The end of monarchies worldwide - A century long conspiracy

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The end of monarchies worldwide - A century long conspiracy

Post by Tsar »

For quite awhile I have thought that the elite wanted to destroy monarchies because monarchs wouldn't usually go along with any plans that would destroy their kingdom or empire. Monarchs inherently love their country and their people, have an interest in their empire so they can maintain power, and in pure forms of monarchies they have all the power and generally can't be bought by elites. Monarchs also have the power to coin money, not a central bank or a small cartel. Monarchs want to see technological advancements in their overall society and want their people to succeed.

In other systems they want to prevent everyone from having the same general welfare, they want to have two different social groups which are the elites and everyone else, and the people are just slaves or cattle that mean nothing. Expendable pawns to send off to war, people to bleed of their fiat currency, and if they aren't any of the two they don't mean anything. Americans are intentionally isolated from other countries and laws are passed that limit how much freedoms they have anywhere in the world, because they want their slaves to stay inside America.

Republics are easier to control and can easily transform into oligarchies and plutocracies. In a democracy it's everyone for themselves. Most good leaders, independent leaders, charismatic leaders, or leaders that would bring good change are taken out. The ones that are not assassinated and the monarchies that haven't been destroyed are probably powerless, intimidated into submission, or have joined with the shadow government that tries to control the world.

Abraham Lincoln and Alexander II were both assassinated.

A long line of Russian monarchs were assassinated.

The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire was what started WWI.

In 1913-1919 most of the world's monarchies were overthrown and abolished, the UN and many central banks were created, and many Orthodox Christians and Russia's best citizens were killed under Lenin and the original Soviet leaders. Some websites also say that the Rothschilds kept all the Tsar's deposits that were held in their banks and also seized the wealth of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1933 the US removed gold from circulation and it was no longer used as a currency among individuals in general commerce.

WWII ended with the death of a charismatic, popular dictator in Europe that championed the environment and the German people. He drove most of the Rothschilds out of mainland Europe and transformed Germany into a major power. WWII destroyed Germany. It also permanently destroyed German nationalism and destroyed Japan. Japan's Emperor also lost considerable power in the aftermath.

In 1948 Israel was established creating a global hotspot and a place of all future conflicts. Many Israelis are blamed for the assassinations of many heads of state, peace envoys, and other influential people since it's formation.

In 1963 John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Most likely it was because he wanted to have a silver-backed currency and return the government's power to issue currency.

1964 was the last year of silver currency and it was removed from circulation.

In the 1970s gold stopped playing any role in currency and every currency became pure fiat.

Since then most people are enslaved by debt, there has been one-sided wars, an increase in crime, feminism, secularism, hedonism, liberal views, promiscuity, and the corruption of governments. Most people in America only care about liberal social issues that are distractions. The rest are too brainwashed and are scared about terrorists, nations in the Middle East that threaten Israeli dominance in the region, or illegals which are also distractions.

The true terrorists and traitors in America are Congress and the government. It's also true for the leaders of most of the Anglo nations, Northern European nations, and Western European nations. Most of their leaders are pawns and puppets controlled by the shadow government. They are destroying their currencies, brainwashing their people, destroying their historic ethnic groups, and becoming feminist.

It's easy to see that everything from at least 1900 has largely been designed to occur like a century long conspiracy. Things happen so slow that most people can't see that it's all designed by intention and it's mainly about power and control. When they gained control of the power to control currency that hastened how rapidly they could achieve their end result.

The most recent example of a leader being taken out was Gadhafi. He intended to create a gold-backed currency and that would have destroyed the dollar. ... ted-dollar

Adding credence to the theory about why Gadhafi had to be overthrown, as The New American reported in March, was the rebels’ odd decision to create a central bank to replace Gadhafi’s state-owned monetary authority. The decision was broadcast to the world in the early weeks of the conflict.
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Re: A century long conspiracy

Post by pete98146 »

I'll share a few of my random thoughts on the matter.

I think the elite will ultimately trump any monarchy (or any ruling entity) on this planet because at some point in time they will have to be dissolved to comply with their NWO visions. You make a great point that this conspiracy moves at a snails pace and I expect this to continue. So I predict you won't see any sudden martial law/total melt down of the world's economy any time soon. Their mission will continue at a controlled simmer.

