Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by polya »

BlueEverglades wrote:The more I read the more I find inconsistencies and things that don't make sense. I used to agree with most of the stuff being said but lately it has gotten beyond ridiculous!

All the pictures of supermodels you post here is the classical ( I look like a 5 but deserve a 10) male mindset. I never workout but I want a thin women with curves on the right places. I never dress decently but my women better dress like a goddess! I slept around all my life but my girl better be f***ing innocent! WHAT A BUNCH OF UNFAIR CRAP! There are millions of good girls probably in your own damn neighborhood but you are too blind to see them as you want none of the work of an actual relationship! Get it right and stop being a delusional douche. End of story!
OK, you're a woman having problems with men so I hope you find some men you like, but you won't find them on happierabroad.
"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." Cato the Elder

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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by bladed11 »

BlueEverglades wrote:The more I read the more I find inconsistencies and things that don't make sense. I used to agree with most of the stuff being said but lately it has gotten beyond ridiculous!

1.Guys here complain that American women are promiscuous and sluts, yet you go to countries like Thailand, Asia, Ireland and russia and treat women like one night stands or "lays" and then brag about it on the forums. You are not looking for a foreign girlfriend or wife that loves you and respects you but for a quick ego trip that for one reason or another you couldn't get in America because women here have had enough with douchebags like these.

You are treating and turning women in those countries into the sluts you hate in America, acting like a huge WHORE yourself and that makes you a god dammed hypocrite in my eyes! You don't respect women of any place in the world, they are nameless numbers in your bed for what I have been reading lately.Why don't you just pay for hoes right here? you are spending enough money into these travels anyways...

2. You say that American women are too independent, act like men but that it's not their fault. We live in a competitive economy and an individualistic culture and women need to fend for themselves or else they would be homeless faster than you can say homeless, and the so called (good men) are never around and make things harder for women paying them less at work. Men have made it clear time and time again, they don't want marriage or to protect women but instead they made a soulless society where everyone is against one another.

You made the money/work 9 to 5 / materialistic/ competitive system and people have adapted, NOW DEAL WITH THE RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS! Women can't be (sweet and lovely) when the harsh reality of rent, bills, food,medicine, crime, rape, abuse and jerks all around the corner everyday yet you post pictures of women minding their own business to survive instead OF LOOKING AT YOU in the streets and actually get pissed you are not the center of attention! WAH! WAH! WHAT A DELUSIONAL PRICK YOU ARE !

3. You defend nice guys and mention over and over again how women love rude alpha men. I personally don't feel attracted to a man that act like a douche, center of attention or being rude for no reason. I don't know which women in her right mind would run after a guy that subtly disrespect her or has 1000 other women after him. On the other hand, the so called nice guys have been the most cruel assholes I have met in my life.
The nerds and geeks, the sensitive musician, the romantic poet, the spiritual dude all of these guys were the equivalent of a bulldozer driving over my spines. First of all the profile of this man is highly bitter, elusive, delusional, and difficult to get to know. They play games with your mind and there's no way to know what they f***ing want. The nice guy has been alone for a long time and when he gets a good girl he treats her like absolute crap just to get back at all those that rejected him.

In fact all men have gotten meaner and meaner and that has nothing to do with feminism . I have been insulted on the street and called bad names by these so called "gentlemen" I dress decently and never had a boyfriend in Miami, Florida as men are always secretly thinking you are a bitch instead of getting to know you personally. If you don't drink, dance like an animal and have casual sex they don't want to know more about you, so I find it ironic guys at happier Abroad want their virginal princesses but in real life reject them? Common now!

I am hispanic and I'm starting to understand why American women are the way they are. Just look at how men treat them, like disposable trash no matter what they do or how much of a lady she is, it's the same everywhere! I'm 26 now and I lost hope finding a man that I can respect, adore and love because none of the guys I have met wanted to do so in the first place...

You can't pretend to like women and be with them posting this self righteous crap on forums everyday! Women can see right through it and know you have nothing more to offer than your penis!

Why are you asking for women to cook, clean and be sweet when you can't even be what you are looking for? What the hell do you offer a woman when she's down or going through a hard time?

All the pictures of supermodels you post here is the classical ( I look like a 5 but deserve a 10) male mindset. I never workout but I want a thin women with curves on the right places. I never dress decently but my women better dress like a goddess! I slept around all my life but my girl better be f***ing innocent! WHAT A BUNCH OF UNFAIR CRAP! There are millions of good girls probably in your own damn neighborhood but you are too blind to see them as you want none of the work of an actual relationship! Get it right and stop being a delusional douche. End of story!
You're a hypocrite get off your high hoarse bitch. Guys don't treat bitches like this with respect. Put her in her place. Trying to use shame tactics as a usual stupid feminazi would. You're more masculine than half the guys here. I bet this bitch can eat twice as much as me and has been around the block and who knows how much cock got stuffed in their. Makes me want to throw up. Then has the nerve to attempt to shame us. hahaha
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Post by bladed11 »

Let me guess daddy walked out on you. Your mom was there but she was to messed up to raise you proper. You slept around with idiots now you're bitter and blaming the men you should be crawling to us begging us to be with you instead of all this non sense ranting bullshit, and such a turn off it is. No wodner your exes hit it and quit it. Who wouldn't? Maybe you should just get a dog or a cat. They won't hit it and quit it when they are tired of your mcdonalds breath and complaining. Heck I'd even put up with the mcdonalds breath if you had a tad of humility and dumped the pride. Where does your feminazi tom boy pride get you anyway? Want a good happy relationship go and get an exorcism first (trust me you need it) then humble yourself and talk to those silent type guys you usually consider losers and over look. They would make you happy. Not good enough I know you'll never learn. Just quit on men then. Your only chance in relationship is with another woman. Something you secretly desire obviously.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by jamesbond »

BlueEverglades wrote:
March 15th, 2014, 5:30 pm
The more I read the more I find inconsistencies and things that don't make sense. I used to agree with most of the stuff being said but lately it has gotten beyond ridiculous!

