China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

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China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Edit: I decided to change the thread title from just China vs ZOG to "China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO)" since a lot of times they're going to be featured in the geopolitics together, instead of just China alone.

This is one of those rare forums that actually allows actual free speech (not just lying jews claiming there's free speech, but then banning any attempt to post factual information and/or opinions jews don't want goy to be allowed to spread and discuss freely), so let's look into China from a red pill perspective:
That'll be more enlightening than the usual back-and-forth between brainwashed anti-China rhetoricians and brainwashed or disingenuous wumaos, both of whom get banned by jew forum moderators if they get to the heart of the matter (eg Quora):

I claim no expertise at all, but here's my take so far while watching the geopolitical situation unfold:
China is an authoritarian country obviously, but it's still a sovereign nation ruled by Chinese, rather than an occupied nation ruled by sociopathic international jews (hence why China is being demonized by the jewmedia, and scapegoated for scores of issues that are actually caused by jews, including the ruination of America and the 'West', Israeli's mass theft of US technology, and very likely even covid itself: ).

Unless China was insanely trying to over-reach to the point of imposing their own system on all of us in the rest of the world (which I don't think they are, even if the jewmedia tries to insinuate that), Emperor Xi seems to be doing a good job of defying the jew world order:

I'm definitely not "anti-China" and if the ZOGs drag the USSA and NATO into WW3 I hope Emperor Xi helps the Russians beat their asses to take out the NWO, but just stating the facts here most Chinese pro-CCP nationalists would try to justify rather than deny: China is in fact an authoritarian police state, even if that doesn't make China the bad guy. :D

@Winston asked some interesting stuff over in this thread where he seemed to think it wasn't because of good travel experiences:
Picking up where we left off from that thread: China is of course not "totally unfree", since the authorities still allow lots of people to live good lives with some freedom of choice about what they do depending on circumstances, but certainly China is arguably a police-state even if that doesn't make them the geopolitical bad guy:
But China has far more intense censorship, police crackdowns, mass surveillance, totally non-negotiable extremes on stuff like mass lockdowns (when they're imposed, but that may be because China is wise to the fact that covid is a ZOG bioweapon aimed at them), and weird shit like their Orwellian social credit system (which the jews are trying to do to us in the USSA and 'West' too), and even stuff like public humiliation and shaming rituals for Chinese citizens who did something the government said not to do, whether it was trying to defy public health mandates, poor girls caught working in prostitution, etc.
Winston wrote:
June 25th, 2022, 10:41 pm
Moreover, why doesn't the Chinese government or media ever put out any articles or videos debunking the myth that "China is totally unfree"? It's as if they are happy to play the role of the boogieman because that's the script assigned to them. As if they are just actors playing a role.
Ah, but they are not just passively playing that boogieman role: Seems to me Emperor Xi is preparing to stand with Russia against ZOG aggression and the jewmedia campaign against their sovereign nations. Chinese public officials and state media makes a lot of statements, but naturally you don't hear their side of the thing through the jewmedia. A little while ago their state media even called Soros a global economic terrorist and "the son of Satan," :lol: and they openly speak out against jew-occupied America/NATO military aggression and economic tyranny via the jew created Federal Reserve's money-printing insanity, tyrannical and destructive economic sanctioning aimed at coercing other nations to fall under ZOG domination, and so on.

ZOG jews trying but thus far failing to subvert China is also predictably leading to a huge increase in anti-China sentiment being peddled by the jewmedia lately. (The most visible example is probably Soros who throws open tantrums against China and Emperor Xi, but he's only one of many.) I'm concerned that a lot of the conservatives who are relatively good eggs being toward the red pill side (Candace O and Carlson for example) are going to drink the Fox Jews kool-aid and fall for some new jew false flag seeking to lay all the blame on China for the ruination of the USA and 'West' that is actually caused by jews, not China...

Anyway, I'll try to add more stuff to this thread that you won't hear on the jewmedia...

Earlier I started a thread on China, Communism, Jews and the NWO - Red Pill History but haven't added that much yet, but it had some important background history there about jewish involvement in the subversion of China, and jews involved in the early CCP, but then how things changed and how now (in case you haven't noticed) the jewmedia is more and more shrill since Emperor Xi of China is not playing along with the international jew campaign to bring down their sovereign nation:
And the original article I was quoting is this, by Larry Romanoff who writes quite a bit about this stuff: ... out-china/
Last edited by WilliamSmith on June 26th, 2022, 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: China vs ZOG (USA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

This article here is a pretty good starting list of a lot of things the jewmedia would love to get away with conning gullible right-leaning goys into believing are China's fault (or, of course, the previously successful standbys of jews scapegoating Muslims and Russians, among others), but in fact, like the article title says:
It Isn’t the Chinese; It’s the Jews, Stupid ... ws-stupid/
ABOUT a decade ago, the kosher “liberal” media were (as they still are) blaming White men for everything, while the kosher “conservative” media were trying to confuse the issue of Jewish power by scapegoating Muslims. Since the end of the Cold War they’ve been at a loss as to which straw man to portray as “the enemy of the West,” and have vacillated between the Muslims and that old standby “Russia”, with a couple of detours toward tiny, harmless countries like Venezuela or North Korea)

Over the last few months, the (((neo-conservative media))) — following a well-worn track laid-down by The Epoch Times — have ramped-up their propaganda machine to claim that it is the Chinese who run the “Deep State” and that they are the reason America’s domestic and foreign policies are always against our own interests. So I have re-purposed an article originally by Edgar Steele to reflect this new tactic of blaming the Chinese for America’s woes.

Of course, claiming that the Chinese are the source of America’s decline is preposterous. The changes in policy that are the root cause of our decline have been going on for decades (at least since the 1940s) — long before the Chinese (or any other non-White nation) had even the tiniest toe-hold in America. Any non-White nation except the Jews, that is, who were here, cajoling, whispering in ears, and using their great wealth to influence policy since the beginning.

So, before you start parroting neo-con propaganda and inadvertently make the situation for White America even more untenable, take a few minutes to learn the truth, and remember: it isn’t the Chinese; it’s the Jews, stupid.

