Which vaccine do you recommend?

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Re: Which vaccine do you recommend?

Post by rudder »

flowerthief00 wrote:
August 5th, 2021, 1:54 am
Their effectiveness at preventing transmission of delta seems to be in question, but from what I'm reading Pfizer/Biontech is relatively more effective against delta than the others. So that would seem to be the way to go.

I'm in the states btw, so it has to be one of the ones available here.
What you're reading is most likely industry-funded propaganda. The "vaccines" you mentioned were designed for your body to produce and target the spike protein of the original wuhan strain. As you may know, Delta is no longer in the spotlight. The fearporn has shifted to omicron. None of the vaccines were effective to stop the spread or infection of the original strain, let alone Delta or Omicron. Scientists, like Vanden Bossche, have warned that we shouldn't mass vaccinate into a pandemic, as it is a shifting target, and the myopic vaccines place selective pressure on the virus to mutate to more resistant strains. You should really listen to some interviews with Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered mRNA gene therapy technology. He was double-jabbed and regrets it. Apple's podcast app still doesn't delete good podcasts and information, so that's a resource.
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Re: Which vaccine do you recommend?

Post by rudder »

Tsar wrote:
August 4th, 2021, 7:59 pm
gsjackson wrote:
August 4th, 2021, 6:51 pm
Tsar wrote:
August 4th, 2021, 11:34 am
gsjackson wrote:
August 4th, 2021, 5:01 am
Haven't had one and won't, but if forced at gunpoint I would certainly get the Russian Sputnik. Depending on where you are, it should be available. Chinese vaccine would be second choice. My understanding is these aren't the mRNA variant. Avoid Pfizer and Moderna at all costs.
How many doses does Sputnik have? Can you explain why you trust that one more? I also think it is "more" trustworthy too.

What are your thoughts about the Indian coronavirus vaccine? Does that look good in your opinion? I heard that is one of the vaccines that is approved in Mexico. Russia's vaccine has also been approved in Mexico.

Do you think China's vaccine is trustworthy or just as untrustworthy as the American vaccines?
I haven't done any significant research of these various jabs, since I won't be taking one under any circumstances. My understanding is that the Sputnik is more like a traditional vaccine, rather than gene therapy.
Does the Sputnik vaccine use mRNA or is it more like a traditional vaccine? I heard that India's vaccine uses a deactivated virus.

I won't be getting the vaccine either but if I had to, then I would want the Russian vaccine, maybe the Indian vaccine, but I really only want one dose so I might go with India's unless I really thought Russia's vaccine was the better one. I think Sputnik requires 2 injections a few weeks apart.

One interesting thing about America is that it is only offers "American vaccines inside the United States and United States territories" so that really means a lot of Americans will die from the vaccines.
What if we're wrong about that? Do you ever think it is more likely that instead of death, we will see a longterm chronic health decline of the population? This would maintain plausible deniability, so that you cannot point the finger at the vaccines, and the evil ones can still keep telling you "that's unproven" and calling you a conspiracy theorist. Although I think one has to be pretty obtuse to not see the negative consequences these injections have already been causing.

One thing I wonder, is have we seen ADE yet? Will we?
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Re: Which vaccine do you recommend?

Post by rudder »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 19th, 2021, 3:08 pm
No way would I recommend or take one myself, but if someone is being forced to take one for some reason: Novavax.

Scientists who have questioned the safety of the mRNA vaccines (and therefore been labelled "anti-vaxxers" spreading "misinformation" by jewmedia entities and their schills) think Novavax is safer, or at least less dangerous. For example, Dr. Robert Malone, who was involved in the invention of mRNA technology, but now very active in opposing vaccine mandates.

No way in hell am I taking any of them, but if the political situation got so extreme that we're being beamed up in UFOs and strapped to tables and forced to choose which vaccine, I'd roll the dice on that one. :shock:
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Re: Which vaccine do you recommend?

Post by WilliamSmith »

rudder wrote:
December 20th, 2021, 6:18 pm
What is
Hi there! 8) First I just want to re-iterate that no way in hell am I personally ever taking any of these turkeys, and would sooner take a bullet (or better yet, just get the lame-ass virus and stay in self-quarantine for a bit to get over it ) rather than take any of them, including Novavax.

But... if someone out there is convinced they have to get vaxxed due to their own unique circumstances right now, for whatever reason:
Novavax is a supposedly more traditional vaccine that a hardcore anti-vaxxer woman (ex-doctor) told me was basically the "lesser evil" in the event that vaccination was made totally compulsory, and I looked it up and found Robert Malone and others seemingly saying the same.
Apparently it's called TAK-019 in Japan.

You can look it up more if you want.
Jewgle censors so many search results and force-feeds in bolshevik propaganda across the board on everything from flagrant disinfo to grotesque dystopian visuals these days that I don't even bother using them for searches anymore, but I still get a decent # of informative results from Duckduckgo.

Here's a couple links where Malone and another guy go into some details about Novavax vs the mrna vaccines and spike protein issues, among other things.

https://www.science.org/content/blog-po ... s-general
https://www.reddit.com/r/NVAX/comments/ ... chnology/
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/ur ... 51365120/
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: Which vaccine do you recommend?

Post by rudder »

Good for you, bud.

Taking the vax, unfortunately, has also been turned into a vote for the enslavement of humanity.
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Re: Which vaccine do you recommend?

Post by rudder »

Good for you, bud.

Taking the vax, unfortunately, has also been turned into a vote for the enslavement of humanity.
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