Also don't see the elite wanting to get rid of 80-90% of the worlds population. It doesn't make any sense. That said, I do see them eliminating 50-60% over time. Who would they eliminate? I think it will be the empty mouths ie those that don't contribute to society. It will be Darwinism at it's finest. Why will this happen? I think the elite are tired of feeding those that they can't get money from. In their eyes, the poor, old, handicapped or disabled are too expensive. Only the strongest will survive. I also see them moving to a world with no religion. I don't see this faring well for certain segments of the world (see Muslims).

I'm a 51 year old male who was born at the apex of the baby boom. I have a life expectancy of another 25-30 years. So my point is that America's population will naturally reduce once the boomers die off. Why go thru the hassle of rounding up people and killing people anytime soon when it will happen naturally? Instead you'll see continued feminism and birth control (masked as vaccinations) which will reduce birthrates.

It wouldn't surprise me to see one global currency, and one global socialistic standard of living in my life time. I predict the standard of living in America will drop by half in the next 30 years. You think it's bad now...just wait.

In the end (still many years from now tho) the elite will get their "One World." They have too much power to fail.
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Re: A century long conspiracy

Post by Cornfed »

pete98146 wrote: Also don't see the elite wanting to get rid of 80-90% of the worlds population. It doesn't make any sense. That said, I do see them eliminating 50-60% over time. Who would they eliminate? I think it will be the empty mouths ie those that don't contribute to society.
That would make a nice change. So far they have been killing off the most potentially productive people. Of course, if they intend to maintain things at the current level of technology, most people aren’t really necessary, so killing 90% of us would make sense.
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Re: A century long conspiracy

Post by pete98146 »

Cornfed wrote:
pete98146 wrote: Also don't see the elite wanting to get rid of 80-90% of the worlds population. It doesn't make any sense. That said, I do see them eliminating 50-60% over time. Who would they eliminate? I think it will be the empty mouths ie those that don't contribute to society.
That would make a nice change. So far they have been killing off the most potentially productive people. Of course, if they intend to maintain things at the current level of technology, most people aren’t really necessary, so killing 90% of us would make sense.
I guess it will all boil down to how large they want their empire to be?

If they prefer to keep the majority of the earth dormant and unoccupied then sure they can eliminate 90% of the people. But they'll still need a volume of people to make any society function plus the fewer the people, the smaller the tax base.
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Post by Tsar »

This is a good link that has a lot of information makes a lot of sense about what could have happened in the shadows from WWI through the start of WWII. It's similar to what I had theorized on my own: the Russian Revolution and Hitler's Rise to power were financed by the Rothschilds and their cartel but things didn't go as expected. Stalin took power and he wasn't able to be controlled. In response they helped finance Hitler's rise to power but he wouldn't go along with everything they wanted and he wanted to free Germany from the Rothschilds and free the German people from cartel's manipulation. So they turned to Britain to wage war against Germany. After WWII most of Europe and Britain were in ruins so the Rothschild turned much more of their focus on America. It's easy to see that the Rothschilds and their international cartel are behind much of what occurred from 1900 up to the present, assuming you believe that the Rothschilds are at the center of the greatest conspiracy in history.

The Red Symphony: Rakovsky’s Testament to Rothschild Hegemony ... -symphony/

I determined that the Rothschilds are most likely at the top of the pyramid in the world, have their pockets in most countries, and control most of the world's leaders. No one knows how much the Rothschilds are truly worth and unlike other celebrities most of the information regarding their lineage and current living members of the family is not public information. Most celebrities, world leaders, the world's royalty, and wealthiest members of society have large amounts of information. Why do the Rothschilds have almost no information except a private-access only website with their genealogical records and historic records? It seems like they don't want people to know who is in the family and maybe they choose who they want from their family to be the limited public faces of their empire. When most people don't even know who most of the Rothschilds are then their family are like 'ghosts' or shadows. No one really knows who they are. Logically and strategically for someone who was running a shadow government that would be the best move. It's the same move I would make if I were running a shadow government that controlled the world.
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Post by Winston »

These are great points and insights. But aren't there inherent problems with monarchs too? I mean, we all know the saying "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". And the French Revolution and Russian Revolution happened because the population felt oppressed by the monarchies and wanted change. Doesn't that tell you that the monarchy system didn't work? What went wrong?

Why haven't the elites taken out the monarchy in Thailand yet too?