It wasn’t the Chinese who blocked the PayPal accounts of patriots and stole the balances they contain – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who get patriots fired for their political and social views – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who maintain a dossier on millions of patriots and draw from them to defame and destroy – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who have been bent upon bankrupting and imprisoning so many that I know – it was and is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who had Ernst Zundel deported and punished for “thinking wrongly” – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who have hijacked my government – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who have made it virtually — and in some countries, literally — illegal to criticize them – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who have hijacked the American legal system and now are transforming it to conform to Talmudic law – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who own and run the Federal Reserve Bank, which is in the process of destroying the dollar and the American economy – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese rigging the US stock market and commodities futures markets – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who refuse to serve in the US Military in numbers proportionate to their population percentage – it is Jews (1/10 of 1%, vs. 2-1/2%).
It isn’t the Chinese who erect menorahs in public venues – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who continue to impose “racial diversity,” disfavoring America’s founding race, upon us in all walks of life – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who began and continue to expand militant “feminism,” destroying the traditional relationship between the sexes – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who promote sex perversion and “transgenderism” and do everything they can to reduce the White birth rate – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who buy off all our legislators with our own tax dollars – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who tried to sink the USS Liberty and killed and maimed so many of its crew members during an extended attack – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese enacting “hate crime” laws designed to outlaw opposition to the multiracialist, open-borders agenda – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who run NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who sued to force us to allow homosexuals to lead Boy Scout troops – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who started and ran so many ostensibly Black anti-White organizations like the NAACP – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese importing huge numbers of Somalis and Bantus and Mestizos into American cities – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who formulated American legislation providing pensions to Russian Jewish immigrants for doing nothing – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who run organized crime throughout America – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who created and promoted the drug counterculture – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who literally own and run nearly all of Hollywood’s movie-making enterprises – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who literally own and run almost all of America’s mainstream media – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese spewing obscenity and race-mixing propaganda from the TV and movie screens – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese trying mightily to block and censor alternative views and alternative media – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese lying about and guilt-tripping all Whites about slavery and the supposed “holocaust” – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese stealing American tax dollars to fund all their holocaust monuments throughout America – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who forged the Anne Frank “diary” – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about gas chambers at Dachau and Auschwitz – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about mass graves at Treblinka – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about Jews being made into lamp shades and soap during World War 2, such lies resulting in the deaths of millions of White people – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who doctored WW2 prison camp photos to appear to be belching smoke from crematoria – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who used WW2 pictures of dead Whites, falsely claiming they were Jews – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who made criticism of Jews punishable by death in Soviet Russia after they took power – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who killed over 20 million Russians – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who looted and destroyed the Russian economy – it was Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who have amassed an illegal arsenal of over 300 nuclear weapons in the Middle East – it is the Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who brag about controlling America – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who advocate the use of torture by, and on, Americans – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who twist American laws to punish speech criticizing themselves – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese endeavoring to get America to outlaw anti-semitical speech – it is jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who sell goods that it is now illegal for Americans to boycott – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who extort millions in “fees” for putting their worthless “kosher” label on goods – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who retaliate against rock-throwing children by shooting them in the head – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese stealing land in Palestine – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer – it was the Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who have caused America to spend uncounted trillions in the Middle East with zero benefits for our country – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who send teams of trained assassins into foreign countries, including America, to kill people with whom Israel disagrees – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who run the ADL, which maintains dossiers on thousands of law-abiding American citizens, for the purpose of punishing those with whom they disagree – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who break into and enter the offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure “dirt” both for their database, and in the hopes of getting data they can pass to a compliant FBI to enable false, politically motivated prosecutions – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who have caused America to go from being the most-loved country in the world to the most hated – it is Jews.
It isn’t the Chinese who regularly phony up “hate crimes” against themselves – it is Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who caused the Great Depression – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who got America into WW1 – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who started WW2 – it was Jews.
It wasn’t the Chinese who reaped the bloody “benefits” of the 9/11 attacks – it was Jews.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Interesting article looking at the broader scope of China, Russia, and other sovereign nations vs the ZOG countries and their international warmongering and fiat ponzi machine: The author did a good job of a rundown about jews taking over the 'West' in the 1st half, and then starts talking about Russia and China in the 2nd half where I bolded it. ... hina-iran/
Significance of Empire vs Alliance: Jewish-Controlled US Empire & EU Puppets in Conflict with Alliance of Sovereign Nations, Esp. Russia, China, & Iran
The key difference in the current global affairs is it comes down to Empire vs Alliance.

On one side, there is the US empire and the countries under its iron wing. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are mere puppets of this empire in the East. And EU is the puppet in the West. The empire has only one power center. The advantage of this arrangement is the concentration of power and easily understood command structure. US and its ‘partners’ are like Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War. There is a clear chain of command. US gives the orders, the rest follows.

If the rest was less willing to follow Donald Trump, it was because the Deep State had the real power and Trump was regarded as a nuisance(soon to be gotten rid of by means fair and foul). Of great significance is that American power isn’t only military, monetary, material, ‘mammonic’, and market-oriented but moral(and spiritual), especially because Jews control the gods. All of the empire are united in worship of the same gods: The icons, idols, & narratives of the Jews, blacks, homos, and ‘diversity/inclusivity'(as defined by Jews, of course, as Israel is allowed to be ultra-nationalist and even supremacist).

Western Europe was less reverential to the US when the latter was ruled by Anglo-Americans, aka Wasps. While Wasps had pride, power, and prestige, they didn’t go around making themselves out to be holy saint-victims innately possessed of sanctity. They represented earthly power and could be challenged and expected to be. So, even though Europeans were subordinate to Anglo-American Power for military, monetary, and material reasons, they didn’t feel morally(or spiritually) inferior to White Americans; indeed, the Ugly American(which usually meant White Christian American) tropes were common in Europe among all classes.

Sure, America bailed out Europe after WWII and defended it from the USSR, but it was seen as morally marred by the history of ‘genocide'(of the American Indians), slavery, ‘racism’, and neo-imperialism. Indeed, Anti-Americanism was vogue among Europeans during the Vietnam War when the US was lambasted as the New Nazi-like power. Anglo-Americans were giants but not gods; they were supremely powerful but not sacred. Sanctity was bestowed upon the seemingly pitiable Jews.

During the Cold War, Europeans didn’t think too much of the sacralization of Jews. After all, WWII & the Shoah and exodus to Israel(and America) had greatly reduced the number of Jews in Europe. Thus, special sympathy for Jews seemed mostly a matter of sentiment, a luxury that Europeans could afford. And besides, the two great empires, US and USSR, following WWII were ruled by white goyim, and no one thought Jews would come to control either. Western Europe spearheaded the sacralization of Jews at a time when the Jewish Community seemed an object of pity. And White Americans also shared in this sacralization without foreseeing the future of Jewish Power in America.

When a powerless people are sacralized, it may be indulgent and naive, but it can’t do much harm if they remain powerless. Sucking down to the powerless, as opposed to sucking up to the powerful, can’t do much harm. After all, American Indians were sort-of-sacralized in the 60s, but it was inconsequential as Indians lacked to means to gain power. We could sacralize Eskimos or Australian Aborigines, but it’d come to nothing as those people will never amass power.

But, when whites in Europe and US sacralized Jews at their moment of weakness, they utterly lacked foresight as to future consequences. If you take pity on a little baby bunny, at most it will grow into a harmless rabbit. But if you dote on a tiger cub, it will grow into a giant predator. Jews with their higher IQ, pushy personality, vengeful memory, and covenant-based supremacism, had the potential of (re)gaining tremendous power and taking control of the West. When Europeans sacralized Jews as helpless Holocaust Survivors. And they thought the US, the master over Europe for the foreseeable future, would be ruled by Anglo-Americans or White-Christian Americans. As long as the US-as-lone-superpower was ruled by white Christians, Europeans could hold their own in terms of moral discourse and argument. While Europeans felt a certain degree of gratitude toward White Americans, they felt zero guilt toward them.
But because Europeans had sacralized Jews as a race of saint-victims(premised on heavy European guilt as mass-murderers or collaborators in the mass murder), they were poorly position to say NO to American Power were Jews to becoming the ruling elites of the US. Wasps were giants but not gods, but Jews came to control the gods. As Europeans chose to worship Jews as an eternally tragic and holy people, they felt compelled to cave to whatever gods controlled by the Jews. Saying NO to Jewish demands was a no-no, tantamount to heresy. If Jews said ‘You celebrate Diversity’, Europeans said ‘We celebrate Diversity’. If Jews said ‘You Cuck to Negroes’, Europeans said ‘We Cuck to Negroes’. If Jews said, ‘You bend over to globo-homo’, Europeans said ‘We bend over to globo-homo’.

Jewish-controlled US has infinitely more power over the EU than Anglo-America ever did during the Cold War. Jews are deemed holy whereas Anglo-Americans never were. Europe in the Cold War had to shine Anglo-America’s shoes, but EU today has to kiss the Jewish-America’s toes, just like cucky whites grovel at the feet of blacks and wash them. In this sense, the so-called ‘free world’ is really like a theocracy. The US empire of old ruled by White Christians was admired and feared for its money and military, or earthly matters. But US empire ruled by Jews is obeyed as the new Vatican. “Oh holy Jews, please tell us what gods to worship next.” If Jews say, “Men with wigs are women”, the cucks in US and EU fall all over themselves to recite the catechism of “Men are women”. There is a kind of quasi-spiritual unity in the empire as all are expected to worship the same gods. They got homo parades in Japan, BLM marches in S. Korea, and pro-empire Poles are totally into globo-homo and Great Replacement for Poland. Winning plaudits and approval from divine Jews, holy homos, and noble Negroes is their highest sense of good.

The disadvantage of the current Empire is that the puppet states, while servile and pliable, lack any real sense of innate pride and purpose. They are like mercenaries or puppets always taking orders or looking over their shoulders with no internal sense of worth. They are parrots than patriots. And even though Jews control the gods, the current idols are more of fashion and fancy than substance and meaning. Indeed, if Jew-run US were to vanish overnight, so many minions in the Empire would be completely lost as they utterly lack agency as individuals and pride as sovereign nationals. They would be like TV sets that no longer receive the signals. Instead of pulling up moisture from the roots, they grab vibes from the air.

