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Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm
by yick
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 3:16 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 6:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 5:58 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 25th, 2023, 10:32 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 25th, 2023, 10:05 pm

“How the West want to destroy Western Civilization.” It’s evil, plain and simple. It’s diabolical. I wondered how white libtards would allow their own towns and cities to be ruined, sacrificing their own safety. Well, when you’re an evil piece of crap you’d cut off your own leg as long as it can hurt your enemies, kind of like the people that shoot up a bunch of kids, then kill themselves afterwards.

As someone who is very right wing and white nationalist minded. The white liberals and the average Westerner is so disgusting that I might have to celebrate when the dindus and muzzies start rioting, murdering and pillaging these formerly great cities in the West.
I mean it’s basically every day now, where I read some sick crap about some guy that puts razor blades on a playground slide. Or a dad that shoots his 3 boys, or a mom that lets their toddler crap all over the place while they starve. On and on and on the sickness and depravity goes.
That's just the mental fabrication of society breaking down, many years of manipulation, mental harm, abuse, etc. Plus add on top of how ridiculously hard everything is right now for people globally. I saw an article that said over 100,000,000 people in America are jobless. Now that might be false or over-exaggerating the number of people that either don't have a job. But then there are also people that do have a job but still have to live off scraps and struggle even if their job somewhat pays well.

All of this strife, struggle, etc it's intentionally to make it impossible for people to rise up and fight back. They are doing it because it makes it that much easier to control these people when the time comes. But there are also reports saying WEF is going to fail, UN is already falling apart, and a lot of stuff could happen in 2024 but I still feel that it's too late to undo all the mental harm and damage. All people do is just talk, yet no one wants to fix the damn problems. If you take into consideration how everything was long before it got to this point.....Humanity in West is severely crippled and mentally unstable. Think about how life is in North Korea.

Only Kim gets to enjoy life, but his own people are severely miserable, yet he doesn't give a shit. The military won't ever turn on him, and the people aren't able to successfully revolt at all but should anyway since they really have nothing to lose. If he murdered his entire country that resisted, what would he have to rule over? Nothing. Shit would drive him crazy and he might even kill himself. Truth is these people making life impossible need us more than we need them. Without us they have nothing but their wealth. They get off on seeing everyone with nothing, struggling and hurting. If we all disappeared and it was just them left on this planet, they would all go mad and commit suicide. They play with people's lives like it's a game.

Most of these cities have already been destroyed, it's just that in order for their to be any change, the leaders themselves need to be victimized by the policies they force on everyone else. If Newsom was punched in his face and beat to shit in public, he would quickly try to fix the problems in CA out of fear that it could happen to him again. Like I said, these leaders are never victims of their own policies, it's the citizens who pay the damn price for everything they f***ing do. And that goes for the citizens who don't vote for these backstabbing assholes. When Detroit was on the verge of collapsing, everyone who could afford to packed up and left. Now look at the place...
You see lots of videos like this these days. ... ood-money/

At least Argentina elected a super based right wing leader, and the Netherlands elected Geert Wilders. They must have been dealing with an absolute ass load of crime from migrants for such a left wing country to elect him. Some of the woke BS, especially in the entertainment is becoming increasing unpopular.
Hopefully Italy get rid of them African males, that or someone should toss Meloni sorry ass into the horde so she can get raped by them. Let her see how it feels when some of the women there suffered from her ignorance. One thing about Italians they never asked to be invaded, and they don't go around supporting open borders either. Most Far Right leaders get accused of being racist though, and that usually make them fold when too much pressure is put on them to be more openly "tolerant" of other people. People fear that word just like in America people fear being labeled "Anti-Semite" you hear that word a lot from Conservatives that slander anyone who isn't pro-Israel. Argentina is also a very poor and busted up country, they haven't recovered from their financial situation in a long time.

I think places like Sweden however are totally lost forever, I don't even like looking at photos of these countries anymore because when they show all the migrants in them, they look like they've lost their identity. I honestly wish the U.S. would stop destroying all these other countries, it's because of them people are being displayed all over the world. America is one of the most irritating corrupted countries in the world and I seriously do hope they get dethroned one day. Another thing is China, they need to stop stealing opportunities from Africans so they can stay where they are. All these asshole countries with power are the main ones f***ing up everything.