During the Russian Revolution, how did the Bolsheviks, or revolutionaries, take out the Czar's army and palace guards? How was it that easy? And why can't the Americans today do the same and sack Washington DC and Wall Street? Even Rome was eventually sacked by Germanic barbarians.
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Post by MrPeabody »

Obama's Science Czar, John Holdren, wrote a book "Ecoscience" where he outlined ways to handle "overpopulation" which included forced abortions and sterilization.
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Post by Tsar »

Winston wrote:Tsar,
These are great points and insights. But aren't there inherent problems with monarchs too? I mean, we all know the saying "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". And the French Revolution and Russian Revolution happened because the population felt oppressed by the monarchies and wanted change. Doesn't that tell you that the monarchy system didn't work? What went wrong?
The French revolution was motivated by bad harvests, failed wars, and an economy in ruin. Many people were hungry and has grown discontent with the leaders. The French nobility may have some responsibility for bringing that on themselves. The Russian Revolution happened for different reasons. WWI took it's toll on every European nation and has weakened the Russian monarchy. Wars, especially long and dragged out wars, usually weaken a nation. The Russian monarchy taught their children about the virtues including the importance of humility (not looking down on anyone). The monarchy system can work and does work, it has a proven history of success. What went wrong was the right people fit to be monarchs either we deposed or were not in power, while many tyrants were in power that only cared about their own interests. Most monarchs were deposed during WWI, a byproduct of WWI.

According to Aristotle, democracy is one of the worst forms of government.
Those who are most virtuous have, Aristotle says, the strongest claim of all to rule. If the city exists for the sake of developing virtue in the citizens, then those who have the most virtue are the most fit to rule; they will rule best, and on behalf of all the citizens, establishing laws that lead others to virtue.
Winston wrote:Why haven't the elites taken out the monarchy in Thailand yet too?
The Russian monarchy had the potential to be very powerful, they were one of the wealthiest families in the world, and probably didn't join the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds probably play both sides in war. They had banking centers in Germany, Paris, and London.

The British Parliament and many influential people in Britain wanted to save the Tsar and his family by bringing them to London. Saving the Tsar might have given the people of Russia more inspiration to fight for their monarchy. King George V turned his back on them saying something along the lines that he feared revolution would come to Britain if he granted them asylum and brought them into Britain. Also, the Russians made a peace treaty with Germany in an attempt to exit the war which increased tensions among other Allied members.

When overthrowing a monarchy, if you kill the monarch and the royal family then you deal a major blow to resistance. After they were killed the Rothschilds seized all the assets of the Rothschilds that were deposited in their banks. All challenges by surviving Romanovs were struck down in the Courts effectively granting the Rothschilds possession of that wealth. That is only what is on record. It's possible more of the Tsars' wealth and the wealth of the Orthodox Church were sent offer to the Rothschilds.

Imagine if the Rothschilds were behind WWI. They have one of their pawns assassinate the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, something that would be dealt with in a swift and hostile manner. No one with absolute power would tolerate the murder of a family member, especially their heir. This would bring many nations into war. For the parties that profiteer off war it would be a windfall. Major power after major power was drawn into the war. The Rothschilds would profit from both sides, eventually fund a revolution in Russia to enrich themselves and try to place their own agents into power, and then select the winners. Having the majority of their banking operations in London and France, it's logical the Allies would be their preferred choice as the victors, especially since America was also on the side of the Allies. All the Allies were republics and one constitutional monarchy which would be easily to control. Eliminating the monarchs would be a strategic move to transition to republics, easily corrupted and easily controlled by placing pawns into positions of power. Obviously not everything would go as planned or exactly as planned because it's possible Hitler snubbed the Rothschild and Stalin wasn't the one that was intended to inherit power from Lenin.