On the other side, there is the Alliance. Russia and China are independent and sovereign. Russia doesn’t own China, China doesn’t own Russia. They are allies out of common interests and mutual understanding. Far weaker is Iran, but it too is no puppet. It has an independent government with its own course of action. Iran chooses to work with Russia and China out of shared interests, not out of servility. Russia doesn’t tell China what to do, China doesn’t tell Russia what to do, Russia doesn’t tell Iran what to do, China doesn’t tell Iran what to do, Iran doesn’t tell Russia what to do, Iran doesn’t tell China what to do. Rather, they understand they face similar challenges and coordinate efforts. There is real strength in this as each nation has its pride and sovereignty. The weakness, however, is the three nations can never be as united as the empire with its single command center.

Not only are Russia, China, and Iran(and nations like Venezuela) independent in government, military, and monetary policy but they control their own gods. Russian government has its own gods centered on Russian history & culture, China has its own gods rooted in Chinese history & CCP mythos, Iran has its own gods based on Islam & Persian history. Venezuela has its own narrative of the Bolivarian Revolution. They are truly diverse in the proper meaning of the word. Not only diverse as different races but in values and narratives, and they respect the right of others to have their own gods. China doesn’t tell Russia to revere Confucius and Mao, and Russia doesn’t tell China to build Orthodox Churches or monuments to Alexander Nevsky.

In contrast, the US empire requires all its puppets to bow down to Globo-Jewgromo, or globalist worship of Jews, Negroes, and Homos. Indeed, all countries within the empire must elevate Jews, Negroes, Homos, and Foreigners/Immigrants above their own people, culture, and history. Whether it’s France, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Australia, or whatever, the Globo-Shlomo Empire demands that they suppress nativism(in favor of invasivism), national pride, & unity-heritage-memory, and instead favor foreigners/immigrants, celebrate the minority homos, adulate the Negro, and remember the Holocaust. In a broad sense, the Alliance is ‘polytheist’ as each nation has control over its own gods, whereas the Empire is ‘monotheist’ as all within the empire are required to worship the gods controlled by Jews.

Janus-like India is the big outlier in this. On the one hand, it plays along with the US empire, especially in its stance against China. But when push comes to shove, it often chooses an independent path that is unthinkable for Japan or Germany, even for France and UK. Another outlier is nations like Hungary. Though part of EU, it insists on nationalism and its own cultural values.

Nations that side with the Alliance are accepted as sovereign nations. In contrast, nations that join the empire(or have been forced into it) must cuck to Jews, wave the homo flag, hail the Negro, and welcome the Great Replacement.
Good point he makes here about how the jew parasite destroys its 'Western' host internally, but then still expects the broken down and degraded goy host population to be able to do all the fighting for jews as their international war golems at the same time:
The biggest problem for the empire is it’s an empire-empire, which makes everything far more complicated. In the past, most of America was White Christian, and American Empire reflected White Christian power, pride, and values. White men were tough, hardy, proud, and ready to fight. Today, the US is controlled by Jews, i.e. white christians are totally cucked to Zion. On the one hand, Jews need whites to be hardy managers and soldiers for the Empire, but on the other, Jews need whites to be guilt-ridden toadies without white pride. Jews both weaken whiteness and expect it to carry the burden of empire. It’s like castrating someone and then adding more load on his back. Still, white christians are found at all levels of the US empire, and to a naive outsider it may still seem as if the US is a White Christian Power. After all, Joe Biden is said to be a catholic. But in truth, all these whites are hapless and sappy cucks to Jews.
Also, unlike White Christian American elites of old, Jews don’t primarily identify as American but Jewish, i.e. they feel closer to World Jewry than to goy Americans. Thus, Jewish Power that rules the US isn’t really American but Zionist and supra-nationalist. So, the American Empire serves a bigger empire, the Empire of Judea or EOJ.

And yet, because the US pretends to be a ‘liberal democracy’ and a protector of the ‘free world’, white cuck christians must pretend they are animated by ‘human rights’, ‘democratic principles’, and ‘muh constitution’ when, in fact, their only modus operandi is “Will it please the Jews and win me more pokemon points for being such a good cucky-wuck?”
[[[ :lol: :lol: :lol: ]]]
Also, as part of the so-called ‘free world’, the satellite nations in Asia and EU must also carry on with the pretense that they are free & independent and happily & willingly embracing globo-homo when, if anything, they are puppet-democracies where the elites have little choice but to follow the Washington Line(just like International Communism once obeyed the Moscow Line) and promote decadence, degeneracy, and ‘diversity’ on their own peoples. While the Jew-run US doesn’t usually send in tanks like the Soviets did with Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, it has ways to destroy the reputation, stability, and marketability of any satellite nation by coordinated efforts of media and finance. Furthermore, as so many young ones in satellite nations were either educated in the US and/or brainwashed the ‘Western Media’, they are more than willing to collaborate with the Empire against their own nation and people.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Part of the unfolding geopolitical drama here on the economic side: Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa working on a new global reserve currency to try to break the grip of the petrdollar and ZOG's fiat printing ponzi and interest rate manipulation schemes, as well as survive attempted attacks by US/Western "sanctions": ... -currency/
BRICS developing new global reserve currency – Putin

It will be based on a currency basket of the five-nation bloc, according to the Russian president

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are currently working on setting up a new global reserve currency.

“The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” he said at the BRICS business forum.

According to the Russian president, the member states are also developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international payments.

Earlier, the group said it was working on establishing a joint payment network to cut reliance on the Western financial system. The BRICS countries have been also boosting the use of local currencies in mutual trade.
China calls for BRICS expansion
The five-nation bloc should add more member states, Beijing says ... ion-calls/
China wants to expand the group of emerging economies known as BRICS, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Thursday. The economic bloc currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

“China proposes to start the BRICS expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion, and gradually form a consensus,” Wang Yi, China's state councilor and foreign minister, told an online meeting of BRICS foreign ministers, as quoted by Reuters.

In an address ahead of the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged to strengthen cooperation. Xi had previously invited the Argentinian government to participate in the BRICS summit. Argentina has been striving to join the group for more than a decade. In February, during an official visit to China, Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez reiterated the request.

Brazil, Russia, India, and China initially established the bloc in 2009, with South Africa joining in 2010. BRICS has more than a 16% share in global trade and represents more than 40% of the world’s population.
ZOG's attempted war against Russia and simultaneous demonizing and attempt to scapegoat China for jewish crimes against America and the 'West' is obviously just bringing Russia and China closer together:
China pledges support for Russia ... ty-issues/
The Chinese and Russian leaders speak by phone and agree on the need for mutual support on security issues

Chinese President Xi Jinping told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in a phone call Wednesday that Beijing will keep backing Moscow on issues of “sovereignty and security”.

“China is willing to continue to offer mutual support to Russia on issues concerning our core interests such as sovereignty and security, intensify strategic coordination between the two countries, and strengthen communication and coordination in major international and regional organizations such as the United Nations, BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,” Xi was quoted as saying by Chinese state media outlet CCTV.

In the phone call, which fell on Xi's 69th birthday, the two leaders noted that relations between Russia and China “have reached an unprecedentedly high level and are constantly improving,” the Kremlin press service said.

Putin stressed that Moscow opposes any external forces’ attempts to interfere in China’s internal affairs, such as the situations in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, CCTV reported.

Touching on the conflict in Ukraine, Xi noted, according to Chinese state media, that Beijing has always made independent judgments. He also reportedly called on all parties to the conflict to find a peaceful resolution, with the Chinese leadership ready to play a constructive role in the process.

It was a second phone call between Putin and Xi since Russia launched its offensive against Ukraine on February 24.

Unlike the US, UK, Canada, the EU, Japan, Australia and several other nations, China has not imposed any sanctions on Russia over its military operation in Ukraine. While calling for peace, the Chinese government has said it understands Russia’s security concerns, and has condemned the supply of weapons from the West to Kiev.