The U.S. deliberately bombed so many countries in the Middle East, and if they help Israel destroy more Middle Eastern countries, that will just give them an excuse to import more Muslims into Europe and the US. WEF, EU, and the UN also got to go too who are just trying to profit off the migrant invasion by taking advantage of how ignorant and dumb those people are. If all three of them were destroyed people can regain back their countries and remove the invaders, but they also need serious leaders that can't be bought with money who get intimidated by stupid words, and sadly even Far Right leaders are easily bought and aren't entirely honorable to their own citizens. That's why I don't trust them or the left. They both suck ass. The one thing about the left though, if you called Hilary Clinton a bad name she wouldn't give a shit.

She would keep doing what she does. I think Far Right leaders are more easier to manipulate than the Leftist ones. Leftist usually stick to their beliefs even if it hurts their image and make them look bad. The only time they change their views is like the mayor in New York when it started affecting him directly. But the thing is most leaders aren't affected by their own shit policies. Newsom for instance knows he's hated, Californians tried to remove him with a recall and failed. Regardless Newsom continues to be Newsom no matter how much he's hated and people want his ass gone. He doesn't give a shit, and refuse to change or improve California. Instead he finds more and more new ways to f**k it up even more. That's how Leftist role. Not even giving a shit if you hate them. They do what's best for them and could care less if other people get screwed. Plus he knows that Democrats are immune to being thrown out in this state.

Therefore they continue to destroy it even further. I mean leftist are practically racist themselves but are allowed to be, they are heavily anti-white unless they are LBGTQ. BUT being anti-white doesn't harm them even when they get called out for it they continue to be anti-white and fake being Pro-Black because blacks are always voting for Democratic leaders in America. Because of that very reason the Leftist want to make it seem as though they care about them more than the right does. Hence the reason they are free to run wild and do whatever they want in Blue States without barely being punished. CA black policy makers even came up with a law that will no longer hold black men responsible for getting a woman pregnant but Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic men, etc still have to pay child support if they get a woman pregnant and try to pull a fast one and run. Except Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic men rarely abandon their kids when a woman gets pregnant and they don't end up impregnating 30+ different women either.
Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything about the dindus, muzzies or other protected groups, but it’s fine to be blatantly, overtly anti-white to the point where you can call for them to be killed. The hypocrisy from them is astounding. The libtards who gobble it up only seem to care(sometimes) when their own white kids are told they’re evil by some left wing bastard in the public school system.

The situation overall is pretty blackpill. The wars won’t stop. The debt’s gonna pile on. The crime will get worse. The left will do their thing. The third world will pour in. The New World Order people will continue getting closer to their goal. So I pretty much just bury myself in my hobbies these days. At least if WW3 happens a lot of these scum and dumbass sheep will be eliminated.
Shut up you idiot.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm
by NPCslammer
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 3:16 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 6:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 5:58 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 25th, 2023, 10:32 pm

That's just the mental fabrication of society breaking down, many years of manipulation, mental harm, abuse, etc. Plus add on top of how ridiculously hard everything is right now for people globally. I saw an article that said over 100,000,000 people in America are jobless. Now that might be false or over-exaggerating the number of people that either don't have a job. But then there are also people that do have a job but still have to live off scraps and struggle even if their job somewhat pays well.

All of this strife, struggle, etc it's intentionally to make it impossible for people to rise up and fight back. They are doing it because it makes it that much easier to control these people when the time comes. But there are also reports saying WEF is going to fail, UN is already falling apart, and a lot of stuff could happen in 2024 but I still feel that it's too late to undo all the mental harm and damage. All people do is just talk, yet no one wants to fix the damn problems. If you take into consideration how everything was long before it got to this point.....Humanity in West is severely crippled and mentally unstable. Think about how life is in North Korea.

Only Kim gets to enjoy life, but his own people are severely miserable, yet he doesn't give a shit. The military won't ever turn on him, and the people aren't able to successfully revolt at all but should anyway since they really have nothing to lose. If he murdered his entire country that resisted, what would he have to rule over? Nothing. Shit would drive him crazy and he might even kill himself. Truth is these people making life impossible need us more than we need them. Without us they have nothing but their wealth. They get off on seeing everyone with nothing, struggling and hurting. If we all disappeared and it was just them left on this planet, they would all go mad and commit suicide. They play with people's lives like it's a game.