1.Guys here complain that american women are promiscuous and sluts, yet you go to countries like Thailand, Asia, Ireland and russia and treat women like one night stands or "lays" and then brag about it on the forums. You are not looking for a foreign girlfriend or wife that loves you and respects you but for a quick ego trip that for one reason or another you couldn't get in America because women here have had enough with douchebags like these.

You are treating and turning women in those countries into the sluts you hate in america, acting like a huge WHORE yourself and that makes you a god dammed hypocrite in my eyes! You don't respect women of any place in the world, they are nameless numbers in your bed for what I have been reading lately.Why don't you just pay for prostitutes right here? you are spending enough money into these travels anyways...

2. You say that American women are too independent, act like men but that it's not their fault. We live in a competitive economy and an individualistic culture and women need to fend for themselves or else they would be homeless faster than you can say homeless, and the so called (good men) are never around and make things harder for women paying them less at work. Men have made it clear time and time again, they don't want marriage or to protect women but instead they made a soulless society where everyone is against one another.

You made the money/work 9 to 5 / materialistic/ competitive system and people have adapted, NOW DEAL WITH THE RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS! Women can't be (sweet and lovely) when the harsh reality of rent, bills, food,medicine, crime, rape, abuse and jerks all around the corner everyday yet you post pictures of women minding their own business to survive instead OF LOOKING AT YOU in the streets and actually get pissed you are not the center of attention! WAH! WAH! WHAT A DELUSIONAL PRICK YOU ARE !

3. You defend nice guys and mention over and over again how women love rude alpha men. I personally don't feel attracted to a man that act like a douche, center of attention or being rude for no reason. I don't know which women in her right mind would run after a guy that subtly disrespect her or has 1000 other women after him. On the other hand, the so called nice guys have been the most cruel assholes I have met in my life.
The nerds and geeks, the sensitive musician, the romantic poet, the spiritual dude all of these guys were the equivalent of a bulldozer driving over my spines. First of all the profile of this man is highly bitter, elusive, delusional, and difficult to get to know. They play games with your mind and there's no way to know what they f***ing want. The nice guy has been alone for a long time and when he gets a good girl he treats her like absolute crap just to get back at all those that rejected him.

In fact all men have gotten meaner and meaner and that has nothing to do with feminism . I have been insulted on the street and called bad names by these so called "gentlemen" I dress decently and never had a boyfriend in Miami, Florida as men are always secretly thinking you are a bitch instead of getting to know you personally. If you don't drink, dance like an animal and have casual sex they don't want to know more about you, so I find it ironic guys at happier Abroad want their virginal princesses but in real life reject them? Common now!

I am hispanic and I'm starting to understand why american women are the way they are. Just look at how men treat them, like disposable trash no matter what they do or how much of a lady she is, it's the same everywhere! I'm 26 now and I lost hope finding a man that I can respect, adore and love because none of the guys I have met wanted to do so in the first place...

You can't pretend to like women and be with them posting this self righteous crap on forums everyday! Women can see right through it and know you have nothing more to offer than your penis!

Why are you asking for women to cook, clean and be sweet when you can't even be what you are looking for? What the hell do you offer a woman when she's down or going through a hard time?

All the pictures of supermodels you post here is the classical ( I look like a 5 but deserve a 10) male mindset. I never workout but I want a thin women with curves on the right places. I never dress decently but my women better dress like a goddess! I slept around all my life but my girl better be f***ing innocent! WHAT A BUNCH OF UNFAIR CRAP! There are millions of good girls probably in your own damn neighborhood but you are too blind to see them as you want none of the work of an actual relationship! Get it right and stop being a delusional douche. End of story!

It sounds like your meeting men in all the wrong places. Maybe moving out of Miami would be a good idea, there are a lot of PUA's in that city. The best idea would be to move out of America altogether.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by Lucas88 »

I just read this old thread and it seems like life in America messed her up. That's what America does to people. It burdens them with all kinds of stress and negativity and then it makes everybody want to blame some other group and take out their dissatisfaction on others. US society is so divided that it's unbelievable.

The OP now wishes to blame American men for supposedly making American women the way they are. But that's absurd. Relations between the sexes are messed up in the US but the causes of this go back many decades to a time before any of us were even born. So none of us are to blame for this. We were just born into this mess and continue to live with the negative effects of decades of estrangement and perverse social engineering.

I am personally not interested in any petty blame games. Things are the way they are and we cannot do anything to change them. Instead we can only do the best that we can in spite of the negative circumstances and seek practical solutions to our problems. For many including myself this involves moving abroad and dating foreign women. Women in my country are of low quality and don't interest me and I know that I can do much better for myself elsewhere. So that is exactly what I do. From a pragmatic standpoint it's not about how things should be idealistically but rather what you can get for yourself. Only you can fight for your own happiness.

A lot of men on this forum do complain about American women being sluts and whores. Maybe the OP's observation is right. Maybe many are bitter that they have been consistently rejected by American women. I myself however simply don't care enough about British girls (I'm from the UK) to call them sluts or whores. I genuinely have absolutely no interest in them at all. I don't care how many people they sleep with or what they do. They are as invisible to me as I am to them and I want it to stay that way. I'm not bitter about British girls. They are simply non-entities to me. I only wanna date foreign (Latin American) women because I know that they are way better than British girls in terms of looks, femininity, attitude and pretty much everything else. I wouldn't touch the vast majority of British girls even if they begged me.

The thing about women having to become masculine due to work, bills, etc. is just plain wrong though. I agree that Anglo countries produce masculine women but I know plenty of foreign women (Latinas, Asians, etc.) who work full-time, are financially independent and pay bills and they are still way more feminine than Anglo women. Way more feminine. The difference is night and day.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 9th, 2022, 8:04 pm
I just read this old thread and it seems like life in America messed her up. That's what America does to people. It burdens them with all kinds of stress and negativity and then it makes everybody want to blame some other group and take out their dissatisfaction on others. US society is so divided that it's unbelievable.