In late February, Beijing abstained from voting on a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Kremlin’s actions.

Washington has attempted to pressure Beijing into adopting a position more in line with the Western one, although China has to date refused to take any hostile actions toward Russia, which it calls a “strategic partner.”
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

See @Winston, here's a few examples of how China does not actually just sit passively by and let the jewmedia demonize them as a boogieman (even if naturally the jewmedia doesn't feature this kind of thing too often): ... -bullying/
China dubs US ‘master of bullying’
The Chinese military spokesman considers the US “the least qualified country to blame others”

The United States is “a master of bullying” and should stop promoting a “hegemonic order,” the Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, said on Thursday.

During a press briefing, Wu Qian was asked to comment on the US military leadership’s recent statements. On Wednesday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin discussed the necessity of countering “aggression and bullying from China” while the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, General Mark Milley, claimed several days ago that Beijing and Moscow “fully intend to change the current rules-based order.”

In Wu Qian’s opinion, the United States is “the least qualified country to blame others.”

“The US comments, as always, reflect a strong Cold War mentality, a hegemonic mindset and reveals its anxiety over the peaceful rise of China. Whichever expressions the US are using, whether it is ‘bullying’ or ‘undermining international rules and order,’ I think, every term applies to the US itself,” the Chinese military spokesman said.

He provided several examples of the behavior of the “master of bullying,” such as the campaigns in Iraq and Syria, as well as the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia 23 years ago.

“When it comes to a rules-based international order, the United States is a globally recognized rule-breaker,” though it talks about the rules more than anyone else, Wu Qian argued, referring to the US’ withdrawals from various international agreements.

“We urge the US to stop the wrong practice of presenting its domestic regulations as international rules and promoting the US-style ‘hegemonic order.’ We encourage it to accept China’s peaceful development objectively and rationally,” he said.

Such a change of stance by the United States, in the Chinese military spokesman’s opinion, would be beneficial not only for bilateral relations between Beijing and Washington but also for global peace and stability. ... aine-west/
Xi slams West over anti-Russia sanctions
The Chinese leader warned the US and EU restrictions against Moscow would hurt people worldwide

Chinese President Xi Jinping has eviscerated the US and EU for imposing sanctions on Russia, warning that weaponizing their financial position would bring disaster to people worldwide.

“To politicize the global economy and turn it into one’s tool or weapon, and willfully impose sanctions by using one’s primary position in the international financial and monetary systems, will only end up hurting one’s own interests as well as those of others, and inflict suffering on everyone,” Xi said in his keynote speech at the BRICS Business Forum on Wednesday.

Sanctions, Xi reiterated, “are a boomerang and a double-edged sword.” Explaining that “history, if not forgotten, can serve as a guide for the future” and referencing the wars of the twentieth century, he described the “Ukraine crisis” as “another wake-up call for the world,” arguing that “blind faith in the so-called ‘position of strength’ and attempts to expand military alliances and seek one’s own security at the expense of others” will end badly for the aggressor.

The sanctions imposed by the US and EU on Russia have indeed caused immense economic suffering in the West, raising energy and food prices to record levels and leaving many countries struggling to replace Russian oil and gas with winter just a few months away. On top of that, inflation rampages across the West.

Xi brought up his country’s Global Security Initiative, announced in April as an effort to “reject the Cold War mentality,” oppose “the wanton use of unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction,” and resolve differences peacefully. He reaffirmed the need for peaceful solutions to international problems and stressed a focus on “win-win cooperation” rather than “zero-sum games.”

The US has repeatedly denounced China for refusing to condemn Russia’s actions in Ukraine, insisting Beijing’s support for Moscow is placing it “on the wrong side of history.”

The countries spoke by phone last week, with China vowing to continue supporting Russia on core issues and in international forums, while Russia affirmed its opposition to external forces’ efforts to interfere in Chinese affairs.

The BRICS Business Forum includes not just the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which together make up about a quarter of the global economy – but 13 other nations, including Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Argentina, and Thailand.
There's probably a lot more nations that would gladly get on board with that if the big sovereign nations like Russia and China can survive and hold their own while defending against ZOG countries long enough to set up an alternative system...
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

One more interesting one for the day, by Pepe Escobar the Brazilian journalist and geopolitical analyst who got banned from Twitter for telling the truth too much, LOL: ... ding-away/
The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states. The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back.

Let’s cut to the chase and roll in the Putin Top Ten of the New Era, announced by the Russian President live at the St. Petersburg forum for both the Global North and South.

The era of the unipolar world is over.

The rupture with the West is irreversible and definitive. No pressure from the West will change it.

Russia has renewed with its sovereignty. Reinforcement of political and economic sovereignty is an absolute priority.

The EU has completely lost its political sovereignty. The current crisis shows the EU is not ready to play the role of an independent, sovereign actor. It’s just en ensemble of American vassals deprived of any politico-military sovereignty.

Sovereignty cannot be partial. Either you’re a sovereign or a colony.

Hunger in the poorest nations will be on the conscience of the West and euro-democracy.

Russia will supply grains to the poorer nations in Africa and the Middle East.

Russia will invest in internal economic development and reorientation of trade towards nations independent of the U.S.

The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states.

The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back.

How does it feel, for the collective West, to be caught in such a crossfire hurricane? Well, it gets more devastating when we add to the new roadmap the latest on the energy front.

Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, in St. Petersburg, stressed that the global economic crisis is gaining momentum not because of sanctions, but exacerbated by them; Europe “commits energy suicide” by sanctioning Russia; sanctions against Russia have done away with the much lauded “green transition”, as that is no longer needed to manipulate markets; and Russia, with its vast energy potential, “is the Noah’s Ark of the world economy.”

For his part Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller could not be more scathing on the sharp decline in the gas flow to the EU due to Siemens’ refusal and/or incapacity to repair the Nord Stream 1 pumping engine: “Well, of course, Gazprom was forced to reduce the volume of gas supplies to Europe by 20%+. But you know, prices have increased not by 20%+, but by several times! Therefore, I’m sorry if I say that we don’t feel offended by anyone, we are not particularly concerned by this situation.”

If this pain dial overdrive was not enough to hurl the collective West – or NATOstan – into Terminal Hysteria, then Putin’s sharp comment on possibly allowing Mr. Sarmat to present his business card to “decision-making centers in Kiev”, those that are ordering the current shelling and killing of civilians in Donetsk, definitely did the trick:

“As for the red lines, let me keep them to myself, because this will mean quite tough actions on the decision-making centers. But this is an area that shouldn’t be disclosed to people outside the military-political leadership of the country. Those who deserve appropriate actions on our part should draw a conclusion for themselves – what they may face if they cross the line.”

Baby please, stop breaking down

Alastair Crooke has masterfully outlined how the collective West’s zugzwang leaves it lumbering around, dazed and confused. Now let’s examine the state of play on the opposite side of the chessboard, focusing on the BRICS summit this Thursday in Beijing.

As much as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and ASEAN, now it’s time for a reinvigorated BRICS to step up its game. In conjunction, these are the key organizations/instruments that will be carving the pathways towards the post-unipolar era.

Both China and India (which between them were the largest economies in the world for centuries before the brief Western colonial interregnum) are already close and getting closer to “the Noah’s Ark of the world economy”.

The G20 – hostages of the Michael Hudson-defined FIRE scam that is the core of the financialized neoliberal casino – is slowly fading away, while a potential new G8 ramps up: and that is directly connected to BRICS expansion, one of the key themes of this week’s summit. An expanded BRICS with a parallel G8 configuration is bound to easily overtake the Western-centric one in importance as well as GDP by purchasing power parity (PPP).

BRICS in 2021 already added Bangladesh, Egypt, the UAE and Uruguay to its New Development Bank (NDB). In May, at Foreign Ministry-level debates, Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Senegal and Thailand were added to the 5 BRICS members. Leaders of some of these nations will be connected to the Beijing summit.

