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Another Reason I Hate Living in California

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 1:22 pm
by rudder
Uptight white people think referring to Mexicans as Mexicans is an insult. There are lots of other, equivalent, overly politically correct absurdities as well.

Today I had a job interview with an older white woman, with a myriad of nervous ticks. Early on in the interview we determined that I wasn't the right candidate, because I didn't have the math abilities they were looking for. So, I started asking about volunteer opportunities for tutoring people in the local community, just so I could gain some experience. She mentioned that there is a program to tutor illiterate people. The program interested me, and as a Spanish speaker myself, I assumed most of the people in the program would be native Spanish speakers primarily from Mexico. So I asked, "Are the tutees mostly Mexican or are there some Americans as well?"

Her face immediately turned sour, and she said, "Mexicans are Americans too."

Sensing her welling, American, bitch energy, and the fact that I definitely had just crossed over some imaginary, insane, politically correct, California line, I quickly tried to appease the situation. "Ah yes, North Americans," I quickly said nonchalantly. She obviously knew what I meant but she was just playing the overly politically correct role so she could ride on her high horse and feel good about the fact that her existence ostensibly promotes the exploitation of Mexican immigrant labor, and so she could also find a weak excuse to chastise me. I mean what the heck are you supposed to say instead of Americans? United States People? So I tried to carefully choose my next words, "What I meant to say was US citizens."

"Mexicans are US citizens too. Not all Mexicans are undocumented!" She quickly replied.

"Yes, not all are undocumented. Many have dual citizenship. Also, many Mexicans are legal 'residents' not full US citizens. The citizenship process can take a while."

This went on for a while, and she proceeded to tell me how offensive she found my question. What a psycho! After a minute or two of her guilt-tripping me for using the term "Mexican," we both determined that the majority of the people in the illiteracy tutoring program were indeed Mexicans! I told her about how I'm fluent in Spanish (she should have already known that since my resume was in her possession for two weeks), how I recently went to Mexico with a Mexican friend of mine, and how I really enjoyed getting to know the locals down there.

How about a simple "yes" when answering my question next time, bitch? That will spare me from having to assure you that "Mexican" is not a derogatory term. What the heck is wrong with people?

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 1:43 pm
by zboy1
LOL...The U.S. is doomed...

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 2:07 pm
by AmericanInMexico
Mexican is an offensive term? Then why do all the Mexicans I know talk about how proud they are to be "mexicanos"? I always refer to Mexicans in Mexico as "mexicanos" or as Mexicans if speaking English and I have NEVER had a single Mexican tell me that they find the word offensive.

On the same token, I've met many Mexicans who despite holding US citizenship prefer to be called Mexican rather than American. In any case I've found Mexicans by and large don't get offended by racial stuff very easily. Unlike with blacks, I find I don't have to walk on eggshells around Mexicans. (And that is no offense to the black posters on here such as ContrarianExpatriate and TheHeroOfMen who would agree with me that American blacks by and large are overly sensitive. I can understand fully not using the N-word but I find it ridiculous that I have to use terms like "African American" or "person of color" instead of just being able to say black.)

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 2:51 pm
by ContraMundumRants
I was supposed to be in California for 5 years, and I couldn't make it past
the one year mark.

I absolutely despise that place because it represents America at its worst.

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 3:05 pm
by marklambo
This is one of the many reasons why I hate this country. Everything always has to be so "politically correct" and it's just completely overboard and stupid. If you say the word "black", you're looked down upon, but yet it's ok to say "white". If you say "Mexican", you are wrong because you are supposed to say American. If you say someone is handicapped, you are looked down upon because you didn't say "disabled person" but yet you don't see "disabled person" parking signs, they all say handicap parking. You're not supposed to say "midget" , but instead you must use "little person". This country is too sensitive over nothing.

Re: Another Reason I Hate Living in California

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 4:26 pm
by skateboardstephen
rudder wrote:Uptight white people think referring to Mexicans as Mexicans is an insult. There are lots of other, equivalent, overly politically correct absurdities as well.

Today I had a job interview with an older white woman, with a myriad of nervous ticks. Early on in the interview we determined that I wasn't the right candidate, because I didn't have the math abilities they were looking for. So, I started asking about volunteer opportunities for tutoring people in the local community, just so I could gain some experience. She mentioned that there is a program to tutor illiterate people. The program interested me, and as a Spanish speaker myself, I assumed most of the people in the program would be native Spanish speakers primarily from Mexico. So I asked, "Are the tutees mostly Mexican or are there some Americans as well?"

