One particular dysfunctionality of American/Western women

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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One particular dysfunctionality of American/Western women

Post by TruthOrConsequences »

As we all know, us men are not allowed to show any kind of excessive interest in women, nudity or sex. To do so would be considered perverse and out-of-bounds for any male; be it at work, school or any other social situation. I remember this one college I went to had a policy of no notebooks(laptops) being allowed in class. The reason being was that some people(guys) would watch porn and inherently distract others(women). And at work all the prohibited sexual harassment policies explicitly target male flirting behavior, as well as looking(!) at woman in a certain way could be considered sexual harassment.
But then also, I've frequently found myself in situations where sexually explicit things were being said by women and gauging of my reaction followed shortly, which was always neutral and 'no-comment' type of reaction from me. And then later I would be judged upon that and labeled as either weird, not-interested and/or gay at the same time. See, women constantly shit-test you and play games like that. I feel very sorry for the guys that actually put up with all this crap for the sake of relationship or the guys that have to work in female-dominated work environments where shit like this takes place non-stop.
So my question is: how are you supposed to react to their never-ending games, shit-tests and bullshit(Des conneries!)?
Ignoring and reacting neutrally gets you labeled weird and gay, but showing interest in sexually explicit things makes you a pervert and a creep!
Where is the happy medium in all this 'gros bordel de merde'? Ahh?!
Any thoughts or ideas, gents?
Jusqu'au bout a tout prix..
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