My Theories on why people have different experiences in the same countries - Karma, Destiny, Oversouls

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My Theories on why people have different experiences in the same countries - Karma, Destiny, Oversouls

Post by Winston »

Dear all,
Lately I've been pondering and reflecting one why different people can have totally different experiences in different countries - even if they are both average and do nothing special and not particularly good looking, etc. Before, many guys here tried to give logical explanations - such as one was better looking or stood out more or had more novelty appeal or had more charisma, etc. However, when I analyze all the examples and experiences I have in this area, I find that there is NO LINEAR LOGIC OR LOGICAL CONSISTENCY in these things at all.

For example, two average joes or plain janes can go to the same city, even a first world city, like Los Angeles, New York City, London or Hong Kong. Yet they can have totally different luck, even though they are just average people who did nothing special and do not have any "amazing social skills or charisma or looks", and all they did was just "be themselves". One person can have good luck in social life, dating, and career, while the other has no luck at all and things don't work for him or her, instead they feel disconnected and off centered and like a fish out of water. This kind of thing happens all the time, and there's no logical explanation for it.

Even @momopi has always said that one person can have a great time in one country but another person do not, and there's no logical explanation or reason for it. It just is, even if they look the same or similar. It's not because one person has a positive attitude and another does not either, because the one with no luck can have much better luck somewhere else, since all places are not the same. (contrary to what some say, I know from experience)

So I gotta formulate a theory based on the evidence and my experiences and observations. Here is the theory I came up with. There are two parts to my theory. One I call karmic path or destiny. The other I call the oversoul theory. First, I'll explain my karmic theory.

Karmic Theory

The karmic theory basically works like this. If you have karma to burn in a certain country, then things will happen for you there. And if you have karma that overlaps with certain people, then you will meet them and they will talk to you even if you're a stranger, because you both have karma to burn together, whether for a short time or long time.

So notice how when someone feels drawn to a particular country, like Japan for example, when they go there, things will happen there. I know several guys who were drawn to Japan and felt like they had some connection or past life there. That's why when someone tells you that their soul is drawn to a particular foreign culture, they don't usually go there and then report that nothing happened and everyone ignored them (like I do in Taiwan). No, if they have karma to burn there, or their soul is drawn there, then something will happen for them there, whether good or bad, even if it's only temporary. There is some lesson to learn there, some connection to bridge.

That's why some strangers talk to you and some don't, in any given country. If the strangers' karma overlaps with yours and has karma to burn with you, or some karmic lesson to burn with you, they will usually stop and talk to you and develop some social relations with you. If not, then they will just ignore you, because their karmic path does not overlap with yours. You get my drift?

That's why there are even people who are drawn to America, even to unfriendly cities like LA or SF or NYC, and yet things happen for them. They make friends, find a partner, and find a career or job that they like. And all they did was be themselves and everything happened naturally. They didn't have to do anything special or try to "make things happen". So go figure.

The problem with us is that we simply have no karma to burn in America. So nothing happens naturally for us here. Our soul doesn't grow. We don't meet important people and find love naturally the way others do, or find our place in the US, etc. It's not because of our looks or social skills. Many who fit in the US are only average looking or even look like fat rednecks. So it's not about looks or brains or social skills, etc. Some people simply have karmic ties to the US and some like us, do not. Get my drift?

When you are meant to be somewhere or you have karmic ties somewhere, things will happen for you naturally. You will connect with people, find meaningful work, find a partner maybe, and feel a sense of belonging and purpose. That could be in the US too, for some. Just not for us.

So in my case, I simply have no karmic connection with Taiwan or karma to burn there. So when I go there, nothing happens. I feel no energy or growth, because I'm simply not meant to be there and have no karma to burn there. I only go there for my parents.

However, I do feel drawn in my soul to some European countries, like Italy or Spain or Britain even. So according to my theory, I do have karma to burn there. And when I go there, things will happen for sure. I'll meet people, make connections, grow spiritually and as a person, etc. I'd bet money on it. In fact, last time I went to Poland, I met people, had fun, and a guy I met even offered me a job teaching English there. I don't usually get offered a job that I didn't apply for, so this was unusual. It was like the universe or oversoul there welcomed me so offered me the possibility of staying. When you have chemistry and karma with a place, things come naturally and fall into place naturally. It's not rocket science. It never is.