The OP now wishes to blame American men for supposedly making American women the way they are. But that's absurd. Relations between the sexes are messed up in the US but the causes of this go back many decades to a time before any of us were even born. So none of us are to blame for this. We were just born into this mess and continue to live with the negative effects of decades of estrangement and perverse social engineering.

I am personally not interested in any petty blame games. Things are the way they are and we cannot do anything to change them. Instead we can only do the best that we can in spite of the negative circumstances and seek practical solutions to our problems. For many including myself this involves moving abroad and dating foreign women. Women in my country are of low quality and don't interest me and I know that I can do much better for myself elsewhere. So that is exactly what I do. From a pragmatic standpoint it's not about how things should be idealistically but rather what you can get for yourself. Only you can fight for your own happiness.

A lot of men on this forum do complain about American women being sluts and whores. Maybe the OP's observation is right. Maybe many are bitter that they have been consistently rejected by American women. I myself however simply don't care enough about British girls (I'm from the UK) to call them sluts or whores. I genuinely have absolutely no interest in them at all. I don't care how many people they sleep with or what they do. They are as invisible to me as I am to them and I want it to stay that way. I'm not bitter about British girls. They are simply non-entities to me. I only wanna date foreign (Latin American) women because I know that they are way better than British girls in terms of looks, femininity, attitude and pretty much everything else. I wouldn't touch the vast majority of British girls even if they begged me.

The thing about women having to become masculine due to work, bills, etc. is just plain wrong though. I agree that Anglo countries produce masculine women but I know plenty of foreign women (Latinas, Asians, etc.) who work full-time, are financially independent and pay bills and they are still way more feminine than Anglo women. Way more feminine. The difference is night and day.
Nothing wrong with blaming others if it's true, a lot of these people are to blame for what they've done. Think about it like this, the U.S. wasn't always this heavy crime ridden country where people just did whatever they wanted in the streets. Everything that's happening with this country is all by design and intentionally. Now we have gangs from all parts of the world here, who is to blame for it? The garbage United States Government.

You don't have crips and Bloods terrorizing the streets of Beijing or any of these gangs killing up people in Vietnam, etc. Or buildings in countries with no Islamic influence being blown or set ablaze because the people refuse to accept Islam. As far as women go, I've given up on dating to be honest. I don't believe in going abroad and taking women away from men in other countries despite there are plenty of women to go around. America didn't get this way by mistake with the women being impossible. Men simply gave them power and control. They felt that women should have leadership roles, and all that junk backfired on them.

The UK, Canada, etc all these nations are controlled by weak ass feminine p***y faced men that use women and other weak men like themselves that think like women in order to stay in power. They do that by giving women even more control. All of this happened because of the way people are educated in these countries. The education system in the West is so destructive that it brainwashed a vast majority of people and now they wish to spread that disease globally everywhere else.

When my mother was going to school, they didn't have queer and gender fluid kids, now they are literately everywhere because leftlist white people are the ones pushing it the most. There are people you can blame for a lot things because some people are at fault. For starters all the people at the top level is where it begin right down to their foot soldiers. Yes America is divided, but it's not like people in other countries are all about team work because they are just as selfish. Look at how people in countries like the Philippines scam so much, pretend to be hospitable but the first chance they catch some clueless guy that doesn't know where he is off guard, they will take advantage and try to rip him off. I can't exactly think of a time in my life where I spent a lot of time blaming how lame the Women are in the U.S. hell I had several points in my life where I did almost go after transgenders simply because I met some of them from South East Asia that treated me better than women ever did, and even though I wouldn't be able to claim myself as a straight male if I got involved with them.

Some of them even looked better than women too and it was like "okay that's a man but damn at least they wouldn't cheat on me if a real woman looked that good". The fact is, I seen them as a alternative since the possibility of them cheating on me with someone else was very slim. I'm also a low status male with disabilities just not on the level of incel. The thing is I considered it better to go the straight up homo route than sitting around complaining about women I could never get. That's the way I thought. Hell I was so desperate and broken I even wrote women behind bars through prison penpal sites only to realize those women had high standards too. I remember writing to a lot of beautiful Hispanic female inmates and how did they treat me? They would give my letters to other women that looked less appealing than they did who would write me, and that made me feel like total shit that a woman who f***ed up her life think she can do better. Desperation ate at the very core of my soul, and I went through life being completely jealous of my cousin who always did well with girls while I failed constantly with them.

At age 17 I wanted to get married and use to spend so much time on Russian mail order bride sites, and the prices were for men to go on those marriage tours to meet these women were successful that had their lives together...Something I didn't. And I remember my ex boss telling me he spent $30,000 just to travel and meet his wife from Cambodia, yet she couldn't have kids or get pregnant. Information he was willing to share with me.

The thing about me is that I've made a lot of extreme sacrifices including going against my own principals and beliefs at times. Unfortunately I can't travel abroad and I also have a sickness that's very severe. I'm at the point in my life where I have to accept the fact I'm going to die alone without a woman to love. But it's hard for me to come online and bring up how bad women are when I already know how bad they are. I use to try my damnest to meet women in garbage State of California, and every time I tried I got brushed off. It was worse in college back when I tried to befriend different women and I remember this one tall Filipina girl telling me to my face "I only like muscular men, and your too skinny." That shit crushed me...

The first time I got hurt by a girl, I was only 11 years old. And she was Mexican. I still remember running home crying in tears after she split up with me right in front of her dad, mom, brother and sisters. They all saw her drop me and it was humiliating and painful, that was the first time I experienced what it was like to have a broken heart. Overall I carry a lot of hatred and bitterness in my heart, no denying that. I won't say that America is to blame entirely for it. There is no telling what my life would be like if I went someplace else. It's not like people in every other country is better off mentally, I've met plenty of depressed people from around the world in so called "better than America" countries. Even in a dysfunctional country like America, there are still some people living here who are happy to some degree with their lives...

