All but impossible to relocate to another country!

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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by Adama »

Tsar wrote:
Adama wrote:There's no need for you to move anywhere. Don't you believe our Lord, Traveller?

There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Proverbs 12:21 KJV

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. Psalm 34:22

That's a promise from our Lord. He is not going to let anything bad happen to you. It doesnt matter if you live in the USA, Russia, China or Iran.
There were many tens of millions Christians who were killed by the Bolsheviks (Zionists/ Jews) and by the British who mercilessly bombed Germany and killed millions (see the firebombing of Dresden). God didn't use divine intervention to save those many millions of people.

The truth is that God won't use divine intervention. If the U.S. Government, the Zionist Cabal, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, or some other secret society group wanted to place a nuke and destroy New York City as part of a false flag event, it would happen. If America became a 100% totalitarian police state and persecutions were widespread, God would not intervene.

Bad things are already happening to many people in America on a lesser scale, and more than any other time in history. Therefore, the only thing people can do is flee America. America is damned and its collapse is inevitable.

By 2050 America will be a beggar nation, a police state, officially known worldwide as a Banana Republic with Kangaroo Courts, a country with a totalitarian regime, martial law, suspension of the bill of rights, mass poverty, a wall on the southern border to prevent people from fleeing (America's version of a Berlin Wall), internet censorship (an invisible iron curtain), drones in the sky to patrol borders for people trying to flee, drones to record conversations and spy on people, secret police, the TSA will be everywhere including highways, America will make it illegal to own gold and silver after the final economic collapse, all foreign news and worldviews will be banned inside America, and any American wanting to travel will need very special permission from the government. That's just tiny and incomplete picture of America in 2050. I didn't even begin to mention the new Dust Bowl that will cover much of the Midwest or what the depletion of the Californian aquifers will do to American farming. The loss of reserve currency status, petrodollar, and the ultra-low purchasing power of the dollar will prevent America from importing most items. America's economy will be dead except for the elite who live in gated and isolated cities like in the Hunger Games. Hunting will be illegal, guns banned for everyone except the soldiers and families in the Regime, and farming will also be determined to be illegal. Harvesting rainwater will also be completely illegal because of the severe drought and water crisis America will be in by then. All the events that are going to set that into motion are in place. It's a mathematical, economic, and demographic certainty. It's only a question whether the major fall of the cliff will begin in 2016, around 2024, or sometimes around 2036 will be it. But everything I mentioned will begin to occur between 2016-2040. By 2050 America will be unrecognizable compared to today, and it will be the worst totalitarian nation in the history of the world. Anyone that wants to leave should do so by 2024 at the latest, and they should have a second passport by 2016 or 2017 to be on the safe side.
That's because God has a different definition of Christian than most people do. God is the only one who knows what is in a person's heart. The Orthodox Russians, Catholics, and practically ALL protestants do not believe Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Each one adds in works, which nullifies the work Christ did on the cross, making whatever scant amount of belief they have in Jesus void, because all of a person's faith must be in Jesus, not just most. That's what Jesus means when He says, "I never knew you." It means they didnt truly believe. Instead, they trusted on their works, which only impressed themselves and brought glory to themselves, which is why they call it "many wonderful works." These are the self righteous Christians who do not believe all righteousness comes from Jesus. Instead, they think their own righteousness is more important than the work Jesus did on the cross.

So if we go by Catholic, Orthodox and most Protestant salvation doctrines, most of the inhabitants of Europe were never Christians, because they were never believers. They all believed in a doctrine that was probably 90-99% truthful but the 1% completely destroyed them. Just as Jesus says, a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lot.

I bet the real believers were able to get out, the few that were in there. That would probably be between 1 and 10% who claimed to be Christian.

The fate that you mention will befall the whole world. The USA will be the last one to go, not the first. As of right now, US citizens still have rights guaranteed. They are slowly eroding those guarantees. But other countries, such as the UK and Australia, have already had their rights removed. The only reason why the citizens of the UK and Australia have not already been genocided is because the USA is still mostly free. The free exchange of information prevents the elites from outright murdering our brothers and sisters world wide. But once they finally remove the rights in the USA to own guns, there will be nothing left to stop them.

