The Holocaust - No questioning allowed

If you're a history buff, love to talk about history and watch the History Channel, this is the board for that.

What do YOU think about Jewish Holocaust?

I have no educated opinion. I never looked into it
It was horrible. 6 million dead
It was great. 6 million niggers, kikes and queers dead. Heil Hitler! 88
It was horrible! I had nightmares after watching Shindler's List. Though the hollowco$t itself was completely fake
I don't know if its "fake" however it's obvious something fishy is going on
Anyone who questions the holocost is a Nazi and should be imprisoned or hanged!
9 million Jews died! Nazi sympathizers got it reduced down to 6 million in the late 1980s
Death camps? Zyklon b? Jew genocide? Biggest scam of the 20th century
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Post by Jester »

jamesbond wrote:I know you guys are having a serious discussion on jews, I just want to add some humor to the topic for a minute. Check out this funny video. :D

Tasteless... very tasteless...

Enjoyed it
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Post by Winston »

Auschwitz Museum Director
Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

By P. Samuel Foner
The Spotlight
Volume XIX, Number 2

In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Josef Stalin.

What Piper said - in effect and on camera - was that the explosive 1988 Leuchter Report was correct: no homicidal gassings took place in the buildings designated as 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz.

With this admission by none other than the respected head of the Auschwitz State Museum, one of the most sacred 'facts' of history has been destroyed. This 'gas chamber' is the major historical 'fact' on which much of the foreign and domestic policies of all Western nations since WWII are based.

It is the basis for the $100+ billion in foreign aid the United States has poured into the state of Israel since its inception in 1948 - amounting to $16,500 for every man, woman and child in the Jewish state and billions more paid by Germany in 'reparations' - not to mention the constructing of Israel's national telephone, electrical and rail systems...all gifts of the German people. It is the basis for the $10 billion 'loan' (read 'gift') made to Israel for housing its immigrants in the occupied territories...while Americans sleep on the streets and businesses are bankrupted by the thousands. (Note - As of 2004, not a single 'loan' of US tax money made to the state of Israel by Washington has ever been paid back. -ed)

Germany is paying 'reparations' - the the United States is making major contributions - to atone for the 'gassings at Auschwitz' and elsewhere. If the 'homicidal gas chambers' were postwar creations of the Soviets, in which no one was gassed regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin, then these 'reparations' were unnecessary, and were based on fraud.

The videotape on which Dr. Piper makes his revelations was made in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole and follows 12 years of intensive investigation by dozens of historians, journalists and scientists who have tried to get to the bottom of what really happened at Auschwitz.

Like most Americans, since his youth, Cole had been instructed in the 'irrefutable fact' that mass homicidal gassings had taken place at Auschwitz. The number of those executed - also declared irrefutable - was 4.1 million.

Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988 which was followed with an official 're-evaluation' of the total deaths at Auschwitz (down to 1.1 million). As a budding historian - and a Jew - Cole was intrigued.

Previous to 1992, anyone who publicly doubted or questioned the official 4.1 millon 'gassing' deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an anti-semite, neo-nazi skinhead at the very least. Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official figure was lowered to 1.1 million. No mention was made of the missing 3 million.

The Cole videotape interview proves that the people who run the Auschwitz State Museum had made a practice of fabricating 'proofs' of homicidal gassings. Keep in mind that over the years millions of tourists have been told that 'Krema 1' is in its original state, while officials knew that 'original state' is a ie.

The political, religious, fiancial and historical ramifications of this proof of no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz cannot be measured. Coupled with the Leuchter Report, the Cole interview with Dr. Piper on videotape proves that what Western governments have taught about the Auschwitz gas chamber since WWII is a lie. It proves that what televangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been telling their flocks is simply not true.

No one, regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin was gassed to death in any building so designated at Auschwitz. And without 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz, where is the reasoning for the special treatment of the state of Israel?

Note - This is excerpted from the orginal, much longer article by P. Samuel Foner.
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Post by Winston »

Jester wrote: Glad to see the young man's accomplishments. Met him years ago at an IHR conference and shared a meal. Courageous young man. And a very proud Jew.

He had been recently been beaten up by the fanatic Irv Rubin of the fanatic JDL (whom I had also met, elsewhere, and also enjoyed talking to).

