Macho Positivity Contest?

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Macho Positivity Contest?

Post by WilliamSmith »

So @WanderingProtagonist and I have both gone off on a few rants lately, me ending up unexpectedly without a woman one night and tying one on, doing some forum yelling in particularly strong voice (I never thought I'd be the kind of guy who did the "keyboard commando" thing until I found this one-of-a-kind forum where Winston actually allows free speech, LOL), then feeling a bit burned out with a hangover next morning and kicking myself for incremental liver damage and what would amount to testosterone reduction and muscle shrinkage if indulged in regularly. Especially since I hit age 40 recently...........

I need to stop these lapses in discipline...

They say life begins at 40.
Makes sense since I look good, and a lot of my favorite action movie role models from the 80s actually made their best when they were 40+(ish), yet my spine feels "crunchier" than it once did, LOL, and recovery from injuries and energy levels isn't quite the same.................

Maybe I should work out some kind of a quota system where for every time I focus on something negative, I post 5 positive things or something?? :mrgreen:

Might work, but on top of that, better yet: Maybe there's some cool way we could motivate each other and challenge each other since we have some aggressive personalities on here? 8)

@Lucas88 is obviously a warrior personality including with martial arts experience, I'm more a mixed bag with such inclinations too, yet frankly have traded my level of combat proficiency for chasing females, and now wish I'd "balanced" things a little more in favor of martial arts as well as chasing females......
@Cornfed is a muscleman who'd have Asian chicks and white chicks all over him if he wasn't such a vehement hater with some kind of specific religious rules....
But still, is there some way to break each other's balls and motivate each other, maybe? Women inspire me to be in good shape to impress them, bigtime, but they don't quite work for challenging you IMO, because they want you to lead when it comes to physical stuff...
I've never done any sports or military stuff because of my lone wolf leanings, and the guys who were into that instinctually struck me as faggy even before I turned into a virulent homophobe more recently...
Yet I need to find some solution for challenging myself to keep up my discipline to make my aggression explode into some healthy goal-oriented training of some sort (i.e. when no women are available to focus all my energy on them instead), and then sleep deeply each night...
I tried to get my jew bastard best friend to do this even just on the level of lifting weights, but he and my other best friend from days of yore who is a strong guy still are useless for this, they're good guys but they !@#$ing smoke weed and drink hard alcohol and are always getting in fights with each other over pretty much nothing even though both douchebags are thankfully doing OK financially, but they're no use.................

Well I'm not very coherent tonight, but looking for ideas...

Oh and I made my first "meme": I'm still looking good and haven't run myself down as much as our friend Mel Gibson did on the pic at left before getting his ass in gear, but in 10 years (or was he closer to 60 when this was taken, so 20 years from now?) I want to make sure I look more like the one on the right rather than the one on the left:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Macho Positivity Contest?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 4:17 am
So @WanderingProtagonist and I have both gone off on a few rants lately, me ending up unexpectedly without a woman one night and tying one on, doing some forum yelling in particularly strong voice (I never thought I'd be the kind of guy who did the "keyboard commando" thing until I found this one-of-a-kind forum where Winston actually allows free speech, LOL), then feeling a bit burned out with a hangover next morning and kicking myself for incremental liver damage and what would amount to testosterone reduction and muscle shrinkage if indulged in regularly. Especially since I hit age 40 recently...........

I need to stop these lapses in discipline...

They say life begins at 40.
Makes sense since I look good, and a lot of my favorite action movie role models from the 80s actually made their best when they were 40+(ish), yet my spine feels "crunchier" than it once did, LOL, and recovery from injuries and energy levels isn't quite the same.................

