Just got my first Pfizer shot

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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by HappyGuy »

gsjackson wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 1:03 pm
Here's a hint, though: You have to look outside the corporate media propaganda apparatus.
April 11, 2021
States with higher Vaccination Rates and Mask Compliance among worst in the USA for new “Covid” Hospitalisations
https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/04/11/st ... lisations/
Data on differing Covid-19 responses across the USA has been released and it shows that States in which there is a high compliance with mask wearing and a high rate of vaccination with the experimental Covid vaccines are performing much worse than those which have a low compliance with mask wearing and a low rate of vaccination.

Michigan currently leads the way in the vaccine roll-out, with over 3 million residents now being vaccinated, accounting for almost 40% of the Michigan population. But there are reportedly hundreds of new positive cases among those who have had the vaccine with at least three of these cases so far resulting death. This has lead Michigan officials to claim that the new cases must be due to “lingering infections” that were present before vaccination took place.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Cornfed »

HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 6:16 am
HenryGeorge wrote:
April 7th, 2021, 11:52 pm
Playing Russian roulette with your health for a virus that has a 99% survival rate is not a wise thing to do...
Way less than 1% of the people who have gotten the vaccine have died. Furthermore, many who get COVID-19 suffer from any number of prolonged symptoms afterward. 1/3 of survivors suffer from significant psychiatric or neurological conditions. Pulmonary and cardiac complications can often be severe as well. I know a 40 year old guy who is on oxygen now as a former nonsmoker after getting COVID, he's on the list for a lung transplant and can no longer care for himself, let alone his kids and wife. Haven't seen a single person with any major complication from the vaccine.
So you are going against your Hypocritical Oath to shill for the scamdemic hoax. You are going that far. Absolutely disgusting.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by HouseMD »

HappyGuy wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 11:38 am
HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 6:16 am
Furthermore, many who get COVID-19 suffer from any number of prolonged symptoms afterward.
The vaccines do not prevent falling ill from COVID. The best way to avoid getting or dying of COVID is to stay out of the hospitals and to stay away from the vaccines.
HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 6:16 am
I know a 40 year old guy who is on oxygen now as a former nonsmoker after getting COVID, he's on the list for a lung transplant and can no longer care for himself
Correction, after getting treated for COVID. A global virus didn't just appear in Jan of 2020 but new hospital ventilators that damage lungs did appear around that time.
He was treated using the exact same ventilators we have always had. I have run vents for years, *never* have we had a single case in five years of critical care where a non-COPDer ended up needing a transplant. Dude would have been dead without the vent, his O2 sats were in the 60s when they tubed him.

And the vaccine is highly protective against the illness after 4 weeks, and 100% effective at preventing hospitalization even if you do become infected.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by fschmidt »

HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 2:31 pm
He was treated using the exact same ventilators we have always had. I have run vents for years, *never* have we had a single case in five years of critical care where a non-COPDer ended up needing a transplant. Dude would have been dead without the vent, his O2 sats were in the 60s when they tubed him.

And the vaccine is highly protective against the illness after 4 weeks, and 100% effective at preventing hospitalization even if you do become infected.
Thank you for reminding me why I don't go to doctors.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Cornfed »

HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 2:31 pm
And the vaccine is highly protective against the illness after 4 weeks, and 100% effective at preventing hospitalization even if you do become infected.
How do you know? Has someone told you? And if true then so what? It is just a cold.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Italianman »

fschmidt wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 11:44 am
HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 6:16 am
Way less than 1% of the people who have gotten the vaccine have died.
How do you know? I have no idea what the number is, but I do know that it is almost impossible to get reliable numbers these days since everything is so corrupt.
Furthermore, many who get COVID-19 suffer from any number of prolonged symptoms afterward. 1/3 of survivors suffer from significant psychiatric or neurological conditions.
How do you know? In this case I am almost certain that this is wrong. Many get covid and are asymptomatic so aren't counted.
Pulmonary and cardiac complications can often be severe as well. I know a 40 year old guy who is on oxygen now as a former nonsmoker after getting COVID, he's on the list for a lung transplant and can no longer care for himself, let alone his kids and wife. Haven't seen a single person with any major complication from the vaccine.
How was this 40 year old treated? My impression is that anyone who makes the mistake of getting medical treatment will be subject to the most harmful possible treatments. Like a ventilator, for example. All effective treatments are banned by the elite who want to maximize the death rate.