David Cole has always reminded me of Jesus's description of Nathaniel: "Here indeed is a true son of Israel, in whom there is no guile."
You met David Cole? When and where? How? I thought he was in hiding because there was a reward out for his assassination? Why would he reveal his hiding place to you?
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Post by Winston »

Some more interesting Holocaust Revision videos:

David Irving The Holocaust Truth, The Whole Truth ~ And Nothing but The Truth

Auschwitz--The Suprising Hidden Truth


Auschwitz—where the Germans killed the Jews. But when you look at the details of what is claimed about Auschwitz and what was physically possible, strange, even incredible discrepancies turn up. This video describes some of the most glaring facts which don't jibe with the usual narrative.

This video was made by, the revisionist researcher, Denierbud. Visit his website to see other videos and information about how the "holocaust" myth was created.

A Holocaust Inquiry - David Duke

A reading from David Duke's audio book "Jewish Supremacy" available at

The Last Days of the Big Lie


The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as heroes and victims in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning "Holocaust" documentary The Last Days.

The Last Days of the Big Lie uses Spielberg's Oscar winning hoax as a jumping off point to debunk Spielberg's USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation as well as the greater Holocaust Hoax.

Created by Eric Hunt,

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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

Everything that everyone believes comes directly from the Jews, they write all the books, they write every story in every magazine, they write what Obama is going to say on the tele-prompter, they write what the news anchor making 7 million dollars per year says on TV, etc....

The Jews are the ones who have made the Matrix....

Everything the Jews have said is a lie....

1. We went to the 100% fiction, it never happened....

2. The USA is in fiction, the citizens of the USA are in debt....

3. There is a Japan Nuclear fiction, there is no such crisis, all that happened is they lost containment on their process of splitting the atom of a radioactive substance so they could create heat through friction, so that they could heat up some water, so they could turn the water into steam, so the steam could turn a turbine, so that mechanical energy could be turned into electrical energy. Another words the dumbest process known on planet earth, Satan's way of making electricity.

4. The financial markets are lie, they are controlled by a computer program not by "buying" and "selling"....

5. The Flu is bad and going to maybe kill lie, the flu isn't going to kill anybody except when you get old and weak.....

6. Terrorists are out to get lie, the terrorists are running the USA government, they are the ones doing all the terror all over the world including inside the USA, making everyone afraid of their own shadow.....

The Jews are going to be dealt with, they will all be going straight to Hell where they belong....

Spoken by David, God's Witness.....
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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

And I personally don't believe the Holocaust didn't happen, I believe it did happen. This is why Hitler called it his "Final Solution", because all other solutions to the problem of the Jews had been tried before and failed, not just in Germany but all over Europe. So instead of kicking out the Jews from Germany once again which doesn't work because these people will just come back again, he decided to kill all of them instead, and in that way you get rid of the problem once and for all, because they no longer can breed with each other anymore and create Hugh Heffners, Jerry Springers, Howard Sterns, or the pornography business owners, or the women who hate men and teach other women to do the same, or the men like the Walt Disney President who every year in Orlando has a fag celebration day where all the fags all over the country come to and stay at the hotel and they all butt f**k each other all day and night long, and if you ever have the unfortunate pleasure of being around these people you will see that they stink like shit (literally), and why they all need to be killed for what they do.

By the way, the President of Walt Disney is a filthy stinking Jew who is going straight to Hell where he belongs.....
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Post by Jester »

Winston wrote:
Jester wrote: Glad to see the young man's accomplishments. Met him years ago at an IHR conference and shared a meal. Courageous young man. And a very proud Jew.

He had been recently been beaten up by the fanatic Irv Rubin of the fanatic JDL (whom I had also met, elsewhere, and also enjoyed talking to).

David Cole has always reminded me of Jesus's description of Nathaniel: "Here indeed is a true son of Israel, in whom there is no guile."
You met David Cole? When and where? How? I thought he was in hiding because there was a reward out for his assassination? Why would he reveal his hiding place to you?
He is hiding in my apartment. Here let me post my address:

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Post by Jester »

Winston wrote:

Auschwitz Museum Director
Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

By P. Samuel Foner
The Spotlight
Volume XIX, Number 2

In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Josef Stalin.

