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Posted: June 16th, 2011, 8:02 pm
by odbo
Keep in mind that ErikHeaven is a Satanist and he's been drinking the tainted cool-aid again (reading satanist propaganda). Redefining age old concepts and creating a dialogue about evil being relative is a timeless tactic of these scumbag satanists. Who do you think this perspective benefits? The psychopaths, or good-natured people!? The media has done a great job at leaving the masses in a confused state, where morals mean nothing. 100 years ago people had a clear understanding of good and evil, even if they were able to be tricked, it was a much better scenario for the whole of humanity than what we have know, a morally bankrupt atheist population of pseudo-philosophers, asking not how to promote good, but if evil even exists.

Re: Is Evil more powerful than Good? (disturbing realization

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 8:08 pm
by tradcom
In general, good does triumph at times - after all, the evil Nazi Germany was defeated by the good Soviet Union.
Winston wrote:George Bush
I wouldn't call him evil, just clueless and thus slightly more of a slave to the corporate US elite than the current president.
Fidel Castro
Not true! How is saving his country from US oppression evil?

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 8:15 pm
by ErikHeaven
100 years ago they were still lynching blacks in America. Do you call that a clear understanding of good and evil? And once again its was good for the whites who wanted it that way, bad for the blacks who of course did not. The bible says you can sell you daughter to be a man's concubine or sex slave. Today you will go to jail for life for doing that. So in this context is the bible good or evil?
The Israelites were commanded to stone people for working on the Sabbath. Do we practice that now? Does that make the bible good or evil? I submit to you that your beloved bible is truly the real book of the devil as it has been used to enslave blacks, eliminate Native Americans and kill so-called Witches under the Roman Catholic Church.

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 8:35 pm
by ErikHeaven
How old are you Linux?

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 8:42 pm
by ErikHeaven
100 years ago and a little sooner i heard the white Canadians were making the Native Indians over there cut their long hair and adopt "Christian" names. Was that bad or was that good?
A native Indian told me that story.
Is assimilation bad or good? I am waiting for answers.

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 8:58 pm
by ErikHeaven
Keep in mind that ErikHeaven is a Satanist and he's been drinking the tainted cool-aid again.
So am i a Satanist or wannabe Satanist? Why do you change so much? Anyway Satanic thinking has saved my life from the misery of Christianity. Christians are miserable little Ned Flanders trying to please somebody that does not exist. Satanists are happy as we embrace the Here and Now!
Not some fake afterlife. I am proud to be who i am and childish name calling does not affect me.

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 9:18 pm
by odbo
ErikHeaven wrote:100 years ago they were still lynching blacks in America. Do you call that a clear understanding of good and evil? And once again its was good for the whites who wanted it that way, bad for the blacks who of course did not. The bible says you can sell you daughter to be a man's concubine or sex slave. Today you will go to jail for life for doing that. So in this context is the bible good or evil?
The Israelites were commanded to stone people for working on the Sabbath. Do we practice that now? Does that make the bible good or evil? I submit to you that your beloved bible is truly the real book of the devil as it has been used to enslave blacks, eliminate Native Americans and kill so-called Witches under the Roman Catholic Church.
Why are you putting words in my mouth and making such stupid conclusions? Did I say evil did not exist in America 100 years ago? It's a never ending battle, but good has won so far otherwise we would not be here discussing it.

English was created by sodomites. America was a project with satanic roots and Jews were given control of it from the very beginning! Jews control this country! and of course Jews control all of Hollywood. If they want people to get circumsized, they'll get circumsized. If they want people to be gay, they'll be gay! If they want people to be athiest, they'll be athiest! If they don't want the truth to get out, then they will make facts anti-semetic!

Guess who started the slave trade? viewtopic.php?t=10492

First of all when you're quoting the bible, tell me what version you're talking about. I can't keep up with all the new abortions these anglo mother fuckers create.
Second of all I don't follow the bible. I respect the teachings of Jesus but don't follow words religiously and I have my own moral compass. And admit to myself when I'm being a piece of shit, instead of making excuses for myself. I don't worship anybody, because worship is Satanism. You don't have to f**k little boys in the ass, sacrifice new born babies, serve in Iraq War, or sit in a dungeon drawing hexagrams and pentagrams to be a Satanist. You don't have to know what it is or where it originates from to be evil, just like you don't have to know about Jesus to be for Christian values. I refer to evil as Satan not because a book told me to but because the people who currently control the world and are irrefutably responsible for most of the evil on it.. worship Satan.

I absolutely agree that the Roman Catholic Church is the work of the devil. Don't you know your history? Don't you see the blatant pagan symbolism? Hello, what the f**k does a fish have to do with Christianity? Compare what the old testament forbids with what Catholics believe, it's mind boggling how people can be so duped. Catholicism is satanism for the masses. The confession was all about gathering intelligence, back then they didn't tap phone-lines and spy on internet forums.

Nobody has killed as many billions (not millions) as the Catholic church. No body has more money either.

