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Posted: July 2nd, 2014, 1:05 am
by Jester
djfourmoney wrote:
This should become a regular thing and I highly suggest if it must be regional then make it regional. At least once every few months a few board members should meet up to get a better understanding who is behind the screen name.

There's no excuse for men on here from the South, Midwest or East Coast not to meet up, including Canadians.

Posted: July 2nd, 2014, 1:09 am
by Jester
Winston wrote:
I wish I had came. Did you guys go to Ensenada? Or do any p4p?

I thought on Monday or Tuesday you guys were going to Ensenada. What happened? Jester, are you still in Mexico?
I personally didn't do any p4p.

Couldn't entice the others to drive south with me.

I'm back in the in the beach house in Ensenada. GF and 8 or 9 of her relatives and friends coming Thursday for the long 4th of July weekend. Be careful what you pray for!

Posted: July 2nd, 2014, 2:41 pm
by djfourmoney
Jester wrote:
Winston wrote:
I wish I had came. Did you guys go to Ensenada? Or do any p4p?

I thought on Monday or Tuesday you guys were going to Ensenada. What happened? Jester, are you still in Mexico?
I personally didn't do any p4p.

Couldn't entice the others to drive south with me.

I'm back in the in the beach house in Ensenada. GF and 8 or 9 of her relatives and friends coming Thursday for the long 4th of July weekend. Be careful what you pray for!
I would have gone... The others wanted to walk around the malls and markets. We spent much of our time talking in the lobby.... It's all good, I can hit Ensenada anytime.

Have fun this weekend, if you have room for somebody else (me) let me know, Greyhound rates are still cheap ($20-$28 for R/T).

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 2:30 am
by MeGustanLatinas
I need to come here more often. I missed an Ensenada meetup. :/

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 4:09 am
by drealm
I have already met fschmidt, but it was nice meeting djfourmoney and Jester. We don't all share the same outlook, but one of the benefits of meeting in person is that you get to understand what people are saying in context. I think this makes it easier to see other points of view even if you don't agree with them.

Of course the food was delicious. But this is not a country that suits Winston's strict dietary regiment. I feel very sorry for Winston that he refuses to eat animal fat.

As a future note though, I think Hotel Ticuan is too loud. The rooms and lobby are nice but they blared music all night long from some place nearby.

I just got back from China and had some catching up to do so I didn't find time till now to say anything.

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 1:26 pm
by Jester
djfourmoney wrote:
It's all good, I can hit Ensenada anytime.

Have fun this weekend, if you have room for somebody else (me) let me know, Greyhound rates are still cheap ($20-$28 for R/T).
Will PM you.

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 1:30 pm
by Jester
drealm wrote:
I just got back from China...
So how many girls did you give your contact info to?

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 3:17 pm
by Jester
Mr. Chow wrote:
Dont forget Mexico is playing against Brazil this Sunday so if they win the place will turn into a party town. That's what happen in the last game.
BTW did catch this that Sunday morning, last part in the hotel bar, GREAT game, clean, lots of fun. Great suggestion! met a fellow Armenian there, a soccer expert. Damn Armenians can pop up anywhere. Interesting things usually happen when you get out there to do or see something fun.

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 4:44 pm
by Jester
starchild5 wrote:
Its very very important that like minded people join forces and talk and share ideas in these times....It may look simple...but in these times metaphysically...its so important to be in a group that have similar will be felt all across humanities consciousness...all ideas that comes into your minds....

I have a feeling it will be a kind of Shamanic meeting...from would look all fun, girls and party nothing bad in that but the thoughts and ideas you will share will be very important to many....Also, you will notice that as soon as you won't care about the girls at all and concentrate on talking higher points...
Starchild, you were exactly right.

The meeting was like someplace for the sailor to touch shore... someplace from which to set the course for the next leg of the journey.

You nailed it.

Who are you?
Why did you know this?
Where are you?

