Why don't people criticize slutty behaviour

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Why don't people criticize slutty behaviour

Post by mattyman »

Hey all,

Just want to report what the cabbie told me in conversation on my lift home tonight. The topic was about the binge drinking of British young people. He said that earlier in his shift, he picked up this girl who ordered the cab to be stopped to take a leak, but had trouble getting her tights up and had gravel stuck to her arse (dread to be the bloke that pulls here). The driver mentioned that he didn't dare say anything (such as put that away) for fear of sexual harrassment; 'let's get going to the destination', as we would do in the same situation.

What's shocking is not the cabbie in the situation, but the way most men would allow a woman to behave in the way with the view that she can get away with it by being a woman and that no-one will criticize her behavior. This I brought-up.

People don't criticize unfeminine, downright unattractive and alcoholic behavior purely for fear of disapproval from their almighty peer group. People are so scared of disapproval that they can't express the fact that they find somebody who's drunk to the point of pissing in the gutter by 11pm a no-no.

The way the cabbie's earlier customer behaved and the lack of disapproval for it, you would not get that in Poland, Russia or Romania. Even if it's a disgraceful, slutty hoe with not an ounce of dignity or shame, men would still be groveling to her just because she's a woman. That is what makes me cross and pissed-off.
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Re: Why don't people criticize slutty behaviour

Post by fschmidt »

with thirst enough to drink off the vessel containing full three gallons which is laid at her feet, and from which she tosses off a couple of pints before her dinner to create a raging appetite; then she brings it all up again and souses the floor with the washings of her inside. The stream runs over the marble pavement; the gilt basin reeks of Falernian, for she drinks and vomits like a big snake that has tumbled into a vat. The sickened husband closes his eyes and so keeps down his bile.

Juvenal 100s AD in Rome
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Re: Why don't people criticize slutty behaviour

Post by Adama »

mattyman wrote: The driver mentioned that he didn't dare say anything (such as put that away) for fear of sexual harrassment; 'let's get going to the destination', as we would do in the same situation.
Because he feared their terrible wrath and indignation. He also feared their condemnation. He fears their power to destroy him.

mattyman wrote: most men would allow a woman to behave in the way with the view that she can get away with it by being a woman and that no-one will criticize her behavior.
Regardless what a woman does, it is not her fault if it is wrong. However, in the minds of many, they want to make everything and anything women do just and righteous, by the mere fact that a woman has done it. In other words, if the action was done by a woman, then it is righteous and good. But if the act was done by a man, then he is guilty and deserving of the most severe punishment.

So you see how they are held as truly being self righteous. They are righteous, just and good people, NO MATTER WHAT. They are gods in this aspect.
mattyman wrote: People don't criticize unfeminine, downright unattractive and alcoholic behavior purely for fear of disapproval from their almighty peer group.
Because that's close to blasphemy. Women are gods. How can you criticize the gods and expect to escape or expect to live? No, you criticize the gods then you're in rebellion and you will be destroyed for your speaking against them!
mattyman wrote: People are so scared of disapproval that they can't express the fact that they find somebody who's drunk to the point of pissing in the gutter by 11pm a no-no.
They fear their righteous judgement which they will suffer, if they do not bow, scrape and make supplication before their gods!
mattyman wrote: you would not get that in Poland, Russia or Romania. Even if it's a disgraceful, slutty hoe with not an ounce of dignity or shame,
Because women aren't exalted out of their place to godhood there. Remember: the order of authority is this: God > Christ > Husband > Wife. If the woman rises out of her position, she is not taking man's place, because man is physically present. She is taking God's place to rule over the man, in direct opposition to God Himself.
mattyman wrote: men would still be groveling to her just because she's a woman. That is what makes me cross and pissed-off.
Exactly. Now we see how these women have been exalted to godhood. They have the status of gods. That is, they are righteous and perfectly just on their own no matter what evil they commit, they can do no wrong and are spotless, blameless, faultless and infallible. Their judgements are always fair, equity, righteous and just. And if you lift up your tongue against them, you risk destruction.

(I would also add, that many women expect you to know their thoughts and to follow upon what you're supposed to know but which they never mentioned, or else. It's your job to know and keep their commandments, or else. )

This is why life sucks in the Anglophone world for men who are awake. Women are exalted to complete arrogance, which really destroys much of what makes for a good person.
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Re: Why don't people criticize slutty behaviour

Post by MrMan »

A lot of men don't criticize other men for slutty behavior and may even give them a high five or an 'attaboy.

I don't see it much in Asia, but in the US, on the rare occasion that I saw a girl walk by with her butt hanging out of her too-short shorts, I have thought of saying, "Your butt is hanging out of your shorts. If people wanted to see your butt, they'd ask." I've never walked up to a stranger and said that, though. I don't think most people would walk up to a guy and say something similar.
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