That's what idiots like @publicduende don't understand and don't get. Men who have atheistic or agnostic views like he does, and are very unspiritual, don't understand what I mean and don't see things in terms of my theory. They use superficial linear logic which doesn't usually work. Anyone with real life experience knows this. Instead, he thinks that if @eurobrat is better looking and younger than me, then I cannot do better than him. But that's not the way it works. There's no linear logic to things like this. Even average people can find their soulmates in first world countries or have luck there in social life, dating, career, etc. So it's not about looks or youth. That's what PublicDuende was too stupid and dumb to understand. (no offense to him, it's just the truth, some men are really stupid)

Also, if your karma in a particular culture burns out or is finished, you can feel like you've reached a dead end too. Perhaps that's what @eurobrat is feeling now in Ireland. His karma there is burned out and finished, and his next path or journey lies elsewhere, so he feels like he's reached a dead end with nowhere to grow or evolve. That's a sign that he's meant to journey on elsewhere.

Oversoul theory

My second theory is called the oversoul theory. Basically it means that there is an entity or deity that governs each place or location, sometimes different cities too, not just countries. And if this oversoul likes you or fancies you, it will help you out and give you connections, dates, social life, good luck, etc and welcome you. I've experienced this. When I arrived in Russia, on my second day there I already found a girl to date! If the oversoul likes you, then things usually happen fast, within the first week!

But if the oversoul there decides it doesn't like you or has had enough of you, or feels like you've worn out your welcome, then it starts making things go wrong to signal to you that it wants you to leave and that you've worn out your welcome. Of if it doesn't like you at all, it will give you bad luck and things will go wrong a lot, as it drops hints for you that you don't belong there. You will be treated like an invading organism in a host body and feel attacked by "white blood cells" that cause bad luck and murphy's law to happen a lot, til you get the hint that you don't belong there and don't fit in and aren't welcome by the oversoul. I've experienced this too in Taiwan of course. And even in Russia, if I stay too long and wear out my welcome, I sort of sense this too, like my karma there has run out and I've worn out my friendly welcome. It could be that this is what Eurobrat is experiencing now too.

I know those of you who are not spiritual or are atheistic/agnostic might think these theories are weird. But I definitely feel them and sense them. The oversoul is something I sense and feel and experience. Some of my friends do too. I will copy and paste their quotes here later in this thread.

When people like you or the oversoul of a region does, you can definitely FEEL it. Just like in person, you can feel when someone likes you or dislikes you. The energy difference and vibe is very obvious and noticeable and not your imagination. If someone doesn't like you, you will sense it strongly. Even animals can tell if you like them or not. It's not imagination.

Either way, I think my two theories make sense and explain a lot that logic cannot, such as the vast differences of people in different countries that have no linear logical reason or consistency or superficial explanation.

Ok that's it for now. In the next post, I'll list some examples of people with different experiences that logic or superficial reasons cannot explain. Please read my next post below.
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by Winston »

Ok here are some examples I know of which make no sense and have no linear logic to them, so my theories may apply. It could also be that we all have different soul groups and simply don't belong in areas with soul groups that are different than ours. Or that we are all in different universes.

1. A Spanish lady I met said that the people she met in Hong Kong were very friendly and open to her. I thought she was lying or BSing or just trying to be socially acceptable, since HK people are the rudest I ever met, as well as the most cold and grouchy and inhuman and I've often wanted to deck them for their unacceptable rudeness which was very uncivilized. So I thought she was shitting me. But she said she does not say people everywhere are friendly. So then I thought it was because she was white, however she was very plain jane and not that good looking. However, she said her Chinese male friend also felt that HK people were open and friendly too. So it wasn't just because of race or skin color or gender. I don't know. There's no way to explain it. Maybe she's in a different universe or the oversoul of HK liked her more than me. Or she had better karma there. Etc. There's no linear logic that can explain this, unless of course she's lying.

2. In Bellingham, WA, my therapist Jack Duffy argued with me and told me that I was the only one he knew that ever said that Americans were not open and friendly with strangers. He said everyone he knew thought America was very open and friendly to strangers, and that all the European immigrants he knew felt Americans were more friendly and open than in their home European country. When I showed him the huge photo albums of me in Russia with girls, he looked disgusted and refused to ever admit that I was right. I don't know why. Either he was lying to be socially acceptable, or has a very different explanation of "friendliness" than me, or has better karma in Washington, or fits in better with the Oversoul there, etc. There's just no linear logic to it. It seems that people are in different universes.

