
Discussions computers, internet and mobile technology (cell phones, smart phones, iPads).
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Post by fschmidt »

I don't use any modern websites since I find them all useless. But since I am in the web business, I sometimes look at them to see what kind of thing is successful. Today I looked at Tumblr which I knew nothing about. I knew about blogging. The idea of a blog is to make it easy for people who have something to say to be able to post what they want to say. I had looked at Wordpress and blogger.com which make some sense to me. But Tumblr is a microblogging platform. Microblogging is blogging for people who have nothing to say. At first glance, this makes no sense. But Tumblr adds the social aspects of Facebook, so people can follow each other's worthless posts, and even repost other worthless posts as their own for their own followers. So Tumblr is designed for people with nothing to say who still like to talk and who like to follow each other like herd animals. In other words, Tumblr is designed for modern morons, making it a huge success.

I think the only popular part of the Web that I can relate to is porn.
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