That will probably be the beginning of the AntiChrist's reign, but that will only come after Israel has rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem. Already you can see them winning, as their plan to empty out Syria and to genocide the Palestinians is working unopposed. The Catholic Church will not stand in the way after the Islamic cube worshipers have been crushed by the elites.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Tsar wrote:
Adama wrote:There's no need for you to move anywhere. Don't you believe our Lord, Traveller?

There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Proverbs 12:21 KJV

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. Psalm 34:22

That's a promise from our Lord. He is not going to let anything bad happen to you. It doesnt matter if you live in the USA, Russia, China or Iran.
There were many tens of millions Christians who were killed by the Bolsheviks (Zionists/ Jews) and by the British who mercilessly bombed Germany and killed millions (see the firebombing of Dresden). God didn't use divine intervention to save those many millions of people.

The truth is that God won't use divine intervention. If the U.S. Government, the Zionist Cabal, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, or some other secret society group wanted to place a nuke and destroy New York City as part of a false flag event, it would happen. If America became a 100% totalitarian police state and persecutions were widespread, God would not intervene.

Bad things are already happening to many people in America on a lesser scale, and more than any other time in history. Therefore, the only thing people can do is flee America. America is damned and its collapse is inevitable.

By 2050 America will be a beggar nation, a police state, officially known worldwide as a Banana Republic with Kangaroo Courts, a country with a totalitarian regime, martial law, suspension of the bill of rights, mass poverty, a wall on the southern border to prevent people from fleeing (America's version of a Berlin Wall), internet censorship (an invisible iron curtain), drones in the sky to patrol borders for people trying to flee, drones to record conversations and spy on people, secret police, the TSA will be everywhere including highways, America will make it illegal to own gold and silver after the final economic collapse, all foreign news and worldviews will be banned inside America, and any American wanting to travel will need very special permission from the government. That's just tiny and incomplete picture of America in 2050. I didn't even begin to mention the new Dust Bowl that will cover much of the Midwest or what the depletion of the Californian aquifers will do to American farming. The loss of reserve currency status, petrodollar, and the ultra-low purchasing power of the dollar will prevent America from importing most items. America's economy will be dead except for the elite who live in gated and isolated cities like in the Hunger Games. Hunting will be illegal, guns banned for everyone except the soldiers and families in the Regime, and farming will also be determined to be illegal. Harvesting rainwater will also be completely illegal because of the severe drought and water crisis America will be in by then. All the events that are going to set that into motion are in place. It's a mathematical, economic, and demographic certainty. It's only a question whether the major fall of the cliff will begin in 2016, around 2024, or sometimes around 2036 will be it. But everything I mentioned will begin to occur between 2016-2040. By 2050 America will be unrecognizable compared to today, and it will be the worst totalitarian nation in the history of the world. Anyone that wants to leave should do so by 2024 at the latest, and they should have a second passport by 2016 or 2017 to be on the safe side.
America won't be just any fascist regime, but one that's run by women, simps, white knights, and manginas because it's a matriarchal society. The "Berlin Wall" on the Mexico border will especially prevent men from leaving. Male unemployment will shoot to 100 percent, and only women will be allowed to have jobs. Any income a guy earns, he will have to pay all of it in taxes (with no refund) or give to his girlfriend/wife. Colleges will be 100 percent female. The POTUS will start the Where Have All The Good Men Gone Investigation Committee. And there will particularly be travel bans to third world countries or countries where there are no women's rights.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by Adama »

MattHanson1990 wrote:
Tsar wrote:
Adama wrote:There's no need for you to move anywhere. Don't you believe our Lord, Traveller?