Maybe I should work out some kind of a quota system where for every time I focus on something negative, I post 5 positive things or something?? :mrgreen:

Might work, but on top of that, better yet: Maybe there's some cool way we could motivate each other and challenge each other since we have some aggressive personalities on here? 8)

@Lucas88 is obviously a warrior personality including with martial arts experience, I'm more a mixed bag with such inclinations too, yet frankly have traded my level of combat proficiency for chasing females, and now wish I'd "balanced" things a little more in favor of martial arts as well as chasing females......
@Cornfed is a muscleman who'd have Asian chicks and white chicks all over him if he wasn't such a vehement hater with some kind of specific religious rules....
But still, is there some way to break each other's balls and motivate each other, maybe? Women inspire me to be in good shape to impress them, bigtime, but they don't quite work for challenging you IMO, because they want you to lead when it comes to physical stuff...
I've never done any sports or military stuff because of my lone wolf leanings, and the guys who were into that instinctually struck me as faggy even before I turned into a virulent homophobe more recently...
Yet I need to find some solution for challenging myself to keep up my discipline to make my aggression explode into some healthy goal-oriented training of some sort (i.e. when no women are available to focus all my energy on them instead), and then sleep deeply each night...
I tried to get my jew bastard best friend to do this even just on the level of lifting weights, but he and my other best friend from days of yore who is a strong guy still are useless for this, they're good guys but they !@#$ing smoke weed and drink hard alcohol and are always getting in fights with each other over pretty much nothing even though both douchebags are thankfully doing OK financially, but they're no use.................

Well I'm not very coherent tonight, but looking for ideas...

Oh and I made my first "meme": I'm still looking good and haven't run myself down as much as our friend Mel Gibson did on the pic at left before getting his ass in gear, but in 10 years (or was he closer to 60 when this was taken, so 20 years from now?) I want to make sure I look more like the one on the right rather than the one on the left:
You know William, there's nothing wrong with some negative energy, some anger, and bitterness when you feel it. I think a lot of people often feel ashamed of themselves when they do this, but not me. Why? Because I'm 35 years old, will be 36 this October and come to the realization that everything in life since I was a child sucks now....You can work out every day, you can take testosterone pills to increase your sex drive and what not (given they actually do work, not sure I never tried them but some thought even if I never have sex). At the end of the day you might still feel bitter, and a sense of negative energy. Don't be like them phony ass filipinos and filipina's that are always talking about how they are never angry and to always be positive. They piss me off which is why I would never date someone with a fake sense of happiness and a "I am always positive and never negative" attitude. I see right through that as being fake, and I can't trust someone who never gets upset at all about anything. That means if they are upset they are likely to just hide it from you.
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Re: Macho Positivity Contest?

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 4:17 am
Well I'm not very coherent tonight, but looking for ideas...

Oh and I made my first "meme": I'm still looking good and haven't run myself down as much as our friend Mel Gibson did on the pic at left before getting his ass in gear, but in 10 years (or was he closer to 60 when this was taken, so 20 years from now?) I want to make sure I look more like the one on the right rather than the one on the left:

"Yep, I've been drinking again!" - WilliamSmith, 02/07/2022 :lol: :lol: :lol:


As for the topic of motivation, I seem to be only able to motivate myself to train consistently when I'm a member of a martial arts gym which offers daily classes at a fixed time and involves competent instructors with a solid training program and a likewise motivated team of students and sparring partners. Otherwise I just can't motivated myself to stick to a daily fitness routine. It wasn't always like that. When I was a teenager from the age of 13 I used to lift weights and do pull-ups and other bodyweight exercises at home religiously and then rarely missed a Jiujitsu class in the evenings. I don't know why I can no longer do that these days. Maybe now that I'm in my 30s training has lost its mystique for me. Or maybe I'm just too world-weary at this point (though still probably not as world-weary as @WanderingProtagonist) or just succumb too easily to modern technological distractions such as YouTube videos and other things on the internet.

I want to start training again once I've fully recovered from the last of the meridian blockages in my head and my legs are free of qi stagnation (which makes intense physical exertion difficult, btw). I'll probably ease myself into it with some kind of kickboxing class (I feel that kickboxing is one of the best martial arts for fitness training) and some steady runs through the woodlands which surround our town and then once I'm back into the swing of things I'll crank things up to some more intense MMA training. At the same time I'll begin to load the Melanotan again, get back on the sunbeds and get brown as fark. Once I'm back into good masculine shape I intend to travel to Spain or Latin America. From then onwards I'll be back to chasing hot Latinas with big butts!
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Re: Macho Positivity Contest?