Most of these cities have already been destroyed, it's just that in order for their to be any change, the leaders themselves need to be victimized by the policies they force on everyone else. If Newsom was punched in his face and beat to shit in public, he would quickly try to fix the problems in CA out of fear that it could happen to him again. Like I said, these leaders are never victims of their own policies, it's the citizens who pay the damn price for everything they f***ing do. And that goes for the citizens who don't vote for these backstabbing assholes. When Detroit was on the verge of collapsing, everyone who could afford to packed up and left. Now look at the place...
You see lots of videos like this these days. ... ood-money/

At least Argentina elected a super based right wing leader, and the Netherlands elected Geert Wilders. They must have been dealing with an absolute ass load of crime from migrants for such a left wing country to elect him. Some of the woke BS, especially in the entertainment is becoming increasing unpopular.
Hopefully Italy get rid of them African males, that or someone should toss Meloni sorry ass into the horde so she can get raped by them. Let her see how it feels when some of the women there suffered from her ignorance. One thing about Italians they never asked to be invaded, and they don't go around supporting open borders either. Most Far Right leaders get accused of being racist though, and that usually make them fold when too much pressure is put on them to be more openly "tolerant" of other people. People fear that word just like in America people fear being labeled "Anti-Semite" you hear that word a lot from Conservatives that slander anyone who isn't pro-Israel. Argentina is also a very poor and busted up country, they haven't recovered from their financial situation in a long time.

I think places like Sweden however are totally lost forever, I don't even like looking at photos of these countries anymore because when they show all the migrants in them, they look like they've lost their identity. I honestly wish the U.S. would stop destroying all these other countries, it's because of them people are being displayed all over the world. America is one of the most irritating corrupted countries in the world and I seriously do hope they get dethroned one day. Another thing is China, they need to stop stealing opportunities from Africans so they can stay where they are. All these asshole countries with power are the main ones f***ing up everything.

The U.S. deliberately bombed so many countries in the Middle East, and if they help Israel destroy more Middle Eastern countries, that will just give them an excuse to import more Muslims into Europe and the US. WEF, EU, and the UN also got to go too who are just trying to profit off the migrant invasion by taking advantage of how ignorant and dumb those people are. If all three of them were destroyed people can regain back their countries and remove the invaders, but they also need serious leaders that can't be bought with money who get intimidated by stupid words, and sadly even Far Right leaders are easily bought and aren't entirely honorable to their own citizens. That's why I don't trust them or the left. They both suck ass. The one thing about the left though, if you called Hilary Clinton a bad name she wouldn't give a shit.

She would keep doing what she does. I think Far Right leaders are more easier to manipulate than the Leftist ones. Leftist usually stick to their beliefs even if it hurts their image and make them look bad. The only time they change their views is like the mayor in New York when it started affecting him directly. But the thing is most leaders aren't affected by their own shit policies. Newsom for instance knows he's hated, Californians tried to remove him with a recall and failed. Regardless Newsom continues to be Newsom no matter how much he's hated and people want his ass gone. He doesn't give a shit, and refuse to change or improve California. Instead he finds more and more new ways to f**k it up even more. That's how Leftist role. Not even giving a shit if you hate them. They do what's best for them and could care less if other people get screwed. Plus he knows that Democrats are immune to being thrown out in this state.

Therefore they continue to destroy it even further. I mean leftist are practically racist themselves but are allowed to be, they are heavily anti-white unless they are LBGTQ. BUT being anti-white doesn't harm them even when they get called out for it they continue to be anti-white and fake being Pro-Black because blacks are always voting for Democratic leaders in America. Because of that very reason the Leftist want to make it seem as though they care about them more than the right does. Hence the reason they are free to run wild and do whatever they want in Blue States without barely being punished. CA black policy makers even came up with a law that will no longer hold black men responsible for getting a woman pregnant but Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic men, etc still have to pay child support if they get a woman pregnant and try to pull a fast one and run. Except Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic men rarely abandon their kids when a woman gets pregnant and they don't end up impregnating 30+ different women either.
Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything about the dindus, muzzies or other protected groups, but it’s fine to be blatantly, overtly anti-white to the point where you can call for them to be killed. The hypocrisy from them is astounding. The libtards who gobble it up only seem to care(sometimes) when their own white kids are told they’re evil by some left wing bastard in the public school system.

