Adam Carolla explains the OWS Generation

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Adam Carolla explains the OWS Generation

Post by Mr S »

“Self entitled pricks who thinks the world owes them a live. And now we’re getting the first wave of these douchebags. And now they grew up, and its fine if you grow up in this little snowglobe of a life where everything is awesome and everyone gets participation trophies and theres no losers and everythings awesome. But then you get out into the real world and you realize – I’m a fuckin loser. You’re not doing that well. You’re not makin that much money. And they’re feeling shame. They’ve been shamed by life. Because they havent been prepared for life. Because they’ve had so much smoke blown up their f***ing collective asses by the time they get out in the real world, they realize the real world doesn’t give a f**k where you’re from or what your mommy said you were or how pretty you were or what you do. All those lies that were told to your parents about how special you are and how nobody was created like you, and all this bullshit advertisements – Nike and all this ‘theres just one you!’ and ‘you take it all’ and ‘its your world’ and and all that Reebok shit – doesn’t mean shit when you get to the real world and you’re just looked at as pee-on #27 whos puttin in an application and guess what “I don’t like your attitude, douche. Get your fuckin feet off my desk and hit the bricks I’m not hiring you.� Now, your plan is to come back and throw a brick at my window. Thats your plan. This is whats going on. Its this envy and shame and theres gonna be a lot more of it.

Because it used to be father and son walking down the sidewalk and you see a guy go by in a Rolls Royce and the father says ‘there goes Mr. Jenkins. LOOK UP TO HIM. That guy works hard. That guy built a company. That guy built an empire. Now look at him. He’s driving his Rolls Royce up the hill.� But what do we do now? Now its like ‘oh look at him. Does he need that car? Whys he need that car? I’m driving a f***ing Chevette. Whys he get to drive that fuckin car? You know what? Lets go up there and throw a rock at it.’ That ain’t gonna help you get out of the Chevette, ass douche. And by the way parents, society – we are creating a group of self entitled monsters. Knock it off.�

Instead of looking in the mirror and going “why the f**k am I not doing better?� you just find some guy whos got more shit than you and go “Hey man! What do you need all that shit for!� Its the same version of “Hey man! What do you need that MVP trophy for!� Cause I bust my ass, thats why. Or maybe I’m just genetically better than you. Either way buddy. I got the trophy. So shut the f**k up and get the f**k back to work, or better yet, on the bench. Where you belong�

Martin Luther King told you “I have a dream.�

JFK told you “Ask not what can your country do for you.�

Adam Corolla told you “Shut the f**k up and get the f**k back to work.�

Masterpiece. Internet rant of the century. Don’t listen until you can hear the whole thing, because Adam Corolla sums up my entire p***y generation in just about 7 minutes. The kids who grew up being told that life should be fair and everyone is special are finally grown up and guess what? They’re total f***ing pussies. In my opinion it probably all started when they began banning Dodge Ball Ban in gym classes. These kids were coming of age when parents and teachers and crybabies started complaining that fat kids were getting blasted in the face during dodge ball. So the schools and communities banned dodge ball so that fat, slow un-athletic kids didn’t feel bad about themselves. You know what happens when fat kids keep getting blasted in the face over and over? They learn to stop being so fat and f***ing slow so that they don’t get dodge balled to death. You know what happens when you ban it and protect their fat little faces? They stay fat and slow and unathletic.

And now they are out in the working world – where everyone starts out fat and unathletic. The cool kids, the lame kids, everyone starts out life getting blasted in the face. Rather than taking their lumps and working until they got their hands on a ball so that they could do the face blasting, they just want the government to put an end to anything that they aren’t good at. Hey government I suck at work and my face hurts can you ban people from being better than me at making money???

And another thing – to all the people who keep emailing me “KFC why do you bash OWS!? You are apart of the 99%! You make little money and don’t have benefits!� f**k you. Don’t compare me to these f***ing assholes. I decided to take a risk and go out on a limb and do something different that has some perks and has some pitfalls and I’m dealing with my own decision. I just pay for my benefits and make ends meet with my salary because I don’t blame Wall Street for the fact that I made life choices that put me where I am today.

Which also brings me to my third point – despite the fact that theres like 10% unemployment, when you look at it from a different angle theres more ways to make money in this world than ever before. Look at me. I blog about donuts and adult onesies and my cosmetic physical shortcomings and I get enough money to live in New York City. f***ing Jenna Marbles works one day a week talking about her dogs and what happens when she gets f***ed and she’s probably making enough loot to be considered 1%. This day and age, with the internet and social media and all that other jazz, there are infinite more ways to make money than the previous generations. And instead of taking advantage of such an amazing era where you can invent stupid shit and Mark Zuckerberg the f**k out of life you choose to shit in a park and bang on drums.