3. Also in Bellingham, WA, the guy who ran our UFO/Paranormal group, was fat and not attractive at all. He told me that although he agreed with me about conspiracies, paranormal stuff, and pseudoskeptics, he disagreed with me about social life and dating in Bellingham. He said that he's always had wonderful women to date there and a good social life, and found people to be social there. And he has a wife and daughter now too. So even two people who see eye to eye on stuff like the paranormal, ancient aliens and conspiracies, and thus should be similar types of people and kindred spirits, can be in totally different universes when it comes to dating and social life. I don't know why. Perhaps he has better karma in Bellingham, since he grew up there and is native there. Or the oversoul there likes him and treats him better. Who knows. But again, there's no linear logic here and it's not about looks either since he was fat and average and no one would look twice at him.

Conversely, there are men like @WorldTraveler who don't believe in anything paranormal and don't believe in UFO's or conspiracies, and don't even believe in God. Yet they are in 100 percent agreement with me about social life and dating in America, and agree that Americans are socially disconnected and don't talk to strangers and that women are not approachable and hence impossible to meet or flirt with. So go figure.

4. I used to think that all white guys in Taiwan were treated better by the oversoul there, hence they felt more positive vibes and energy there, and experience more openness and friendliness. However, when I met @El_Caudillo he felt exactly the same as I did about Taiwan - that it was very closed, sterile, not open at all, and that he felt no chemistry or connection with the girls there at all. So conversations went nowhere. Yet he was a tall decent looking, athletic looking white guy from New Zealand. Yet he felt the same way about Taiwan as me and felt no chemistry or synergy there either. No energy to grow his soul either. Nothing but a dead wall. No enthusiasm from women at all toward getting to know him or making friends, only cold politeness and distance. And he felt nothing in common with general people there either. So two guys who look totally different and are a different race, can have the same experience in a country too. So it's not all about looks or race.

So you see, no linear logic can explain these things. I'm sure you guys have many examples you know of too, that cannot be explained. Also, linear logic fails to apply to life in general too. Here are some examples of inconsistencies in life that cannot be explained by any linear logic.

5. Many people have followed Warren Buffet's investment advice to the T. Yet they got no results from it. Basically you cannot take another person's advice and formula and follow it and get the same results, like a chemistry experiment. It doesn't work that way. Recently I talked to @ladislav on Messenger. He told me he received good advice from @momopi about money, investment and business. Yet it didn't work for him. He said that good advice or someone else's formula never works for him, it only works for them. Each person has to find their UNIQUE FORMULA that works for THEM, Ladislav told me. You cannot simply follow another person's formula and advice and expect the same results. It doesn't work that way. Ladislav has noticed this for years. So you see, linear logic doesn't work and doesn't apply.

6. Here's something interesting you guys may not know. I watched a PBS documentary about the Rockefeller family. It said that when John D Rockefeller's son, John Jr, grew up, he attempted to invest money. And even though he received the BEST investment advice that a man could get, from his billion tycoon father, John D. Rockefeller, he still could not make any of them work. He ended up losing money in every investment he made. So a man can receive the best advice and even follow it, yet lose out in the end. That's how life is. It's a mystery. Different people have different destinies and karma I guess. John Jr just wasn't meant for investing. So his father had him run philanthropy organizations sponsored by the Rockefeller family, to try to improve the family's public image. John D figured that since his son was kind and caring and good at reaching out to workers and connecting with them, that he would be good for running philanthropy foundations. So that's what he did and he did it well. He has a kind caring persona that people and was popular with workers in the oil industry who worked for the Rockefellers. So he helped improve the family name in the public view.

So again, this just goes to show, you can have a billionaire father who gives the best investment and business advice, yet fail if it's not meant for you or you're just not cut out for it. No logic can explain that. Karma and luck are just different individually.

7. Contrary to what the cynics here think, most women do not end up marrying a man who is rich or handsome. Most women do not even marry their ideal man. They end up settling and marrying someone they have good chemistry and connection and comfort zone with, according to their feelings and destiny. This is true of most American women too. You can ask them. So the cynics and MGTOW guys are wrong when they think they have to be rich or handsome to get a wife. No way. The problem is women just don't feel any connection or chemistry with these cynical MGTOW guys. Or they have bad karma in America or are not liked by the Oversoul there, or it's just not their destiny to have a wife or stable partner. In a dualistic universe, not everyone can have everything, someone has to be lonely for there to be someone who is loved. Just like there are winners and losers and each defines the other, so both must therefore co-exist. Likewise, there has to be lonely people for non-lonely people to exist. It may not be fair. But there has to be a certain balance of opposites (ying and yang) in this world for it to exist, otherwise reality would collapse. Some people may be unlucky in love, but they may be lucky in other areas of life. Everyone has a different package. Just like every package you see in Walmart is different.