Here's just a few examples using pictures which I hope are fun to look at..
Whore of Babylon.. "the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated"
That's a map of the Vatican, wow all 7 hills of Rome are within it's walls.

The woman refers to religion aka the Vatican
The beast refers to government

Here's the lady riding the beast on the €2 coin

Capitoline Hill, Rome, October 29, 2004 - Signing the new EU constitution

Who do you think is behind the EU?

Here's a EU poster from 1992.
Inverted pentagrams = baphomet (and there are 11 of them).
Block heads = conditioned populace.
Round head on baby = still natural and free-thinking.
The rest look like gay couples, hardly an accident.
Do I need to point out that they're re-building the Tower of Babel?

The parliament building on the border of France & Germany was purposely made to look like the Tower of Babel

Check out this photo of the Watergate Hotel complex in Washington DC where Nixon's presidency met its demise. Did you know the Catholic Church had it built?

backwards JC, they get wet on flashing blasphemous stuff like that.. of course if that's all they did, no one would have a problem.


The apprentice

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 9:35 pm
by ErikHeaven
of Jordan Maxwell i see as well....

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 9:41 pm
by ErikHeaven
Evil is still relative and morals are geographical. In some parts of the Arab world men can marry 8 year olds. Is that evil or good? We cannot judge people based upon our western standards of right or wrong.

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 10:39 pm
by odbo
Maxwell is more up your alley to be honest..
I disprove the Vatican with the Bible. Jordan Maxwell pretends the Vatican is Christianity and connects Jesus to be a sun deity using the Catholics own pagan symbolism.
Then concludes he never existed by deduction of sun sounding like son in English.
This is all while being suspected of being a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) himself.. and known for quotes thoroughly praising Madame Blavatsky.

Here, I found a photo of Maxwell with George Lucas and Michael Eisner. Seems like a legit researcher to me :lol:


Lucas is probably Hollywood's most infamous Jesuit. Literally everything in the Star Wars series has an esoteric meaning. My favorite is the whole Pope subliminal association. When I was watching Star Wars in the theatre everyone nearly fell off their chairs because the newly elected pope was the Sith Lord/Supreme Chancellor Palpatine :D But people are so stupid and naive they actually believe that was an accident. :lol: There are no accidents in Hollywood!


Also it's interesting that the film released exactly 1 month after the pope's papacy began.

Incumbent: Benedict XVI
Elected: 19 April 2005

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
Opened: 19 May 2005 (USA)

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 5:21 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
I believe that evil is just as strong or stronger than good. If the forces of good are weak, or passive, than evil will prevail.

Evil flourishes in the west because of Christianity's "turn the other cheek" mentality. The west needs to be more proactive against evil and less reactive.

Currently, good outnumbers evil in the west, but that could change with deteriorating economic and social conditions.

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 5:54 am
by ErikHeaven
Linux if i was you i would kill myself for real. You remind me of Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. His character was losing it for real. All of this knowledge yet no outlet to use it will eventually render you insane.
You are not normal.

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 1:50 pm
by odbo
The only thing that is making me lose it, is seeing people getting dumber and dumber every year. Even if you go back to the mid-1990s, we were light-years away. With the introduction of hi-speed internet allowing for quick wikipedia searches, cellphone radiation and text-messaging (both quite harmful), with all the aspartame, soy, and other excitotoxins killing our braincells, with reality tv shows and 8 years of George Bush..... the intellect of the average American has taken quite a dip.

I think living in this idiocracy much longer, while seeing it for what it is and not dulling one's senses with drugs & alcohol.. will drive anyone insane.

The Serenity Prayer!

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 2:11 pm
by ErikHeaven
The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 5:48 am
by C.J.
I go with a simple reason why evil will always win, and why suffering of such a global scale is allowed to continue.

I believe there IS a God. God is everything. Therefore, God allows ALL things. However, that also means the consequences come with it.

There's something I like to call "Natural Law" in place. This law is absolute. Stuff like if you've been wronged, you're allowed revenge...Any law enacted that you follow applies to you... Everyone gets a second chance if they truly know no wrong but are doing it anyway... If you forgive an evil person, you take their karma(bad luck, negative destiny)... If you fight evil people you're rewarded, stuff like that. It puts a whole new perspective on Christ's sacrifice(and the reason why ALL Americans who practice religion are destined to go to Hell). And it makes sense.

Breaking this law(or laws) means you get struck down by your own stupidity. I like that. It bypasses all the "fairy tales" and gets down to the nitty gritty. You can see this law in practice everyday. Watch evil people get off jail time for various crimes, Hollywood stars get out of serious crimes scot-free, hundreds of thousands of children get abducted every year with no investigation, people committing crimes every hour of every day, and people are forgiven with no question...

Problem is, The Illuminated know Natural Law and follow it to the letter. This is why they continue to do evil. Because they followed all the rules. Therefore, they are allowed to go on. Evil is ALLOWED to win. And we all know much of the world's suffering is BECAUSE of them.