Posted: July 11th, 2014, 1:47 am
by drealm
Jester wrote:
drealm wrote:
I just got back from China...
So how many girls did you give your contact info to?
Zero. I finished packing at 3am Monday and had to wake up at 8am Monday so I was too exhausted to print anything. As things turned out I was surrounded by co-workers the whole time so it would of been difficult do anything discreetly. In the end I only saw 3 women that I liked and they were taken.

I'll elaborate more in a new thread.

Posted: July 12th, 2014, 3:21 pm
by Jester
drealm wrote:
In the end I only saw 3 women that I liked and they were taken.

I'll elaborate more in a new thread.

I will await.

In prayer for you, my brother, though you do not yourself believe.

Reminded me of FSchmidt

Posted: July 12th, 2014, 3:29 pm
by Jester
especially the first part...............

fschmidt wrote:
fschmidt wrote:
Meeting with Winston made me realize that it's much better to meet in real life than just posting on a forum.
We had the meetup and I think everyone who came would agree that the above is true. You can never know people through a forum like you can by meeting in real life....

Posted: July 13th, 2014, 5:21 am
by starchild5
Jester wrote:
starchild5 wrote:
Its very very important that like minded people join forces and talk and share ideas in these times....It may look simple...but in these times metaphysically...its so important to be in a group that have similar will be felt all across humanities consciousness...all ideas that comes into your minds....

I have a feeling it will be a kind of Shamanic meeting...from would look all fun, girls and party nothing bad in that but the thoughts and ideas you will share will be very important to many....Also, you will notice that as soon as you won't care about the girls at all and concentrate on talking higher points...
Starchild, you were exactly right.

The meeting was like someplace for the sailor to touch shore... someplace from which to set the course for the next leg of the journey.

You nailed it.

Who are you?
Why did you know this?
Where are you?
hi..Sorry Jester...Didn't read this thread for a while...I just sent you a reply from PM

What you guys achieved is beyond...It is very difficult for like minded people to meet up at one place at this period in time....

Even though I'm from India and could not join you...I could feel the vibe that would come out of the meeting when great minds meet as I have been reading members posts for sometime..

The guys who met sacrificed, went out of way, did many things to meet....Its very high of you guys to meet not for any monetary gains like in a business meeting etc...but just to know another human being at one of the darkest materialist places on earth...

You would have been so easier if to meet for a business deals, or climb mountains or go on trekking etc etc it happens so easily ..however....Its reverse...try to meet just for humanities sake...just to know another human being and all sorts of barriers come. The hardest thing to do on planet earth is to know another human being.

Because of your meeting...The consciousness spread and I was able to meet Rock in Manila ....It never happens so easily for me ever...What you know..Rock lived just across few steps away from where i we met easily....


You guys need to meet as often as one can...even with all negatives and positives personalities...our goal is ONE..We all share the same destiny....It does not matter millions or one dollar each has in bank ones going no where without each other...

As I have said....Americans are the ones who could change humanities destiny...That is why it is so dark...You are not being controlled by Illuminati, Aliens, Rothchilds, Banks, money etc...You are being ADMINISTERED directly by HIM....The one who controls all ...:)

You have the greatest battle in your hands ever ever fought in this entire known universe....Do you understand this ? You were created not to make the world a better place.....BUT TO GO BEYOND....This is so important to understand....because you have the power to create SPACE itself....Star Wars ..Meh....You are here to fight for beyond...This is the first step and I'm so happy....


Yeah yeah...I know it sounds so weird...Jeezzzz..why is this guy from India so hyper excited to meet a bunch of forum members meeting in Mexico.... :roll: :roll: ...So weird :D :D ..What the heck is he smoking...such a weirdo :)

We can go through all those lines of thought till the cows come home 8)

What you guys did is BEYOND....Thanks...