The elites haven't taken out the monarchy in Thailand because it's possible he wasn't a prime target, they "cooperated" with other nations and the Rothschilds, and didn't overstep their place. Also, they weren't as powerful as the European monarchs. The Russian monarchy was one of the most powerful in the world. Europe was the center of the world at the time, similar to how America is today. Taking out the monarchies would change Europe.
Winston wrote:During the Russian Revolution, how did the Bolsheviks, or revolutionaries, take out the Czar's army and palace guards? How was it that easy? And why can't the Americans today do the same and sack Washington DC and Wall Street? Even Rome was eventually sacked by Germanic barbarians.
Taking out the palace guard's could have been easy. If they were outnumbered then it's over. Storm the palace and take the royal family hostage. There would have been division in the army after WWI and their withdrawal or failures. Almost like a divide and conquer strategy, which WWI automatically accomplished for the Rothschilds. It might not have been easy to do, but after the Tsar and his family were dead the royalists lost morale. A monarch is also a symbol. The Bolsheviks wanted to kill the Romanovs so they wouldn't be a "problem" in a future date. Killing the monarch could also create infighting among the nobility or extended Romanov family as to who would or should inherit the wealth and the throne. Also, if the Bolsheviks seized the capital they could control a lot of wealth and therefore pay for more soldiers. Many people would be willing to abandon their leader if they felt they could do better. Obviously many millions died in the Revolution. The Rothschilds were also heavily Zionist and Russia was one of the most Christian nations in the world that oppressed the poor Jewish minority. Many of the original Bolshevik leadership were Jewish which even Putin acknowledges. Do you think that just happened by chance or it was designed? Why were many of Russia's nobility, most talented and brightest citizens, and many Russian Christians purged? Karl Marx was also ethnically Jewish and was alive during the time when the Rothschilds were the most powerful banking family in Europe. It's possible they crossed paths and he was part of a secret society. Also, why was the Russian Empire the only European country to become Marxist or Communist? Russia was one of the wealthiest.

Russia, formerly a member of the Allies was undergoing a purge of Christians, the Rothschilds confiscated a sizable fortune from the Romanovs, and the majority of the Bolshevik leadership were Jewish, the same as the Rothschilds. The Ottoman Empire was dissolved after WWI granting Britain the majority of control of the oil wells and most of the Ottoman Empire's territorial claims; this would happen to include Palestine which would later become Israel. Germany, another major power was left in ruins with few people aside from the Rothschilds and a small upper-class in decent financial health. A small price for the Rothschilds to pay since they had two other key banking centers and a presence in many other industries across Europe and assets in the New World. Austria-Hungary was dissolved and broken apart. Italy survived the war by switching sides and gained a little more territory in the process. American elites had enormous profits thanks to the War. Who stood the most to gain? The Rothschilds had interests in the banking industry, the oil industry, and possibly a long drawn out plan on future wars and conflicts. All the paper trails point towards the Rothschilds and a small group of elites at the top.
Winston wrote:And why can't the Americans today do the same and sack Washington DC and Wall Street? Even Rome was eventually sacked by Germanic barbarians.
Americans are indoctrinated into believing they are free from the time they are children. They are deceived into believing they have a voice in their government and that their vote matters. Their vote is worthless. Both parties are corrupt and a large majority are a less violent form of a tyrant. They know what to say to keep people voting for them and give false promises of change. Every election is just a repeat where people think change is coming. People actually believe that they can elect someone that could bring change. The elites control the media, the oil industry, the banking industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the military-industrial complex. They also control their figurehead, the President and the Congress. There is no challenging such a powerful foe. Anyone that tries to sack Washington DC or Wall Street would be shot by snipers or arrested and thrown into prison for life. It's not worth the risk trying to stand against a foe that has built the most powerful and most invisible authoritarian police state in the world. Can you say anything you want without being attacked? Can you keep your own animals without a license? Why is growing a natural medicine like marijuana or coca illegal? Why are gun rights continuously being stripped? Why are taxes constantly being raised on the poor. Why are wages so low compared to the high costs of living? Why does the IRS act like a bunch of mobsters shaking down people. Why are phones able to be tapped without warrants, drones filling the skies and patrolling borders, and the TSA treating everyone as potential terrorists? Why was the Liberty Dollar operation struck down for challenging the fiat currency if there wasn't a strong fear it could expose the Federal Reserve and replace the Rothschild's monopoly on the creation of money. The pyramid scheme of fiat currency allows for increased control by a small group that could control the monetary supply. When Rome was sacked by barbarians they had mainly hand-to-hand combat weapons and archers. When the revolutions occurred in various countries they only had firearms and cannons. Today if there was an uprising in a major power and the elites wanted to maintain control they could use automatic weapons, drone strikes, launch a missile, send in tanks or fighter jets, or a tactical nuclear strike. It's a different world and a majority of nations are controlled by a small group of elites.