There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Proverbs 12:21 KJV

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. Psalm 34:22

That's a promise from our Lord. He is not going to let anything bad happen to you. It doesnt matter if you live in the USA, Russia, China or Iran.
There were many tens of millions Christians who were killed by the Bolsheviks (Zionists/ Jews) and by the British who mercilessly bombed Germany and killed millions (see the firebombing of Dresden). God didn't use divine intervention to save those many millions of people.

The truth is that God won't use divine intervention. If the U.S. Government, the Zionist Cabal, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, or some other secret society group wanted to place a nuke and destroy New York City as part of a false flag event, it would happen. If America became a 100% totalitarian police state and persecutions were widespread, God would not intervene.

Bad things are already happening to many people in America on a lesser scale, and more than any other time in history. Therefore, the only thing people can do is flee America. America is damned and its collapse is inevitable.

By 2050 America will be a beggar nation, a police state, officially known worldwide as a Banana Republic with Kangaroo Courts, a country with a totalitarian regime, martial law, suspension of the bill of rights, mass poverty, a wall on the southern border to prevent people from fleeing (America's version of a Berlin Wall), internet censorship (an invisible iron curtain), drones in the sky to patrol borders for people trying to flee, drones to record conversations and spy on people, secret police, the TSA will be everywhere including highways, America will make it illegal to own gold and silver after the final economic collapse, all foreign news and worldviews will be banned inside America, and any American wanting to travel will need very special permission from the government. That's just tiny and incomplete picture of America in 2050. I didn't even begin to mention the new Dust Bowl that will cover much of the Midwest or what the depletion of the Californian aquifers will do to American farming. The loss of reserve currency status, petrodollar, and the ultra-low purchasing power of the dollar will prevent America from importing most items. America's economy will be dead except for the elite who live in gated and isolated cities like in the Hunger Games. Hunting will be illegal, guns banned for everyone except the soldiers and families in the Regime, and farming will also be determined to be illegal. Harvesting rainwater will also be completely illegal because of the severe drought and water crisis America will be in by then. All the events that are going to set that into motion are in place. It's a mathematical, economic, and demographic certainty. It's only a question whether the major fall of the cliff will begin in 2016, around 2024, or sometimes around 2036 will be it. But everything I mentioned will begin to occur between 2016-2040. By 2050 America will be unrecognizable compared to today, and it will be the worst totalitarian nation in the history of the world. Anyone that wants to leave should do so by 2024 at the latest, and they should have a second passport by 2016 or 2017 to be on the safe side.
America won't be just any fascist regime, but one that's run by women, simps, white knights, and manginas because it's a matriarchal society. The "Berlin Wall" on the Mexico border will especially prevent men from leaving. Male unemployment will shoot to 100 percent, and only women will be allowed to have jobs. Any income a guy earns, he will have to pay all of it in taxes (with no refund) or give to his girlfriend/wife. Colleges will be 100 percent female. The POTUS will start the Where Have All The Good Men Gone Investigation Committee. And there will particularly be travel bans to third world countries or countries where there are no women's rights.

Being female will not save anyone. The empowerment of women is merely a means to an end, and not an end unto itself, similar to the homosexual agenda.

First you must bind the strong man. Only then can you spoil his goods. That is the purpose for female empowerment. It is simply to remove power from men, but specifically fathers. That's why it appears they like women. They do not like women. They are just using women to help destroy society, the same way they are using the homosexual agenda, the same way they are doing numerous other things, through the ancient, yet very effective strategy of divide and conquer. You're too distracted with feminism to see what's really going on. Feminism isnt the problem. There is a much greater problem of which feminism is only one of many faces.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by momopi »

traveller wrote:It may be simple and easy to relocate across state lines and move permanently to another state.

But what a shame moving to another country is a massive uphill battle! First you have to get a Visa, then you have to go through customs, then you have to apply for citizenship, and then there's no way of knowing how much more awaits even after that, because you have to worry about getting rejected by that country and having your citizenship denied, having to get a full time job there, not to mention I am sure the entire process has at least a 4 if not 5 figure total price.