BRICS plays a completely different game from the G20. They aim for the grassroots, and it’s all about slowly “building trust” – a very Chinese concept. They are creating an independent Credit Rating Agency – away from the Anglo-American racket – and deepening a Currency Reserves Arrangement. The NDB – including its regional offices in India and South Africa – has been involved in hundreds of projects. Time will tell: one day the NDB will make the World Bank superfluous.

Comparisons between BRICS and the Quad, a U.S. concoction, are silly. Quad is just another crude mechanism to contain China. Yet there’s no question India treads on tightrope walker territory, as it’s a member of both BRICS and Quad, and made a vastly misguided decision to walk out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – the largest free trade deal on the planet – opting instead to adhere to the American pie-in-the-sky Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).

Yet India, long term, skillfully guided by Russia, is being steered to find essential common ground with China in several key issues.

BRICS, especially in its expanded BRICS+ version, is bound to increase cooperation on building truly stable supply chains, and a settlement mechanism for resources and raw material trade, which inevitably has to be based in local currencies. Then the path will be open for the Holy Grail: a BRICS payment system as a credible alternative to the weaponized U.S. dollar and SWIFT.

Meanwhile, a torrent of bilateral investments from both China and India in the manufacturing and services sector around their neighbors is bound to lift up smaller players in both Southeast Asia and South Asia: think Cambodia and Bangladesh as important cogs in a vast supply wheel.

Yaroslav Lissovolik had already proposed a BEAMS concept as the core of this BRICS integration drive, uniting “the key regional integration initiatives of BRICS economies such as BIMSTEC, EAEU, the ASEAN-China free trade agreement, Mercosur and SADC/SACU.”

It’s only (BRICS) rock’n roll

Now Beijing seems eager to promote “an inclusive format for dialogue spanning all the main regions of the Global South via aggregating the regional integration platforms in Eurasia, Africa and Latin America. Going forward this format may be further expanded to include other regional integration blocks from Eurasia, such as the GCC, EAEU and others.”

Lissovolik notes how the ideal path from now on should be “the greater inclusivity of BRICS via the BRICS+ framework that allows smaller economies that are the regional partners of BRICS to have a say in the new global governance framework.”

Before he addressed the St. Petersburg forum on video, President Xi called Putin personally to say, among other things, that he’s got China’s back on all “sovereignty and security” themes. They also, inevitably, discussed the relevance of BRICS as a key platform towards the multipolar world.

Meanwhile, the collective West plunges deeper into the maelstrom. A massive national demonstration of trade unions this past Monday paralyzed Brussels – the capital of the EU and NATO – as 80,000 people expressed their anger at the rising and rising cost of living; called for elites to “spend money on salaries, not on weapons”; and yelled in unison “Stop NATO.”

It’s zugzwang all over again. The EU’s “direct losses”, as Putin stressed, provoked by the sanctions hysteria, “could exceed $400 billion a year”. Russia’s energy earnings have hit record levels. The ruble is at a 7-year high against the euro.

It’s a blast that arguably the most powerful cultural artifact of the entire Cold War – and Western supremacy – era, the perennial Rolling Stones, is currently on tour across a “caught in a crossfire hurricane” EU. On every show they play, for the first time live, one of their early classics: ‘Out of Time’.

Sounds much like a requiem. So let’s all sing, “Baby baby baby / you’re out of time”, as one Vladimir “it’s a gas, gas, gas” Putin and his sidekick Dmitry “Under My Thumb” Medvedev seem to be the guys really getting their rocks off. It’s only (BRICS) rock’n roll, but we like it.
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by Taco »

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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by Taco »

Paranoia is just having the right information. - William S. Burroughs
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by xiongmao »

The above is all well and good but Russia has no educated people left. The oil will stay in the ground because without Western expertise they can't extract it. The gas has no market aside from Europe.

Belt and Road will collapse because China is on the verge of losing its key Western markets and they cannot afford the new prices for food, raw materials and oil.

Xi is cooked and the lockdowns are to control the population, not covid.
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 26th, 2022, 12:32 pm
Interesting article looking at the broader scope of China, Russia, and other sovereign nations vs the ZOG countries and their international warmongering and fiat ponzi machine: The author did a good job of a rundown about jews taking over the 'West' in the 1st half, and then starts talking about Russia and China in the 2nd half where I bolded it. ... hina-iran/
Significance of Empire vs Alliance: Jewish-Controlled US Empire & EU Puppets in Conflict with Alliance of Sovereign Nations, Esp. Russia, China, & Iran
The key difference in the current global affairs is it comes down to Empire vs Alliance.

On one side, there is the US empire and the countries under its iron wing. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are mere puppets of this empire in the East. And EU is the puppet in the West. The empire has only one power center. The advantage of this arrangement is the concentration of power and easily understood command structure. US and its ‘partners’ are like Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War. There is a clear chain of command. US gives the orders, the rest follows.

If the rest was less willing to follow Donald Trump, it was because the Deep State had the real power and Trump was regarded as a nuisance(soon to be gotten rid of by means fair and foul). Of great significance is that American power isn’t only military, monetary, material, ‘mammonic’, and market-oriented but moral(and spiritual), especially because Jews control the gods. All of the empire are united in worship of the same gods: The icons, idols, & narratives of the Jews, blacks, homos, and ‘diversity/inclusivity'(as defined by Jews, of course, as Israel is allowed to be ultra-nationalist and even supremacist).

Western Europe was less reverential to the US when the latter was ruled by Anglo-Americans, aka Wasps. While Wasps had pride, power, and prestige, they didn’t go around making themselves out to be holy saint-victims innately possessed of sanctity. They represented earthly power and could be challenged and expected to be. So, even though Europeans were subordinate to Anglo-American Power for military, monetary, and material reasons, they didn’t feel morally(or spiritually) inferior to White Americans; indeed, the Ugly American(which usually meant White Christian American) tropes were common in Europe among all classes.

Sure, America bailed out Europe after WWII and defended it from the USSR, but it was seen as morally marred by the history of ‘genocide'(of the American Indians), slavery, ‘racism’, and neo-imperialism. Indeed, Anti-Americanism was vogue among Europeans during the Vietnam War when the US was lambasted as the New Nazi-like power. Anglo-Americans were giants but not gods; they were supremely powerful but not sacred. Sanctity was bestowed upon the seemingly pitiable Jews.

During the Cold War, Europeans didn’t think too much of the sacralization of Jews. After all, WWII & the Shoah and exodus to Israel(and America) had greatly reduced the number of Jews in Europe. Thus, special sympathy for Jews seemed mostly a matter of sentiment, a luxury that Europeans could afford. And besides, the two great empires, US and USSR, following WWII were ruled by white goyim, and no one thought Jews would come to control either. Western Europe spearheaded the sacralization of Jews at a time when the Jewish Community seemed an object of pity. And White Americans also shared in this sacralization without foreseeing the future of Jewish Power in America.

When a powerless people are sacralized, it may be indulgent and naive, but it can’t do much harm if they remain powerless. Sucking down to the powerless, as opposed to sucking up to the powerful, can’t do much harm. After all, American Indians were sort-of-sacralized in the 60s, but it was inconsequential as Indians lacked to means to gain power. We could sacralize Eskimos or Australian Aborigines, but it’d come to nothing as those people will never amass power.

But, when whites in Europe and US sacralized Jews at their moment of weakness, they utterly lacked foresight as to future consequences. If you take pity on a little baby bunny, at most it will grow into a harmless rabbit. But if you dote on a tiger cub, it will grow into a giant predator. Jews with their higher IQ, pushy personality, vengeful memory, and covenant-based supremacism, had the potential of (re)gaining tremendous power and taking control of the West. When Europeans sacralized Jews as helpless Holocaust Survivors. And they thought the US, the master over Europe for the foreseeable future, would be ruled by Anglo-Americans or White-Christian Americans. As long as the US-as-lone-superpower was ruled by white Christians, Europeans could hold their own in terms of moral discourse and argument. While Europeans felt a certain degree of gratitude toward White Americans, they felt zero guilt toward them.
But because Europeans had sacralized Jews as a race of saint-victims(premised on heavy European guilt as mass-murderers or collaborators in the mass murder), they were poorly position to say NO to American Power were Jews to becoming the ruling elites of the US. Wasps were giants but not gods, but Jews came to control the gods. As Europeans chose to worship Jews as an eternally tragic and holy people, they felt compelled to cave to whatever gods controlled by the Jews. Saying NO to Jewish demands was a no-no, tantamount to heresy. If Jews said ‘You celebrate Diversity’, Europeans said ‘We celebrate Diversity’. If Jews said ‘You Cuck to Negroes’, Europeans said ‘We Cuck to Negroes’. If Jews said, ‘You bend over to globo-homo’, Europeans said ‘We bend over to globo-homo’.

