Another Chiang Mai video that got me really pumped up!

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Who Destroyed The USA?

Post by DevilsAdvocate »

If you look at that Thai girl at time index 4:28, and you look at her clothes and dress and smile etc, you might get an impression of middle class or maybe higher. But I asked JC about that and you know what he said?

He said something that I found very interesting, and kind of opened my eyes....

He said "there is a quiet desperation about them".....

He did not go on to elaborate exactly what he meant by that statement but I think he was saying that these girls are poor, and live in poor circumstances, faced with the hard cold realities of life, such as a family member getting sick, needing medical treatment, etc.

Life can be very cruel and unkind, but they put on "face" and be "happy" as apart of the culture.

I found that both interesting and of course sad....

And I guess the Philippines is far more dire....

It's a real shame the world is like that, a real shame, and not something I grew up knowing living in California during the 70's and 80's growing up, the "good ole years"....

It's seems almost like yesterday, and yet it seems so long ago now, like a dream that never really happened, and I sometimes wonder if it really did.

Did I really go see Star Wars in 1977 in San Francisco at one of those gigantic theaters with like 3 levels that they don't have anymore when I was 9?

Did I really have a big wheel and rode it down hugs hills?

Did I really watch all these great cartoons on TV and so many great commercials about cereals and all kinds of stuff, so much stuff that I've forgotten about most of it.

Happy Days, Love Boat, 3's Company, Fantasy Island, Brady Bunch, I Dream of Jeanie, and too many more to list.

Was there really all this wonderful incredible music that came from every angle with so many different kinds of music and all of it incredibly good, way too many bands or artists to lists, literally thousands of them.

And was there really all these entertaining and funny commercials, from double mint gum commercials to big red commercials to juicy fruit commercials to more things than I could count or list, a commercial for everything, for m&m's, or coke, for pepsi, for pain killers, for bandaides, for all kinds of things, that was what made part of the culture, was that we had a thousand different commercials selling a thousand different things.

Is my memory correct? Did I really live this life? Or am I dreaming? I seem to have this memory that this is the way it was, and much much more. With video games and computers and movies and music and so much stuff on TV like after school movies or Saturday specials, the TV was always very entertaining.....

What happen?

Who pulled the plug?

Who turned the country upside down?

This was the USA, it was so great, who destroyed the country?

What a shame.....


Devils Advocate

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Re: Who Destroyed The USA?

Post by OutWest »

DevilsAdvocate wrote:If you look at that Thai girl at time index 4:28, and you look at her clothes and dress and smile etc, you might get an impression of middle class or maybe higher. But I asked JC about that and you know what he said?

He said something that I found very interesting, and kind of opened my eyes....

He said "there is a quiet desperation about them".....

He did not go on to elaborate exactly what he meant by that statement but I think he was saying that these girls are poor, and live in poor circumstances, faced with the hard cold realities of life, such as a family member getting sick, needing medical treatment, etc.

Life can be very cruel and unkind, but they put on "face" and be "happy" as apart of the culture.

I found that both interesting and of course sad....

And I guess the Philippines is far more dire....

It's a real shame the world is like that, a real shame, and not something I grew up knowing living in California during the 70's and 80's growing up, the "good ole years"....

It's seems almost like yesterday, and yet it seems so long ago now, like a dream that never really happened, and I sometimes wonder if it really did.

Did I really go see Star Wars in 1977 in San Francisco at one of those gigantic theaters with like 3 levels that they don't have anymore when I was 9?

Did I really have a big wheel and rode it down hugs hills?

Did I really watch all these great cartoons on TV and so many great commercials about cereals and all kinds of stuff, so much stuff that I've forgotten about most of it.

Happy Days, Love Boat, 3's Company, Fantasy Island, Brady Bunch, I Dream of Jeanie, and too many more to list.

Was there really all this wonderful incredible music that came from every angle with so many different kinds of music and all of it incredibly good, way too many bands or artists to lists, literally thousands of them.

And was there really all these entertaining and funny commercials, from double mint gum commercials to big red commercials to juicy fruit commercials to more things than I could count or list, a commercial for everything, for m&m's, or coke, for pepsi, for pain killers, for bandaides, for all kinds of things, that was what made part of the culture, was that we had a thousand different commercials selling a thousand different things.

Is my memory correct? Did I really live this life? Or am I dreaming? I seem to have this memory that this is the way it was, and much much more. With video games and computers and movies and music and so much stuff on TV like after school movies or Saturday specials, the TV was always very entertaining.....

What happen?

Who pulled the plug?

Who turned the country upside down?

This was the USA, it was so great, who destroyed the country?

What a shame.....


Devils Advocate
You really have talent when you focus. Your post here is poignant and dead-on. Something to keep in mind. Now I must say, that California has gone down hill more than most...when I go back to Arizona, parts of it are still pretty good.
I don't know JC, but what he says about girl 4:28 looks the same to me..and you see a lot of that in SE Asia. I have lived in Shanty towns that really educated the soul. See a lot of that. A lot of that is not treated with respect here on this forum, which only shows they know nothing. I have seen stuff so horrific I would not even attempt to describe it here, things that could give me a chill just to recall them in detail and again see the faces as I saw them. That haunting look comes up a lot, a kind of haunting desperation. In some cases it was obvious. Some people know. It is the even beyond what this girl has, it is some kind of knowing from beyond, the look of the soon dead...those about to meet their death. It chills me to the bone if I let myself think about it.

It is so easy back in the USA to lose your way though...recall all that California...I went to HS in Southern worries, trips to the beach, and life was good.

There is something to reclaim though, and someone who can write a post like that above certainly needs to find it. Without finding that love and relief, you can become someone you do not recognize, and someone you do not even like. You seem to have great talent but now find yourself at a loss..I have been there...but if you stay always in America as it is now, it will starve your soul and crush your heart. Some good therapy would be called for...the kind you were talking about.

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Re: Another Chiang Mai video that got me really pumped up!

Post by thighlander »

I just left CM and I honestly think it is a place that used to be great. There are some better places in Thailand. CM still posts increasing tourist numbers, but they are all Chinese. Talk to those in the bar business, and they will all paint a different picture. Constant crackdowns on hours, promos, etc...add that to a THB that is way to strong, and taxes that are way too high..not the happy place it used to be, but it is still cool, except for the terrible pollution, and you could do way worse. BTW, I lived up by CMU, and indeed, great neighborhood but no nightlife up there, but it is close to Nimman which has been ruined.
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Re: Another Chiang Mai video that got me really pumped up!

Post by Jonny Law »

pete98146 wrote:
July 30th, 2012, 12:01 pm
Thanks again to DA for turning us onto JC's retirement site. I've watched this video about 10 times already and it makes we want to retire tomorrow! In this video, JC shows us a furnished brand new apartment that is blocks away from the university in Chiang Mai. Not only that, you'd have a market/food court steps away!!! Best of all, it's only $200 a month to stay at this location.

Aside from worrying about weighing 300lbs in a year, it would be damned cool living here.

This is the type of Happier Abroad coverage that I enjoy seeing!

Chang Mai is the Best part of Thailand. The women there are still almost worthless. Falcon (from our forum) found a nice woman in Chang Mai twice his age who used him to support her bastard.

Chang Mai has very few ethnic Thais. Most decent women are from Myanmar and Laos.

"Aside from worrying about weighing 300lbs in a year, it would be damned cool living here."
I lost 50 pounds in 2 years living in Thailand
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