Plus, I don't see it possible to be able to permanently live in that country unless you keep applying for Visas every 1-3 years for the rest of your life. Literally, to move to another country is to face a monstrous battery of bureaucracies that you will never, ever forget.

If you are looking for reasons why moving abroad is difficult, then you will stay exactly where you are.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by Yohan »

momopi wrote:If you are looking for reasons why moving abroad is difficult, then you will stay exactly where you are.
A very true sentence.

However if you fail, nothing is worse but to be on an airplane going back to where you come from. Therefore some good planning in advance is not a bad thing, but there is no reason to exaggerate problems you might face while relocating.

About living abroad, it is good to check out if you can find employment - who does not need money? About citizenship, it is not bad at all to keep your nationality and to continue on visa-permits while being abroad. In my case, if something goes wrong in Asia, I always have the right to go back to EU.

If really something is going wrong it is often not your fault, times are changing, you might be forced to leave due to economic problems, change of politics, war... like in Africa or Near East - for example Lebanon was an excellent place to live, but not anymore. Some countries near South Africa were excellent places to settle down and to create a new future, but now with some crazy leaders in power, not anymore.

It's not bad to know an escape route where you can go in case of problems. It is not bad to remain a foreigner, for example in case of armed conflicts you cannot be forced into military services, you just leave.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on January 20th, 2020, 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by The_Adventurer »

Ghost wrote: Are you willing to "rough it" a little bit? I would say the threshold for me living abroad is $1000 a month. I make more than that, but I'm willing to do it on $1000 a month. Below that and it gets sketchy though. This is easier if you are younger. Older guys probably "must" have air conditioning, Western food, and private transportation. Learn to do without and living abroad gets a lot more reasonable financially.
He makes a very powerful point. I am older, but I wanted it bad enough that I was willing to do it on $300 to $400 per month. I was more than happy to do without air conditioning. A fan was enough. I was always liked Asian food and I learned to get used to the jeepney. Still don't like it, but I would take the jeepney, the noise, and every other bad thing in order to have the one thing that matter most to me. FREEDOM.

Every second of every day was mine to do with as i pleased. Of course, I built up my online business, over time, to make more than $400, or so, per month.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by traveller »

Tsar wrote:
By 2050 America will be a beggar nation, a police state, officially known worldwide as a Banana Republic with Kangaroo Courts, a country with a totalitarian regime, martial law, suspension of the bill of rights, mass poverty, a wall on the southern border to prevent people from fleeing (America's version of a Berlin Wall), internet censorship (an invisible iron curtain), drones in the sky to patrol borders for people trying to flee, drones to record conversations and spy on people, secret police, the TSA will be everywhere including highways, America will make it illegal to own gold and silver after the final economic collapse, all foreign news and worldviews will be banned inside America, and any American wanting to travel will need very special permission from the government. That's just tiny and incomplete picture of America in 2050. I didn't even begin to mention the new Dust Bowl that will cover much of the Midwest or what the depletion of the Californian aquifers will do to American farming. The loss of reserve currency status, petrodollar, and the ultra-low purchasing power of the dollar will prevent America from importing most items. America's economy will be dead except for the elite who live in gated and isolated cities like in the Hunger Games. Hunting will be illegal, guns banned for everyone except the soldiers and families in the Regime, and farming will also be determined to be illegal. Harvesting rainwater will also be completely illegal because of the severe drought and water crisis America will be in by then. All the events that are going to set that into motion are in place. It's a mathematical, economic, and demographic certainty. It's only a question whether the major fall of the cliff will begin in 2016, around 2024, or sometimes around 2036 will be it. But everything I mentioned will begin to occur between 2016-2040. By 2050 America will be unrecognizable compared to today, and it will be the worst totalitarian nation in the history of the world. Anyone that wants to leave should do so by 2024 at the latest, and they should have a second passport by 2016 or 2017 to be on the safe side.
So in other words, you're telling us that America will be a carbon copy of North Korea by 2050?
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by Tsar »

