
Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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Post by odbo »

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Post by ladislav »

The problem with the Jews is their religion which, if you follow it, will make you behave in socially unacceptable ways. It is extremely nationalistic and teaches that the Jews are superior to others. It is full of backward rules that make even Islam look progressive and different fairy tale mythologies. It has a concept of a God that has total control over your life while you have very little and that God acts in capricious ways and does not really help people that much. Jews live in fear of that whimsical God. Also, that God according to Judaism mandated the Jews to go into Canaan and kill people in cities and take those cities for themselves. Not a good religion if you ask me.
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Post by Mr S »

Jewish bodies found in medieval well in Norwich; there is evidence the children were thrown down the well after the adults

The remains of 17 bodies found at the bottom of a medieval well in England could have been victims of persecution, new evidence has suggested.

The most likely explanation is that those down the well were Jewish and were probably murdered or forced to commit suicide, according to scientists who used a combination of DNA analysis, carbon dating and bone chemical studies in their investigation.

The skeletons date back to the 12th or 13th Centuries at a time when Jewish people were facing persecution throughout Europe.

They were discovered in 2004 during an excavation of a site in the centre of Norwich, ahead of construction of the Chapelfield Shopping Centre. The remains were put into storage and have only recently been the subject of investigation.

Seven skeletons were successfully tested and five of them had a DNA sequence suggesting they were likely to be members of a single Jewish family.

DNA expert Dr Ian Barnes, who carried out the tests, said: "This is a really unusual situation for us. This is a unique set of data that we have been able to get for these individuals.

"I am not aware that this has been done before - that we have been able to pin them down to this level of specificity of the ethnic group that they seem to come from."

'Ethnic cleansing'
The team has been led by forensic anthropologist Professor Sue Black, of the University of Dundee's Centre for Anthropology and Human Identification.

History Cold Case: The Bodies in the Well will be on BBC Two at 2100 BST on Thursday 23 June 2011
Professor Sue Black, Dr Xanthe Mallett and Professor Caroline Wilkinson will delve deeper into the mystery and attempt to recreate the faces of those found in the well

Professor Black, who went to the Balkans following the Kosovo war - where her job was to piece together the bodies of massacred Kosovan Albanians - said this discovery had changed the direction of the whole investigation.

Regarding the nature of the discovery, Professor Black said: "We are possibly talking about persecution. We are possibly talking about ethnic cleansing and this all brings to mind the scenario that we dealt with during the Balkan War crimes."

Eleven of the 17 skeletons were those of children aged between two and 15. The remaining six were adult men and women.

"In terms of the brutality of the ethnic cleansing, it was thought women and children quite frankly weren't worth wasting the bullets on," added Professor Black.

"Pregnant women were bayoneted because that way you got rid of a woman because that wasn't important and you got rid of the next generation because you didn't want them to survive. So I know what sort of pattern I am looking for."

Cushioned fall
Pictures taken at the time of excavation suggested the bodies were thrown down the well together, head first.

Continue reading the main story
Medieval Jewish History

1066: The Norman Conquest opens the way to Jewish immigration. The monarchy needs to borrow money and Christians are forbidden to lend money at interest. London, Lincoln and York become centres for substantial Jewish populations.

1100s: Resentment against the Jewish community grows over their perceived wealth and belief they killed Jesus. The "blood libels" - Jews are accused of the ritual murder of Christian children.

1190: Many Jewish people massacred in York. In Norwich they flee to the city's castle for refuge. Those who stay in their homes are butchered.

1230s: Executions in Norwich after an allegation a Christian child was kidnapped.

1272: Edward I comes to the throne and enforces extra taxes on the Jewish community.

1290: Edward I expels the Jews en masse after devising a new form of royal financing using Christian knights to fill the coffers.

Read more - Q&A: Jews in Britain
A close examination of the adult bones showed fractures caused by the impact of hitting the bottom of the well. But the same damage was not seen on the children's bones, suggesting they were thrown in after the adults who cushioned the fall of their bodies.

The team had earlier considered the possibility of death by disease but the bone examination also showed no evidence of diseases such as leprosy or tuberculosis.