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Post by momopi »

Winston wrote: During the Russian Revolution, how did the Bolsheviks, or revolutionaries, take out the Czar's army and palace guards? How was it that easy? And why can't the Americans today do the same and sack Washington DC and Wall Street? Even Rome was eventually sacked by Germanic barbarians.
1. The Russian Revolution of 1917 resulted in the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922 (or 1923?) at cost of some ~3 million dead, plus another 5-6 million dead from famine of 1921-1922 as result of the war. Whatever made you think it was "easy" with 5 year civil war & 8-9 million dead bodies?

2. Washington DC was indeed sacked in 1814. Some day, it may be sacked again, but that day is not today. The US has the world's most powerful military today and, confidence in our security is high enough for foreign governments to deposit over 7,000 tons of gold in the Federal Reserve Bank's vaults. If any barbarians wants to sack us, I'd note that our Navy ships are now being armed with laser cannons.

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Post by Winston »

I have a question:

In the past every country was ran by a monarchy. Why are no countries run by monarchs today? What happened? Did America bring them all down?

How was the monarchy in every country overthrown? Even in Britain.

I have a theory:

Since Freemason symbols are all over Washington DC, and most of the founding fathers, including George Washington, then maybe the Freemasons and the Illuminati had something to do with it?

Supposedly, the Freemasons originated from the Knights of Templar during the Crusades. When the French king tried to have all the Templars all killed, they fled to Scotland right? That's where they established the secret order of Freemasonry.

Perhaps they could not survive in Europe because they were a threat to the monarchs there, and maybe the Catholic Church too. So they fled to America. There, they engineered the American Revolution and made sure that the Continental Army won. That's why they won when they should have lost easily since they were outmatched in every way.

Plus, George Washington was a Freemason. So you gotta wonder if maybe the reason he wasn't captured or killed by the British is because they were ordered not to harm him, since he was a Freemason?

You also gotta wonder why George Washington would volunteer to be general of the Continental Army. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose. He didn't even receive pay for serving as general. Instead, he went through the grueling years of the American Revolution, which he said were like hell, even though there was nothing in it for him.

So you gotta wonder, did Washington become general because the Freemasons told him to, and as one of them, he had to obey them?

Anyhow, maybe the Freemasons and Illuminati came to America to establish their new headquarters, so that monarchs in Europe could not persecute them anymore. That way, they could enact whatever grand scheme they wanted without persecution like they were subject to in Europe.

What do you think? Does that add up and make sense?

Remember that the Bavarian Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt was also established in 1776, the same year that the Declaration of Independence was created. What an amazing coincidence, or is it? So when their secret society officially ended, perhaps they went underground to America.

After America won its war for independence, perhaps these Freemasons and Illuminati then began infiltrating governments all over the world, to begin working to overthrow all monarchs so they could control the world?

If their goal is to create a New World Order or one world government, then monarchies would naturally stand in the way. Monarchs inspire people to be passionately loyal to them. You can't have monarchies around if you are going to create a world government. So this secret cabal worked with secret societies and international banking cartels to infiltrate many countries all over the world and depose of all the monarchies.

What do you think? How else would you explain all this? Is it just a coincidence that monarchies began falling right after America became a nation?

The thing is, this secret elite in America can work behind the scenes, behind the facade of puppet politicians and the voting system charade, without any accountability. That's probably why they prefer the facade of "democracy" because it allows them a cover so they can get away with anything and aren't accountable to anyone. Isn't that why they push for "democracy" all over the world?

What do you all think?

Anyhow, I think in some ways a monarchy is better than the "fake democracy" that we have in America, because such a rulership is open and public. That makes the monarchs ACCOUNTABLE to the people. If they get too evil or corrupt, they will be overthrown or assassinated. So that keeps them accountable.

But what we have in America is a ruling elite with NO ACCOUNTABILITY because they hide in the shadows behind the facade of puppet politicians and the staged election system. So they can do whatever they want and get away with it, as long as they change the politicians every few years. This kind of rulership is all LIES and DECEPTION, with no accountability. When things go wrong, there is no one to blame but puppet politicians, which will be replaced by other puppet politicians. It's a stupid charade.

There will always be a ruling elite. Napoleon said that, "There will always be kings, even if we don't call them that." Society cannot function without some kind of authority or rulership. So we might as well have an OPEN PUBLIC ruling elite, one that is accountable and can be overthrown if they get out of hand.

The most evil Roman Emperors, such as Caligula or Nero for example, got way out of hand and therefore got assassinated or deposed. It served them right. But we can't do that in America because there is no accountability. The ruling elite, or oligarchy, can do whatever they want and get away with it.