Post by gsjackson »

A few thoughts:

I started waking up after just four or five hours of sleep 20 years ago when I started spending nights on the computer. It also coincided with winding down my handball (Irish-American version) playing days, so regardless of whatever working out I was still doing I didn't exhaust myself nearly so much as when I was playing. Sports, by the way, are the opposite of faggy. Sports are real and true meritocracies, unlike "real life." You can't bullshit your way to success in sports. Even Jews become relatively good citizens when they subject themselves to the disciplines of sports. But the saddest part of the last few years has been seeing American sports completely coopted by the narratives of wokeness. Was emasculation of the athletes one of the agenda items in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

Listen to your body as you get older and don't be reluctant to change up workouts. Experiment around. I'm having great results lately with the three-pound dumbbell routines used by the old-time strong men like Sandow (you squeeze them hard as you do the movement and focus intensely on the muscle being targeted). You'd be very surprised at the results, which have actually made me stronger on the bench machine. And doing the weight machines where you kick backwards (aiming mainly at the glutes) has caused my legs to blow up like nothing I did before (though I'm not a hard-core lifter by any means).

Mel salvaged his body, but not his face and hair, which I guess were sacrificed mainly to alcohol. So let me make the following point fully aware that that old troll Frank (aka Shemp) may be lying in wait under the bridge to strike again, as he did the last time I made the point (and I've never mentioned face cream on this forum or anywhere else). I quoted the actress Candace Bergen saying that she could save her ass or her face, but not both. Meaning if you work out too hard, depending on the type of workout, you're going to start looking wan and drawn in the face. Fat people often save their faces, but enclose them in a frame of lard. Find the happy medium, and while I don't put anything at all on my face except water and sometimes coconut or olive oil as a moisturizer, I do believe in facial exercises. The theory is that the face is made up of muscles just like the rest of the body and when they weaken with age they pull your face down with them. You can find exercises to strengthen and enlarge them so that the face stays up all over the internet.

And remember, everything the Zio-media tell you is the precise opposite of the truth, emphatically including health matters. Get plenty of sun. Don't block it with sunglasses, hats or toxic sunscreen. I once got a second-hand report from an old-timey doctor who said that for maximal health get two hours of direct cranial sun exposure every day you can. This is a blast from the past when some doctors actually thought they were in the health business.

If you want to see what I looked like last year at 70, try to find an old thread that I believed I titled My Video. I can't pull up any threads that haven't been posted to within about the last two weeks, for some reason. Cornfed said Kenny Rogers without the beard, and I'm assuming he's talking about the middle-aged Kenny, not the old cadaver with botched plastic surgery that roamed around under that name the last few years, I'll take that. Kenny was a major babe magnet in his day.
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Re: Macho Positivity Contest?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Amazingly enough, I have gotten orders of magnitude more positive surprisingly fast after my firm decision to lay 100+ new women, and maybe move to an even more ambitious target beyond that after I gradually work my way there. Laying 100+ new women is not a life mission, but it's a goal that's primally motivating enough I immediately started doing a better job cutting out negativity and sub-par alternative uses of time. Getting 100+ new women's legs waving in the air takes some concentrated focus, even though gsjackson correctly pointed out it's quite a modest goal compared with the Errol Flynns and Jack Nicholsons and Wilt Chamberlains and so on. :D

But I missed getting deeper into this great post from @gsjackson made a while ago:
gsjackson wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 5:08 pm
A few thoughts:

I started waking up after just four or five hours of sleep 20 years ago when I started spending nights on the computer. It also coincided with winding down my handball (Irish-American version) playing days, so regardless of whatever working out I was still doing I didn't exhaust myself nearly so much as when I was playing.
The important of getting a great sleep is something I've neglected too much, but I was reading Minervini's "Mindset Secrets for Winning" and he talked about recent research showing how the brain actually cleans and washes itself of toxins, but you need to get the classic 8 hours and not less to optimize it. Apparently only cutting off 2 hours off the 8 caused a measurable different in performance being tested in various ways, and the ones with 8 hours/night significantly outperformed the ones who got 6 hours.
gsjackson wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 5:08 pm
Sports, by the way, are the opposite of faggy. Sports are real and true meritocracies, unlike "real life." You can't bullshit your way to success in sports. Even Jews become relatively good citizens when they subject themselves to the disciplines of sports. But the saddest part of the last few years has been seeing American sports completely coopted by the narratives of wokeness. Was emasculation of the athletes one of the agenda items in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
I was never a team sports fan (also had some problems with jock-mouthbreathers, don't like those assholes) but I definitely agree overall. I am obsessed with "Lone Wolf' type stuff (in the Conan the Barbarian-esque, "rugged individualism," Han Solo, Army of One sense, not the vigilante type of "lone wolf") so I personally like the combat sports like @Lucas88 and I were talking about, though you definitely need to strike a balance between sustaining blows to the head and taking care of your physical health for the long-term. :lol:
gsjackson wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 5:08 pm
Listen to your body as you get older and don't be reluctant to change up workouts. Experiment around. I'm having great results lately with the three-pound dumbbell routines used by the old-time strong men like Sandow (you squeeze them hard as you do the movement and focus intensely on the muscle being targeted). You'd be very surprised at the results, which have actually made me stronger on the bench machine. And doing the weight machines where you kick backwards (aiming mainly at the glutes) has caused my legs to blow up like nothing I did before (though I'm not a hard-core lifter by any means).
That is awesome, and I've also been getting surprisingly solid results with lower weights and much higher reps with my old dumbbells, curlbar, and barbell. I also got some kettlebells inspired by Cornfed and that Russian guy Pavel something-or-other, but I like the results I'm getting and was pleasantly surprised to read some studies showing similar results with high reps but lighter weight.
But I can concur here on listening to the body as you get older, having just hit the dread 40 threshold, where there's still plenty of fire in you but you are getting plenty of "messages" from your old injuries, spinal column (having to lift gigantic railcar bridge beams with only one other guy in an emergency a few years ago wasn't optimal for that), and overall energy level, all warning you in advance that you're going to have to pace yourself a little differently than in my 20s. I used to just start deadlifting barely even warming up in my early 20s, for example, which probably wasn't a good idea even then even though I got away with it and came away with some muscle, but in my early 40s, forget it, now I'd rather do higher reps with less weight until I'm very nicely warmed up. :)
gsjackson wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 5:08 pm
Mel salvaged his body, but not his face and hair, which I guess were sacrificed mainly to alcohol. So let me make the following point fully aware that that old troll Frank (aka Shemp) may be lying in wait under the bridge to strike again, as he did the last time I made the point (and I've never mentioned face cream on this forum or anywhere else). I quoted the actress Candace Bergen saying that she could save her ass or her face, but not both. Meaning if you work out too hard, depending on the type of workout, you're going to start looking wan and drawn in the face. Fat people often save their faces, but enclose them in a frame of lard. Find the happy medium, and while I don't put anything at all on my face except water and sometimes coconut or olive oil as a moisturizer, I do believe in facial exercises. The theory is that the face is made up of muscles just like the rest of the body and when they weaken with age they pull your face down with them. You can find exercises to strengthen and enlarge them so that the face stays up all over the internet.
One of those veteran ladies' men told me a bunch of stuff about skin moisturizing cream and stuff like that for men, which I never thought about using. I still churlishly think of that kind of stuff as preening and peacock stuff by instinct, but that's not always true... That guy wasn't full of shit like the "SMV" types either, he 100% agreed that cosmetic stuff for men is vastly less important than primal masculinity and a good set of principles + knowhow for getting into women's "sex" category (as opposed to "provider/cashcow") and closing the deal as fast as possible to get the women into the sack, but at the same time was saying the better you look as you push into your 50's and 60's, the easier it is to keep up your success rate, so it's worth at least some effort...
It's true when I get chiseled then my face gets really gaunt. I already have coconut oil and olive oil for cooking, that's a good idea so you know you're now using some toxic pharmaceutical company product...