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 4:10 am
by MeGustanLatinas
starchild5 wrote:
Jester wrote:
starchild5 wrote:
Its very very important that like minded people join forces and talk and share ideas in these times....It may look simple...but in these times metaphysically...its so important to be in a group that have similar will be felt all across humanities consciousness...all ideas that comes into your minds....

I have a feeling it will be a kind of Shamanic meeting...from would look all fun, girls and party nothing bad in that but the thoughts and ideas you will share will be very important to many....Also, you will notice that as soon as you won't care about the girls at all and concentrate on talking higher points...
Starchild, you were exactly right.

The meeting was like someplace for the sailor to touch shore... someplace from which to set the course for the next leg of the journey.

You nailed it.

Who are you?
Why did you know this?
Where are you?
hi..Sorry Jester...Didn't read this thread for a while...I just sent you a reply from PM

What you guys achieved is beyond...It is very difficult for like minded people to meet up at one place at this period in time....

Even though I'm from India and could not join you...I could feel the vibe that would come out of the meeting when great minds meet as I have been reading members posts for sometime..

The guys who met sacrificed, went out of way, did many things to meet....Its very high of you guys to meet not for any monetary gains like in a business meeting etc...but just to know another human being at one of the darkest materialist places on earth...

You would have been so easier if to meet for a business deals, or climb mountains or go on trekking etc etc it happens so easily ..however....Its reverse...try to meet just for humanities sake...just to know another human being and all sorts of barriers come. The hardest thing to do on planet earth is to know another human being.

Because of your meeting...The consciousness spread and I was able to meet Rock in Manila ....It never happens so easily for me ever...What you know..Rock lived just across few steps away from where i we met easily....


You guys need to meet as often as one can...even with all negatives and positives personalities...our goal is ONE..We all share the same destiny....It does not matter millions or one dollar each has in bank ones going no where without each other...

As I have said....Americans are the ones who could change humanities destiny...That is why it is so dark...You are not being controlled by Illuminati, Aliens, Rothchilds, Banks, money etc...You are being ADMINISTERED directly by HIM....The one who controls all ...:)

You have the greatest battle in your hands ever ever fought in this entire known universe....Do you understand this ? You were created not to make the world a better place.....BUT TO GO BEYOND....This is so important to understand....because you have the power to create SPACE itself....Star Wars ..Meh....You are here to fight for beyond...This is the first step and I'm so happy....


Yeah yeah...I know it sounds so weird...Jeezzzz..why is this guy from India so hyper excited to meet a bunch of forum members meeting in Mexico.... :roll: :roll: ...So weird :D :D ..What the heck is he smoking...such a weirdo :)

We can go through all those lines of thought till the cows come home 8)

What you guys did is BEYOND....Thanks...
I wish you luck. I can't seem to get anyone to respond to posts, so I doubt a meetup is likely. Which is ironic since I go to Ensenada with some frequency. Even more ironic (or perhaps fitting?) I joined a facebook group for black people that travel and they made plans to meet me the first *day*. *shrugs*

I'm not sure what this site is for anymore or if its even for me...but I wish you luck meeting people here, you seem like a decent and enthusiastic guy.

Starchild Speaks The Truth

Posted: July 14th, 2014, 3:05 pm
by Jester
starchild5 wrote:
Because of your meeting...The consciousness spread and I was able to meet Rock in Manila ....It never happens so easily for me ever...What you know..Rock lived just across few steps away from where i we met easily....

starchild5 wrote:

You guys need to meet as often as one can...even with all negatives and positives personalities...our goal is ONE..We all share the same destiny....It does not matter millions or one dollar each has in bank ones going no where without each other...

As I have said....Americans are the ones who could change humanities destiny...That is why it is so dark...You are not being controlled by Illuminati, Aliens, Rothchilds, Banks, money etc...You are being ADMINISTERED directly by HIM....The one who controls all ...:)

You have the greatest battle in your hands ever ever fought in this entire known universe....Do you understand this ? You were created not to make the world a better place.....BUT TO GO BEYOND....This is so important to understand....