I don't blame some men for raging about their situation with women. It's easy to tell some of these men "look if your women suck just travel abroad and find one that will love and treat you well, I did it or that's what I'm planning to do." Because not every man can do that, if it was that easy then a ton of incels would take that advice. Instead they sit among each other and talk about how bad all women are. Something I never did since I didn't see the point in spending endless days venting about how bad women were. I may have done it several times in my life but the last time I spoke negatively of women I couldn't convince to be part of my life was long ago.

Sometimes it helps to vent or release the negative energy when all else fails. Bottling it up with no way to release it isn't healthy. I use to have a therapist and a psychiatrist both male and female that I spoke to on a regular basis when I had no family to really talk to about my troubles despite I have a loving mother. She's old and was the first to recommend therapy after I told her prayer doesn't work for me like it does for her. I was so damaged and torn by life I took Anti-depressants a few times hoping to combat the issues I faced as a lost man in this world. Believe me, I'm the end result of a man that lived too long in the West and got destroyed. Add all of this on top of the crushing student loan debt burden I have to carry for life I tried suicide in 2014 because I got sick of them taking my money or threatening me. It's like the men who got divorce raped, some men don't ever recover from that. I sympathized with men that struggle so I know how hard it is. As for me? Well I had to make sacrifices. That's why I'm never going to meet anybody, men who do find someone to love well. Consider yourself blessed.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 11th, 2022, 12:06 pm
Nothing wrong with blaming others if it's true, a lot of these people are to blame for what they've done. Think about it like this, the U.S. wasn't always this heavy crime ridden country where people just did whatever they wanted in the streets. Everything that's happening with this country is all by design and intentionally. Now we have gangs from all parts of the world here, who is to blame for it? The garbage United States Government.

You don't have crips and Bloods terrorizing the streets of Beijing or any of these gangs killing up people in Vietnam, etc. Or buildings in countries with no Islamic influence being blown or set ablaze because the people refuse to accept Islam. As far as women go, I've given up on dating to be honest. I don't believe in going abroad and taking women away from men in other countries despite there are plenty of women to go around. America didn't get this way by mistake with the women being impossible. Men simply gave them power and control. They felt that women should have leadership roles, and all that junk backfired on them.

The UK, Canada, etc all these nations are controlled by weak ass feminine p***y faced men that use women and other weak men like themselves that think like women in order to stay in power. They do that by giving women even more control. All of this happened because of the way people are educated in these countries. The education system in the West is so destructive that it brainwashed a vast majority of people and now they wish to spread that disease globally everywhere else.
Oh yeah, I agree, we should absolutely blame the social engineers and their agenda pusher foot soldiers who have created all of this mess. Moreover we must expose them for what they are doing. Those evildoers are the enemy. Not only must they be blamed but also punished from the evil that they have caused. We can have no tolerance for those who knowingly push destructive agendas or even for the droves of useful idiots who call themselves "activists".

But as for the regular women and men who've been affected by the West's negative social engineering, I think that they are just fools who lack the self-awareness to see beyond the programing. They act in accordance with the programming because that's all they know. They are just dumbasses of low consciousness who follow society's toxic trends blindly in the fashion of NPCs. Most people are just low-vibrational trash bag NPCs with no values or principals of their own and who are simply following their own lower nature. So for me it doesn't make much sense to give a shit about those people. It's better just to avoid them completely since they have absolutely nothing to offer anyway. At some point even blaming them or lashing out at them becomes futile other than as a catharsis for negative emotions and it becomes clear that our time would be better spent focusing on ourselves and the practical things that can lead to improvements in our lives.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 11th, 2022, 12:06 pm
It's easy to tell some of these men "look if your women suck just travel abroad and find one that will love and treat you well, I did it or that's what I'm planning to do." Because not every man can do that, if it was that easy then a ton of incels would take that advice. Instead they sit among each other and talk about how bad all women are. Something I never did since I didn't see the point in spending endless days venting about how bad women were. I may have done it several times in my life but the last time I spoke negatively of women I couldn't convince to be part of my life was long ago.
I understand what you're saying. Relocation to experience a better life abroad is easier said than done. First you've got to have money saved up or a realistic source of income to sustain your expat life. You've got to have either a viable business or a reliable form of employment in the country itself. Some people are able to do that with no problems but there are many others who are broke or sinking in debt or are otherwise suffering from depression, anxiety, mental illness, disabilities or other medical problems to such a degree that they are unable to function normally in everyday life, yet alone set up a viable business or find gainful employment that will allow them to save up enough money. And many of those who are employed and can hold down a full-time job for a significant length of time are simply working to pay bills and survive.

I guess that this means that some of us just have to make do with our current situation, at least for time being until we get on our feet. I know how frustrating this can be. It's like being stuck in a hole and suffocating in an abyss of misery. The best thing to do in this situation in my opinion is to focus on productive things. Do physical training. Do creative and artistic things. Meditate. Read. Learn new skills.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 11th, 2022, 12:06 pm
hell I had several points in my life where I did almost go after transgenders simply because I met some of them from South East Asia that treated me better than women ever did, and even though I wouldn't be able to claim myself as a straight male if I got involved with them.

Some of them even looked better than women too and it was like "okay that's a man but damn at least they wouldn't cheat on me if a real woman looked that good". The fact is, I seen them as a alternative since the possibility of them cheating on me with someone else was very slim. I'm also a low status male with disabilities just not on the level of incel. The thing is I considered it better to go the straight up homo route than sitting around complaining about women I could never get. That's the way I thought.
I can understand why some guys go after Tgirls. Some of them are way hotter and more feminine than real females, especially the trashy and semi-masculine women which now predominate in the Western world. From what I've seen Tgirls seem to be much nicer and more humble than women. I don't know if this is because of their innate psychological constitution as feminized faggots (I've always found gay men to be friendly, polite and good-natured) or if it is because they have lived a difficult life of social alienation due to their status as sexual minorities and are therefore more understanding and empathic towards others or if it's due to a combination of both of these factors. Feminine Tgirls seem like the perfect option for guys who love feminine beauty and hyperfeminine behavior but at the same time can't stand most women. I guess being with a fake woman who still happens to be hot is better than being an incel or being with a subpar semi-masculine Western woman.