8. If you ask Dianne why she picked me or loved me, when she could have had a more rich or handsome guy, she will just shrug and tell you "I don't know. I just did. I can't explain why." So you see, women usually cannot explain why they choose a guy. It's not because of something logical like looks or money (though those things may be icing on the cake) or something definable or concrete. It's just the woman's feelings. It's not something that can be defined. There's no logic to it at all. That's obvious. I don't know why cynical guys can't understand that.

My Venetian friend Alex had a wife for many years in Italy. She even left her fiancee to be with him. When he asked her why she fell in love with him, she also had no logical explanation or reason. She just felt like it. It's not because of any tangible or intangible qualities that Alex had, or his looks, money, personality, charm, etc. She just fell in love with him because of her feelings, and that's that. There's no tangible reason that can be defined. No linear logic at all.

So you see guys, even in life, there's no linear logic. So everything must be destiny, karma, oversoul, blessings or curses from the gods or oversouls, etc. There has to be other explanations than superficial reasons.

9. Even when it comes to spirituality, miracles and divine help, there is no consistent logic or equality. As you all know, some Christians and Catholics pray for healing and miracles and get them, and some don't. I once heard the champion boxer Evander Holyfield talk at a church in San Jose, CA. He said that when he became a Christian, a hole in his heart suddenly healed and closed up. His doctors were baffled.

It seems if the gods fancy you, or like you, they will help you and give you a helping hand. But they don't like or love everyone equally of course. They are not egalitarians like liberals and marxists are. No way. Only stupid delusional Americans believe in egalitarianism or think the gods do too. But use common sense. If we do not like or love everyone equally, then why should God or the gods? Even parents do not love all their children equally. They may claim to because they have to of course, but most likely deep down, they do not. Equality doesn't exist. It's a stupid concept that doesn't exist anywhere and makes no sense and is unnatural for either gods or humans.

One time I saw a PBS interview with a European guy who wrote books about his experiences in Tibet with Buddhist masters. He said that Buddha saved his life once. One time in Europe when he was driving in foggy conditions, he saw the Buddha's face in his windshield. He felt it tell him to stop because there was danger ahead. So he stopped his car and got out to investigate. Buddha was right. Up ahead on the road was a mudslide which destroyed the road. If he had kept driving on, he would have driven into a dangerous ditch and might have gotten killed. So Buddha appeared to save his life it seems.

Now obviously, Buddha does not appear to save everyone from driving into a ditch. No. Stuff like that only happens to some people. It's not consistent. I've even heard of a van full of monks from Taiwan crashing in California and killing all the monks inside. So Buddha does not even always appear to save monks. Like I said, help from above only happens to some, not everyone. The gods do not fancy or love everyone equally. They have their favorites of who they like and want to protect too. The gods are not machines or egalitarians who treat everyone equally, as stupid Americans want. They have preferences and feelings too you know.

10. As my Chinese friend Henry said, some people hate you for no reason, and some people like you a lot for no reason too. There's no reason or logical explanation. It just is. The universe has both chaos and divine order. We can't explain it. We can never explain such things. They just are. There's no consistency or logic to any of it. I agree. I've experienced that too, where some like me for no reason even though I did nothing for them, and some hate me for no reason even though I never wronged them.

Again, there's no logic or consistency to life at all. All we can do is speculate and postulate theories like I have above, ones that can account for all the different experiences and inconsistencies without explanation.

What do guys think? Any reflections or musings on the above?


Whatever the case, we need to stop assuming that there's a simple logical explanation for everything. I know some guys want there to be because they need to believe in a just and ordered universe that makes sense and has a logical explanation for everything. But they are wrong and it's not true. I've given so many examples above and can give many more. But you get the point.

Bottom line: We need to drop this linear logic mentality of our male egos, and just accept that we do not control most things in life. Most things in life are determined by fate, destiny, karma, the will of the gods and oversouls, etc.

The wisest ancient cultures all agreed. For example, Indian culture goes back thousands of years, perhaps even to the time of Atlantis before the global flood, and Indian culture has always believed in fate, karma and predeterminism and the will of the gods too. They knew a lot of things we didn't and a lot of ancient mysteries and lost knowledge too. So we should listen to them and consider that perhaps they were right and have a more accurate world view.

