Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

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Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

Post by HenryGeorge »

Since Winston started HappierAbroad i believe his message is now more pertinent than ever...
Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

You might say, having read some of my recent essays, “Umair! Don’t worry! Everything will be fine! It’s not that bad!” I would look at you politely, and then say gently, “To tell you the truth, I don’t think we’re taking collapse nearly seriously enough.”

Why? When we take a hard look at US collapse, we see a number of social pathologies on the rise. Not just any kind. Not even troubling, worrying, and dangerous ones. But strange and bizarre ones. Unique ones. Singular and gruesomely weird ones I’ve never really seen before, and outside of a dystopia written by Dickens and Orwell, nor have you, and neither has history. They suggest that whatever “numbers” we use to represent decline — shrinking real incomes, inequality, and so on —we are in fact grossly underestimating what pundits call the “human toll”, but which sensible human beings like you and I should simply think of as the overwhelming despair, rage, and anxiety of living in a collapsing society.

Let me give you just five examples of what I’ll call the social pathologies of collapse — strange, weird, and gruesome new diseases, not just ones we don’t usually see in healthy societies, but ones that we have never really seen before in any modern society.

America has had 11 school shootings in the last 23 days. That’s one every other day, more or less. That statistic is alarming enough — but it is just a number. Perspective asks us for comparison. So let me put that another way. America has had 11 school shootings in the last 23 days, which is more than anywhere else in the world, even Afghanistan or Iraq. In fact, the phenomenon of regular school shootings appears to be a unique feature of American collapse — it just doesn’t happen in any other country — and that is what I mean by “social pathologies of collapse”: a new, bizarre, terrible disease striking society.

Why are American kids killing each other? Why doesn’t their society care enough to intervene? Well, probably because those kids have given up on life — and their elders have given up on them. Or maybe you’re right — and it’s not that simple. Still, what do the kids who aren’t killing each other do? Well, a lot of them are busy killing themselves.

So there is of course also an “opioid epidemic”. We use that phrase too casually, but it much more troubling than it appears on first glance. Here is what is really curious about it. In many countries in the world — most of Asia and Africa — one can buy all the opioids one wants from any local pharmacy, without a prescription. You might suppose then that opioid abuse as a mass epidemic would be a global phenomenon. Yet we don’t see opioid epidemics anywhere but America — especially not ones so vicious and widespread they shrink life expectancy. So the “opioid epidemic” — mass self-medication with the hardest of hard drugs — is again a social pathology of collapse: unique to American life. It is not quite captured in the numbers, but only through comparison — and when we see it in global perspective, we get a sense of just how singularly troubled American life really is.

Why would people abuse opioids en masse unlike anywhere else in the world? They must be living genuinely traumatic and desperate lives, in which there is little healthcare, so they have to self-medicate the terror away. But what is so desperate about them? Well, consider another example: the “nomadic retirees”. They live in their cars. They go from place to place, season after season, chasing whatever low-wage work they can find — spring, an Amazon warehouse, Christmas, Walmart.

Now, you might say — “well, poor people have always chased seasonal work!” But that is not really the point: absolute powerlessness and complete indignity is. In no other country I can see do retirees who should have been able to save up enough to live on now living in their cars in order to find work just to go on eating before they die — not even in desperately poor ones, where at least families live together, share resources, and care for one another. This is another pathology of collapse that is unique to America — utter powerlessness to live with dignity. Numbers don’t capture it — but comparisons paint a bleak picture.

How did America’s elderly end up cheated of dignity? After all, even desperately poor countries have “informal social support systems” — otherwise known as families and communities. But in America, there is the catastrophic collapse of social bonds. Extreme capitalism has blown apart American society so totally that people cannot even care for one another as much as they do in places like Pakistan and Nigeria. Social bonds, relationships themselves, have become unaffordable luxuries, more so than even in poor countries: this is yet another social pathology unique to American collapse.

Yet those once poor countries are making great strides. Costa Ricans now have higher life expectancy than Americans — because they have public healthcare. American life expectancy is falling, unlike nearly anywhere else in the world, save the UK — because it doesn’t.

And that is my last pathology: it is one of the soul, not one of the limbs, like the others above. American appear to be quite happy simply watching one another die, in all the ways above. They just don’t appear to be too disturbed, moved, or even affected by the four pathologies above: their kids killing each other, their social bonds collapsing, being powerless to live with dignity,or having to numb the pain of it all away.

If these pathologies happened in any other rich country — even in most poor ones — people would be aghast, shocked, and stunned, and certainly moved to make them not happen. But in America, they are, well, not even resigned. They are indifferent, mostly.

So my last pathology is a predatory society. A predatory society doesn’t just mean oligarchs ripping people off financially. In a truer way, it means people nodding and smiling and going about their everyday business as their neighbours, friends, and colleagues die early deaths in shallow graves. The predator in American society isn’t just its super-rich — but an invisible and insatiable force: the normalization of what in the rest of the world would be seen as shameful, historic, generational moral failures, if not crimes, becoming mere mundane everyday affairs not to be too worried by or troubled about.

Perhaps that sounds strong to you. Is it?

Now that I’ve given you a few examples — there are many more — of the social pathologies of collapse, let me share with you the three points that they raise for me.

These social pathologies are something like strange and gruesome new strains of disease infecting the body social. America has always been a pioneer — only today, it is host not just to problems not just rarely seen in healthy societies — it is pioneering novel social pathologies have never been seen in the modern world outside present-day America, period. What does that tell us?