Jewish-controlled US has infinitely more power over the EU than Anglo-America ever did during the Cold War. Jews are deemed holy whereas Anglo-Americans never were. Europe in the Cold War had to shine Anglo-America’s shoes, but EU today has to kiss the Jewish-America’s toes, just like cucky whites grovel at the feet of blacks and wash them. In this sense, the so-called ‘free world’ is really like a theocracy. The US empire of old ruled by White Christians was admired and feared for its money and military, or earthly matters. But US empire ruled by Jews is obeyed as the new Vatican. “Oh holy Jews, please tell us what gods to worship next.” If Jews say, “Men with wigs are women”, the cucks in US and EU fall all over themselves to recite the catechism of “Men are women”. There is a kind of quasi-spiritual unity in the empire as all are expected to worship the same gods. They got homo parades in Japan, BLM marches in S. Korea, and pro-empire Poles are totally into globo-homo and Great Replacement for Poland. Winning plaudits and approval from divine Jews, holy homos, and noble Negroes is their highest sense of good.

The disadvantage of the current Empire is that the puppet states, while servile and pliable, lack any real sense of innate pride and purpose. They are like mercenaries or puppets always taking orders or looking over their shoulders with no internal sense of worth. They are parrots than patriots. And even though Jews control the gods, the current idols are more of fashion and fancy than substance and meaning. Indeed, if Jew-run US were to vanish overnight, so many minions in the Empire would be completely lost as they utterly lack agency as individuals and pride as sovereign nationals. They would be like TV sets that no longer receive the signals. Instead of pulling up moisture from the roots, they grab vibes from the air.

On the other side, there is the Alliance. Russia and China are independent and sovereign. Russia doesn’t own China, China doesn’t own Russia. They are allies out of common interests and mutual understanding. Far weaker is Iran, but it too is no puppet. It has an independent government with its own course of action. Iran chooses to work with Russia and China out of shared interests, not out of servility. Russia doesn’t tell China what to do, China doesn’t tell Russia what to do, Russia doesn’t tell Iran what to do, China doesn’t tell Iran what to do, Iran doesn’t tell Russia what to do, Iran doesn’t tell China what to do. Rather, they understand they face similar challenges and coordinate efforts. There is real strength in this as each nation has its pride and sovereignty. The weakness, however, is the three nations can never be as united as the empire with its single command center.

Not only are Russia, China, and Iran(and nations like Venezuela) independent in government, military, and monetary policy but they control their own gods. Russian government has its own gods centered on Russian history & culture, China has its own gods rooted in Chinese history & CCP mythos, Iran has its own gods based on Islam & Persian history. Venezuela has its own narrative of the Bolivarian Revolution. They are truly diverse in the proper meaning of the word. Not only diverse as different races but in values and narratives, and they respect the right of others to have their own gods. China doesn’t tell Russia to revere Confucius and Mao, and Russia doesn’t tell China to build Orthodox Churches or monuments to Alexander Nevsky.

In contrast, the US empire requires all its puppets to bow down to Globo-Jewgromo, or globalist worship of Jews, Negroes, and Homos. Indeed, all countries within the empire must elevate Jews, Negroes, Homos, and Foreigners/Immigrants above their own people, culture, and history. Whether it’s France, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Australia, or whatever, the Globo-Shlomo Empire demands that they suppress nativism(in favor of invasivism), national pride, & unity-heritage-memory, and instead favor foreigners/immigrants, celebrate the minority homos, adulate the Negro, and remember the Holocaust. In a broad sense, the Alliance is ‘polytheist’ as each nation has control over its own gods, whereas the Empire is ‘monotheist’ as all within the empire are required to worship the gods controlled by Jews.

Janus-like India is the big outlier in this. On the one hand, it plays along with the US empire, especially in its stance against China. But when push comes to shove, it often chooses an independent path that is unthinkable for Japan or Germany, even for France and UK. Another outlier is nations like Hungary. Though part of EU, it insists on nationalism and its own cultural values.

Nations that side with the Alliance are accepted as sovereign nations. In contrast, nations that join the empire(or have been forced into it) must cuck to Jews, wave the homo flag, hail the Negro, and welcome the Great Replacement.
Good point he makes here about how the jew parasite destroys its 'Western' host internally, but then still expects the broken down and degraded goy host population to be able to do all the fighting for jews as their international war golems at the same time:
The biggest problem for the empire is it’s an empire-empire, which makes everything far more complicated. In the past, most of America was White Christian, and American Empire reflected White Christian power, pride, and values. White men were tough, hardy, proud, and ready to fight. Today, the US is controlled by Jews, i.e. white christians are totally cucked to Zion. On the one hand, Jews need whites to be hardy managers and soldiers for the Empire, but on the other, Jews need whites to be guilt-ridden toadies without white pride. Jews both weaken whiteness and expect it to carry the burden of empire. It’s like castrating someone and then adding more load on his back. Still, white christians are found at all levels of the US empire, and to a naive outsider it may still seem as if the US is a White Christian Power. After all, Joe Biden is said to be a catholic. But in truth, all these whites are hapless and sappy cucks to Jews.
Also, unlike White Christian American elites of old, Jews don’t primarily identify as American but Jewish, i.e. they feel closer to World Jewry than to goy Americans. Thus, Jewish Power that rules the US isn’t really American but Zionist and supra-nationalist. So, the American Empire serves a bigger empire, the Empire of Judea or EOJ.

And yet, because the US pretends to be a ‘liberal democracy’ and a protector of the ‘free world’, white cuck christians must pretend they are animated by ‘human rights’, ‘democratic principles’, and ‘muh constitution’ when, in fact, their only modus operandi is “Will it please the Jews and win me more pokemon points for being such a good cucky-wuck?”
[[[ :lol: :lol: :lol: ]]]
Also, as part of the so-called ‘free world’, the satellite nations in Asia and EU must also carry on with the pretense that they are free & independent and happily & willingly embracing globo-homo when, if anything, they are puppet-democracies where the elites have little choice but to follow the Washington Line(just like International Communism once obeyed the Moscow Line) and promote decadence, degeneracy, and ‘diversity’ on their own peoples. While the Jew-run US doesn’t usually send in tanks like the Soviets did with Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, it has ways to destroy the reputation, stability, and marketability of any satellite nation by coordinated efforts of media and finance. Furthermore, as so many young ones in satellite nations were either educated in the US and/or brainwashed the ‘Western Media’, they are more than willing to collaborate with the Empire against their own nation and people.

When you said:
"Nations that side with the Alliance are accepted as sovereign nations. In contrast, nations that join the empire(or have been forced into it) must cuck to Jews, wave the homo flag, hail the Negro, and welcome the Great Replacement." So f***ing True that shit hurts. I mean everything in this post is just hardcore truths, I have to say I respect everything you wrote down in this, seriously. More people need to see this because this site is just way too dead. But a lot of people need to hear what you had to say. The fact that the world wants to kiss my f***ing ass because I'm a negro is all the more reason to hate even being a negro period. When you said there are BLM marchers in South Korea, that shit made me want to cut out my eyes and pretend I never read that shit.But what can one expect, Korea is a country where the people want to look white, and K-pop is the rule of law. It wouldn't surprise me if these guys secretly want to get f***ed by a black man with their femboy looking asses.