The situation overall is pretty blackpill. The wars won’t stop. The debt’s gonna pile on. The crime will get worse. The left will do their thing. The third world will pour in. The New World Order people will continue getting closer to their goal. So I pretty much just bury myself in my hobbies these days. At least if WW3 happens a lot of these scum and dumbass sheep will be eliminated.
Shut up you idiot.
Shut your own ass up, p***y.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm
by yick
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 3:16 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 6:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 5:58 am

You see lots of videos like this these days. ... ood-money/

At least Argentina elected a super based right wing leader, and the Netherlands elected Geert Wilders. They must have been dealing with an absolute ass load of crime from migrants for such a left wing country to elect him. Some of the woke BS, especially in the entertainment is becoming increasing unpopular.
Hopefully Italy get rid of them African males, that or someone should toss Meloni sorry ass into the horde so she can get raped by them. Let her see how it feels when some of the women there suffered from her ignorance. One thing about Italians they never asked to be invaded, and they don't go around supporting open borders either. Most Far Right leaders get accused of being racist though, and that usually make them fold when too much pressure is put on them to be more openly "tolerant" of other people. People fear that word just like in America people fear being labeled "Anti-Semite" you hear that word a lot from Conservatives that slander anyone who isn't pro-Israel. Argentina is also a very poor and busted up country, they haven't recovered from their financial situation in a long time.

I think places like Sweden however are totally lost forever, I don't even like looking at photos of these countries anymore because when they show all the migrants in them, they look like they've lost their identity. I honestly wish the U.S. would stop destroying all these other countries, it's because of them people are being displayed all over the world. America is one of the most irritating corrupted countries in the world and I seriously do hope they get dethroned one day. Another thing is China, they need to stop stealing opportunities from Africans so they can stay where they are. All these asshole countries with power are the main ones f***ing up everything.

The U.S. deliberately bombed so many countries in the Middle East, and if they help Israel destroy more Middle Eastern countries, that will just give them an excuse to import more Muslims into Europe and the US. WEF, EU, and the UN also got to go too who are just trying to profit off the migrant invasion by taking advantage of how ignorant and dumb those people are. If all three of them were destroyed people can regain back their countries and remove the invaders, but they also need serious leaders that can't be bought with money who get intimidated by stupid words, and sadly even Far Right leaders are easily bought and aren't entirely honorable to their own citizens. That's why I don't trust them or the left. They both suck ass. The one thing about the left though, if you called Hilary Clinton a bad name she wouldn't give a shit.

She would keep doing what she does. I think Far Right leaders are more easier to manipulate than the Leftist ones. Leftist usually stick to their beliefs even if it hurts their image and make them look bad. The only time they change their views is like the mayor in New York when it started affecting him directly. But the thing is most leaders aren't affected by their own shit policies. Newsom for instance knows he's hated, Californians tried to remove him with a recall and failed. Regardless Newsom continues to be Newsom no matter how much he's hated and people want his ass gone. He doesn't give a shit, and refuse to change or improve California. Instead he finds more and more new ways to f**k it up even more. That's how Leftist role. Not even giving a shit if you hate them. They do what's best for them and could care less if other people get screwed. Plus he knows that Democrats are immune to being thrown out in this state.

Therefore they continue to destroy it even further. I mean leftist are practically racist themselves but are allowed to be, they are heavily anti-white unless they are LBGTQ. BUT being anti-white doesn't harm them even when they get called out for it they continue to be anti-white and fake being Pro-Black because blacks are always voting for Democratic leaders in America. Because of that very reason the Leftist want to make it seem as though they care about them more than the right does. Hence the reason they are free to run wild and do whatever they want in Blue States without barely being punished. CA black policy makers even came up with a law that will no longer hold black men responsible for getting a woman pregnant but Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic men, etc still have to pay child support if they get a woman pregnant and try to pull a fast one and run. Except Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic men rarely abandon their kids when a woman gets pregnant and they don't end up impregnating 30+ different women either.
Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything about the dindus, muzzies or other protected groups, but it’s fine to be blatantly, overtly anti-white to the point where you can call for them to be killed. The hypocrisy from them is astounding. The libtards who gobble it up only seem to care(sometimes) when their own white kids are told they’re evil by some left wing bastard in the public school system.