That's why there is no honor in serving in the American military. You are not serving your country in the US military, you are serving corporate elites who hide from you and lie to you. Why would anyone want to serve people who hide and lie? That's stupid.

Furthermore, monarchs love their country and treat it like their own body and soul. But the ruling elite in America that hide in the shadows do not treat America like their own body and soul. They have no loyalty to the country. All they care about is greed, power, control and their own secret nefarious plans that they hide from the public. They have no honor themselves, so who would want to serve them? There is no honor in serving such scum.

At least Roman Emperors, and Kings and Queens, announce their plans to their people and state their reasons for invading other countries. The American elite does not. All it does is lie and deceive.

What do you think?
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Post by Tsar »

Winston wrote:I have a question:

In the past every country was ran by a monarchy. Why are no countries run by monarchs today? What happened? Did America bring them all down?

How was the monarchy in every country overthrown? Even in Britain.

I have a theory:

Since Freemason symbols are all over Washington DC, and most of the founding fathers, including George Washington, then maybe the Freemasons and the Illuminati had something to do with it?

Supposedly, the Freemasons originated from the Knights of Templar during the Crusades. When the French king tried to have all the Templars all killed, they fled to Scotland right? That's where they established the secret order of Freemasonry.

Perhaps they could not survive in Europe because they were a threat to the monarchs there, and maybe the Catholic Church too. So they fled to America. There, they engineered the American Revolution and made sure that the Continental Army won. That's why they won when they should have lost easily since they were outmatched in every way.

Plus, George Washington was a Freemason. So you gotta wonder if maybe the reason he wasn't captured or killed by the British is because they were ordered not to harm him, since he was a Freemason?

You also gotta wonder why George Washington would volunteer to be general of the Continental Army. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose. He didn't even receive pay for serving as general. Instead, he went through the grueling years of the American Revolution, which he said were like hell, even though there was nothing in it for him.

So you gotta wonder, did Washington become general because the Freemasons told him to, and as one of them, he had to obey them?

Anyhow, maybe the Freemasons and Illuminati came to America to establish their new headquarters, so that monarchs in Europe could not persecute them anymore. That way, they could enact whatever grand scheme they wanted without persecution like they were subject to in Europe.

What do you think? Does that add up and make sense?

Remember that the Bavarian Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt was also established in 1776, the same year that the Declaration of Independence was created. What an amazing coincidence, or is it? So when their secret society officially ended, perhaps they went underground to America.

After America won its war for independence, perhaps these Freemasons and Illuminati then began infiltrating governments all over the world, to begin working to overthrow all monarchs so they could control the world?

If their goal is to create a New World Order or one world government, then monarchies would naturally stand in the way. Monarchs inspire people to be passionately loyal to them. You can't have monarchies around if you are going to create a world government. So this secret cabal worked with secret societies and international banking cartels to infiltrate many countries all over the world and depose of all the monarchies.

What do you think? How else would you explain all this? Is it just a coincidence that monarchies began falling right after America became a nation?

The thing is, this secret elite in America can work behind the scenes, behind the facade of puppet politicians and the voting system charade, without any accountability. That's probably why they prefer the facade of "democracy" because it allows them a cover so they can get away with anything and aren't accountable to anyone. Isn't that why they push for "democracy" all over the world?

What do you all think?

Anyhow, I think in some ways a monarchy is better than the "fake democracy" that we have in America, because such a rulership is open and public. That makes the monarchs ACCOUNTABLE to the people. If they get too evil or corrupt, they will be overthrown or assassinated. So that keeps them accountable.

But what we have in America is a ruling elite with NO ACCOUNTABILITY because they hide in the shadows behind the facade of puppet politicians and the staged election system. So they can do whatever they want and get away with it, as long as they change the politicians every few years. This kind of rulership is all LIES and DECEPTION, with no accountability. When things go wrong, there is no one to blame but puppet politicians, which will be replaced by other puppet politicians. It's a stupid charade.

There will always be a ruling elite. Napoleon said that, "There will always be kings, even if we don't call them that." Society cannot function without some kind of authority or rulership. So we might as well have an OPEN PUBLIC ruling elite, one that is accountable and can be overthrown if they get out of hand.

The most evil Roman Emperors, such as Caligula or Nero for example, got way out of hand and therefore got assassinated or deposed. It served them right. But we can't do that in America because there is no accountability. The ruling elite, or oligarchy, can do whatever they want and get away with it.