Giles Emery, the archaeologist who led the original excavation, said at first he thought it might have been a plague burial, but carbon dating had shown that to be impossible as the plague came much later.

And historians pointed out that even during times of plague when mass graves were used, bodies were buried in an ordered way with respect and religious rites.

Norwich had been home to a thriving Jewish community since 1135 and many lived near the well site. But there are records of persecution of Jews in medieval England including in Norwich (see fact box).

Sophie Cabot, an archaeologist and expert on Norwich's Jewish history, said the Jewish people had been invited to England by the King to lend money because at the time, the Christian interpretation of the bible did not allow Christians to lend money and charge interest. It was regarded as a sin.

So cash finance for big projects came from the Jewish community and some became very wealthy - which in turn, caused friction.

"There is a resentment of the fact that Jews are making money... and they are doing it in a way that doesn't involve physical labour, things that are necessarily recognised as work... like people feel about bankers now," said Ms Cabot.

The findings of the investigation represented a sad day for Norwich.

Ms Cabot added: "It changes the story of what we know about the community. We don't know everything about the community but what we do know is changed by this."
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher, 121-180 A.D.
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Post by Adama »

ladislav wrote:The problem with the Jews is their religion which, if you follow it, will make you behave in socially unacceptable ways. It is extremely nationalistic and teaches that the Jews are superior to others. It is full of backward rules that make even Islam look progressive and different fairy tale mythologies. It has a concept of a God that has total control over your life while you have very little and that God acts in capricious ways and does not really help people that much. Jews live in fear of that whimsical God. Also, that God according to Judaism mandated the Jews to go into Canaan and kill people in cities and take those cities for themselves. Not a good religion if you ask me.
The Jews of today are doing the same things they were in Egypt, according to the Bible. That is, controlling the leaders (or you could say "advising"), manipulating food and the money supply, and committing genocide against non-Jews. They have been doing this for over 5000 years, and I truly believe that the Matriarchal-Patriarchy cycles that everyone points to regarding feminism, is really just society ascending after these folks are exiled from a civilization, and then when they return to reassert control, the society becomes a matriarchy again, so that it is easier for them to control, extract wealth from people's labor, and get them to commit self-genocide through easy divorce, etc.
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Post by odbo »

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Post by fschmidt »

ladislav wrote:The problem with the Jews is their religion which, if you follow it, will make you behave in socially unacceptable ways. It is extremely nationalistic and teaches that the Jews are superior to others. It is full of backward rules that make even Islam look progressive and different fairy tale mythologies. It has a concept of a God that has total control over your life while you have very little and that God acts in capricious ways and does not really help people that much. Jews live in fear of that whimsical God. Also, that God according to Judaism mandated the Jews to go into Canaan and kill people in cities and take those cities for themselves. Not a good religion if you ask me.
Since I recently joined Orthodox Judaism, I would be glad to offer the other side of this argument. The reason I joined is that mainstream society sucks and I wanted an alternative. Most guys here recognize that the feminist West has serious issues. But less developed societies like the Philippines also have issues. People are untrustworthy and society is too dysfunction to run efficiently and produce wealth. The natural cycle of cultures is to start as a patriarchy with trust, then to grow, often into an empire, then for morality to decay, and then to collapse back into a dysfunctional culture. What the Jews have done, which is truly unique, is to break this cycle. They/we did it by recording the original cultural cycle of Israel from its rise after leaving Egypt to the fall to Babylon due to cultural decay. By recording this in the Old Testament and warning to never let this happen again, Jews have managed to maintain a functional culture longer than any other group. A key component of this is recognizing that people who follow the ten commandments are superior to people who don't, and that to prevent Jews from becoming corrupted by other corrupt cultures, Jews must set themselves apart. And acting and dressing in ways that are socially unacceptable to corrupt mainstream culture is a great way to remain apart.

One of the main problems of liberalism is that it expects average people to think for themselves. But average people are not capable of thinking for themselves, so when they try, they inevitably come to wrong conclusions. Judaism solves this problem by encouraging average Jews not to think for themselves but to instead let the rabbis think for them (in the name of God). This is absolutely necessary in order to preserve the culture. Those few Jews who have the intelligence to think for themselves should still pay lip service to the rabbis and be grateful to the rabbis for keeping the Jewish masses in line.