What percentage of the people where you live have gotten the vaccine? I am genuinely curious about any first-hand data about vaccines since I don't know of any good source for vaccine data.

Lol, HouseMD, like most doctors, is clueless. With him around, you'll be dead in no time. Likely, the 40-year-old had low magnesium levels for decades, which is generally associated with celiacs/IBS, aka autism, etc... so he might have been chronically low then Covid-19 cause degradation of the blood vessels (basically all the 300+ enzymes that repair and help the body do everything stop working without magnesium). I would have put him on enough magnesium to give 5 people diarrhea each day... Stupid medical care is worthless when it comes to saving your life from anything “new” (unknown to doctors).

P.S. Large doses of minerals will compete for absorption. So don't take calcium, zinc, or magnesium supplements all at once

-PhD, MD.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Italianman »

Cornfed wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 5:54 pm
HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 2:31 pm
And the vaccine is highly protective against the illness after 4 weeks, and 100% effective at preventing hospitalization even if you do become infected.
How do you know? Has someone told you? And if true then so what? It is just a cold.
Lol, it's only a cold if you're healthy. However, there is no way to tell whether anyone is safe without a full body checkup. https://culturewhiz.org/forum/topic/we- ... initiative

I believe the majority of the people here should consider getting the vaccine. Mental illness is a serious indicator of poor health.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Italianman »

Oh, and I would say most of you probably have low sperm counts due to low magnesium already lmao. It would be funny if they do that with a vaccine... honestly, all the chemicals in plastic that act as hormone disruptors that disrupt sexual maturation and orientation (including the brain’s internal wiring such that male brains are more like female’s and females are like males)... who needs a conspiracy when you have pacifiers in babies mouths and a straw in your mouth, or a receipt covered in BPA that changes color to black when exposed to a laser... all capable of altering the maturing brain’s physical formation?...

Still waiting for all the LGBTTQQIAAP to become woke enough to sue the chemical companies for creating them... that’ll be an interesting day, “what do you mean it wasn’t my choice?” or something like that puzzled expression... don’t worry, these toxins build up in our fatty tissues and are called forever chemicals for a reason.

Welcome to our reality! It isn’t fair to many people!

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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by fschmidt »

Italianman wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 10:15 pm
Oh, and I would say most of you probably have low sperm counts due to low magnesium already lmao. It would be funny if they do that with a vaccine... honestly, all the chemicals in plastic that act as hormone disruptors that disrupt sexual maturation and orientation (including the brain’s internal wiring such that male brains are more like female’s and females are like males)... who needs a conspiracy when you have pacifiers in babies mouths and a straw in your mouth, or a receipt covered in BPA that changes color to black when exposed to a laser... all capable of altering the maturing brain’s physical formation?...
I have taken magnesium for years and I avoid modern crap like plastics (bottles, straws, etc), so this is one area where we agree.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Yohan »

fschmidt wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 11:44 am
What percentage of the people where you live have gotten the vaccine? I am genuinely curious about any first-hand data about vaccines since I don't know of any good source for vaccine data.
I can only talk about Japan in general, and Okayama provice, where I am living now.



Here in Japan only few people (approx. 500.000,- out of 126 million people) are fully vaccinated, almost all of them are medical staff, care takers, home helpers, and some elderly people. Most of them living in the large cities.

After New Year 2021 about 75000 people were infected with covid-19, after recovery three weeks later, the infected people were about 13000, now there are some cluster again and the infected people are about 31000.

Since 15 months, starting with February 2020 with statistics, totally 9440 people died directly related to covid-19, approx. 600 to 700 per month.

Japan has approx. 1.380.000 funerals per year, (approx. 115.000 per month) - the death rate did not change significantly.

About vaccine, only Pfizer is approved. However delivery this vaccine is limited, small amounts are arriving however frequently.

No serious side effects are noticed so far with Pfizer vaccine, many people however (almost 70 percent) complain about headache, pain in the arm, fever, feeling unwell etc. of about 3 days.


