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Eat Pray Love - HA film of a woman's meaningful travels abroad in Italy, India & Bali (true story)

Posted: January 21st, 2012, 2:43 pm
by Winston

Posted: January 21st, 2012, 7:15 pm
by Repatriate
Winston, a lot of superstars and the like move abroad permanently. Brad Pitt and Jolie have a large estate in France that they live on most of the year. Depp moved to France a long time ago and married a French woman. I think Terry Gilliam totally renounced his U.S. citizenship in favor of U.K. citizenship. There are a lot of others too that live abroad.

Posted: January 22nd, 2012, 7:45 am
by Winston
So why do so many superstars like to move abroad? Aren't their lives in the USA and Hollywood a total "dream come true"? What more do they need that Europe would offer them?

But of course, as we all know, celebrities can't be too truthful. They can only say politically correct things to reporters and the media. So if Depp has reasons about why his life in France is better than the US, or why he likes the culture there better, he can't just say it straight out. lol

Btw, that Julia Roberts trailer was for a movie called "Eat Pray Love" where she goes on a journey of self-discovery by traveling around the world. She plays a character who is happier abroad. But as to whether the real Julia Roberts is happier abroad or not, I can't say. But then again, even if she was, she can't just say it straight out. Celebrities can't risk damaging their reputation by criticizing their own culture. To do so would be "biting the hand that feeds you".

Posted: January 22nd, 2012, 10:19 am
by zboy1
Winston, Johnny Depp has said some incredibly anti-American statements while abroad; so have many other celebrities as Repatriate as mentioned. Google what Kate Hudson, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn, and especially Gwyneth Kate Paltrow (lives in U.K.) have said about America. I think the fact many American celebrities get the see the world outside of the U.S., opens their eyes in a lot of cases to the B.S. that goes on in this country.

Posted: February 11th, 2012, 11:00 am
by Winston
Ok I just saw the film "Eat Pray Love" with Julia Roberts. Not bad at all. It captures the spirit of travel.

The scenes in India where she tries to meditate are funny, and something we can all relate to. There was also a scene in Rome in a barber shop where a guy gives Julia Roberts a rant that Americans don't know how to enjoy pleasure, only entertainment, and how they don't know how to truly live. It was very accurate and I'm surprised that a movie would broadcast such typical comments made by Europeans.

But I got to wonder, how come they would make a movie about a wife escaping the rut of her marriage to travel the world and meet many handsome charming men who all treat her like a princess, but they don't make any films about a guy who leaves his wife to go meet many charming women with positive results?

Also, Julia Roberts looks over the hill now, and it shows. It's not likely that handsome foreign men would fall for her character like that and chase her to try to win her love. Yeah right.

Author Of ‘Eat Pray Love,’ Getting Divorced

Posted: July 3rd, 2016, 10:05 am
by Teal Lantern
Author Of ‘Eat Pray Love,’ Getting Divorced ... -divorced/
Elizabeth Gilbert, the 46-year-old author who wrote “Eat Pray Love,” and her husband Jose Nunes are splitting up after 12 years together
“I am separating from the man whom many of you know as ‘Felipe’ — the man whom I fell in love with at the end of the EAT PRAY LOVE journey.”

“Our split is very amicable. Our reasons are very personal.”
Maybe he at least got citizenship out of the deal. 8)

Re: Author Of ‘Eat Pray Love,’ Getting Divorced

Posted: July 3rd, 2016, 1:21 pm
by Adama
Most of these women don't even realize they are the women. They think they are the equivalent of men, and they act accordingly. Unfortunately a man in a woman's body isn't all that attractive to a heterosexual man in many cases. Too bad.

Re: Author Of ‘Eat Pray Love,’ Getting Divorced

Posted: July 3rd, 2016, 9:59 pm
by droid
Teal Lantern wrote:Author Of ‘Eat Pray Love,’ Getting Divorced
You don't say!

Re: Author Of ‘Eat Pray Love,’ Getting Divorced

Posted: July 6th, 2016, 10:00 am
by WorldTraveler
I'm not the least bit surprised. She left her first husband because she wanted adventure. She met Filipe her current husband that she is divorcing while in Bali. My guess is that she'll write a new book about her next adventure. The movie is filmed well with beautiful scenery.

Re: Eat Pray Love - Realistic film of a woman's meaningful HA experiences & true story!

Posted: May 13th, 2019, 10:24 am
by Winston
I just saw the movie "eat pray love" again last night, starring julia roberts. Its the perfect film for women who want to go abroad and discover themselves. Like dianne does now. Heres the trailer and info.

Surprisingly it was very good and meaningful and realistic too. A great example of the happier abroad theme. There were many meaningful scenes and spiritual lessons along her journey. And good mentors who shared her pain and shared their wisdom with her too.

There were some deep lessons about healing from past pain and finding balance within too. And spiritual lessons from the ashram in India. And many good lessons in italy about how italians live and why they are more soulful and alive than americans.

The film also showed happier abroad concepts about how people are friendlier abroad and easier to make friends with. And how europeans are more soulful and alive and know how to enjoy life more. The barber shop scene was very revealing about the american attitude toward pleasure vs the european one.

It was also a great example of how traveling helps you to discover yourself and be free and find meaning and balance in yourself.