Her face immediately turned sour, and she said, "Mexicans are Americans too."

Sensing her welling, American, bitch energy, and the fact that I definitely had just crossed over some imaginary, insane, politically correct, California line, I quickly tried to appease the situation. "Ah yes, North Americans," I quickly said nonchalantly. She obviously knew what I meant but she was just playing the overly politically correct role so she could ride on her high horse and feel good about the fact that her existence ostensibly promotes the exploitation of Mexican immigrant labor, and so she could also find a weak excuse to chastise me. I mean what the heck are you supposed to say instead of Americans? United States People? So I tried to carefully choose my next words, "What I meant to say was US citizens."

"Mexicans are US citizens too. Not all Mexicans are undocumented!" She quickly replied.

"Yes, not all are undocumented. Many have dual citizenship. Also, many Mexicans are legal 'residents' not full US citizens. The citizenship process can take a while."

This went on for a while, and she proceeded to tell me how offensive she found my question. What a psycho! After a minute or two of her guilt-tripping me for using the term "Mexican," we both determined that the majority of the people in the illiteracy tutoring program were indeed Mexicans! I told her about how I'm fluent in Spanish (she should have already known that since my resume was in her possession for two weeks), how I recently went to Mexico with a Mexican friend of mine, and how I really enjoyed getting to know the locals down there.

How about a simple "yes" when answering my question next time, bitch? That will spare me from having to assure you that "Mexican" is not a derogatory term. What the heck is wrong with people?
I'm so sick of these liberals on this topic and it is usually all ways the females who do this dumb shit...They don't give a f**k about any Mexicans,ironically they are just trying to give the impression that they are better than you at the same time claiming they are not a bigot..I got into an argument in Brazil with a Black American women over the topic of illegal immigration in the U.S. and it went quite similar...with Ad-homonym attacks,lack of logic,Straw men and lack of ability to answer questions directly.

I am Brazil..but i am still American and i am tired of liberals who allow foreigners who to come to U.S. illegally and just walk all over us because they want to prove they are not racist!! What other country does this for Christ sake!!!I am tired of Brazilian people talking shit about Americans and our immigration policies yet Brazilians where against their government bringing foreign(mostly Cuban) doctors to their country to HELP their asses,they protested and spit,booed and cursed the Cubans out...yet no one is calling 200 million Brazilians racist,plus Brazil has immigration laws as well and enforces them(like they should)as well as other countries..yet the U.S. citizen suggest that the U.S. government does the same thing then..YOU'RE RACIST!!!!

I hate this line...Not all Mexicans are undocumented!!! ..Well there is any where from 11 million to 20 million illegal immigrants 80% of them Mexican so it is safe to say not all of them are undocumented but a hell of a lot are!!!!And this does not even have anything to do with race!!!Why can't the U.S. protect it's sovereignty like ever other country!!The U.S. is going to be a bigger shit hole than the 3rd world they fled from real soon because of dumb ass Americans who have no solidarity..because they are so stuck on race..other countries in Latin America identify with Nation first...that's is why they are taking the U.S. over.

[youtube] ... re=mh_lolz[/youtube]

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 4:48 pm
by kai1275
LOL! What a funny story.

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 5:49 pm
by gsjackson
ContraMundumRants wrote: I absolutely despise that place because it represents America at its worst.
Yes, I guess it does, and it's really a shame because, setting aside the possibility of earthquakes, California probably has the most agreeable combination of climate and scenic country in the world. My father went out to the Rose Bowl in 1932, before the smog and the destruction of what was then the world's best public transportation system, and said it was heaven on earth. But human pollution -- one bad concept after another -- eventually destroyed the place.

To the OP: If you find yourself in a job interview with a woman, just walk out. It won't work. She'll make sure of that. I don't want to go so far as to maintain, as some here do, that all women are soulless automatons, but you cannot work for them. CANNOT. Especially if you're halfway decent looking. They have agendas you could never even dream of.

Re: Another Reason I Hate Living in California

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 5:55 pm
by Jester
rudder wrote:Uptight white people think referring to Mexicans as Mexicans is an insult. There are lots of other, equivalent, overly politically correct absurdities as well.

