The Welcomed and The Unwelcomed

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The Welcomed and The Unwelcomed

Post by ladislav »

This is my poem on how one gets treated when one is rich or poor. Based on my experiences.

A rich man in a poor man's house is always welcome-
A velvet carpet he will have unrolled for him.
No matter how unpleasant he may be or how galsome,
The poor man's house, with sheepish smiles will always brim.

A rich man in a poor man's land is always greeted-
A fat and burly tourist dollar notes will wave,
And with supreme respect by natives he'll be treated;
Each one is set to do his will just like a slave.

A poor man's daughter will a rich man marry
No matter how ugly, old or fat the man may be.
A lovely maiden, tender as a fairy
To wed the blimp with pleasure will agree.

But in a rich man's home a poor man isn't wanted;
With squeamish grimaces he' ll be received
And treated like a dog, and taunted,
And out the door he lastly will be heaved.

A poor man in a rich man's country isn't cherish't,
As one unworthy leper he will be address't,
And so that he may not from hunger perish,
Hard, dirty work he'll do at scornful men's behest.

A rich man's daughter will scrunch up her features
If ever she may face a poor man's son.
Although handsome, a subhuman creature
He'll be to her, a serf whom she must shun.

And thus, depending on your social status
The people will be treating you on Earth.
Respect is something you will not get gratis:
It just depends on your financial worth.
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Post by Winston »

In some cases that's true, but not all.

I know plenty of women who reject rich men if they don't like them. Rich men get rejected for poor men all the time. I can give you many examples.

Steve Hoca also believes that gold diggers in America are only a small percentage. Most girls go by looks.

Besides, relationships based on money are never happy.

Money is not a natural part of the universe. Animals and plants don't use it. Stars and galaxies don't use it. Our living Earth doesn't go by it. Etc.

Money is an artificial thing used to control people and enslave them.

Advanced societies don't even use money, I hear. Some who have had ET contacts were told that Earth is the only planet left that is using money. Other worlds transcended the monetary system long ago. They've also learned to harness free energy, while we are still using combustion engines and fossil fuels, which were obsolete back in the 50's, since free energy was discovered. But those who discovered them and demonstrated them quickly disappeared and their inventions suppressed, for obvious reasons.

Dude, when are you going to awaken to higher consciousness and liberate yourself from this artificial system of low level consciousness and enslavement?
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:In some cases that's true, but not all.

I know plenty of women who reject rich men if they don't like them. Rich men get rejected for poor men all the time. I can give you many examples.

Steve Hoca also believes that gold diggers in America are only a small percentage. Most girls go by looks.

Besides, relationships based on money are never happy.

Money is not a natural part of the universe. Animals and plants don't use it. Stars and galaxies don't use it. Our living Earth doesn't go by it. Etc.

Money is an artificial thing used to control people and enslave them.

Advanced societies don't even use money, I hear. Some who have had ET contacts were told that Earth is the only planet left that is using money. Other worlds transcended the monetary system long ago. They've also learned to harness free energy, while we are still using combustion engines and fossil fuels, which were obsolete back in the 50's, since free energy was discovered. But those who discovered them and demonstrated them quickly disappeared and their inventions suppressed, for obvious reasons.

Dude, when are you going to awaken to higher consciousness and liberate yourself from this artificial system of low level consciousness and enslavement?


I believe you are very right and very wrong at the same time.

Money does not trigger attraction in many, perhaps even most women.
A guy who throws lots of cash at girls in desperate financial need but is not intrinsically attractive to them is just going to get played and used by them. At best, the girl might sacrifice her body (but not heart) long term for the sake of her family, local boyfriend, etc. As soon as the money is gone, so is the girl. Thailand offers thousands of great case studies which bear out this principal.

And a specific example in Phils is your buddy Stephan. You recently shared an email where he sent you photos of 8 young Filipinas and asked you to guess which he one he was dating. We both agreed that all 8 would view him as nothing more than an ugly old man but might date him, at least short term, for potential material benefits. He’s just another chump buying into the false illusion of romance they play-up in order to extract cash and the like. That is not attraction, in any form.

Now there does come a point where money conveys real power. I’m talking about truly rich guys, those with US$50 mn or better 500 mn, 1 bn, etc. Since power can be act as a genuine aphrodisiac, I believe these types of guys can find many women who are truly attracted to them. Ditto for those in very high political or corporate positions. They are all alpha males and that’s attractive.

Now for the part where I strongly disagree. You hear some advanced societies don’t even use money. Which ones? Money was abolished in Cambodia around 1976. Did that save the population from being controlled and enslaved??? Is that what you want? Do you think if the world moved to a pure barter system, you could continue on with your comfy life of leisure?

Why don’t these beings from more advanced worlds show themselves to the mainstream here on planet earth? Since they’re so superior, perhaps they are the ones who control us. Did you ever think they might be at the very top of the conspiracy theories you spout on and on about. Perhaps the Bilderbergers and Federal Reserve answer to UFOs. So maybe we should blame all our problems on ETs. You see where this is going?

Dude, when are you going to awaken to the real world and liberate yourself from this artificial system of self made projections and beliefs you have trapped yourself in. This is what guys may do to distract themselves when they stuck in the States and can’t get laid. What happened to being happier abroad?
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Post by ladislav »

Guys, this is just a poem. Based on what I saw and experienced myself.
A brain is a terrible thing to wash!
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