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How Society works.

Posted: February 7th, 2018, 9:41 pm
I have had insights into other places and other worlds and I know that on all Worlds where they have Men and women who live together they all work the same way. The Men are always Dominant and in Charge. The Men Rule the World and the women honour and respect that. And the women never interfere in any of the Men's places.
And on all other Worlds, their World is their Heaven.
They have no old age, no bad health, there is no suffering or ugliness.
Children are always healthy, babies do not cry.
No cancers, no disease, no insects, no pollution, no earthquakes, no tornadoes, no premature death.
The women are all feminine and wear feminine clothes and they keep their legs together and their clothes on and do not discuss their private hygiene things in public or on TV- that is REALLY Rude and REALLY Vulgar.
ALL the Bad things on Earth are CAUSED by the women.
Women who are NOT behaving the way they are supposed to.
Going AGAINST the Harmony, AGAINST the Order, AGAINST the Design.
If the women of Earth behaved the way they are supposed to, there would be no suffering and Earth would be Heaven.
The women of Earth are completely UNNATUAL. They are not like NORMAL women at all.
Normal women ALWAYS really LOVE the Men. They never get divorced. They never yell and shout and squabble with the Men. They never yell and shout at their children and they would certainly never be violent to them or smack them, and God forbid, they never murder their children before they are even BORN!
What is the matter with the women of Earth?
Why are they different from other women?
The other women Praise and Encourage and Support the Men, so the Men continually get better, and the World and Society continually get better. so the Music and Entertainment and Beauty of the World continually improve and get better.
But on Earth the women demean and denigrate and demoralize the Men, so the World and Society continually get WORSE.
There is something VERY Wrong with the women of Earth.