The situation overall is pretty blackpill. The wars won’t stop. The debt’s gonna pile on. The crime will get worse. The left will do their thing. The third world will pour in. The New World Order people will continue getting closer to their goal. So I pretty much just bury myself in my hobbies these days. At least if WW3 happens a lot of these scum and dumbass sheep will be eliminated.
Shut up you idiot.
Shut your own ass up, p***y.
Shut up, cunt.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm
by NPCslammer
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 3:16 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 6:44 am

Hopefully Italy get rid of them African males, that or someone should toss Meloni sorry ass into the horde so she can get raped by them. Let her see how it feels when some of the women there suffered from her ignorance. One thing about Italians they never asked to be invaded, and they don't go around supporting open borders either. Most Far Right leaders get accused of being racist though, and that usually make them fold when too much pressure is put on them to be more openly "tolerant" of other people. People fear that word just like in America people fear being labeled "Anti-Semite" you hear that word a lot from Conservatives that slander anyone who isn't pro-Israel. Argentina is also a very poor and busted up country, they haven't recovered from their financial situation in a long time.

I think places like Sweden however are totally lost forever, I don't even like looking at photos of these countries anymore because when they show all the migrants in them, they look like they've lost their identity. I honestly wish the U.S. would stop destroying all these other countries, it's because of them people are being displayed all over the world. America is one of the most irritating corrupted countries in the world and I seriously do hope they get dethroned one day. Another thing is China, they need to stop stealing opportunities from Africans so they can stay where they are. All these asshole countries with power are the main ones f***ing up everything.

The U.S. deliberately bombed so many countries in the Middle East, and if they help Israel destroy more Middle Eastern countries, that will just give them an excuse to import more Muslims into Europe and the US. WEF, EU, and the UN also got to go too who are just trying to profit off the migrant invasion by taking advantage of how ignorant and dumb those people are. If all three of them were destroyed people can regain back their countries and remove the invaders, but they also need serious leaders that can't be bought with money who get intimidated by stupid words, and sadly even Far Right leaders are easily bought and aren't entirely honorable to their own citizens. That's why I don't trust them or the left. They both suck ass. The one thing about the left though, if you called Hilary Clinton a bad name she wouldn't give a shit.

She would keep doing what she does. I think Far Right leaders are more easier to manipulate than the Leftist ones. Leftist usually stick to their beliefs even if it hurts their image and make them look bad. The only time they change their views is like the mayor in New York when it started affecting him directly. But the thing is most leaders aren't affected by their own shit policies. Newsom for instance knows he's hated, Californians tried to remove him with a recall and failed. Regardless Newsom continues to be Newsom no matter how much he's hated and people want his ass gone. He doesn't give a shit, and refuse to change or improve California. Instead he finds more and more new ways to f**k it up even more. That's how Leftist role. Not even giving a shit if you hate them. They do what's best for them and could care less if other people get screwed. Plus he knows that Democrats are immune to being thrown out in this state.

Therefore they continue to destroy it even further. I mean leftist are practically racist themselves but are allowed to be, they are heavily anti-white unless they are LBGTQ. BUT being anti-white doesn't harm them even when they get called out for it they continue to be anti-white and fake being Pro-Black because blacks are always voting for Democratic leaders in America. Because of that very reason the Leftist want to make it seem as though they care about them more than the right does. Hence the reason they are free to run wild and do whatever they want in Blue States without barely being punished. CA black policy makers even came up with a law that will no longer hold black men responsible for getting a woman pregnant but Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic men, etc still have to pay child support if they get a woman pregnant and try to pull a fast one and run. Except Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic men rarely abandon their kids when a woman gets pregnant and they don't end up impregnating 30+ different women either.
Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything about the dindus, muzzies or other protected groups, but it’s fine to be blatantly, overtly anti-white to the point where you can call for them to be killed. The hypocrisy from them is astounding. The libtards who gobble it up only seem to care(sometimes) when their own white kids are told they’re evil by some left wing bastard in the public school system.