What Piper said - in effect and on camera - was that the explosive 1988 Leuchter Report was correct: no homicidal gassings took place in the buildings designated as 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz.

With this admission by none other than the respected head of the Auschwitz State Museum, one of the most sacred 'facts' of history has been destroyed. This 'gas chamber' is the major historical 'fact' on which much of the foreign and domestic policies of all Western nations since WWII are based.

It is the basis for the $100+ billion in foreign aid the United States has poured into the state of Israel since its inception in 1948 - amounting to $16,500 for every man, woman and child in the Jewish state and billions more paid by Germany in 'reparations' - not to mention the constructing of Israel's national telephone, electrical and rail systems...all gifts of the German people. It is the basis for the $10 billion 'loan' (read 'gift') made to Israel for housing its immigrants in the occupied territories...while Americans sleep on the streets and businesses are bankrupted by the thousands. (Note - As of 2004, not a single 'loan' of US tax money made to the state of Israel by Washington has ever been paid back. -ed)

Germany is paying 'reparations' - the the United States is making major contributions - to atone for the 'gassings at Auschwitz' and elsewhere. If the 'homicidal gas chambers' were postwar creations of the Soviets, in which no one was gassed regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin, then these 'reparations' were unnecessary, and were based on fraud.

The videotape on which Dr. Piper makes his revelations was made in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole and follows 12 years of intensive investigation by dozens of historians, journalists and scientists who have tried to get to the bottom of what really happened at Auschwitz.

Like most Americans, since his youth, Cole had been instructed in the 'irrefutable fact' that mass homicidal gassings had taken place at Auschwitz. The number of those executed - also declared irrefutable - was 4.1 million.

Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988 which was followed with an official 're-evaluation' of the total deaths at Auschwitz (down to 1.1 million). As a budding historian - and a Jew - Cole was intrigued.

Previous to 1992, anyone who publicly doubted or questioned the official 4.1 millon 'gassing' deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an anti-semite, neo-nazi skinhead at the very least. Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official figure was lowered to 1.1 million. No mention was made of the missing 3 million.

The Cole videotape interview proves that the people who run the Auschwitz State Museum had made a practice of fabricating 'proofs' of homicidal gassings. Keep in mind that over the years millions of tourists have been told that 'Krema 1' is in its original state, while officials knew that 'original state' is a ie.

The political, religious, fiancial and historical ramifications of this proof of no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz cannot be measured. Coupled with the Leuchter Report, the Cole interview with Dr. Piper on videotape proves that what Western governments have taught about the Auschwitz gas chamber since WWII is a lie. It proves that what televangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been telling their flocks is simply not true.

No one, regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin was gassed to death in any building so designated at Auschwitz. And without 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz, where is the reasoning for the special treatment of the state of Israel?

Note - This is excerpted from the orginal, much longer article by P. Samuel Foner.
Cole is a hero.
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Post by Jester »

davewe wrote:
fschmidt wrote:So far the score is 4 sane to 7 nuts. That isn't good.
The beauty or the horror of America is that any idiot can espouse any opinion. At the time Schindlers List came out polls showed that 25% of the US population didn't believe the Holocaust happened. But let's look at some of the other things that large amounts of nuts still believe:

The world is flat
All the moon landings were hoaxes
Kennedy was never assassinated
Kennedy was assassinated by: the Cubans, Mafia, CIA, Lyndon Johnson, the Russians, my next door neighbor
Elvis is still alive - and living in sin with Bigfoot
911 either: was planned by George Bush, had nothing to do with Osama bin Laden, those planes just coincidenally collided into those buildings, or aliens teleported the Twin Towers off planet

Here's one thing I will say that has always interested me. Growing up in the 60s we knew several Holocaust survivors. One (a teacher) had been in Auchwitz. All us boys whispered about him and pointed to the faded tatoo on his arm. We were terrified. It was a given that you never talked to him about such a thing. No one ever said so, but we all knew that the subject was too horrible to discuss. I worked closely with him on a project and today wish that I had had the courage to ask.