I cant believe when i told my forum about this film years ago the guys all trashed it as a female narcissistic film. They trashed it simply because the protagonist was a woman. Not because it was a bad film. Thats a stupid reason to bash a film. A film should be judged impartially on its merits. Not on its gender alone.

Sure one could argue that the protagonist played by julia roberts was selfish and a bad wife by leaving her husband because she didnt want to be tied down to an empty routine existence just because society said so.

But thats a matter of perspective. I can empathize with how she felt, about wanting to feel alive again and be filled with a child like sense of wonder, curiosity, awe and spirit, which you cant get in the soulless routine of modern america. I feel that way too and can relate to that, regardless of whether shes male or female.

Also even if she is selfish (which she admits to in the film) so what? Everyone is selfish these days, especially in America which is a culture of narcissism, independence and individuality. So its human nature. Besides its important to follow ones heart and soul, otherwise you will never discover your destiny or the universes plan for you.

Furthermore, if you think about it, its much better to do what makes you feel ALIVE and meaningful, even if it makes you "selfish", than to be miserable and feel unalive and dead, just to appease others and appear "unselfish" so you can be what others expect of you. If you think about it theres simply no comparison. As the great mythologist Joseph Campbell said, "People deep down are looking for the rapture of being ALIVE, not just seeking meaning or happiness." Very true and i agree with that.

Anyway guys, just because shes a woman doesnt take anything away from that. I cant believe guys are so narrow and hateful and misogynistic not to like a good meaningful happier abroad type film like this just because the protagonist HAer is a woman. Thats so lame and illogical and a double standard too.

To dismiss a whole good meaningful film just because the protagonist is a woman is lame and illogical and biased and emotional. I hope someone more neutral and unbiased who doesnt hate women can appreciate this meaningful and realistic film and the real life lessons to be learned from it.

Also the female protagonist in this is not some invincible female warrior character like rey in star wars or captain marvel. She is very human and vulnerable with many faults and does not pretend to be perfect. (Unlike most men who refuse to admit their flaws) Thus we can all relate to her. Because shes a realistic character that any freespirit will relate to.

Anyway check it out. Im sure you will love it and find it meaningful with many good life lessons to be learned from it if you view it without any bias or hatred.

Re: Eat Pray Love - Realistic film of a woman's meaningful HA experiences & true story!

Posted: May 13th, 2019, 11:04 am
by Shemp
Winston wrote:
May 13th, 2019, 10:24 am
Anyway guys, just because shes a woman doesnt take anything away from that. I cant believe guys are so narrow and hateful and misogynistic not to like a good meaningful happier abroad type film like this just because the protagonist HAer is a woman. Thats so lame and illogical and a double standard too.
I completely agree that many men have a double standard. As I discussed in the MGTOW thread, feminism and MGTOW (and homosexuality) are all variations on the same theme, which is selfish and usually childfree hedonism. I'm a selfish and childless single man, who has been living for his own selfish happiness all his life, so how can I honestly condemn feminist women who live selfishly?

People who marry young, have lots of children, and stay married forever are also selfish: just a different lifestyle makes them happy. And if they are not happy with this lifestyle, then they are fools to have chosen it.

Re: Eat Pray Love - HA film of a woman's meaningful travels abroad in Italy, India & Bali (true story)

Posted: August 21st, 2020, 12:55 am
by Winston
Another HA woman's story in Italy. Why do all HA women's movies take place in Italy? Lol. Such as "Under the Tuscan Sun"?

See trailer below. Doesn't this make you want to go to Italy? The trailer describes Italy as "the land of enchantment". Lol

Stealing Beauty (1996)

"After her mother commits suicide, a young woman travels to Italy in search of love, truth and a deeper connection with herself."

Re: Eat Pray Love - HA film of a woman's meaningful travels abroad in Italy, India & Bali (true story)

Posted: August 21st, 2020, 1:04 am
by Winston
Here's "Under the Tuscan Sun". It's similar to "Eat, Pray, Love" with Julia Roberts. An American woman (Diane Lane) leaves a bad marriage and goes to Italy. There she buys a villa and falls in love. Here's the trailer. So does this mean that AW have dreams of being happier abroad too? Lol

Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)

Why do all HA films with American women as the protagonist have them going to Italy? What's the obsession or connection between American women and Italy?

Re: Eat Pray Love - HA film of a woman's meaningful travels abroad in Italy, India & Bali (true story)

Posted: August 21st, 2020, 8:13 am
by Winston
Even this 1975 movie "Mahogany" starring Diana Ross, which contained her beautiful song "do you know where you're going to", has her going from Chicago to Italy to achieve fame and success. Lol. I guess Italy is the land of opportunity where dreams come true, contrary to what Alex says, for American women that is. Lol

Mahogany (1975)

Full movie Mahogany

Isnt the theme song so sublime? Lol

Dont you love that theme? Isnt it beautiful?

Here's the scene where Diana Ross goes to italy and sees the sights of Rome. Doesnt it look exotic?

Re: Eat Pray Love - HA film of a woman's meaningful travels abroad in Italy, India & Bali (true story)

Posted: March 2nd, 2022, 10:25 am
by Winston
Another American girl in Italy movie dating handsome men and surrounded by classic Italian scenery. lol. The blonde girl in it is perfect looking and symmetrical. My dream blonde girl. What do you think @publicduende? Does Italy really look this romantic? If so, how can anyone ever leave it? lol

Letters to Juliet (2010) Trailer