The situation overall is pretty blackpill. The wars won’t stop. The debt’s gonna pile on. The crime will get worse. The left will do their thing. The third world will pour in. The New World Order people will continue getting closer to their goal. So I pretty much just bury myself in my hobbies these days. At least if WW3 happens a lot of these scum and dumbass sheep will be eliminated.
Shut up you idiot.
Shut your own ass up, p***y.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, whiny little bitch.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 12:13 am
by WanderingProtagonist
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 3:16 pm

Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything about the dindus, muzzies or other protected groups, but it’s fine to be blatantly, overtly anti-white to the point where you can call for them to be killed. The hypocrisy from them is astounding. The libtards who gobble it up only seem to care(sometimes) when their own white kids are told they’re evil by some left wing bastard in the public school system.

The situation overall is pretty blackpill. The wars won’t stop. The debt’s gonna pile on. The crime will get worse. The left will do their thing. The third world will pour in. The New World Order people will continue getting closer to their goal. So I pretty much just bury myself in my hobbies these days. At least if WW3 happens a lot of these scum and dumbass sheep will be eliminated.
Shut up you idiot.
Shut your own ass up, p***y.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, whiny little bitch.
LOL I didn't know who you were yelling at, but then I saw Yick. So yeah, we went off topic anyway about the original discussion being about Floyd, but hell. A conversation is a conversation. And I'll engage any topic of interest. Not sure what Yick is trying to do though, :?

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am
by yick
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 3:16 pm

Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything about the dindus, muzzies or other protected groups, but it’s fine to be blatantly, overtly anti-white to the point where you can call for them to be killed. The hypocrisy from them is astounding. The libtards who gobble it up only seem to care(sometimes) when their own white kids are told they’re evil by some left wing bastard in the public school system.

The situation overall is pretty blackpill. The wars won’t stop. The debt’s gonna pile on. The crime will get worse. The left will do their thing. The third world will pour in. The New World Order people will continue getting closer to their goal. So I pretty much just bury myself in my hobbies these days. At least if WW3 happens a lot of these scum and dumbass sheep will be eliminated.
Shut up you idiot.
Shut your own ass up, p***y.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, whiny little bitch.
Shut up, cunt.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am
by NPCslammer
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 4:01 pm

Shut up you idiot.
Shut your own ass up, p***y.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, whiny little bitch.
Shut up, cunt.
Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
by yick
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:13 pm

Shut your own ass up, p***y.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, whiny little bitch.
Shut up, cunt.
Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
by NPCslammer
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm
yick wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:49 pm

Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, whiny little bitch.
Shut up, cunt.
Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 3:00 pm
by yick
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 26th, 2023, 11:55 pm

Shut up, whiny little bitch.
Shut up, cunt.
Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, twat.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 4:51 pm
by NPCslammer
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 3:00 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am

Shut up, cunt.
Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, twat.
Shut up, cunt.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 7:46 pm
by kangarunner
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 3:00 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:44 am

Shut up, cunt.
Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, twat.
@yick Mate aren't you in your 50s? This shit is like high school.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 8:16 pm
by yick
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:51 pm
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 3:00 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am

Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, twat.
Shut up, cunt.
Yes, shut up cunt.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 8:17 pm
by yick
kangarunner wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 7:46 pm
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 3:00 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 12:57 am

Don’t have to. What are you going to do about it, p***y boy?
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, twat.
@yick Mate aren't you in your 50s? This shit is like high school.
As you having a mental breakdown over Winston winding you up about how great the south is.

You have come on 'Happier Abroad' for adult discourse, which very little you provide yourself, maybe you need to grow up.

Re: Is Derek Chauvin innocent?

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 8:18 pm
by NPCslammer
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 8:17 pm
kangarunner wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 7:46 pm
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 3:00 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 5:04 am
yick wrote:
November 27th, 2023, 4:40 am

Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, cunt.
Shut up, twat.
@yick Mate aren't you in your 50s? This shit is like high school.
As you having a mental breakdown over Winston winding you up about how great the south is.

You have come on 'Happier Abroad' for adult discourse, which very little you provide yourself, maybe you need to grow up.
Shut up, cunt.