Remember, it's not gay if they're Asian! :lol:
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 8:24 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 11th, 2022, 12:06 pm
Nothing wrong with blaming others if it's true, a lot of these people are to blame for what they've done. Think about it like this, the U.S. wasn't always this heavy crime ridden country where people just did whatever they wanted in the streets. Everything that's happening with this country is all by design and intentionally. Now we have gangs from all parts of the world here, who is to blame for it? The garbage United States Government.

You don't have crips and Bloods terrorizing the streets of Beijing or any of these gangs killing up people in Vietnam, etc. Or buildings in countries with no Islamic influence being blown or set ablaze because the people refuse to accept Islam. As far as women go, I've given up on dating to be honest. I don't believe in going abroad and taking women away from men in other countries despite there are plenty of women to go around. America didn't get this way by mistake with the women being impossible. Men simply gave them power and control. They felt that women should have leadership roles, and all that junk backfired on them.

The UK, Canada, etc all these nations are controlled by weak ass feminine p***y faced men that use women and other weak men like themselves that think like women in order to stay in power. They do that by giving women even more control. All of this happened because of the way people are educated in these countries. The education system in the West is so destructive that it brainwashed a vast majority of people and now they wish to spread that disease globally everywhere else.
Oh yeah, I agree, we should absolutely blame the social engineers and their agenda pusher foot soldiers who have created all of this mess. Moreover we must expose them for what they are doing. Those evildoers are the enemy. Not only must they be blamed but also punished from the evil that they have caused. We can have no tolerance for those who knowingly push destructive agendas or even for the droves of useful idiots who call themselves "activists".

But as for the regular women and men who've been affected by the West's negative social engineering, I think that they are just fools who lack the self-awareness to see beyond the programing. They act in accordance with the programming because that's all they know. They are just dumbasses of low consciousness who follow society's toxic trends blindly in the fashion of NPCs. Most people are just low-vibrational trash bag NPCs with no values or principals of their own and who are simply following their own lower nature. So for me it doesn't make much sense to give a shit about those people. It's better just to avoid them completely since they have absolutely nothing to offer anyway. At some point even blaming them or lashing out at them becomes futile other than as a catharsis for negative emotions and it becomes clear that our time would be better spent focusing on ourselves and the practical things that can lead to improvements in our lives.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 11th, 2022, 12:06 pm
It's easy to tell some of these men "look if your women suck just travel abroad and find one that will love and treat you well, I did it or that's what I'm planning to do." Because not every man can do that, if it was that easy then a ton of incels would take that advice. Instead they sit among each other and talk about how bad all women are. Something I never did since I didn't see the point in spending endless days venting about how bad women were. I may have done it several times in my life but the last time I spoke negatively of women I couldn't convince to be part of my life was long ago.
I understand what you're saying. Relocation to experience a better life abroad is easier said than done. First you've got to have money saved up or a realistic source of income to sustain your expat life. You've got to have either a viable business or a reliable form of employment in the country itself. Some people are able to do that with no problems but there are many others who are broke or sinking in debt or are otherwise suffering from depression, anxiety, mental illness, disabilities or other medical problems to such a degree that they are unable to function normally in everyday life, yet alone set up a viable business or find gainful employment that will allow them to save up enough money. And many of those who are employed and can hold down a full-time job for a significant length of time are simply working to pay bills and survive.

I guess that this means that some of us just have to make do with our current situation, at least for time being until we get on our feet. I know how frustrating this can be. It's like being stuck in a hole and suffocating in an abyss of misery. The best thing to do in this situation in my opinion is to focus on productive things. Do physical training. Do creative and artistic things. Meditate. Read. Learn new skills.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 11th, 2022, 12:06 pm
hell I had several points in my life where I did almost go after transgenders simply because I met some of them from South East Asia that treated me better than women ever did, and even though I wouldn't be able to claim myself as a straight male if I got involved with them.

Some of them even looked better than women too and it was like "okay that's a man but damn at least they wouldn't cheat on me if a real woman looked that good". The fact is, I seen them as a alternative since the possibility of them cheating on me with someone else was very slim. I'm also a low status male with disabilities just not on the level of incel. The thing is I considered it better to go the straight up homo route than sitting around complaining about women I could never get. That's the way I thought.
I can understand why some guys go after Tgirls. Some of them are way hotter and more feminine than real females, especially the trashy and semi-masculine women which now predominate in the Western world. From what I've seen Tgirls seem to be much nicer and more humble than women. I don't know if this is because of their innate psychological constitution as feminized faggots (I've always found gay men to be friendly, polite and good-natured) or if it is because they have lived a difficult life of social alienation due to their status as sexual minorities and are therefore more understanding and empathic towards others or if it's due to a combination of both of these factors. Feminine Tgirls seem like the perfect option for guys who love feminine beauty and hyperfeminine behavior but at the same time can't stand most women. I guess being with a fake woman who still happens to be hot is better than being an incel or being with a subpar semi-masculine Western woman.

Remember, it's not gay if they're Asian! :lol:
LMAO the last part of your post killed me. I still cant stop laughing. hahahaha. I was honestly just going through a deep phase of desperation. I spent a lot of my life being rejected. It got worse in college because I went to a liberal college in California. I still remember I fell for my English teacher and had no idea she was a lesbian....One day we were all in class, and this girl that looked no older than maybe 18-21 years old walks into our class room during session while the teacher is talking to over 30 students. She grabs the teacher, and kisses her deep in the damn mouth...Man everybody went nuts when that happened because it was just out of nowhere. You have no idea how crushed I was seeing that. While the other men are smiling and cheering and the women looking confused and shocked. I'm sitting there feeling the pain in my heart...I ended up quitting that class.

