The Length Western Women Will Go To Avoid Males

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Post by OzGuy »

Here is an article from a woman who does this, apparently she calls it the "reverse 10-5 rule" ... pular=true
Those of us who have worked in the service industry are very familiar with the 10-5 rule. This favorite of overzealous managers, inserted into every training session and employee handbook states that at 10 feet you make eye contact with a guest or customer, and at 5 feet you acknowledge them. Then a brief conversation ensues, the employee exchanges whatever good or service is being sold for money, and the encounter is over. Have a nice day.

While walking down a city street alone, a sort of reverse 10-5 rule exists. No matter the time of day or what you're wearing. It goes like this: I am walking alone and see a man walking towards me at 10 feet. Maybe instead of looking straight ahead into the distance, I move my eyes to the ground. I slump my shoulders slightly, so maybe my breasts aren't as prominent. I begin to analyze the width of the sidewalk; am I too close to him? I can't move too far away, as I might risk offending him. And if I'm too close, well, that may very well be an invitation for something. At 5 feet, I take a small breath and one of two things happens: nothing at all, which I consider a small victory or…something. Something like a kissing sound or a variety of sexually explicit comments. At which point I left with two options: pretend that I don't hear a damn thing, or risk an additional conversation, which in the past has been anything from a choice silent hand gesture and specific curse words to an extended conversation on mutual respect and common courtesy. It's usually the curse words, which I wouldn't recommend for those who can't take what they dish. And the encounter is over. Have a nice day.
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Post by TRADER1972 »

E_Irizarry wrote: Even when I was in Thailand, I saw alot of WASP women walking around with perm-a-scowls, and I always yell to them in English, "Go the f**k home. Feminism doesn't fly here, you skank you!!"
Hell yeah, Irizarry!
I would rather make $2000 a month working for myself, then $4000 a month working for a bitch.
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Post by TRADER1972 »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
Just the other day I was working around a strip mall and noticed a good looking mom of 2 in leotards, flipflops and a tight workout shirt going to eat at a sit down RESTAURANT!

Yea, she was hot, but I was thinking to myself, not only does she not have any class, but it's just nasty to be sitting down with her sweaty self in restraint chairs where other people EAT as leotards do not capture any sweat. Also, nobody really wants to see her sweaty butt and underarms while they are eating!

I'm really tired of this, AW either walk around looking like couch bums/fake workout buffs, or at the opposite end, they dress up in over sexualized, inappropriate clothing attire for weddings, "girls night outings", or job related functions.

Young AW hardly ever dress up in general all around respective lady like clothing attire..... Oh, and don't get me started on all these AW that look like boys in their jeans and sneakers who smoke and have tattoos.... UCK!
Yes, these bitches have no concept of femininity. It is so easy to find clothing for women and yet they either dress like whores, trash or dikes.
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Post by TRADER1972 »

jamesbond wrote: In the US, 72% of all divorces are initatied by the woman. Most divorces are over things like, boredom, issues with money and child rearing. These things can be corrected by going to marriage counseling but in America, women would just rather divorce their husbands.

In America, 85 to 90% of the time the woman get's custody of the kids, which means her ex-husband will have to pay child support until the kids turn 18. He may also have to pay alimony. Also, he will have to give her 50% of the assets he accumulated during the time they were married.

What a horrible deal the man get's if him and his wife get divorced. No wonder fewer and fewer men in America want to get married. :)
The question is why would any man marry an American woman,

I would rather make $2000 a month working for myself, then $4000 a month working for a bitch.
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Post by TRADER1972 »

navigator wrote:Even if an American woman hit on me or asked me out, I would turn her down. American women had their chance 10-20 years ago. I no longer want anything to do with them. I see them as my enemy more than anything else, and I will treat them as such. As a matter of fact, I want nothing to do with any English-speaking women (US, UK, CAN, IRE, AUS, etc.)
I would rather make $2000 a month working for myself, then $4000 a month working for a bitch.
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Post by nightwatchsf »

American women are confused and badly socialized. Acting cold and distant is encouraged in popular hip hop music, in movies, and by their friends. One night while clubbing with my friends in vegas, one of them went to ask some average looking girl to dance. Halfway through the song one of her friends ran over pulled her away and made the cut your throat motion with her hands. WTF?