The ancient Greeks and Romans also believed that most of life and destiny was not in our hands, but determined by a goddess known as Fortuna. Fortuna was a flighty female goddess who blessed men as she pleased but could remove her blessings on a female whim. That's how life was. The Greeks were not stupid enough to believe in stupid things like "the law of attraction" or that everything happens according one's thoughts and expectations, like stupid modern Americans and New Agers do. So the law of attraction promoters LIE when they claim that ancient cultures believed in the law of attraction and that your thoughts could change your destiny. They clearly didn't.

Therefore, even if both free will and destiny exist - which is what most spiritual people today believe, including @Mr S - still it does seem that MOST of what happens in our lives is determined by fate and karma and the will of the gods, not by our choices. So we do NOT have control over MOST of what happens in our life or most of what we get in life. Like it or not, that's what everything points to. That's what all the data, examples I see, and my experiences, indicates. I know modern westerners don't like that, but everything I see in life and observe points to that conclusion. There's also no linear logic to explain most things, and no consistency or formulas, as my many examples above demonstrate.

Also, many of the top spiritual truth seekers conclude after many years or decades of searching that "everything happens for a reason" and that "there are no coincidences" and that "everything is in divine order from a higher level" etc. Since many of these people are smarter than us, more experienced than us, wiser than us, and have a higher consciousness than us, we gotta consider that perhaps they are right, even if we don't want to or disagree. We gotta consider that they are right and not assume that we are right about everything and that we know it all.

So think about that guys.
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by Winston »

Simple question. How come a lot of people claim that they've never had a problem with dating or social life in America? They've always been able to make friends and get dates, they say.

Is it because they have better social karma? And we have bad social karma in America? Whats the difference between them and us exactly?

Not all of them are attractive either. Some are average looking and some are even fat rednecks.

I dont think they have some secret formula either or special social skills. Especially since theres so many of them. Mainstream people cannot all have some secret or mojo. They just be themselves and go with the flow probably.

So whats the difference between them and us? Thats the 64k question and big mystery. Any idea?
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by Daddy Wu »

Winston! My lazy son!

Why you do dumbass thread?? Again!

Only complain! And excuse!!

Nobody control you! All up to you!!

Listen to Daddy!

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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by halnovemila »

I totally agree with you that we are NOT in control of MOST of what happens in our lives.
Our destiny is determined by a combinations of unpredictable events and the choices we make while those events unfold in our lives.

Yet it's a mistake to confuse "unpredictable" with "illogical".
Weather is unpredictable TO US human beings, yet we know it's caused by forces that works in a very logical way following the "laws" of physics.
But we know that the ability to make weather reliable predictions has greatly increased along the time as man's knowledge of laws of physics and man's ability to collect weather relevant data and man's ability to elaborate and compute a large number of data has greatly increased over the past one hundred years and it's still increasing.

Therefore we can imagine that an all knowing and all mighty (at least in terms of computing) being, could predict with perfect accuracy the weather in all over the world, for the next one hundred years and more.

Indeed, in the Matrix movie, the Matrix "mind", represented by the Architect that Neo have been able to meet in His (virtual) "room", was shown to be able to predict each possible reaction of Neo, and, like in a very logical chess game, also to predict the next best thing to say or do.
Listen again to what the Architect said to Neo and how he explains that the entire world and humanity is an "equation"

So, while life is greatly made up of unpredictable events that can supports someone's wishes and efforts or can work against such wishes and efforts, we can't therefore assume that there isn't any logic any purpose or any meaning in our lives.

Talking about me and my wife
It's not correct to say that she chose me "not because of any tangible or intangible qualities that Alex had, or his looks, money, personality, charm, etc. ".
She actually chose me ALSO because of my tangible and intangible qualities (for example I know she was charmed by the way I was typing on the keyboard when we first met. My wife loved the piano and she likely felt me like I was a sort of pianista when I was typing on the keyboard. Also she found me quite unique and admired my ability to understand how things works, how to create working things, how to fix things not working and make them working again. Etc...) but not only because of that.
There was something else, something powerful and unknown that made her to develop such strong feelings as she did.
I explain that as a special attraction that happens when two soul mates meet each others.
I also explain that in terms of God's gift.
As God made Eve for Adam, so God made my wife soul for my soul, so when she met me in this world, her soul has recognized my soul as the one God made her for since the beginning of the time 😊
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by momopi »

1. Read the Chinese concept of Yuenfen:

In this context, coincidence is the events or circumstances without apparent (clearly or obvious) connection, and the driving force behind what is not clear or obvious is fate or karma. This however should not be used as an excuse for inaction or carelessness, as fate may bring two people together, but maintaining the relationship is on you.