Today I had a job interview with an older white woman, with a myriad of nervous ticks. Early on in the interview we determined that I wasn't the right candidate, because I didn't have the math abilities they were looking for. So, I started asking about volunteer opportunities for tutoring people in the local community, just so I could gain some experience. She mentioned that there is a program to tutor illiterate people. The program interested me, and as a Spanish speaker myself, I assumed most of the people in the program would be native Spanish speakers primarily from Mexico. So I asked, "Are the tutees mostly Mexican or are there some Americans as well?"

Her face immediately turned sour,
and she said, "Mexicans are Americans too."

Sensing her welling, American, bitch energy, and the fact that I definitely had just crossed over some imaginary, insane, politically correct, California line, I quickly tried to appease the situation. "Ah yes, North Americans," I quickly said nonchalantly. She obviously knew what I meant but she was just playing the overly politically correct role so she could ride on her high horse and feel good about the fact that her existence ostensibly promotes the exploitation of Mexican immigrant labor, and so she could also find a weak excuse to chastise me. I mean what the heck are you supposed to say instead of Americans? United States People? So I tried to carefully choose my next words, "What I meant to say was US citizens."

"Mexicans are US citizens too. Not all Mexicans are undocumented!" She quickly replied.

"Yes, not all are undocumented. Many have dual citizenship. Also, many Mexicans are legal 'residents' not full US citizens. The citizenship process can take a while."

This went on for a while, and she proceeded to tell me how offensive she found my question. What a psycho! After a minute or two of her guilt-tripping me for using the term "Mexican," we both determined that the majority of the people in the illiteracy tutoring program were indeed Mexicans! I told her about how I'm fluent in Spanish (she should have already known that since my resume was in her possession for two weeks), how I recently went to Mexico with a Mexican friend of mine, and how I really enjoyed getting to know the locals down there.

How about a simple "yes" when answering my question next time, bitch? That will spare me from having to assure you that "Mexican" is not a derogatory term. What the heck is wrong with people?

Great post, great thread, +1

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 5:59 pm
by Jester
AmericanInMexico wrote:Mexican is an offensive term? Then why do all the Mexicans I know talk about how proud they are to be "mexicanos"? I always refer to Mexicans in Mexico as "mexicanos" or as Mexicans if speaking English and I have NEVER had a single Mexican tell me that they find the word offensive.

On the same token, I've met many Mexicans who despite holding US citizenship prefer to be called Mexican rather than American. In any case I've found Mexicans by and large don't get offended by racial stuff very easily. Unlike with blacks, I find I don't have to walk on eggshells around Mexicans. (And that is no offense to the black posters on here such as ContrarianExpatriate and TheHeroOfMen who would agree with me that American blacks by and large are overly sensitive. I can understand fully not using the N-word but I find it ridiculous that I have to use terms like "African American" or "person of color" instead of just being able to say black.)
Mexicans are so delightfully non-PC. So polite in some ways, yet at times they will say any damn thing. Easygoing, not touchy at all.

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 7:59 pm
by rudder
gsjackson wrote: To the OP: If you find yourself in a job interview with a woman, just walk out. It won't work. She'll make sure of that. I don't want to go so far as to maintain, as some here do, that all women are soulless automatons, but you cannot work for them. CANNOT. Especially if you're halfway decent looking. They have agendas you could never even dream of.
It's funny you should say this, because I've noticed that things have gone relatively smoothly at all the places I've applied at that are run by men. Not so much at the female-run places. There is definitely a sense of underlying hostility with a lot of the women. The lady today, for example, gave me this bad vibe like she was trying to find things to nitpick in order to sabotage the interview. The first thing she brought up when I walked into the interview was the fact that her assistant said I couldn't remember applying to the job when she called me on the phone, which is partially true. I sent out tons of resumes late on a Saturday night when replying to a bunch of different craigslists ads. Five days later I got a call out-of-the blue from one of those places, and they said they received my resume.

The assistant on the phone made it sound like they had obtained a physical copy of my resume. So, I was very confused, and wondering how they got my resume. The assistant (a woman) didn't mention the fact that it was a craigslist ad, until I straight-up asked them if the phone call was in regards to a craigslist ad. It took me a little while to remember who exactly they were, because the craigslist ad didn't even give out the name of the organization. So, the assistant got on my case about this during the phone call, and kept asking in a smug tone of voice, "So, does that mean you're not interested?"