On the women's side: Candace Bergen said she could save either her face or her ass, but that's no doubt the POV of the poor feminine creatures who are trying to stay attractive to men who want women with tiny asses but smooth faces, a bit of a cop-out. That's why guys such as myself, @Lucas88, and @E Irizarry R&B Singer (and I believe @Pixel--dude too) are the gods' gifts to women who want to fatten themselves up to keep their face and skin smooth, but have a nice big fat womanly ass be seen as "a feature rather than a bug." :lol:
If I have an Asian girlfriend I always try to fatten them up, LOL, which might annoy them or might not, but I'd be doing them a favor if I fattened them up in their mid-20s or early 30's since then they wouldn't have to become cosmetic magic-workers to his as many wrinkles on their pretty faces later in their 40+ age range. If they'd been following the super-thin trends and starving themselves it's kinda hard for them not to get some more wrinkles...
gsjackson wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 5:08 pm
And remember, everything the Zio-media tell you is the precise opposite of the truth, emphatically including health matters. Get plenty of sun. Don't block it with sunglasses, hats or toxic sunscreen. I once got a second-hand report from an old-timey doctor who said that for maximal health get two hours of direct cranial sun exposure every day you can. This is a blast from the past when some doctors actually thought they were in the health business.
Often very true, but I have to put in a word here as a true son of Northern Darkness who was even born with golden curls as well as blue eyes and the long nose and everything: If you're naturally genetically pale as me, the kind of sun even in the Mountain states and certainly on the open ocean sailing even on the sunnier Left Coast (and no doubt the Caribbean and South East Asia) is going to scorch the !@#$ out of me and leave me looking like a lobster if I'm not careful. (It's happened numerous times and drains the life right out of me when I naively spend too long in direct sun because my energy and testosterone are up so I feel strong, but forget the sun's going to wallop me. But I know it's true some healthy sun exposure and outdoor time is great.)
I'll look into non-toxic sunscreens though, I wondered about whether mainstream products were safe...
gsjackson wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 5:08 pm
If you want to see what I looked like last year at 70, try to find an old thread that I believed I titled My Video. I can't pull up any threads that haven't been posted to within about the last two weeks, for some reason. Cornfed said Kenny Rogers without the beard, and I'm assuming he's talking about the middle-aged Kenny, not the old cadaver with botched plastic surgery that roamed around under that name the last few years, I'll take that. Kenny was a major babe magnet in his day.
That's awesome. :mrgreen:
I don't know much about Kenny other than that he's popularly quoted by stock traders about risk management (quoting his lyrics from "The Gambler", the obvious lessons being: "You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table. / There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done," and ""You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.")

I looked up Kenny's notch count and at first thought I was looking at a respectable 800, but looking more carefully, what it was saying was actually that he'd apparently set up an 800 # to have phone sex with women in the 1980s with the idea that'd get him into less trouble with his lays rather than more trouble, but some of the women got mad at him about it and squawked enough that it apparently caused a scandal.


How can a man possibly know Dolly Parton for 30 years and not be nailing her regularly though!?! Actually, they were probably both married, I'm always forgetting so many people do that! *smacks forehead* :o
(Or maybe he was being a gentleman and lying about how he never bagged her, but actually did. I'd do that, if I knew she wanted to keep getting pounded in bed by me secretly on a regular basis, but wanted to discretely keep it a secret so other people wouldn't pick on her about it. :) )

If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Macho Positivity Contest?

Post by WilliamSmith »

I'm narrowing down my specific countries I'm interested in and am edging toward getting consistently more positive. :D

Also the "Overton Window" is shifting, bigtime, which gives me hope. So many more people are redpilled about the international ZOG than I even realized, so I'm glad, and there's growing strong resistance to globohomo even though that menace is still growing like a plague in many countries.

Multiple African countries are introducing new legislation against homosexuality, but even where there is no specific legislation, public sentiment is growing against it and strengthening amongst people with protective attitudes toward children and families. (I've observed this in a number of countries as well as reading news.)

It gives me hope, even though we live in an extremely precarious time and there may be a significant amount of economic downturn that shakes things up, whether the jews get their WW3 over Russia/Ukraine/China like they're currently gunning for..........

But here's my idea for trying to force myself to consistently be more positive, since there's only so much I can do outside my personal sphere of impact:

Try to make a logged 10x more time into positive stuff vs negative from now on, LOL.
So on this forum, I'll try to mandate myself to make 10 positive posts for every negative one.

I'll formally start tomorrow, since I've already unleashed several polemics tonight and don't want to take the extra time to keep track since it's already late.

Coming up with an ideal time management and record keeping system is easier said than done, but I'm making some progress...................... OK, I updated the "Macho Positivity Contest" thread. If anyone actually wants to compete, just let me know, eh? LOL. :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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