And I use to have respect for Japan because of their Samurai Culture and history. That was back when that country had balls and it was the same way during WWII unlike today where even they are exposing their own men to BLACKED like shit involving Japanese women cucking them while they f**k black males which tells me Japan has a shit leader for even allowing that to exist there. I mean granted it's not as widespread like it is in the West... But even so that country has been punked out ever since they lost the war and no longer have a military force. They are relying on a woke ass Jew dominated leftlist nation where the retarded women are throwing bitch fits because they were denied the "right" to kill babies to protect them from threats so I try to pretend Japan don't exist anymore despite it's hard to do. But a lot of these nations deserve to get wiped out for accepting passivity.

I just hate weak nations in general. Japan is one of the worse offenders of this, they try to pretend to be partially sovereign, but if they were sovereign at all, they wouldn't have Western influences over there which they do. They need to stop bullshitting and just throw open their borders already and let every white, black, or whoever the f**k else want to move over there to cuck them into the ground until they no longer exist anymore. I mean just go ahead and replace the mutha crippled ass aging f***ing people already, why pretend that you care about your nation when you are exposing your men to interracial pornography featuring Japanese women getting nailed by stereotyped black men with dicks bigger than the Japanese men? Sounds like they enjoy being shitted on just as much as the weak whites do.

Since they have zero desire to help and encourage their own people to do better. They just won't be able to claim they are a safe nation anymore once they follow in the footsteps of the nation that turned them into a cuckold bitch in the first place, AMERICA. As a black man I could never live in these countries that are purposely destroying themselves. South Koreans marching on behalf of BLM like a bunch of dumbfucks is all the more reason to not visit that place. Whats the point in resisting feminism in Korea if you're marching like a dumbass for BLM? If a Korean started apologizing to me about racism, I'd probably spit in his face "You have not earned my respect by being a groveling ass kisser apologizing to me for the same shit other negros have been doing to each other since forever and still do it even this very day. Thought you Korean people were better educated than this third world level of thinking. If you think blacks suffer more at the hands of whites than they do at the hands of their own kind, then you people deserve to get your asses kicked by Kim."
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on June 27th, 2022, 3:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Humanity's mortal enemy the jews have relied heavily on the ZOG bankers who created the Federal Reserve (among others) to use their fiat counterfeiting ponzi scheme to create as much money and debt as they want while they finance the "welfare-warfare state" and their campaigns of destruction against all gentile nations who try to resist them.

Whatever the faults of Russia and China and the other BRICS may be, they appear to be putting up good resistance:

Behind the Tin Curtain: BRICS+ vs NATO/G7 ... s-nato-g7/
Once upon a time, there existed an Iron Curtain which divided the continent of Europe. Coined by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the term was in reference to the then-Soviet Union’s efforts to create a physical and ideological boundary with the west. The latter, for its part, pursued a policy of containment against the spread and influence of communism.

Fast forward to the contemporary era of techno-feudalism, and there now exists what should be called a Tin Curtain, fabricated by the fearful, clueless, collective west, via G7 and NATO: this time, to essentially contain the integration of the Global South.

BRICS against G7

The most recent and significant example of this integration has been the coming out of BRICS+ at last week’s online summit hosted by Beijing. This went far beyond establishing the lineaments of a ‘new G8,’ let alone an alternative to the G7.

Just look at the interlocutors of the five historical BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa): we find a microcosm of the Global South, encompassing Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and South America – truly putting the “Global” in the Global South.

Revealingly, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s clear messages during the Beijing summit, in sharp contrast to G7 propaganda, were actually addressed to the whole Global South:

Russia will fulfill its obligations to supply energy and fertilizers.
Russia expects a good grain harvest – and to supply up to 50 million tons to world markets.
Russia will ensure passage of grain ships into international waters even as Kiev mined Ukrainian ports.
The negative situation on Ukrainian grain is artificially inflated.
The sharp increase in inflation around the world is the result of the irresponsibility of G7 countries, not Operation Z in Ukraine.
The imbalance of world relations has been brewing for a long time and has become an inevitable result of the erosion of international law.
An alternative system

Putin also directly addressed one of the key themes that the BRICS have been discussing in depth since the 2000s — the design and implementation of an international reserve currency.

“The Russian Financial Messaging System is open for connection with banks of the BRICS countries.”

“The Russian MIR payment system is expanding its presence. We are exploring the possibility of creating an international reserve currency based on the basket of BRICS currencies,” the Russian leader said.

This is inevitable after the hysterical western sanctions post-Operation Z; the total de-dollarization imposed upon Moscow; and increasing trade between BRICS nations. For instance, by 2030, a quarter of the planet’s oil demand will come from China and India, with Russia as the major supplier.

The “RIC” in BRICS simply cannot risk being locked out of a G7-dominated financial system. Even tightrope-walking India is starting to catch the drift.

Who speaks for the ‘international community?’

At its current stage, BRICS represent 40 percent of world population, 25 percent of the global economy, 18 percent of world trade, and contribute over 50 percent for world economic growth. All indicators are on the way up.

Sergey Storchak, CEO of Russian bank VEG, framed it quite diplomatically: “If the voices of emerging markets are not being heard in the coming years, we need to think very seriously about setting up a parallel regional system, or maybe a global system.”

A “parallel regional system” is already being actively discussed between the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and China, coordinated by Minister of Integration and Macroeconomics Sergey Glazyev, who has recently authored a stunning manifesto amplifying his ideas about world economic sovereignty.

Developing the ‘developing world’

What happens in the trans-Eurasian financial front will proceed in parallel with a so far little known Chinese development strategy: the Global Development Initiative (GDI), announced by President Xi Jinping at the UN General Assembly last year.

GDI can be seen as a support mechanism of the overarching strategy – which remains the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), consisting of economic corridors interlinking Eurasia all the way to its western peninsula, Europe.

At the High-level Dialogue on Global Development, part of the BRICS summit, the Global South learned a little more about the GDI, an organization set up in 2015.

In a nutshell, the GDI aims to turbo-charge international development cooperation by supplementing financing to a plethora of bodies, for instance the South-South Cooperation Fund, the International Development Association (IDA), the Asian Development Fund (ADF), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Priorities include “poverty reduction, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines,” industrialization, and digital infrastructure. Subsequently, a Friends of the GDI group was established in early 2022 and has already attracted over 50 nations.

BRI and GDI should be advancing in tandem, even as Xi himself made it clear during the BRICS summit that “some countries are politicizing and marginalizing the developmental agenda by building up walls and slapping crippling sanctions on others.”

Then again, sustainable development is not exactly the G7’s cup of tea, much less NATO’s.

Seven against the world

The avowed top aim of the G7 summit in Schloss Elmau at the Bavarian Alps is to “project unity” – as in the stalwarts of the collective west (Japan included) united in sustainable and indefinite “support” for the irretrievably failed Ukrainian state.

That’s part of the “struggle against Putin’s imperialism,” but then there’s also “the fight against hunger and poverty, health crisis and climate change,” as German chancellor Scholz told the Bundestag.

In Bavaria, Scholz pushed for a Marshall Plan for Ukraine – a ludicrous concept considering Kiev and its environs might as well be reduced to a puny rump state by the end of 2022. The notion that the G7 may work to “prevent a catastrophic famine,” according to Scholz, reaches a paroxysm of ludicrousness, as the looming famine is a direct consequence of the G7-imposed sanctions hysteria.

The fact that Berlin invited India, Indonesia, South Africa and Senegal as add-ons to the G7, served as additional comic relief.

The Tin Curtain is up

It would be futile to expect from the astonishing collection of mediocrities “united” in Bavaria, under de facto leader of the European Commission (EC), Fuehrer Ursula von der Leyen, any substantial analysis about the breakdown of global supply chains and the reasons that forced Moscow to reduce gas flows to Europe. Instead, they blamed Putin and Xi.

Welcome to the Tin Curtain – a 21st century reinvention of the Intermarium from the Baltic to the Black Sea, masterminded by the Empire of Lies, complete with western Ukraine absorbed by Poland, the Three Baltic Midgets: Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Czechia and even NATO-aspiring Sweden and Finland, all of whom will be protected from “the Russian threat.”

An EU out of control

The role of the EU, lording over Germany, France and Italy inside the G7 is particularly instructive, especially now that Britain is back to the status of an inconsequential island-state.