One thing is certain I've had a lot of bad experiences with women, I've never actually dated a trans person just only spoke to a lot of them from The Philippines and while there are some here that look as good as women, they are normally the ones that are involved in porn shit on sites like Onlyfans and still carry that heavy sense of "I can get any man I want because I look just as good if not better than women now!" Plus American trans people are mostly annoying lame ass pronoun retards, and SJW leftlist. There is no way in hell I'd talk to any of them about anything, they make you want to just shove a stake up their asses half the time because they are so self absorbed and narcissistic just like most leftist people are. I've used the word transsexual around Asian ones and they never got mad, do that to one in the U.S. they will get pissed and bitch that your being rude, and they love to call everything transphobic. In general these people regardless of where they come from demand shit and act like the world owes them everything just because they are living a lie.

Then you have all these closet down low men who already have wives or a girlfriend that go around f***ing transsexuals behind their women's back. I always thought those were the saddest men in the world that did that. I only went for trans because I got desperate and felt they were less likely to cheat. The reason why homosexuals tend to do better than heterosexuals in relationships aside from the ones who have out of control sex lives have a lot to do with the fact they don't flirt with other people as much or get tempted to just cheat. I knew a few Lesbian couples in the past, and they just don't seem like the type of people who are constantly looking to hook up with other women like heterosexual people tend to do all the time to each other. That's why promiscuity among heterosexual women and men is always through the roof. Because for one thing lesbian women don't get hit on by other women nearly as much as heterosexual women who get hit on constantly by different men and they are always tempted to cheat because of this.

Likewise, men who find themselves with actual women are truly blessed to have that. As for me, I've accepted defeat many times in my life. Everything you said in your response about men who have health issues, money troubles, etc that's pretty much me. I'm at the point where I'm still fighting back hard and I haven't entirely given up but I rarely sit around complaining about the same thing, I usually rotate the things I must complain about lol and even then it's become harder for me to do it on a forum unless I see other people discussing a subject that's got them feeling tension or frustrated.

Then I'll join in and become frustrated together with them so no one has to feel all alone :lol: I am very sympathetic with the problems a lot of men face. I use to hang out on this one incel site just to read some of the things they talked about despite I'm not an incel, hell I'm not even ugly! XD but the thing is I was curious about them and why they felt so tortured by society/life. Or what people were always picking on them and making them feel like social outcast. Some of the things they spoke about was quite chilling, but at the same time it was hard to fault these men and even teenage boys among them for feeling extreme resentment of women and anguish toward certain type of men that women preferred over them.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by Outcast9428 »

There is definitely some truth to what the OP is saying. I’ve felt a lot of anger myself at guys here who flee the degeneracy of the west only to export it to traditional countries. Too many men being whores is definitely a huge part of the problem. I also do agree with OP that a lot of guys are hypocritical in that they bemoan the downfall of traditionalism but also complain about women expecting to be provided for and then saying that men and women need to contribute equal workloads when quite frankly, traditionalism worked specifically because the men were willing to work harder then the women did and didn’t complain about that fact. I don’t support the workaholic attitude you see from some people but other people clearly take it too far in the other direction and seem like they just don’t want to work at all. I’m all for reasonably lowering your workload if you can but the truth is nothing you want in life will come to you if your biggest priority in life is dodging work.

That being said, what OP said about “nice guys” is complete horseshit. Nice guys in this country are treated like crap by most women. There is scientific proof for this too. It’s a big reason why this country is going to hell in a handbasket because our society seems determined to prevent its most valuable members from reproducing while simultaneously empowering the worst elements of society to reproduce like crazy.


I’m glad you shared your story with us. I am terribly sorry you had to go through all that. I really don’t believe you deserved it at all. I feel like forcing someone to live a life without the love of a woman is one of the most cruel things that can be done to a person. If it’s going to happen I feel like only the truly lowliest scum should be forced to endure that. People like animal torturers, murderers, and sadists. Besides, those kind of people wouldn’t even appreciate a woman’s love anyway.

But it makes me angry when liberals say “you don’t deserve a girlfriend just for being an average boring guy!”

My thoughts are why the hell not? “Average boring guys” got wives in basically every century of the past 1,000 years. Is being “boring” such a heinous crime that men deserve to live the rest of their life in misery just for not having cool enough hobbies or an entertaining enough personality?

Why doesn’t a decent, but so called “boring” guy deserve a wife? More and more liberals are acting like having a wife ought to be some kind of luxury that only the coolest guys can get. Meanwhile in India, 98% of the men there are married by the time they reach 40. Most of the unmarried are probably gay. India doesn’t have an incel problem which shows that having incels is not inevitable. It’s a result of our country’s social values. Values which say if you can’t constantly entertain the women in this country by being a non-stop walking clown show who does stupid shit so that she always feels that her life is “exciting” then you deserve to die alone.

It’s sickening, it’s absolutely sickening.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 12:49 pm
There is definitely some truth to what the OP is saying. I’ve felt a lot of anger myself at guys here who flee the degeneracy of the west only to export it to traditional countries. Too many men being whores is definitely a huge part of the problem. I also do agree with OP that a lot of guys are hypocritical in that they bemoan the downfall of traditionalism but also complain about women expecting to be provided for and then saying that men and women need to contribute equal workloads when quite frankly, traditionalism worked specifically because the men were willing to work harder then the women did and didn’t complain about that fact. I don’t support the workaholic attitude you see from some people but other people clearly take it too far in the other direction and seem like they just don’t want to work at all. I’m all for reasonably lowering your workload if you can but the truth is nothing you want in life will come to you if your biggest priority in life is dodging work.

That being said, what OP said about “nice guys” is complete horseshit. Nice guys in this country are treated like crap by most women. There is scientific proof for this too. It’s a big reason why this country is going to hell in a handbasket because our society seems determined to prevent its most valuable members from reproducing while simultaneously empowering the worst elements of society to reproduce like crazy.


