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Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously for no reaso

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 6:07 am
by Jester
OutWest wrote:
They do not have the time or interest to bother keeping tabs on millions of tin foil hatters...
OutWest, back in the 1980s CIA had 100,000 employees, and NSA was known to be much bigger.

Do you have any evidence to back up your scoffing, or is it just reflexive?

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously for no reaso

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 7:22 am
by Luc Furr
Winston wrote:
Luc Furr wrote:
OutWest wrote:
C.J. wrote:Winston, this new forum sucks rooster and you should be ashamed of yourself. Change it back! :P

Anyway, if the NSA or anybody worth their balls messed with your forum, you wouldn't know about it and the support wouldn't tell you at all. It'll be as if whatever you did before never happened.

If you made a scathing post the satanist scum didn't like for example, it'll be deleted with no evidence, as if it was never posted in the first place.

HA really isn't a threat to anybody.
As if the NSA or CIA give a rip about anything connected to this site. They do not have the time or interest to bother keeping tabs on millions of tin foil hatters...they will all self-destruct on their own....
It is not the millions of tin foil hatters that send shivers down the spines of those in the know. It is just a handful. Perhaps Mr. Wu is part of that handful.
Well since YouTube and Vimeo have censored my content out, there are obviously forces out there that want to censor me and my message. Forces that prefer that men wallow in misery and go nuts on a mass shooting rampage, like Elliott Rodgers and George Sodini did, rather than go abroad and be happy.

The only question is: Are these forces that censor me just a bunch of angry feminist women who are offended by my message? Or higher up in the NSA, CIA and unnamed departments of the powers that be?

You gotta remember that the CIA and powers that be do not do all the dirty work themselves. For example, they are known to work with the mafia to get things done, like assassinate people. That's how they got the mob to help them on the JFK assassination hit, for example. So in cyberspace, they would probably contract with hackers, bullies and shills to do their dirty work for them. And that's what may be happening here.

Obviously, one group can't do too many things. But they can subcontract many other groups to do their dirty work for them, if they are powerful enough. So in order words, the NSA computer center itself may be too busy to pay any attention to us, but they may be contracting with internet hacking groups to attack and make trouble for sites like ours that contain too much UNCENSORED truth that doesn't adhere to political correctness or is too freethinking for their taste.
They have made a move. This gives you the advantage since they have shown you that they fear something on this site more than what is on other sites. Now you must find out what it was or who it is.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously for no reaso

Posted: January 5th, 2015, 7:57 am
by starchild5
As we had talked before....It will keep on happening...and I'm getting the f***ck out of Germany as soon as possible, if the dark forces allow me...

Forget the NSA, CIA, Admin programmers, Illuminati....THE FORCE HAS AWAKENED...Winston...Wake up.....The things I have seen here, The seat of dark energy...Has blown me into pieces....We would be lucky if we as humanity can make it...any of us really....

Be very very VERY careful this year and the next....The time your server had issue had the time...I felt the most dark energy in me...I was really shredded into pieces ....I'm really really scared...I have never been scared so much in my life....

This dark energy has blown like a balloon now...with so much negative energy that its unfreakingbelievable ....If we think we had so many problems in our life...wait for this year and the next....Now, he will do its real carnage on humanity....

Now, we know, Why the Star Wars is called the force awakens..... :oops: :oops: :oops: :( :( .....It is really awakening now...Be very careful...

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 7th, 2017, 4:58 am
by Winston
Hey is this a message or threat from the illuminati or satan? Something scary happened today.

This site went down for a while. Then I contacted bluehost. They rebooted my server and said it had been hacked. Then they said it was a typo and that it wasnt hacked, just a RAM overload that caused the crash. But a typo involves a misspelled word, not a whole sentence wrong. Right? Lol

Then they showed me my server logs to prove that memory overload caused the crash, and look what came up.......

Please check the logs: Dec 6 21:20:53 server kernel: [795616.469682] [<ffffffff81131ef0>] ? out_of_memory+0x220/0x3c0 Dec 6 21:21:01 server kernel: [795616.862889] Out of memory: Kill process 7296 (whostmgrd - 10.) score 110 or sacrifice child

Wtf? Sacrifice child? Lol. Sounds like illuminati or satanic message in the server logs. Pretty creepy huh? Lol. I wonder if thats a message from the illuminati or satan. Lol. They told me thats standard terminology for servers with parent - child processes.

However i said that whoever programmed it may belong to some satanic cult. Languages have occult meanings according to jordan maxwell. He ignored me after that. Lol

Even Mr S thought that was suspicious. He said:

Mr S:

"Yeah that's pretty weird verbal talk even for a computer. To use that as standard dialogue raises some red flags."

My friend alex told me it was standard computer terminology to refer to created processes. It may be true that thats common computer terminology. But that doesnt mean its an accident. Many words have occult meanings. Jordan maxwell has hundreds of examples. And wayne bush does too. See below. ... ayne-bush/

Wayne bushes website.

If you study jordan maxwell youd know that these things have occult purposes. They arent accidents. You have to be initiated to know. Happens in movie symbolism too. Even George Lucas and Steven Spielberg know these things.

I can use other words. However it doesnt mean i have to use sacrifice. Some things have double meanings. Many words have double meaning. The computer process is just an excuse. There are many examples of this.

When i say "have a nice day". It means to halve or decrease your nice day by 50 percent. When i say "bless you", it means to "be less" than what u are. Etc. Wayne bush and Jordan maxwell have many such examples.