Also, the lady conducting the interview today asked the same exact question with the same tone right off the bat, so I had to explain the fact that her stupid assistant didn't even put the organization's name in the craigslist ad, they didn't send me a confirmation email saying they got my cover letter and resume, and the assistant didn't even mention how they received my resume when she called me. Her assistant was sitting right there during the interview, so it must've been a bit awkward for her. It was certainly awkward for me because the assistant was sitting there staring at me throughout the whole interview. She didn't even say a word during the entire interview. She just sat and listened. What's the deal with that? I've had the same sort of thing happen at other job interviews too.

I've noticed when I have job interviews with men, they tend to be more laid back and supportive. Even if they ask tough questions, they seem to have an aura of trying to determine if I'm the right person or even trying to figure out if I have things going for me in my life, whereas with a lot of women I notice the vibe is more along the lines of just trying to sabotage my chances. Men are more nonchalant, because they're not trying too hard to justify their position in the work world. Haha, I also know what you mean about the halfway decent looking comment. I too perceive that their hostility stems somewhat from that for whatever reason.

"Soulless automatons" Well, it seems like a lot of women try to take the "workplace professionalism" thing to a whole nother level... Stone cold... If it's a restaurant you can find girls that have a bubbly attitude (even if it's fake). Yet, it seems in most other lines of work, the women are just overdosing on lithium or something.
marklambo wrote:This is one of the many reasons why I hate this country. Everything always has to be so "politically correct" and it's just completely overboard and stupid. If you say the word "black", you're looked down upon, but yet it's ok to say "white". If you say "Mexican", you are wrong because you are supposed to say American. If you say someone is handicapped, you are looked down upon because you didn't say "disabled person" but yet you don't see "disabled person" parking signs, they all say handicap parking. You're not supposed to say "midget" , but instead you must use "little person". This country is too sensitive over nothing.
That reminds me of this George Carlin bit:

Posted: August 28th, 2013, 2:22 am
by Teal Lantern
Women do their hiring the same way they do their dating; they look for reasons to reject you.
Often enough the exact SAME reasons. :evil:
A competent guy who doesn't activate her 'gina tingle will get passed over for an attractive idiot.
A female she feels might outshine her too much gets the axe, too.
Cappy Cap has written about this many times.

If she finds you "hawt", work that angle to get hired. :wink:
After you get the job, try to get sent somewhere you won't run into her much (or ever again). :D

The next "hawt stud" interviewee will make her forget you, long enough to make your escape.

Re: Another Reason I Hate Living in California

Posted: August 28th, 2013, 4:14 am
by Taco
rudder wrote: Today I had a job interview with an older white woman, with a myriad of nervous ticks.
If a woman is interviewing you for a job my advice is just cancel the interview and save yourself the trauma, your basically guilty until proven innocent. Also, they ask retarded questions like, "What's your favorite color and why?". When I have an woman interviewing me 80% of the time I don't get the job. However, when men are interviewing me 80% of the time I do get the job.

Posted: August 28th, 2013, 10:11 pm
by rudder
C'mon...that's not the right attitude! There's still that 20% chance the woman will hire you. Otherwise, an interesting story might come out of it.

Re: Another Reason I Hate Living in California

Posted: August 29th, 2013, 12:59 am
by deasil875
Taco wrote:
rudder wrote: Today I had a job interview with an older white woman, with a myriad of nervous ticks.
If a woman is interviewing you for a job my advice is just cancel the interview and save yourself the trauma, your basically guilty until proven innocent. Also, they ask retarded questions like, "What's your favorite color and why?". When I have an woman interviewing me 80% of the time I don't get the job. However, when men are interviewing me 80% of the time I do get the job.
Most females have no business conducting interviews for positions. They get shit wrong, focus on things they perceive to be material that are immaterial to the candidates qualifications and ask questions that have no bearing on the merits of the applicant. I interviewed for a mid-level clerical position thru a temp agency on a 2 month assignment at a logistics company in town where I live. Was interviewed by a rather attractive (but AW) Latina. Her intelligence, conversational skill and overall interview decorum left a lot to be desired. She was not HR, but someone I would be working with directly. She was borderline flirtatious, playing with her hair, acted somewhat out of it, and at the end, she had the nerve to say, in a cheeky-mousey kind of way, that I "might be a little overqualified for the position".