I’m glad you shared your story with us. I am terribly sorry you had to go through all that. I really don’t believe you deserved it at all. I feel like forcing someone to live a life without the love of a woman is one of the most cruel things that can be done to a person. If it’s going to happen I feel like only the truly lowliest scum should be forced to endure that. People like animal torturers, murderers, and sadists. Besides, those kind of people wouldn’t even appreciate a woman’s love anyway.

But it makes me angry when liberals say “you don’t deserve a girlfriend just for being an average boring guy!”

My thoughts are why the hell not? “Average boring guys” got wives in basically every century of the past 1,000 years. Is being “boring” such a heinous crime that men deserve to live the rest of their life in misery just for not having cool enough hobbies or an entertaining enough personality?

Why doesn’t a decent, but so called “boring” guy deserve a wife? More and more liberals are acting like having a wife ought to be some kind of luxury that only the coolest guys can get. Meanwhile in India, 98% of the men there are married by the time they reach 40. Most of the unmarried are probably gay. India doesn’t have an incel problem which shows that having incels is not inevitable. It’s a result of our country’s social values. Values which say if you can’t constantly entertain the women in this country by being a non-stop walking clown show who does stupid shit so that she always feels that her life is “exciting” then you deserve to die alone.

It’s sickening, it’s absolutely sickening.
That's the reason why I tried all sorts of other alternatives to cope with my losses. And while India may not have an incel problem, they have too many Muslims...To live around muslims means you have to put up with people that are a lot like violent leftlist. I never want to live in a country around a huge Muslim population. But everything else you were saying, I agree with it. I'm not sure if I am average or not but I tend to go for average looking girls. Unfortunately I've not tried dating in a very long time...I cannot remember the last time I pursued anybody at all. That's how long it's been for me.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 12:49 pm
But it makes me angry when liberals say “you don’t deserve a girlfriend just for being an average boring guy!”

My thoughts are why the hell not? “Average boring guys” got wives in basically every century of the past 1,000 years. Is being “boring” such a heinous crime that men deserve to live the rest of their life in misery just for not having cool enough hobbies or an entertaining enough personality?

Why doesn’t a decent, but so called “boring” guy deserve a wife? More and more liberals are acting like having a wife ought to be some kind of luxury that only the coolest guys can get. Meanwhile in India, 98% of the men there are married by the time they reach 40. Most of the unmarried are probably gay. India doesn’t have an incel problem which shows that having incels is not inevitable. It’s a result of our country’s social values. Values which say if you can’t constantly entertain the women in this country by being a non-stop walking clown show who does stupid shit so that she always feels that her life is “exciting” then you deserve to die alone.
I think that today American society's idea of what is to be considered "fun" and "boring" is extremely distorted. It seems that "fun" today means irresponsible alcohol consumption, drug use, reckless behavior and all kinds of extravagant activities for the narcissistic Instagram generation while being a normal individual with moral principles, common decency, more serious edifying interests and a sensible disposition is seen as "boring". In other words being a degenerate is the new social ideal. It's also like this in the UK too where most young people equate binge drinking with "having a good time" and a significant subset of these are also involved in the country's rampant drug culture. I've been called "boring" on more than one occasion for my lifestyle of abstinence and my anti-drug stance. I've been viewed as "weird" due to my lack of desire to participate in pub culture. But I actually have substantial hobbies and interests such as MMA training, art, writing and foreign languages, activities which I consider meaningful and truly interesting. I don't find pub culture and drugs and things that most people here consider "cool" interesting even in the slightest.

I've found dating in other countries to be much more normal. Whenever I dated Latin American girls we enjoyed ourselves doing much more innocent things such as going out to get icecream (with no alcohol or drugs involved), watching a movie at the cinema, going to the arcade or sightseeing throughout the city. We enjoyed ourselves doing simple things and our dates resembled those that you see in American movies from the 80s. Being a responsible guy who doesn't drink or take drugs is seen as something positive in many parts of the world and isn't seen as boring. It's only in places like America, the UK and other Western degeneratopias that most young people are "genetically modified" and equate acting like a total degenerate with "fun" and "coolness".
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 8:00 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 12:49 pm
But it makes me angry when liberals say “you don’t deserve a girlfriend just for being an average boring guy!”

My thoughts are why the hell not? “Average boring guys” got wives in basically every century of the past 1,000 years. Is being “boring” such a heinous crime that men deserve to live the rest of their life in misery just for not having cool enough hobbies or an entertaining enough personality?

Why doesn’t a decent, but so called “boring” guy deserve a wife? More and more liberals are acting like having a wife ought to be some kind of luxury that only the coolest guys can get. Meanwhile in India, 98% of the men there are married by the time they reach 40. Most of the unmarried are probably gay. India doesn’t have an incel problem which shows that having incels is not inevitable. It’s a result of our country’s social values. Values which say if you can’t constantly entertain the women in this country by being a non-stop walking clown show who does stupid shit so that she always feels that her life is “exciting” then you deserve to die alone.
I think that today American society's idea of what is to be considered "fun" and "boring" is extremely distorted. It seems that "fun" today means irresponsible alcohol consumption, drug use, reckless behavior and all kinds of extravagant activities for the narcissistic Instagram generation while being a normal individual with moral principles, common decency, more serious edifying interests and a sensible disposition is seen as "boring". In other words being a degenerate is the new social ideal. It's also like this in the UK too where most young people equate binge drinking with "having a good time" and a significant subset of these are also involved in the country's rampant drug culture. I've been called "boring" on more than one occasion for my lifestyle of abstinence and my anti-drug stance. I've been viewed as "weird" due to my lack of desire to participate in pub culture. But I actually have substantial hobbies and interests such as MMA training, art, writing and foreign languages, activities which I consider meaningful and truly interesting. I don't find pub culture and drugs and things that most people here consider "cool" interesting even in the slightest.

