by his wishy-washy foreign policy and unnecessary rudeness to Washington. At least in this regard, Marcos' foreign policy is far more grounded in reality and superior to that of his predecessor.
Duterte's foreign policy has been the biggest disaster in the history of this country, and I say it as a former die-hard Duterte fan. His constant dancing between China and the US, his showing his hand to one and then immediately bending over and showing his gaping butt cheeks to the other, is something that could only look like some obscure, refined diplomatic game for so long.

After a few months, it was apparent to every observer, in and out the country, that he was simply clueless about anything that was beyond lending a populist hand to a sleepy community nobody cared about (Davao). His game was simply to appease the Chinese with a few bombastic, crass words, which he would never follow up with, against the US, and then withdraw everything blaming "culture gaps" and language barriers.

Clueless. Then clueless became pathetic, and pathetic became dangerous.

Thanks to his foreign policy, now China lost the little respect they had towards the Philippines as a strategic partner, and the US (which has never had any respect to begin with) is getting what they want from the Philippines as if they were a larger version of Guam.
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by Yohan »

chanta76 wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 4:13 pm
The Philippines get screwed over by US military or the Chinese. Because I am Asian and sick of the white worship..I favor the Chinese. Granted they have thier own interest but so does the USA.
How to understand your comment? You favor the Chinese? You mean you favor mainland Communist China? I think you are of Korean ethnicity?

What about to compare South Korea (depending on USA) with North Korea (depending on China)?

Do you really think life in North Korea is so much better under Chinese control compared to South Korea under US control?

Why do you think even Taiwan (whose population are Chinese) resists to unify with Communist China?
You said you favor the Chinese, so on which side are you? Communist China or Taiwan?

Also see the situation with Japan, better to be under US-control than under Russian occupation...
No question about that, at least for me - better with the US than living under the rule of mainland China's communist government.

Unfortunately political situation in Asia in Far East is not very stable. Governments have to decide what they prefer - Russia (nobody wants them in the Pacific region), China or stay close to USA and its allies (for example Australia...)

I tell you, all what I have seen so far in my life, I prefer USA in the Pacific - and yes I know USA has its problems, but it is still the better choice - and this includes Philippines.
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by Jackfruits »

honestly what USA does is imperialistic arrogance... so lets say what if Russia and China place large military bases in Latin America close to US borders? How is this normal and what if the other side would also do it, it would be considered an act of war???
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Re: Philippines to be flooded by USA military men

Post by Kalinago »

I will never support the US military which causes corruption in the land and is the safeguard of world poverty through global north unequal exchange,but I will choose the USA over China and Russia in any context anyday.

The USA still has many good or atleast sincere but flawed christians,with influence,even though most of them are unknowingly puppets of the Kabbalist Jews and Zionists who hate them and want to kill them all .Yet they do indeed believe in basic concepts like no compulsion in religion,freedom to property,and limited government.

As a Muslim,I will always support my christian brethren over Godless communists.

The chinese are exterminating the Uyghurs simply for their belief in God,exterminating falun gong,persecuting christians etc

that is the 'liberation'China offers us,and the USA is also not good,but doesn't do such evil things(Yet).

I do not support them in their evil,but I do root for them against China and Russia-which is a Chabad lubavitch kabbalistic owned state,and the Perestroika deception is a fact,Russia is still a communist country ran by KGB.
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