PS – Don’t respond to this with Wall Street talk. The fundamental errors Wall Street made are a different issue, separate from the sense of entitlement attitude the protesters have ... ever-hear/
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Post by MrPeabody »

I think the Occupy Wall street protestors willingness to face the police brutality of the state speaks for itself. It takes more courage than hiding in the Philippines and posting articles on Internet forums, which in reality is a non action.
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Post by Mr S »

MrPeabody wrote:I think the Occupy Wall street protestors willingness to face the police brutality of the state speaks for itself. It takes more courage than hiding in the Philippines and posting articles on Internet forums, which in reality is a non action.
What's up with the personal attack? That was quite unwarranted. This is another persons viewpoint of the OWS; it's not as if I personally exclaimed it. To personally attack me when you have absolutely NO clue who I am other than what you may perceive from reading various postings is pretty low. It's not as if you are blogging on the front lines either by being down there in Mexico. These postings are meant to create dialogue, not to instigate attacks upon the poster. This is exactly what others on the forum complain about and you're just perpetuating the problem further. It's no wonder most people end up leaving the forum eventually. The only reason I continue to stick around is because I know Winston personally and have been through the entire process of figuring out how to get the hell out of the USA years ago on my own before even discovering Winston on the Internet. There are myriad ways and opinions on how to protest and change unjust systems of government society. I just happen to believe that the protesters are somewhat misguided and many are promoting socialist type philosophies rather than traditional American Republican governmental values. Their movement may have been initially grassroots but its been high-jacked just as the majority of the Tea Party has been. I also think Carolla's viewpoint is quite valid in many respects and should be pondered upon, especially people in their 30's and 40's who can see the differences in their generation vs. the newer one coming up.

Just because I'm not camping out in front of a state or corporate building in the USA and acting like a socialist hippie doesn't mean you should be personally attacking me because I'm in the Philippines. You don't even know the reason why I'm living here anyways. You're making an uncalled for assumption that carries a sly underhanded meaning which is based on absolutely nothing.
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Post by MrPeabody »

I haven't called you names or insulted you, but just presented my observations. The real insulting language was in the hatchet job article you now seem to distance yourself from " Self entitled pricks who thinks the world owes them a [live] living. And now we’re getting the first wave of these douchebags" and "These kids were coming of age when parents and teachers and crybabies started complaining that fat kids were getting blasted in the face during dodge ball". I think the OWS has earned the right to respect since they are facing brutal police beatings and not just minor verbal challenges they can't deal with. They are not crybabies. The term "OWS generation" is an insult to the young men here who have inherited a lot of shit, and when victims start speaking up and taking action they should be supported.

I do disagree with the language "fundamental errors Wall Street made" when no errors have been made, but rather an intentional plan to defraud investors because the banksters now have no fear of criminal prosecution. I presented evidence of the crimes and the absence of law enforcement due to crony capitalism in the post below. Also, you may be interested in the first interview of the below post which refers to the Wall Street cabal as socialism.

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Post by odbo »

This radio host is an idiot but he brings up some good points about short memories.

Check out (12:15 - 12:45) "I wrote an article called the New World Order wants New World Order to fail"

I'm not condoning "InfoWars" and Alex Jones by any means!! But this is a good article.. which the above radio host wrote. ... rld-order/

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Post by Repatriate »

Mr S wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:I just happen to believe that the protesters are somewhat misguided and many are promoting socialist type philosophies rather than traditional American Republican governmental values. Their movement may have been initially grassroots but its been high-jacked just as the majority of the Tea Party has been. I also think Carolla's viewpoint is quite valid in many respects and should be pondered upon, especially people in their 30's and 40's who can see the differences in their generation vs. the newer one coming up.
Adam Carolla is partially right but he's someone who got rich off of a career in entertainment which is a <1% type occupation. He probably doesn't understand that it's not all about self entitlement when the concept of middle class is out of reach for many young Americans. There are lots of delusional twits who think the world owes them a career with minimal effort but I see more young people grinding their youth down on getting an education with a debt burden they will not pay back in a decade combined with low career employment prospects on the horizon. These people are screwed. The longer they don't have a career the less employable they will be well into their late 20's-30's. Real wage growth has stagnated since the 70's.

OWS has been hijacked but it had no teeth to begin with. People just aren't angry enough yet to demand real change. Hippies playing bongos in the park will be hand-waved by the elites and downplayed by the mainstream. The movement will be nerf'd and marginalized as "crybaby liberals" by the same elites who own the media. On the other hand if it becomes real class warfare complete with organized strikes, substantial boycotts, and corporate sabotage that's when they will start getting real nervous.
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Post by Hook »

It would have been really cool if the Tea Partiers would have protested the shutting down of the OWS people. Talk about getting the moral upper hand.

Most of the what the OWS folks are complaining about is nonsense. Some of it is legitimate though. I think that the tea partiers and the OWS people should join together on things like corporate welfare and militarism.
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Post by Truthville »

Please............the "If I work hard enough then I can drive a Rolls Royce and everybody will admire me and look up to me and respect me" is so much drivel it makes me laugh. A life can be measured in others ways, or am I wrong?

Why is everything and everyone is always measured in terms of how much money they have and how much money they can make? Seriously!

The only ones whom admires treadmill consumer rats are other treadmill consumer rats......

Me, I'm happy and content with the simpler things in life, but what do I know, I'm just a lazy bum, right?

To quote the BTO, "If you ever get annoyed, look at me I'm self employed, I love to work at nothing all day!"

"What we are seeing in this headless misandry is a grand display of the Tyranny of the Underdog: "I am a wretchedly longstanding victim;therefore I own no burden of adult accountability, nor need to honor any restraint against my words and actions. In fact, all efforts to restrain me are only further proof of my oppressed condition."

"It is the most perfect trump-card against accountable living ever devised."
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Post by onezero4u »

great i laughed about 25 times !!
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Re: Adam Carolla explains the OWS Generation

Post by odbo »

Mr S wrote:
Same way I feel. It's definitely not the whole story but it is one side of it that is being ignored.

I'm sure Adam Corolla is a sodomite and how cute he has a fellow Jew named Alison Rosen as his sidekick.. but that was entertaining - and hopefully thought provoking for any self-entitled douches listening.
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