These are a few examples of how words are used to lower your consciousness and you weaker so the matrix system can consume you more.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 7th, 2017, 5:14 am
by TruthSeeker
I had a DOS attack on one of my sites. Turns out the attack came from one of my competitors. So is there anyone you can think of Winston who you may have pissed off lately? Any articles you've written saying one company is bad and another one is better? They can easily hire some computer geek for cheap in Eastern Europe or other and get the job done. Something to look at

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 11th, 2017, 4:27 am
by xiongmao
Had same happen to my own websites from time to time, just another annoyance to put up with online.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 14th, 2017, 5:07 pm
by Winston
Our server crashed again a few days ago. This time it damaged the database too, which made the forum inoperable since the posts could not be read. I could not repair it this time, using the usual repair tools, so I had to have Bluehost tech support create a ticket for it to get higher admins to fix it. It took a long time. I kept bugging them about it but they said my ticket was in the queue. After 36 hours of the forum being down, I threatened to file a complaint with the BBB. Then they finally fixed it.

Still no one knows why our server keeps crashing. Is their server defective? If so they don't acknowledge it. Bluehost doesn't like to acknowledge any blame of course. They prefer to pass it on to the websites. But this website and forum do not do anything that would cause a server crash. Our traffic hasn't gone up much. We only get 2000 to 2500 visitors a day. That's not enough to crash a server. So I don't know what's going on. This site has been running for 10 years since 2007, and it doesn't usually crash.

The tech support at Bluehost cannot find the cause. They only say that the server logs say that the server was overloaded, but cannot determine the cause.

So no one knows what's going on. Any suggestions? Is this a hacker attack? Or an NSA attack? lol

I think I might have to move back to shared hosting. Shared hosting is cheaper, doesn't crash as much as VPS hosting, and has unlimited space and bandwidth, whereas VPS only limits you to 30 GB. So VPS sucks and is unnecessary and doesn't provide any advantages and costs more too, and seems to have unstable servers as well. Why does anyone need a VPS then? I don't get it. I was told that shared hosting should be enough for a site of this size and traffic. So it makes more sense and costs less too. Plus VPS is a form of shared hosting anyway, it only creates a virtual server for you, but technically you still share resources with other VPS sites on the same server.

What do you all think?

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 14th, 2017, 5:12 pm
by Cornfed
Maybe you need DDoS protection.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 14th, 2017, 8:06 pm
by gsjackson
Count your blessings if you're still up. Eric Dubay just had his youtube channel purged, not for flat earth but for speaking less than warmly about our Hebrew friends. "Got juiced," as they say. This is a very dangerous period for any internet entities that try to get at truth. You wouldn't think HA would be in the immediate cross hairs, but you never know.

Stamping out free thought and free speech is the current imperative of TPTB. They've lost control of the internet. Will be interesting to see if the end of net neutrality -- Trump delivering on another promise to our overlords -- results in truth sites being difficult to find. Truth sites got him elected.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 14th, 2017, 8:24 pm
by Cornfed
gsjackson wrote:
December 14th, 2017, 8:06 pm
Count your blessings if you're still up. Eric Dubay just had his youtube channel purged, not for flat earth but for speaking less than warmly about our Hebrew friends.

Will be interesting to see if the end of net neutrality -- Trump delivering on another promise to our overlords -- results in truth sites being difficult to find. Truth sites got him elected.
Surely there is some law against Youtube letting a racially supremacist hate group censor its site. Why isn’t anyone suing them?
Stamping out free thought and free speech is the current imperative of TPTB. They've lost control of the internet.
The politically correct narrative is so insane and contradictory that only the total suppression of all objections can save it.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 10:38 am
by TruthSeeker
Who's to say you are really on VPS hosting? They could be charging you for it but just putting you on shared hosting.

You should switch over to Zettahost Personal Hosting. It's only $24/year.

Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Monthly Traffic
2 Domains Hosting
MySQL, PostgreSQL
1 FREE domain for 1 year
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
24/7 Support

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 5:22 pm
by Winston
TruthSeeker wrote:
December 16th, 2017, 10:38 am
Who's to say you are really on VPS hosting? They could be charging you for it but just putting you on shared hosting.

You should switch over to Zettahost Personal Hosting. It's only $24/year.

Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Monthly Traffic
2 Domains Hosting
MySQL, PostgreSQL
1 FREE domain for 1 year
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
24/7 Support
Because they give me my own virtual server that I can manager through Web Host Management panel, which only exists for VPS and dedicated servers. They can't fool computer geeks that easily. However, technically VPS is shared hosting in that you do share a server with other accounts. It's just that you are given an allotted virtual server that functions as a dedicated server but is not. It's like a small piece of a real dedicated server.

How stable is Zettahost? If it's that much cheaper than why doesn't everyone switch over? What's the catch? There's no free lunch. Come on. A free site is gonna have tons of ads right?

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 5:36 pm
by Winston
It looks like the reviews of Zettahost are decent. But there is no live chat or phone support, only email support. ... r-support/ ... HostID=652

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 17th, 2017, 7:44 am
by TruthSeeker
Winston, can't you just have your own server? I mean literally your own server in the apartment or house you live. Then you could control everything and wouldn't have to rely on anyone.

Re: Our server keeps going offline mysteriously!

Posted: December 17th, 2017, 9:04 am
by TruthSeeker
Winston wrote:
December 16th, 2017, 5:36 pm
It looks like the reviews of Zettahost are decent. But there is no live chat or phone support, only email support.
The email support is quite good. I had an issue, submitted a ticket and they resolved it in minutes.
Our technical support is available 24/7/365 so you can send them any questions related to your account and soon you will have an answer from our professionals
Who wants to pick up the phone and call anyway? I find submitting a ticket online to be much more efficient than explaining the problem over the phone. They are offering low prices so this is probably the most efficient way to do it.