2. The Christian (or Biblical) view, expressed in Corinthians 10:13 reads:
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

In other words, if you believed in God, you should have faith that God would only give you challenges that you are capable to overcome. However, if you were to believe that God (or Gods) is very selective about this, saving (favoring) few and throwing others under the bus, then your viewpoint is somewhat Pagan like old European or Greek-Roman Gods. Pagan or polytheist Gods are believed to accept offerings, if this is what you believe then consider visiting Temple of Venus on the Velian Hill of Rome. Bring offerings of... mint, myrtle, roses, or garlands of flowers.

3. The question here is not about where Winston has better Karma -- he already stated numerous times that he feels better connection in/to Europe. But he is in Vegas (or Taiwan or Philippines or ?) and not in Europe. He is stuck circling in the past while time and the world moves pass him. He needs to prioritize his objectives and move forward with it -- and this includes hobbies and interests. Pick ONE and run with it.

For example, look at his recent discussion topic posts on the Federal Reserve and microwaves. In the first topic, discussions on the establishment of Federal Reserve, Brent Woods Agreement, Nixon terminating dollar's convertibility to gold, etc. are all historical topics that have been discussed ad nauseam. We don't need another parroting of "The Federal Reserve Note is not the dollar because Congress defined US Dollar by specific weight in grains of gold or silver". So draw a X over this.

A forward discussion would be the possibility that blockchain technology might disrupt the US dollar's role on domestic and international stage. Cryptocurrencies decentralize the operation of the financial system outside sovereign states (or central bank)'s control, which erodes western power's ability to leverage economic power or impose sanctions.

Consider, USPS (US postal service) is an independency agency like the Federal Reserve Board. The Constitution grants Congress power to establish post offices and postal roads (mail routes), but did not specify the boundaries of that power. In the past people debated over Congress delegating to independent agency, granting of monopoly on postal mail service, and even over newspaper deliveries (newspaper boys delivering newspaper on bicycles cut into post office profits). But few people bother with this discussion today as internet/e-mail and private couriers like UPS and Fed Ex has neutered the USPS. I haven't stepped inside a Post Office in years, i do all my shipping at UPS store. Similarly, a forward conversation (not circling on the past) on Federal Reserve might be on the possibility that blockchain technology might some day neuter the dollar. Should Winston choose this topic, he can write and submit articles to numerous financial publications like Seeking Alpha, Forbes, Business Insider, etc.

In the second topic, the discussion on harmful effects (destruction of nutrients) of cooking with microwave oven is another discussion ad nauseam that people have been circling around for decades. Vitamins and nutrients in produce are unstable and degrade quickly with time and processing (chopping, washing, cooking). If you nuke broccoli soup in microwave until the broccoli is soft, or if you dipped the broccoli in batter and deep fried it, you're going to kill something like 70-90% of the antioxidants in broccoli. But if you lightly steamed the broccoli it will retain most of its nutrients, assuming you're ok with eating lightly cooked broccoli. Nobody forced you to cook with microwave or deep fryer, you have a stove, pots, and pans to cook it any other way. So draw a X over this.

There are various other concerns such as modern intensive agricultural methods deleting the soil and reducing nutrients in produce, and use of produce varieties that grow faster and bigger -- since it spends less time in the soil it also absorbs less nutrients. But again we don't need to parrot the benefits of organic produce, there's already enough talking heads doing this, so draw a X over it.

A forward discussion would be on emerging technologies like Apeel. They extract fatty lipids from all natural ingredients like skins, seeds, and pulp of fruit and veggies (like grape skin from winery or tomato skin from ketchup factory) to create a thin spray coating. The purpose of this coating is to slow moisture loss and oxidation on fruits and vegetables and keep them "fresh" longer.

However as I mentioned earlier, vitamins in produce are unstable and, a very generalized rule of thumb is if the produce is 3 days old (since harvest) it loses 30% of its nutrients. Nature tells us the produce is "old" by spoilage caused by moisture loss and oxygen. But what happens when Apeel technology apply the spray and that 2 week old broccoli at the supermarket looks nice and fresh? How would a a consumer tell if the produce is xx days old? To put it another way, why should you pay the same amount of money for produce that is old (but still looks fresh due to the coating) and has already lost most of its nutrients due to age?