traveller wrote:
Tsar wrote:
By 2050 America will be a beggar nation, a police state, officially known worldwide as a Banana Republic with Kangaroo Courts, a country with a totalitarian regime, martial law, suspension of the bill of rights, mass poverty, a wall on the southern border to prevent people from fleeing (America's version of a Berlin Wall), internet censorship (an invisible iron curtain), drones in the sky to patrol borders for people trying to flee, drones to record conversations and spy on people, secret police, the TSA will be everywhere including highways, America will make it illegal to own gold and silver after the final economic collapse, all foreign news and worldviews will be banned inside America, and any American wanting to travel will need very special permission from the government. That's just tiny and incomplete picture of America in 2050. I didn't even begin to mention the new Dust Bowl that will cover much of the Midwest or what the depletion of the Californian aquifers will do to American farming. The loss of reserve currency status, petrodollar, and the ultra-low purchasing power of the dollar will prevent America from importing most items. America's economy will be dead except for the elite who live in gated and isolated cities like in the Hunger Games. Hunting will be illegal, guns banned for everyone except the soldiers and families in the Regime, and farming will also be determined to be illegal. Harvesting rainwater will also be completely illegal because of the severe drought and water crisis America will be in by then. All the events that are going to set that into motion are in place. It's a mathematical, economic, and demographic certainty. It's only a question whether the major fall of the cliff will begin in 2016, around 2024, or sometimes around 2036 will be it. But everything I mentioned will begin to occur between 2016-2040. By 2050 America will be unrecognizable compared to today, and it will be the worst totalitarian nation in the history of the world. Anyone that wants to leave should do so by 2024 at the latest, and they should have a second passport by 2016 or 2017 to be on the safe side.
So in other words, you're telling us that America will be a carbon copy of North Korea by 2050?
No, I am saying that the Totalitarian Regime that will rule America in the future will be much worse and very sinister. Think of something along the lines of Equilibrium+1984+Internment Camps+an Iron Curtain+North Korea times 100+a Berlin Wall+Martial Law+a technological surveillance police state+forced work camps+Hunger Games type districts where most people are in poverty and in gated districts without mobility while a small group of elites continue to have freedom and luxuries. North Korea would be a paradise in comparison to America once the transformation of America into the world's worst totalitarian regime is complete.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by traveller »

I really don't see any way America could become worse than North Korea, especially North Korea's concentration camps like Camp 14. I read the book "Escape from Camp 14" and the descriptions of life inside that camp are gruesome. People that are so hungry that they eat undigested corn out of yuckey and stinky cow droppings, as well as live mice and rats which I am sure taste terrible. Guards spitting into peoples' mouths as punishment, inmates getting backs burned, finger nails torn out, fingers chopped off, stripped naked and beaten, tied and chained to walls in positions that cause vomiting, inmates even placed in cages the size of a German Shepard cage, and often getting only maybe 3 and a half hours of sleep per day. Not to mention it is even said that anyone who violates Camp 14's rules is shot immediately as punishment.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on January 20th, 2020, 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by The_Adventurer »

Ghost wrote:
The_Adventurer wrote:
He makes a very powerful point. I am older, but I wanted it bad enough that I was willing to do it on $300 to $400 per month. I was more than happy to do without air conditioning. A fan was enough. I was always liked Asian food and I learned to get used to the jeepney. Still don't like it, but I would take the jeepney, the noise, and every other bad thing in order to have the one thing that matter most to me. FREEDOM.

Every second of every day was mine to do with as i pleased. Of course, I built up my online business, over time, to make more than $400, or so, per month.
Holy cow, and I thought I was doing well by being willing to do $1000 a month. I'd like to hear your story about this sometime. :)
Pretty sure I wrote in detail in here somewhere. Will look for it...
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by traveller »

Adama wrote:There's no need for you to move anywhere. Don't you believe our Lord, Traveller?