American collapse is much more severe than we suppose it is. We are underestimating its magnitude, not overestimating it. American intellectuals, media, and thought doesn’t put any of its problems in global or historical perspective — but when they are seen that way, America’s problems are revealed to be not just the everyday nuisances of a declining nation, but something more like a body suddenly attacked by unimagined diseases.

Seen accurately. American collapse is a catastrophe of human possibility without modern parallel . And because the mess that America has made of itself, then, is so especially unique, so singular, so perversely special — the treatment will have to be novel, too. The uniqueness of these social pathologies tell us that American collapse is not like a reversion to any mean, or the downswing of a trend. It is something outside the norm. Something beyond the data. Past the statistics. It is like the meteor that hit the dinosaurs: an outlier beyond outliers, an event at the extreme of the extremes. That is why our narratives, frames, and theories cannot really capture it — much less explain it. We need a whole new language — and a new way of seeing — to even begin to make sense of it.

But that is America’s task, not the world’s. The world’s task is this. Should the world follow the American model — extreme capitalism, no public investment, cruelty as a way of life, the perversion of everyday virtue — then these new social pathologies will follow, too. They are new diseases of the body social that have emerged from the diet of junk food — junk media, junk science, junk culture, junk punditry, junk economics, people treating one another and their society like junk — that America has fed upon for too long.
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Re: Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

Post by fursttamendmint881 »

The thing I find surprising is that none of our so-called leaders, including D. Trump have not addressed this directly and in full.

It's quite obvious to anyone who does not have his head in the sand that the U.S. is imploding.

But the thing that puzzles me is: what there the driving causes of this?

Is it capitalistic greed? Feminism (very destructive imo)? Lack of mental health facilities? Social media/internet?

The only thing holding the U.S. together I think is it's strong military. But that's not enough. Give an economic collapse as in 1929 or a nuclear war or similar upset, U.S. will fall. But the fall will be from within, not by outside forces I think.
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Re: Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

Post by Adama »

School shootings, IMHO, are hoaxes meant to brainwash people into gun control. They are not the indicator the author thinks they are. They are just used to change public opinion and to change the laws into stricter gun control. They always have some legislation just waiting in the wings that they pass for these shootings.

I don't own any guns myself, but it is very obvious what they're doing.
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Re: Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

Post by Yohan »

Such articles are always somewhat exaggerated. While there is some truth in it, it will not result in a collapse of the USA.

Plenty of citizens in other countries are by far worse off than most people living in the USA.
USA is not really a nice place for me to live there, but I have seen places which are worse.
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Re: Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

Post by onethousandknives »

Yohan wrote:
February 23rd, 2018, 3:36 am
Such articles are always somewhat exaggerated. While there is some truth in it, it will not result in a collapse of the USA.

Plenty of citizens in other countries are by far worse off than most people living in the USA.
USA is not really a nice place for me to live there, but I have seen places which are worse.
How much time have you spent in USA, and in what areas, and in what social classes of people were you amongst?

I think an upper middle class life in USA, while maybe mind numbing and dull and likely full of debt and stress, is relatively OK. I lived a life like that in my childhood and know people with lives as such.

I think being poor in USA, though, while speaking in terms of the ability to eat and have possessions might be marginally better than a lot of foreign countries if you're equally poor/lower social strata, I think the actual lifestyle is a lot worse, in the amount of drugs, criminality, and general dysfunction around you. Of course obviously, there's always extremes of Venezuela or North Korea or something, or even largely Mexico right next door. But in Japan do you find heroin needles littering public parks? Do people accost you for walking through "their" neighborhood? Do convenience stores sell crack pipes? Do you know anyone who has had attempts on their lives made? Do you hear gunshots at night? Has your house been broken into before? Your car? Do you know people who regularly carry firearms for protection? Frankly, I think the personal safety situation in USA is quite bad. If you're rich, you can segregate yourself off from the rest of this society which worries about the things I listed above, but you need to be quite rich to do so.

With much of my personal HA wants, partially it is culture, but it's more that I feel I need quite a lot of income to even be safe and have my basic needs for healthcare and medicine, food that's safe, water that's safe, neighborhoods that are safe, transportation (not needing a car as much in some other countries) etc, met in USA, whereas in some other countries, those needs are basically met by default by the government not lighting the money on fire in corruption building 3 million dollar bathrooms for kickbacks and spending the money on war.

The fact is, if you ignore things getting bad, or that are currently bad, because it could always be worse, it's a great way for things to actually get a lot worse. And this is currently what America is doing. Currently, with the Venezuela example, Venezuela was one of the best, if not the best and most prosperous Latin American country in the 1950s-1960s and was considered an upper middle income country. Now it's probably the worst and most dangerous. In the 1980s things started getting bad. But hey, at least it wasn't Nicaragua or Colombia with insurgency, right? So just shut up and it'll be fine, right? This I feel is the attitude USA is taking rather than trying to recognize problems and fix itself before the inevitable happens.

Re: Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

Post by HappyGuy »

onethousandknives wrote:
March 24th, 2018, 8:30 pm
I think being poor in USA, though, while speaking in terms of the ability to eat and have possessions might be marginally better than a lot of foreign countries if you're equally poor/lower social strata, I think the actual lifestyle is a lot worse, in the amount of drugs, criminality, and general dysfunction around you.
May 17, 2017
Chris Hedges talks about Plight of the underclass with Linh Dinh - the End of America

onethousandknives wrote:
March 24th, 2018, 8:30 pm
Do convenience stores sell crack pipes?
Oct 2, 2017
A community overwhelmed by opioids - PBS NewsHour
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