For much of my post college years I lived with multiple american female roommates, and had many female friends. I would watch them treat guys like crap when we went out then complain to me that they couldn't meet any guys. Sometimes they would ask for my help to introduce them to guys they thought were cute. Really most of them don't know how to carry themselves and show interest.

It is interesting to watch them in action in out of the country vacation spots (ie.. Mexico), or in some vegas clubs where social norms make it acceptable to be friendly and wild. There I have found them highly approachable or often approaching you first looking for a vacation fling.

Even more interesting is to watch what happens when they don't have the upper hand. ie.. in the typical american club or bar even average looking girls are flocked by men. So what happens when american women go to brazil, philippines, or thailand where attractive women are a dime a dozen, and the local girls are getting all the attention? Extreme friendliness along with a litany of complaints about the local women. ie.. the local women are so easy, sleazy, too thin etc.

I was in brazil with some friends enjoying the wild nightlife and the endless supply of hotties, when a group of american women approached us asking if we were american, and telling us how relieved that they were, and complaining about brazilian women (while begrudgingly admitting that they were pretty hot). After this they tried to corner us to hang out with them, and were definitely down for a vacation fling. Naturally we were much more interested in the sexy Brazilian women.

I was in at a beach bar in Boracay having drinks with a tall attractive american woman who was, of course, complaining about the foreign men flirting with local women: they are so easy, prostitutes, dark, short.. you name it. I stopped her short laughing, and said "come on admit you are jealous. You're not the center of attention here and these girls have an easy time doing something thats hard for you. They don't play games, they are friendly and flirt without effort, and many of them are sure to get laid tonight while chances are you go home alone. They don't need to pretend that they are drunk to have an excuse to have sex, or worry about their friends calling them sluts, or increasing their numbers. They don't need to have some guy tell them that they love them so they have an excuse to sleep with them." She looked at me, and after a long pause said "It's scary that you know that". Later she made it clear that she was good to go. Did I go for it? Nah. Too many local girls to chose from.

I actually like American women, they can be a lot of fun when you get past the crap and confusion. But they are a pain to meet, and are their own worst enemies.
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Re: The Length Western Women Will Go To Avoid Males

Post by polya »

"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." Cato the Elder
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Post by Teal Lantern »

To complain western women avoid you is like complaining mosquitoes refuse to bite you. :roll:
When either approaches, it's for similar reasons; they both see you as a potential meal ticket. The main difference is tactics; when the winged insect version is on your arm (sucking the blood out of it), you don't think "She likes me! She really likes me!".

Given the one-sidedness of our court systems and the full blown 'profitability + lack of accountability' that encourages the female false accusation industry (do you need a list of the more famous falsely accused?), take each day you're "avoided" as being one more day without becoming a target, and one day closer to getting somewhere better suited for you.
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Post by jamesbond »

Teal Lantern wrote:Given the one-sidedness of our court systems and the full blown 'profitability + lack of accountability' that encourages the female false accusation industry (do you need a list of the more famous falsely accused?), take each day you're "avoided" as being one more day without becoming a target, and one day closer to getting somewhere better suited for you.
This is true, it's best to avoid American women like the plague, since many of them are like a "plague" in the way they behave! :D

I guess American women avoiding men is a good thing, since we will then have no contact with them and thus, no problems with them as well. :D
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

Teal Lantern wrote:To complain western women avoid you is like complaining mosquitoes refuse to bite you. :roll:
When either approaches, it's for similar reasons; they both see you as a potential meal ticket. The main difference is tactics; when the winged insect version is on your arm (sucking the blood out of it), you don't think "She likes me! She really likes me!".

Given the one-sidedness of our court systems and the full blown 'profitability + lack of accountability' that encourages the female false accusation industry (do you need a list of the more famous falsely accused?), take each day you're "avoided" as being one more day without becoming a target, and one day closer to getting somewhere better suited for you.
"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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Post by jamesbond »

Capster78 wrote:I certainly think this is a cultural thing. As women who invite male attention are called whores and looked down on by men and women alike. This is why most women walk around with a concrete barrier surrounding them all day. They are very concerned with their public image. There is also the fact that there really is no need for them to look for a man because men willingly do all the work in the courting process. They have no real motivation to look for a man other than for companionship.