What I wrote here only applies to Orthodox Judaism. The other forms, Reform Judaism and Conservative Judaism, are corrupt and will lead to assimilation. As far as I am concerned, there are only two moral cultures in the world today, Orthodox Judaism and Anabaptist Christianity. Everything else is corrupt.
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Post by momopi »

fschmidt wrote:Since I recently joined Orthodox Judaism, I would be glad to offer the other side of this argument. The reason I joined is that mainstream society sucks and I wanted an alternative. Most guys here recognize that the feminist West has serious issues. But less developed societies like the Philippines also have issues. People are untrustworthy and society is too dysfunction to run efficiently and produce wealth. The natural cycle of cultures is to start as a patriarchy with trust, then to grow, often into an empire, then for morality to decay, and then to collapse back into a dysfunctional culture. What the Jews have done, which is truly unique, is to break this cycle. They/we did it by recording the original cultural cycle of Israel from its rise after leaving Egypt to the fall to Babylon due to cultural decay. By recording this in the Old Testament and warning to never let this happen again, Jews have managed to maintain a functional culture longer than any other group. A key component of this is recognizing that people who follow the ten commandments are superior to people who don't, and that to prevent Jews from becoming corrupted by other corrupt cultures, Jews must set themselves apart. And acting and dressing in ways that are socially unacceptable to corrupt mainstream culture is a great way to remain apart.
To best of my knowledge, Orthodox Judaism tend to be non-proselytizing. Can you tell us what the requirements were for the conversion?

My cousin from Taiwan married a Jewish girl. She was a Korean orphan adopted by a very generous American Jewish family. I suppose it was quite odd to attend a Jewish wedding with a Taiwanese groom and Korean bride. @_@
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Post by MrPeabody »

At this point, I pretty much consider myself a Buddhist, so I will comment. In Thailand, the great meditation master Ajan Chah, broke from state Buddhism and established his own monastery according to the Thai Forest Monk tradition. He got rid of the rituals and materialistic trappings, reestablished strict moral codes, and taught serious meditation. When he died, the King went to his funeral which was attended by a million people. Not only do monks like Ajan Chah regularly reform Buddhism, but when they die they are fully acknowledged as great masters by the Buddhist establishment, unlike the West where reformers tend to be burned at the stake (or spit on, as Spinoza was by the Orthodox Jews). Buddhism has also taken root in the West, especially the United States, and is here to stay. Many of the first generation of teachers in the West are Jewish, for example, Jack Kornfield, who has written several books on meditation, was one of Ajan Chah's first western students. Additionally, there is currently an explosion in neuroscience studying meditation, and there is already scientific evidence that meditation permanently changes brain structure with a tendency towards happiness. Many of the teachings of the Buddha over two thousand years ago are now amenable to confirmation by science.
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Post by odbo »

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Post by fschmidt »

momopi, I am ethnically Jewish even though I was raised in a secular home and learned nothing about Judaism as a kid. So I get a free pass into Orthodox Judaism. But my wife is Mexican and she will probably convert, so I will learn how it works then. I know that conversion isn't so easy but is definitely possible for anyone.

MrPeabody, Buddhism doesn't appeal to me personally because I am not willing to give up my ego. How well Buddhism can resist feminism is something that hasn't really been tested.
odbo wrote:Orthodox Judaism is still a disgusting religion, it goes against human nature. Christianity is about individuality, freedom and morality, Judaism is about being a slave race. With that said people don't have a problem with Orthodox Judaism just like they don't have a problem with the Amish. The vast majority of Jews today are Zionists, who have a deep hatred of the nice Jews you mention.
Christianity wasn't about individuality and freedom for most of its history. There is some that in some Christian groups since the Reformation. But while individuality and freedom seem good at first, they ultimately lead to the destruction of the culture because people in general are stupid. And you can see this today in the fact that the vast majority of prostestant sects have given in to feminism.

