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Day Gaming an Office Girl at the Cable Company

Posted: July 16th, 2014, 12:58 pm
by Jester
Went to the cable TV office (here in Ensenada Mexico) to pay the bill in person. (This is pretty normal here.)

The Goddess is there, doing data entry.

Her plain-jane colleague is waiting on another guy, an averaged rough looking fiftyish Mexican man.

So the Goddess greets me and waits on me.

Very cordial and feminine and helpful, but she gave no extra side-glances or visible IOI (indications of interest) of any kind.

I of course gave her the Warm Gaze, that will often elicit a side-glance. No such luck.

She has male cable installers coming in and out all day (it's a small company, kind of informal), so The Gaze alone may not have even been a clear indication of interest to her - nothing unusual for her to receive sitting there.
I was well-dressed, so had that on my side.

But probably the single biggest mistake was not really being in my most outgoing mood. I kind of get on a roll, talking to people, when I'm in a good mood. Just didn't have that Casanova conversation-opening charm on tap. Maybe next time, instead of a boring errand prior to stopping there, my earlier stop should be an ocean swim and a beer on the patio.

But I will still need a nifty way of qualifying, eliciting interest, and closing for digits or whatever. Fast and smooth, before she has time to realize she is flirting on company time, in front of a coworker and a customer as well.

So help me out guys:

What are some ways I could have initiated conversation, or arranged to make contact on FaceBook, email or phone, or at the very least, indicated interest as a small warmup for next months visit?

I don't have a case of one-itis here. This kind of narrow-window-of-opportunity comes up every now and then. And pretty girls are often employed in public-contact positions here.

Posted: July 16th, 2014, 5:33 pm
by Jester
C'mon, peeps, aint nobody got nuttin to say?


Posted: July 16th, 2014, 11:58 pm
by publicduende
I think a good question, if not the first, would be: was she single? I know a Latina (a Mexican in particular, I heard) who is in a relationship tends to be 1) extremely jealous about her partner and 2) fairly loyal to him, unless she knows he's a cheater and looking for payback.

All in all, I guess she won't be the only Goddess in Ensenada. Being a bit more direct and extroverted next time won't harm. Oh well, if you had eaten burritos and didn't feel in the mood doesn't matter. The pond is full of fish.

Re: Day Gaming an Office Girl at the Cable Company

Posted: February 21st, 2015, 3:29 pm
by Jester
Just to update this old thread, I did go back to pay the next month's bill, and did hit her up for the digits, even though workmen were coming and going. She didn't have a phone (like many here) but I did get her Facebook.

Unfortunately she has a daughter.
:shock: :cry:

Not what I'm looking for at the moment.

But anyway I did man up and go for it.

Did this several times when back in Athens Georgia over the extended holidays. Even when escorting my aged mom around for Christmas shopping.