Where as men have a deep and intrinsic motivation such as sex. I can kind of relate it to hunger... If your hungry, your going to want any kind of food you can find to eat. If someone is always bringing you food, your going to be selective in what you want to eat. I guess that is the best way I can describe it.
In western countries, men are aggressive in pursuing women, so women don't even have to make eye contact with men in order to meet a man.

You add to this the fact that, in the US, there is 4 million more single men than single women. In this scenero, woman in America literally don't have to do ANYTHING to meet men. I see women who are obese dating guys who are in shape and I see women who are ugly dating guys who are good looking, it's incredible! :shock:

Women in America are spoiled rotten when it comes to dating, they don't have to do anything to meet men, as the men are the ones who do all the work.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by Killhoffa »

This is a phenomenal post, but the women are the one's that end up bitter, unhappy and b!tchy. I've had similar scenarios, where your sitting at an event and women avoid the men, or sit somewhere opposite. Like the poster described, with backs facing you and their posture and body language displaying an uncomfortable disdain, for the male presence. Even in grocery stores, she'd rather stand in the longer line. Crazy!
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Teal Lantern wrote:To complain western women avoid you is like complaining mosquitoes refuse to bite you. :roll:
When either approaches, it's for similar reasons; they both see you as a potential meal ticket. The main difference is tactics; when the winged insect version is on your arm (sucking the blood out of it), you don't think "She likes me! She really likes
It's sad but true. Women rarely if ever try to befriend me just for the sake of being just friends. If a woman is talking to you and in your face it's because she wants/needs something. I'm in my 30's, and most of the women in thier late 20's early 30's who try to talk to me are all in the same boat in that they're single, and they desperately want to have kids and get married. Any man will do so as long as you have a good income and a place of your own.

Every woman is different and none of them know each other, but, coincidentally, they all have the same questions early on:

Do you live alone or with family?
So where do you live?
What kind of work do you do?
How long have you been in business?
Do you pay your taxes?
Do you have any kids?
What school did you go to?
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Post by Halwick »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
Teal Lantern wrote:To complain western women avoid you is like complaining mosquitoes refuse to bite you. :roll:
When either approaches, it's for similar reasons; they both see you as a potential meal ticket. The main difference is tactics; when the winged insect version is on your arm (sucking the blood out of it), you don't think "She likes me! She really likes
It's sad but true. Women rarely if ever try to befriend me just for the sake of being just friends. If a woman is talking to you and in your face it's because she wants/needs something. I'm in my 30's, and most of the women in thier late 20's early 30's who try to talk to me are all in the same boat in that they're single, and they desperately want to have kids and get married. Any man will do so as long as you have a good income and a place of your own
This describes Filipinas to a "T".
Every woman is different and none of them know each other, but, coincidentally, they all have the same questions early on:

Do you live alone or with family?
So where do you live?
What kind of work do you do?
How long have you been in business?
Do you pay your taxes?
Do you have any kids?
What school did you go to?
Yeah, I've been asked those questions. When I've thrown those very same questions back to them, they get defensive, offended and evasive. And I get labeled as a "jerk".
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Post by Not_Without_A_Fight »

ajvf97 wrote:[Not to mention they are generally illogical. I could make a valid point in an argument or be correct in a conversation with one of these hideous creatures and I will always be wrong. Why? Because these AW bought into the fact that they don't have to possess reason or be held accountable for anything. To them, everything is the man's fault and he's just a bumbling, tumbling idiot. Not only that but they go to great lengths to twist something around so that they will always be right when they are actually not. They just waste time making themselves sound right even when they are wrong and know it. In truth, they are just making fools of themselves by not presenting any logical explanations for anything and just being in denial about the cold, hard facts.
It's just like one of the Founders of old had tried to warn us about concerning this:

“Were our State a pure democracy . . . there would yet be excluded from their deliberations . . . women, who, to PREVENT depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue, should NOT mix promiscuously in the public meetings of men.� – Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval (Sept. 5, 1816)
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