Should Winston choose this topic, there are countless food related publications (and possibly newspapers) that he can submit articles to, and he doesn't need to be home to write. He could be making an offering at Temple of Venus in Rome or Temple of Aphrodite in Greece or Turkey (?), meeting European girls and having fun while writing articles on a laptop.
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by timwong »

Winston wrote:
October 28th, 2018, 12:18 am
Dear all,
Lately I've been pondering and reflecting one why different people can have totally different experiences in different countries - even if they are both average and do nothing special and not particularly good looking, etc. Before, many guys here tried to give logical explanations - such as one was better looking or stood out more or had more novelty appeal or had more charisma, etc. However, when I analyze all the examples and experiences I have in this area, I find that there is NO LINEAR LOGIC OR LOGICAL CONSISTENCY in these things at all.

For example, two average joes or plain janes can go to the same city, even a first world city, like Los Angeles, New York City, London or Hong Kong. Yet they can have totally different luck, even though they are just average people who did nothing special and do not have any "amazing social skills or charisma or looks", and all they did was just "be themselves". One person can have good luck in social life, dating, and career, while the other has no luck at all and things don't work for him or her, instead they feel disconnected and off centered and like a fish out of water. This kind of thing happens all the time, and there's no logical explanation for it.

Even @momopi has always said that one person can have a great time in one country but another person do not, and there's no logical explanation or reason for it. It just is, even if they look the same or similar. It's not because one person has a positive attitude and another does not either, because the one with no luck can have much better luck somewhere else, since all places are not the same. (contrary to what some say, I know from experience)

So I gotta formulate a theory based on the evidence and my experiences and observations. Here is the theory I came up with. There are two parts to my theory. One I call karmic path or destiny. The other I call the oversoul theory. First, I'll explain my karmic theory.

Karmic Theory

The karmic theory basically works like this. If you have karma to burn in a certain country, then things will happen for you there. And if you have karma that overlaps with certain people, then you will meet them and they will talk to you even if you're a stranger, because you both have karma to burn together, whether for a short time or long time.

So notice how when someone feels drawn to a particular country, like Japan for example, when they go there, things will happen there. I know several guys who were drawn to Japan and felt like they had some connection or past life there. That's why when someone tells you that their soul is drawn to a particular foreign culture, they don't usually go there and then report that nothing happened and everyone ignored them (like I do in Taiwan). No, if they have karma to burn there, or their soul is drawn there, then something will happen for them there, whether good or bad, even if it's only temporary. There is some lesson to learn there, some connection to bridge.

That's why some strangers talk to you and some don't, in any given country. If the strangers' karma overlaps with yours and has karma to burn with you, or some karmic lesson to burn with you, they will usually stop and talk to you and develop some social relations with you. If not, then they will just ignore you, because their karmic path does not overlap with yours. You get my drift?

That's why there are even people who are drawn to America, even to unfriendly cities like LA or SF or NYC, and yet things happen for them. They make friends, find a partner, and find a career or job that they like. And all they did was be themselves and everything happened naturally. They didn't have to do anything special or try to "make things happen". So go figure.

The problem with us is that we simply have no karma to burn in America. So nothing happens naturally for us here. Our soul doesn't grow. We don't meet important people and find love naturally the way others do, or find our place in the US, etc. It's not because of our looks or social skills. Many who fit in the US are only average looking or even look like fat rednecks. So it's not about looks or brains or social skills, etc. Some people simply have karmic ties to the US and some like us, do not. Get my drift?

When you are meant to be somewhere or you have karmic ties somewhere, things will happen for you naturally. You will connect with people, find meaningful work, find a partner maybe, and feel a sense of belonging and purpose. That could be in the US too, for some. Just not for us.

So in my case, I simply have no karmic connection with Taiwan or karma to burn there. So when I go there, nothing happens. I feel no energy or growth, because I'm simply not meant to be there and have no karma to burn there. I only go there for my parents.

However, I do feel drawn in my soul to some European countries, like Italy or Spain or Britain even. So according to my theory, I do have karma to burn there. And when I go there, things will happen for sure. I'll meet people, make connections, grow spiritually and as a person, etc. I'd bet money on it. In fact, last time I went to Poland, I met people, had fun, and a guy I met even offered me a job teaching English there. I don't usually get offered a job that I didn't apply for, so this was unusual. It was like the universe or oversoul there welcomed me so offered me the possibility of staying. When you have chemistry and karma with a place, things come naturally and fall into place naturally. It's not rocket science. It never is.