As many as 60 European ‘directives’ are issued every year. They must be imperatively transposed into internal law of each EU member-state. In most cases, there’s no debate whatsoever.

Then there are more than 10,000 European ‘rulings,’ where ‘experts’ at the European Commission (EC) in Brussels issue ‘recommendations’ to every government, straight out of the neoliberal canon, regarding their expenses, their income and ‘reforms’ (on health care, education, pensions) that must be obeyed.

Thus elections in every single EU member-nation are absolutely meaningless. Heads of national governments – Macron, Scholz, Draghi – are mere executants. No democratic debate is allowed: ‘democracy,’ as with ‘EU values,’ are nothing than smokescreens.

The real government is exercised by a bunch of apparatchiks chosen by compromise between executive powers, acting in a supremely opaque manner.

The EC is totally outside of any sort of control. That’s how a stunning mediocrity like Ursula von der Leyen – previously the worst Minister of Defense of modern Germany – was catapulted upwards to become the current EC Fuhrer, dictating their foreign, energy and even economic policy.

What do they stand for?

From the perspective of the west, the Tin Curtain, for all its ominous Cold War 2.0 overtones, is merely a starter before the main course: hardcore confrontation across Asia-Pacific – renamed “Indo-Pacific” – a carbon copy of the Ukraine racket designed to contain China’s BRI and GDI.

As a countercoup, it’s enlightening to observe how the Chinese foreign ministry now highlights in detail the contrast between BRICS – and BRICS+ – and the imperial AUKUS/Quad/IPEF combo.

BRICS stand for de facto multilateralism; focus on global development; cooperation for economic recovery; and improving global governance.

The US-concocted racket on the other hand, stands for Cold War mentality; exploiting developing countries; ganging up to contain China; and an America-first policy that enshrines the monopolistic “rules-based international order.”

It would be misguided to expect those G7 luminaries gathered in Bavaria to understand the absurdity of imposing a price cap on Russian oil and gas exports, for instance. Were that to really happen, Moscow will have no problems fully cutting energy supply to the G7. And if other nations are excluded, the price of the oil and gas they import would drastically increase.

BRICS paving the way forward

So no wonder the future is ominous. In a stunning interview to Belarus state TV, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov summarized how “the west fears honest competition.”

Hence, the apex of cancel culture, and “suppression of everything that contradicts in some way the neoliberal vision and arrangement of the world.” Lavrov also summarized the roadmap ahead, for the benefit of the whole Global South:

“We don’t need a new G8. We already have structures…primarily in Eurasia. The EAEU is actively promoting integration processes with the PRC, aligning China’s Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian integration plans. Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are taking a close look at these plans. A number of them are signing free trade zone agreements with the EAEU. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is also part of these processes… There is one more structure beyond the geographic borders of Eurasia.”

“It is BRICS. This association is relying less and less on the Western style of doing business, and on Western rules for international currency, financial and trade institutions. They prefer more equitable methods that do not make any processes depend on the dominant role of the dollar or some other currency. The G20 fully represents BRICS and five more countries that share the positions of BRICS, while the G7 and its supporters are on the other side of the barricades.”

“This is a serious balance. The G20 may deteriorate if the West uses it for fanning up confrontation. The structures I mentioned (SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, EAEU and CIS) rely on consensus, mutual respect and a balance of interests, rather than a demand to accept unipolar world realities.”

Tin Curtain? More like Torn Curtain.
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Yeah, here we go: ZOG trying to bring down Russia, China, and other sovereign nations is accelerating the demise of the jew Federal Reserve fiat currency system:
China is building a yuan currency reserve to compete with the dollar and prop up other economies facing volatility ... -us-2022-6
The People's Bank of China announced it's developing a yuan reserve with five other nations.
Five nations including Hong Kong and Singapore will contribute 15 billion yuan, about $2.2 billion.
In May, China's foreign-exchange reserves, the world's largest, grew for the first time in 2022.

The People's Bank of China is building a yuan reserve with five other nations in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements.

China is teaming up with Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Chile, with each contributing 15 billion yuan, about $2.2 billion, to the Renminbi Liquidity Arrangement, China's central bank said in a statement Saturday.

"When in need of liquidity, participating central banks would not only be able to draw down on their contributions, but would also gain access to additional funding through a collateralised liquidity window," the bank said.

According to the report, the funds will be stored with the Bank for International Settlements.

Russia and China have been attempting to develop a new reserve currency with other BRICS countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week.

The basket of currencies would present a US-dominated International Monetary Fund alternative and include contributions from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

"The matter of creating the international reserve currency based on the basket of currencies of our countries is under review," Putin told the BRICS Business Forum on Wednesday, according to a TASS report. "We are ready to openly work with all fair partners."

Meanwhile, China's foreign-exchange reserves — the world's largest — grew last month for the first time in 2022, state data showed. The nation's reserves rose by $80.6 billion to reach $3.13 trillion.

At the same time, the US dollar has hit a 20-year high in recent weeks.

In March, reports emerged of a Saudi oil deal priced in yuan. An economist told Insider that a deal done without dollars could signal unease in relying too heavily on the US currency.

"While any deal would be symbolic, the Chinese are not alone in the search for a nondollar reserve currency," Aleksandar Tomic previously told Insider. "Other countries' need for dollars exposes them to the US financial sector, and consequently gives the US political leverage."
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Re: China, Russia, etc vs ZOG (USSA, NATO, NWO) - What's Really Going On?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Here's another one on BRICS: Interesting picture of Emperor Xi... I guess he's around 5'9" and the Czar is only 5'5"ish or something, Xi looks even bigger than that vs the Czar in the pic, LOL, but hey, no worries, good for them for trying to break the grip of the ZOG bankers who control the jewnited states dollar and the Federal Reserve that prints money out of thin air to bury the world in usury and finance global wars and globohomo:
Russia and China are developing a new reserve currency with other BRICS countries, President Vladimir Putin said. ... imf-2022-6
The basket currency would rival a US-dominated IMF alternative and let Russia widen its influence, an analyst said.

The dollar's dominance is already eroding as central banks diversify into the Chinese yuan and smaller currencies.
Russia is ready to develop a new global reserve currency alongside China and other BRICS nations, in a potential challenge to the dominance of the US dollar.

President Vladimir Putin signaled the new reserve currency would be based on a basket of currencies from the group's members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

"The matter of creating the international reserve currency based on the basket of currencies of our countries is under review," Putin told the BRICS Business Forum on Wednesday, according to a TASS report. "We are ready to openly work with all fair partners."

The dollar has long been seen as the world's reserve currency, but its dominance in share of international currency reserves is waning. Central banks are looking to diversify their holdings into currencies like the yuan, as well as into non-traditional areas like the the Swedish krona and the South Korean won, according to the International Monetary Fund.

"This is a move to address the perceived US-hegemony of the IMF," ING's global head of markets Chris Turner said in a note. "It will allow BRICS to build their own sphere of influence and unit of currency within that sphere."

Russia's move comes after Western sanctions imposed over the Ukraine war all but cut the country out of the global financial system, curtailing access to its dollars and putting pressure on its economy.

"The speed with which western nations and its allies sanctioned Russian FX reserves (freezing around half) no doubt shocked Russian authorities," ING's Turner said.

"The Central Bank of Russia effectively admitted as much, and no doubt some BRICS nations — especially China — took notice of the speed and stealth at which the US Treasury moved," he added.

Those sanctions have likely encouraged Moscow and Beijing to work on an alternative to the IMF's international reserve asset, the special drawing rights, Turner suggested.

While it's not a reserve currency, the SDR is based on a basket of currencies made up of the US dollar, the euro, the British pound and Japan's yen — as well as China's yuan.

One possibility is that the BRICS basket currency could attract the reserves not just of the group's members, but also countries already in their range of influence, he suggested. These include nations in South Asia and the Middle East.

Russia has seen its currency the ruble rebound to above its pre-war level, thanks to central bank support, after it plunged 70% in less than two weeks after the Ukraine invasion. It has risen 15.2% in June to 1.87 cents. Meanwhile, the yuan has held steady at around $0.15 over the same period.
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