I've found dating in other countries to be much more normal. Whenever I dated Latin American girls we enjoyed ourselves doing much more innocent things such as going out to get icecream (with no alcohol or drugs involved), watching a movie at the cinema, going to the arcade or sightseeing throughout the city. We enjoyed ourselves doing simple things and our dates resembled those that you see in American movies from the 80s. Being a responsible guy who doesn't drink or take drugs is seen as something positive in many parts of the world and isn't seen as boring. It's only in places like America, the UK and other Western degeneratopias that most young people are "genetically modified" and equate acting like a total degenerate with "fun" and "coolness".
But that still doesn't mean those other countries aren't guilty of it also. Thailand's entire country is sex tourist crazy, people only go there for the sex mostly but have no interest in anything else up there. Back in the day New York use to have sex shops everywhere but those are long gone. Likewise I enjoy a mixture of things. I've never been out to clubs or pubs, arcades died in America after the early 2000s. We had a lot of fun things here but the Government killed it all because they wanted a society full of fools. People have given up smoking cigs to some extent because they moved on to actual harder stuff. Less people in America smoke tobacco but do marijuana. Ever sense it became legal in CA pretty much everybody started doing it.

As for innocent activities the GOV got rid of skating rinks/roller rings, arcades because they claimed they were destructive for teens and kids that use to spend a lot of time hanging out at them. Then places like Disney World is so damn woke and lame now you might as well stay home rather than taking your kids to an amusement park to be preached at by Micky Mouse as to why Diversity is a good thing.

I honestly think drugs only got worse because of Latin American people and Mexicans started smuggling a lot of that junk over here. That's where a lot of the hard drug stuff came from in the first place. Literately all the Cartels and gangs up here in the West are from those foreign countries and the ones involved in the drug trade brought it here. Another reason for why people may not be hard drug users in other countries is because of harsher penalties. Asian laws against drug use and possession is ten times more brutal than America if you get caught with it which is probably why most of those other countries don't have an out of control drug scene like we do here.

But the harder drugs that people would consider the best are found in Latin America and Asia it gets smuggled right over here and everyone profits off it including the Government that confiscate it and keep the money for themselves. It's not like they burn that money when they finally confiscate it along with the weapons. Think back to how life was in the U.S. before everyone became crazy. This is the type of society they want, a society full of idiot people that will be extremely easy to control, and rule over. Degenerates and hardcore drug users aren't going to fight to protect a country either against the people who are trying to turn them into brain dead zombies so they can take over, and they don't even care if their own neighborhoods are safe. How can these people be able to do anything when their bodies are all messed up and their minds damaged from the abuse?
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by jamesbond »

I wonder if the OP moved out of the US like she was saying she would in some of her other posts. It sounds like, she hasn't been able to meet any men she likes and has only had one boyfriend in the US which only lasted one month. I wish her all the best.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by Mew6ix »

America & Canada are PARADISES for women. There are fat, obese and ugly women in Toronto who think that they are supermodels. A White guy like me 5 foot 9, below middle class working for C$20/hr can't compete in this Americanized Canadian city when there are simps who make $2,000 in a day.
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Re: Too late and you guys sound like hypocrites!

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 8:00 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 12:49 pm
But it makes me angry when liberals say “you don’t deserve a girlfriend just for being an average boring guy!”

My thoughts are why the hell not? “Average boring guys” got wives in basically every century of the past 1,000 years. Is being “boring” such a heinous crime that men deserve to live the rest of their life in misery just for not having cool enough hobbies or an entertaining enough personality?

Why doesn’t a decent, but so called “boring” guy deserve a wife? More and more liberals are acting like having a wife ought to be some kind of luxury that only the coolest guys can get. Meanwhile in India, 98% of the men there are married by the time they reach 40. Most of the unmarried are probably gay. India doesn’t have an incel problem which shows that having incels is not inevitable. It’s a result of our country’s social values. Values which say if you can’t constantly entertain the women in this country by being a non-stop walking clown show who does stupid shit so that she always feels that her life is “exciting” then you deserve to die alone.
I think that today American society's idea of what is to be considered "fun" and "boring" is extremely distorted. It seems that "fun" today means irresponsible alcohol consumption, drug use, reckless behavior and all kinds of extravagant activities for the narcissistic Instagram generation while being a normal individual with moral principles, common decency, more serious edifying interests and a sensible disposition is seen as "boring". In other words being a degenerate is the new social ideal. It's also like this in the UK too where most young people equate binge drinking with "having a good time" and a significant subset of these are also involved in the country's rampant drug culture. I've been called "boring" on more than one occasion for my lifestyle of abstinence and my anti-drug stance. I've been viewed as "weird" due to my lack of desire to participate in pub culture. But I actually have substantial hobbies and interests such as MMA training, art, writing and foreign languages, activities which I consider meaningful and truly interesting. I don't find pub culture and drugs and things that most people here consider "cool" interesting even in the slightest.

I've found dating in other countries to be much more normal. Whenever I dated Latin American girls we enjoyed ourselves doing much more innocent things such as going out to get icecream (with no alcohol or drugs involved), watching a movie at the cinema, going to the arcade or sightseeing throughout the city. We enjoyed ourselves doing simple things and our dates resembled those that you see in American movies from the 80s. Being a responsible guy who doesn't drink or take drugs is seen as something positive in many parts of the world and isn't seen as boring. It's only in places like America, the UK and other Western degeneratopias that most young people are "genetically modified" and equate acting like a total degenerate with "fun" and "coolness".
That's true. In America and the UK, your young adult years are essentially supposed to be this giant competition to see who can drink the most, do the most drugs, bone the most number of people, piss off their parents the most, and do the most reckless, stupid shit possible and get away with it. College students have no idea how to have fun anymore without getting drunk or high. Back when I was in college, it was incredible how nobody ever seemed comfortable in their own skin until they were drunk.
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