In my area, Okayama, vaccination will not start up to maybe May 17th, and this only for people 65+, of course voluntarily. Postcards with reservation code will be sent out around May 10th. Covid-19 is not considered to be a serious health threat here.

This is not a province with a lot of international traffic. Very few foreigners living here. About 2 million people, and so far since February 2020 there are 2703 confirmed infections, 35 people died.

Links are Japanese only

There are no restrictions (except international travel), life as usual, but most people (I think more than 95 percent) comply with all recommended rules.

Facemask wherever you enter any building,
Alcohol for desinfection of hands,
Keep distance from each other,
Use Ionizers air cleaning systems with clean HEPA+ filters,
In shops, restaurants etc. use plexiglass separation between staff and customers,
Keep restrooms very clean

For medical staff not only face mask but also using eye protection, gloves

Temperature check of every person entering the building by thermal camera is getting more and more popular I noticed.

and so on...

At this moment about 170 people are under medical attention out of 2 million people in Okayama, but only 4 of them are severely ill. Approx. 80 are in hospitals, others only in quarantine - in the city in a business hotel and daily check only but do not feel really sick, and some of them just stay at home in a rural area.

Medical fees are small, as all people have full Japanese national cover. Ambulance services are also for free.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Yohan »

HouseMD wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 2:31 pm
I have run vents for years, *never* have we had a single case in five years of critical care where a non-COPDer ended up needing a transplant. Dude would have been dead without the vent, his O2 sats were in the 60s when they tubed him.

And the vaccine is highly protective against the illness after 4 weeks, and 100% effective at preventing hospitalization even if you do become infected.
In Japan there are 14.378 registered technical staff for operating 28.197 medical ventilators (able to do both, assist or full) and 1.412 ECMO.

I never heard anything in Japan that such machines are damaging the lungs.

There are no data in Japan about if any vaccine from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson, Astra etc. and others like Sinovac or Sputnik etc. will prevent hospitalization, there are not enough patients available for research and of course even less patients who are vaccinated...

However so far, Japan is doing fairly well so far without covid-19 vaccination at all, despite its huge number of elderly people.
General health condition is not bad here at all, and only about 20 percent of the population is considered as 'overweight' with a BMI less than 30.
Only 2 % of the Japanese have a BMI of 30+.

Also many people in Japan are vaccinated against seasonal flu and pneumonia and it seems this helps a lot to cut down hospitalization time.
To be infected with covid-19 and at the same time to suffer with seasonal flu and pneumonia can easily result in a life-threatening situation for any patient - and find yourself tubed on a medical ventilator for days, sometimes even for weeks.


About South Korea, data related to covid-19 are quite similar

There are also other medical issues to work on it, it's not only about covid-19
Statistic about other serious illnesses.

Reported cases of Infectious Disease by Notifiable disease group

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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by MrPeabody »

ladislav wrote:
April 8th, 2021, 8:19 pm
Day III,

The ill-at-ease feeling is mostly gone. Still in a depressed/tired mood a bit but nothing extra-ordinary.
You'd think they would be a little upset at being bullied into taking unnecessary and damaging experimental substances
I trust my body, my immune system and the huge array of vitamins and supplements that I take daily. There is a risk, definitely, but one I am willing to take. Very soon, no vaccination card means " no abroad" for you. Not even Hawaii, Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico for you.
I got the shot for the same reason. I am going to need the card get out of the US, and the dark web has been disrupted by the authorities so I am not sure if this will be a good source for a vax card. But now it's not my problem. I got the Johnson & Johnson. I had chills and a headache the first night. I also am not too worried because I managed to survive all the poisons (called medicine) I have ingested from Western medicine over the years.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by Cornfed »

MrPeabody wrote:
April 16th, 2021, 8:32 pm
I had chills and a headache the first night. I also am not too worried because I managed to survive all the poisons (called medicine) I have ingested from Western medicine over the years.
Yeah well you won't survive this one dumbass. You're through. Goodbye.
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Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by ladislav »

I just got my second one.
A brain is a terrible thing to wash!

Re: Just got my first Pfizer shot

Post by HappyGuy »


Pfizer CEO Says Third Covid Vaccine Dose Likely Needed Within 12 Months
https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/04/16/pf ... 12-months/

April 26th, 2021
Pfizer's COVID-19 pill could be ready later this year: report | New York Post

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