Zionism is just a political movement supporting Israel, nothing more. I have no opinion about Zionism since I don't understand the situation in Israel well enough.
Who do you think runs this mainstream society and is responsible for the degradation of people? Take a wild guess :|
I don't get it. First you say Jews are a slave race and then you say Jews run everything? Neither is true, of course. Liberal Jews are bad just as all liberals are. But the problem is liberalism, not Judaism.
^ These are the Jews that deserve some respect but at the same time they're being pretty stupid following a faith that doesn't serve them, aren't they...
Judaism does serve them. Judaism allows different sects and these Jews have their own which seems to be serving them fine.
Henry Ford was certainly an intelligent man who deserves respect. I haven't read this book. Have you read it? If yes, can you summarize it?
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Post by fschmidt »

I want to add one other point. Any sane religion has separate seating for men and women. Christianity used to have this, but no longer does, which proves that mainstream Christianity has gone insane. Today there are only 3 religions that have separate seating for men and women; Anabaptist, Orthodox Jewish, and Islam. Here is an argument for separate seating from an Anabaptist.
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Post by MrPeabody »

fschmidt wrote:I want to add one other point. Any sane religion has separate seating for men and women. Christianity used to have this, but no longer does, which proves that mainstream Christianity has gone insane. Today there are only 3 religions that have separate seating for men and women; Anabaptist, Orthodox Jewish, and Islam. Here is an argument for separate seating from an Anabaptist.
Buddhism is patriarchal and separates men and women. The most popular meditation retreat in America (Goenka Vipassana) doesn't even allow men and women to meditate together in the same room. In Southeast Asia, a woman is never allowed to touch a Buddhist monk.
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Post by odbo »

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Post by Think Different »

fschmidt wrote:I want to add one other point. Any sane religion has separate seating for men and women. Christianity used to have this, but no longer does, which proves that mainstream Christianity has gone insane. Today there are only 3 religions that have separate seating for men and women; Anabaptist, Orthodox Jewish, and Islam. Here is an argument for separate seating from an Anabaptist.
You're forgetting Orthodox Christianity. They don't tolerate denominationalism or coming up with your own theology. You follow the Church, its Traditions, and don't reinvent interpretations of Scripture that go against the Church Fathers. While men and women don't sit separately in Divine Liturgy, women are taught to cover their heads and they have very specific roles and cannot become Priests, Bishops, Deacons, serve communion, etc. Have you heard of Mt. Athos? NO WOMEN allowed on the entire island.
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Post by Adama »

A few weeks ago, I had to get a wisdom tooth extracted. Having had terrible experience at the hands of Jewish doctors previously, I intentionally set out to find a non-Jewish doc. I picked an Islamic name. When I got there, of course the Muslim practictioner was no longer part of the office. Who was there? A Dr whose name is one letter off from Madoff. And yes, he looked just like a stereotype.

Fine. So I am already there. First he is really nice. The female jewish dentist refused to see me. So Dr Madoff had to take over. He is no longer nice. In the sideroom next to his wife (his wife is the secretary), I hear him blatantly calling me names (I am the only customer in the office at this time).

Then he comes out and his demeanor has changed. No longer Mr Niceguy, he is now an arrogant prick. Namely, he is admonishing me for having let my tooth get into that condition. I wish I could convey to you how much of an ass this guy was. The whole time, he is basically insinuating that I am a piece of shit because of my teeth.

I asked him, 'Did my tooth get this way because of a vitamin deficiency?' (I always figured my alcoholism outcompeted vitamin D and calcium for my teeth.) He said, "No. Let's get this straight. The reason your teeth got that way is because you neglected to care for them..." while waving his hand in my face.

Fine. So he wont extract them right then and there (better things to do, right?). So we set an appointment for 3 wks later. Like I want to wait another 3 wks.

After I left, I waited til they were closed. Then called them up to tell them I wasnt going back. I didnt mention the reason was cause he is an ass. I hope he treats everyone that way. So that he can lose business.

Next day off, I diligently searched for an Italian, Portuguese or Greek name. Finally found one who wasnt in a practice with a child of zion.

And guess what? He was polite, treated me like a civilized person, didnt call me names while he was in another room (from what I could hear), and he wasnt a smug asshole to me.

Living in this area, I have dozens of stories about Jews. These people really do think they are above everyone else.
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