I suspect that most survivors prior to Schindlers List were incapable of sharing their experiences; maybe not even with their families. So over the years and decades the numbers and general horror was known but not the individual stories. Numbers are just numbers and can easily be discounted.

One number that always fascinated me. By the end of WW2, by their own statistics, the SS had nearly 1 million men. With the exception of the relative few who were imprisoned or executed, most went back to their homes and lives. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that Germany was willing to accept responsibility for the holocaust but to this day does not want it dug up too much. No one really wanted to know what their uncle or neighbor really did during the war.
Are you seriously defending the Oswald myth?
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Post by Jester »

Winston wrote:
Jester wrote: Glad to see the young man's accomplishments. Met him years ago at an IHR conference and shared a meal. Courageous young man. And a very proud Jew.

He had been recently been beaten up by the fanatic Irv Rubin of the fanatic JDL (whom I had also met, elsewhere, and also enjoyed talking to).

David Cole has always reminded me of Jesus's description of Nathaniel: "Here indeed is a true son of Israel, in whom there is no guile."
You met David Cole? When and where? How? I thought he was in hiding because there was a reward out for his assassination? Why would he reveal his hiding place to you?
Seriously, I wasn't sure how many decades ago it was. But after reading this...

The videotape on which Dr. Piper makes his revelations was made in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole

....I guess it was in the early 90's. He was speaking to the Institute of Historical Review (?) (IHR?) in Orange County. At the time I subscribed to their scholarly magazine. I was a young(er) father, newly replanted from semi-educated Georgia into brain-dead Los Angeles, and hungered for pro-civilization intellectual friends. All I remember from the conference is the lunch with David. Too bad I didn't stay in touch.

PS I know its off-topic here, but for me I guess this is the same quest I'm still on. Whether I stay in the USSA, or leave for a coffeehouse in Montevideo.... whether grazing here at HA, or reading the late, great Joe Vialls, or parsing the high-falutin' rhetoric of Lyndon Larouche... I'm looking for fellow human beings... not cattle.
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the kikery has hit critial levels!

Post by odbo »

Image ... s-live-on/
As the aging Holocaust survivor population dwindles, USC scientists scurry to create life-size 3D holograms that can answer viewer questions through Siri-like voice-recognition technology.
The parasites are clearly over-extending themselves and will soon either awaken the host and get pogromed/exiled again, or outright kill the host from their out of control blood-sucking.
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Post by Winston »

Check this out. Is it true? If so, that's pretty shocking. ... -1940.html

On April 30, 1945, Hitler dies and Germany Surrenders. The 1st news which comes out of Germany is that 6 million Jews are safe and were found working in hidden factories. The news was published in New York Times on May 20, 1945.

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Post by fschmidt »

Actually Winston, all the people in the world today are Martians who just look like people. And they invented all the history that you read including the Holocaust and Mao's famines and Stalin's persecutions. Everything is faked, all by Martians who are here to confuse you. I am a Martian too. We are all spying on you.
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Post by OutWest »

fschmidt wrote:Actually Winston, all the people in the world today are Martians who just look like people. And they invented all the history that you read including the Holocaust and Mao's famines and Stalin's persecutions. Everything is faked, all by Martians who are here to confuse you. I am a Martian too. We are all spying on you.
Finally! Someone who knows the TRUTH! I came here as part of the crew on a Martian Historical Revision Command battalion. Our biggest and bestest conspiracy is to make everything look like a conspiracy...and we are WINNING! LOL
Broadband for the masses has been a great success, easier than we imagined!
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Post by OutWest »

Winston wrote:Check this out. Is it true? If so, that's pretty shocking. ... -1940.html

On April 30, 1945, Hitler dies and Germany Surrenders. The 1st news which comes out of Germany is that 6 million Jews are safe and were found working in hidden factories. The news was published in New York Times on May 20, 1945.

Where in the NYT article does it say that these were Jews? They were prisoners from all over Europe, and it does not say they were Jews. This fellow goes on to make a series of statements that are just plain silly, such as the diary of Anne Frank was a fake because it was written in ball point pen...LOL

He is really hoping no one will actually look at it to see...such as ... st/photo13
The diary is on public display...oh, so this was not the "real" diary? There is a secret one that was written in ball point pen? LOL
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