That's what idiots like @publicduende don't understand and don't get. Men who have atheistic or agnostic views like he does, and are very unspiritual, don't understand what I mean and don't see things in terms of my theory. They use superficial linear logic which doesn't usually work. Anyone with real life experience knows this. Instead, he thinks that if @eurobrat is better looking and younger than me, then I cannot do better than him. But that's not the way it works. There's no linear logic to things like this. Even average people can find their soulmates in first world countries or have luck there in social life, dating, career, etc. So it's not about looks or youth. That's what PublicDuende was too stupid and dumb to understand. (no offense to him, it's just the truth, some men are really stupid)

Also, if your karma in a particular culture burns out or is finished, you can feel like you've reached a dead end too. Perhaps that's what @eurobrat is feeling now in Ireland. His karma there is burned out and finished, and his next path or journey lies elsewhere, so he feels like he's reached a dead end with nowhere to grow or evolve. That's a sign that he's meant to journey on elsewhere.

Oversoul theory

My second theory is called the oversoul theory. Basically it means that there is an entity or deity that governs each place or location, sometimes different cities too, not just countries. And if this oversoul likes you or fancies you, it will help you out and give you connections, dates, social life, good luck, etc and welcome you. I've experienced this. When I arrived in Russia, on my second day there I already found a girl to date! If the oversoul likes you, then things usually happen fast, within the first week!

But if the oversoul there decides it doesn't like you or has had enough of you, or feels like you've worn out your welcome, then it starts making things go wrong to signal to you that it wants you to leave and that you've worn out your welcome. Of if it doesn't like you at all, it will give you bad luck and things will go wrong a lot, as it drops hints for you that you don't belong there. You will be treated like an invading organism in a host body and feel attacked by "white blood cells" that cause bad luck and murphy's law to happen a lot, til you get the hint that you don't belong there and don't fit in and aren't welcome by the oversoul. I've experienced this too in Taiwan of course. And even in Russia, if I stay too long and wear out my welcome, I sort of sense this too, like my karma there has run out and I've worn out my friendly welcome. It could be that this is what Eurobrat is experiencing now too.

I know those of you who are not spiritual or are atheistic/agnostic might think these theories are weird. But I definitely feel them and sense them. The oversoul is something I sense and feel and experience. Some of my friends do too. I will copy and paste their quotes here later in this thread.

When people like you or the oversoul of a region does, you can definitely FEEL it. Just like in person, you can feel when someone likes you or dislikes you. The energy difference and vibe is very obvious and noticeable and not your imagination. If someone doesn't like you, you will sense it strongly. Even animals can tell if you like them or not. It's not imagination.

Either way, I think my two theories make sense and explain a lot that logic cannot, such as the vast differences of people in different countries that have no linear logical reason or consistency or superficial explanation.

Ok that's it for now. In the next post, I'll list some examples of people with different experiences that logic or superficial reasons cannot explain. Please read my next post below.
Wow Winston! This totally blew my narrow Chinese mind. So deep and philosophical.
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by Daddy Wu »

Winston! My son!

Who bother read this???

Only good to fall sleep!!

Your Daddy
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by Yohan »

Hahaha.... this is a funny thread.

Timwong is PAG.... but who is Daddy Wu?

Sometimes I think, Daddy Wu is Winston, his son, looking in a mirror and talks to himself....
Everybody has a right for a dual personality, at least in the States.
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by HouseMD »

My theory is that lifestyle have different personality traits and physical traits that make them more or less compatible with a given culture than another individual. I'm dark and brooding, with a very grim sense of humor. These traits make Eastern European, German, and Russian girls feel at home, but don't fair well with Hispanics or most Asians. This is basic Taoism, for each of us there is as way that is like a stream, and we can swim with it or against it. Happiness comes from finding the way and moving with the current.
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Re: My Theories on why people have different experiences in different countries - Karmic Destiny and Oversouls

Post by Moretorque »

Yaa but these people have really picked the current up totally unnaturally and the end goal is to implode most modern civilizations and it is gonna work..... The fascist are showing what they can do with a pen and a supply of #'s.....

Did you look at Sals Viper ? That is the coolest street legal car I believe I have ever seen. No other matching serial # car comes close ? Hail the Dodge.......or Mopar.....
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