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Duende meets up with Rock in Makati

Posted: April 23rd, 2015, 5:42 am
by Rock
Hey guys, just met up with Public Duende this afternoon in Makati. He's visiting here and Davao for the next month or so.

Really a great surprise. He's a very intellectual, well rounded, seemingly open minded, and knowledgable type of guy, what all of us HAers should aspire to be. His personality also seems to be much more even keeled than what I'm used to from the emotional Italians I've known. I guess that's what many years of living and working with Brits can do to you.

Meeting up with him reminded me that here in Makati, I'm kind of isolated in that I don't really have any expat friends who live here. It seems the only people I ever meet up with are just passing through. That really sucks. I know Mr. S but he lives way out and is saddled with parenting responsibilities so he usually has no time. Plus, after 11 years in Metro Manila, he's quite jaded and negative on the whole Philippines expat experience. I don't think he sees the phun side of things here anymore.

From most indications I've seen so far, Filipinos in general tend to be really great, fantastic people. They have qualities which make them stand out from people and cultures in other parts of the world I've visited or studied. I really do admire and respect them for these traits, some of which are uniquely filipino.

But, I still need to be around a certain type of westerners and international people too for my balance and sanity. Otherwise, I sometimes get depressed and feel isolated. Have any of you other guys felt this way when living abroad? The only way I've managed so far to mitigate this issue is to seek out and befriend exceptionally intellectual and/or superficially westernized locals.

Duende suggested I get involved in some professional organizations such as Rotary Club. In fact, I may even visit him down in Davao to meet a few of his friends and learn more about the future of that region.

Anyway, I think we should try to have HA meet-ups more often whenever possible. I've really had a high hit rate meeting interesting people by using this forum as a filter. I'm hoping to meet Marcos when he comes back and perhaps Outwest if he's open to that.

Winston, you really should follow things more closely! I think Duende posted for over a year before you even knew he existed (I mentioned him to you once and you asked me who he was). And you didn't even know Marcos was European till your phone call with him last night. I think most of us here understood that soon after he started posting.

Re: Duende meets up with Rock in Makati

Posted: October 14th, 2018, 9:11 am
by Falcon
3 years later, why did Duende quit the forum? What kinds of squabbles did he have with Winston? I haven't been on this forum for a while. Please link me to the relevant threads.