There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Proverbs 12:21 KJV

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. Psalm 34:22

That's a promise from our Lord. He is not going to let anything bad happen to you. It doesnt matter if you live in the USA, Russia, China or Iran.
I do believe in Jesus, but I also believe that you need to earn forgiveness through works. For example, if you stole something, you shall either return it or get rid of it if you can not find the owner, if you lie you shall tell the truth or delete the lie (if it is posted on the Internet). Plus you must forgive others to be forgiven. Also, I believe you have to be properly baptised by a priest or group of priests in order to actually be accepted by Jesus. Additionally, Jesus even said to be perfect in Matthew 5:48, and that not everyone who calls him "Lord" will stay out of the Lake of Fire when they die.
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by traveller »

Yohan wrote:
momopi wrote:If you are looking for reasons why moving abroad is difficult, then you will stay exactly where you are.
A very true sentence.

However if you fail, nothing is worse but to be on an airplane going back to where you come from. Therefore some good planning in advance is not a bad thing, but there is no reason to exaggerate problems you might face while relocating.

About living abroad, it is good to check out if you can find employment - who does not need money? About citizenship, it is not bad at all to keep your nationality and to continue on visa-permits while being abroad. In my case, if something goes wrong in Asia, I always have the right to go back to EU.

If really something is going wrong it is often not your fault, times are changing, you might be forced to leave due to economic problems, change of politics, war... like in Africa or Near East - for example Lebanon was an excellent place to live, but not anymore. Some countries near South Africa were excellent places to settle down and to create a new future, but now with some crazy leaders in power, not anymore.

It's not bad to know an escape route where you can go in case of problems. It is not bad to remain a foreigner, for example in case of armed conflicts you cannot be forced into military services, you just leave.
There's more to that. I have Autism and receive SSI every month. Another question would be, which countries have Social Security or something similar to America's Social Security? And which countries would offer that to people with disabilities who can not work full time and/or can not handle a full time job?
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Re: All but impossible to relocate to another country!

Post by onethousandknives »

traveller wrote:
Yohan wrote:
momopi wrote:If you are looking for reasons why moving abroad is difficult, then you will stay exactly where you are.
A very true sentence.

However if you fail, nothing is worse but to be on an airplane going back to where you come from. Therefore some good planning in advance is not a bad thing, but there is no reason to exaggerate problems you might face while relocating.

About living abroad, it is good to check out if you can find employment - who does not need money? About citizenship, it is not bad at all to keep your nationality and to continue on visa-permits while being abroad. In my case, if something goes wrong in Asia, I always have the right to go back to EU.

If really something is going wrong it is often not your fault, times are changing, you might be forced to leave due to economic problems, change of politics, war... like in Africa or Near East - for example Lebanon was an excellent place to live, but not anymore. Some countries near South Africa were excellent places to settle down and to create a new future, but now with some crazy leaders in power, not anymore.

It's not bad to know an escape route where you can go in case of problems. It is not bad to remain a foreigner, for example in case of armed conflicts you cannot be forced into military services, you just leave.
There's more to that. I have Autism and receive SSI every month. Another question would be, which countries have Social Security or something similar to America's Social Security? And which countries would offer that to people with disabilities who can not work full time and/or can not handle a full time job?
There's two options here.

First is quite simple, collect your SSI from here and live overseas and do well on it. Here. May need some more detailed reading, and there's a few countries that you can't cash SSI payments in, but there's a fairly broad list it seems you can receive payments in. At worst, it looks like you could live 6 months at a time abroad, then have to stay in USA 1 month, then go back again. Read it up, though. With your SSI money you could foreseeably live decently better than in USA, reason enough to go abroad from there alone.

Option 2, well, I'd do option 1. But option 2, autism or Aspergers may not matter as much in another country. I feel USA might be one of the worst places to live with Aspergers (I've been diagnosed with it) as the culture very much pushes extroversion, confidence, loudness, and vast amounts of subtlety and body language. It might be possible you could be "cured" in Asia and not hate everything and be able to handle working.
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