That's why there is no honor in serving in the American military. You are not serving your country in the US military, you are serving corporate elites who hide from you and lie to you. Why would anyone want to serve people who hide and lie? That's stupid.

Furthermore, monarchs love their country and treat it like their own body and soul. But the ruling elite in America that hide in the shadows do not treat America like their own body and soul. They have no loyalty to the country. All they care about is greed, power, control and their own secret nefarious plans that they hide from the public. They have no honor themselves, so who would want to serve them? There is no honor in serving such scum.

At least Roman Emperors, and Kings and Queens, announce their plans to their people and state their reasons for invading other countries. The American elite does not. All it does is lie and deceive.

What do you think?
You are correct that monarchies are the greatest threat to the Illuminati. Genuine and Absolute Monarchies support an actual ideology based in fact, an actual moral code, and want to support their own people. They think of the greater good. Religion, morals, and traditional beliefs help the monarch. An absolute monarch always tries to keep their people happy because they want to remain in power and want their dynasty to remain in power. They are also symbols and being in power because of their blood, they can't typically be bought or paid off because they gain their money from taxes. Many people also give them gifts and they won't go without anything.

The Illuminati or whatever organization rules the world wanted control so certain things had to be removed to allow them to get that control. The ideologies of democracy, the installation of republics, ending all monarchies (every absolute monarchy was destroyed, the constitutional monarchies or monarchies that were persuaded to turn a blind eye were allowed to survive), weakening of religions to the point the moral codes aren't followed, allow money to buy power and control, have dominant control of the money supply and the monetary system (New York, London, Geneva, Tokyo), and then use the legal system they control to write the laws that protect their power and promote their interests. Then control all the global governing bodies (IMF, World Bank, UN, ICC, World Court). After having installed their proxies into most other countries in the world, they are inclined to have people vote their way. They also keep many of the resource rich countries poor. In the Western countries they brainwash people into thinking they are free. The system they built is like a matrix that only the most enlightened people in the world can recognize it for what it truly is and how it truly works.

It is even difficult to say whether Hitler or Stalin were independent of the Illuminati, installed by the Illuminati to do their job, or if Hitler went against the Illuminati and Stalin usurped power.

Lenin was a Rothschild agent that destroyed one of the most powerful and most Christen monarchies in Europe, with the most land and resources, capable of being more powerful than America is today and winning more territory in Europe including winning Constantinople from the Ottoman Empire ( ... 05208.html). Instead they were too conveniently deposed at a time when they were about to take control of more land and build the groundwork to become the most powerful country in the world.

Putin is the current target of the Illuminati because Russia is one of their greatest remaining opponents powerful enough to go against them. China is probably playing their own metaphorical chess game against the Illuminati (Illuminati-controlled West) and intend to surpass them then when they can function on their own cause the collapse of the West.

America is laying the foundation for its own Iron Curtain and a rebellion because the elites know that if they lose the metaphorical chess game they're playing with China (and to a lesser extent, Russia), then they will want to control Americans and want to keep them inside.

Ukraine was one move to attempt to get back at Russia, prevent Russia's Eurasian Union and remove a Russian ally, and in some regards damage the relationship between Ukraine and China. The Russian-American War for Ukraine isn't close to being over.

In regards to the "Sword of Damocles," it always hangs over the head of an authoritarian leader (monarch or dictator). In a republic or a democracy, it doesn't because people believe they had a vote, a choice in the matter, and believe next election things will change so it pacifies them. The military is composed of many people who are indoctrinated to that belief. Many people in all civilian, military, private, and public offices that have any real power or authority are likely Illuminati. People that aren't are either forced to go along, lose their power, forced to resign, discredited, or assassinated. When money buys power, money controls the government, people falsely believe the illusion they have a say, that their vote matters, and the Illuminati control the power to print money and control money, then the Illuminati have already won one of their most difficult tasks to obtaining total and permanent control of the entire world. Along the way they will usually assassinate anyone with significant power that would undermine their plans. Andrew Jackson shutdown America's central bank and had an assassination attempt on his life. Coincidentally, Kennedy was also assassinated after having introduced a law for silver-backed currency. After his death silver was removed from circulation. Shortly thereafter it was a move to a purely fiat monetary system.

When an authoritarian leader becomes too corrupt, too violent, or cause too many problems, then either their family, the government, or the people will have them deposed. In a republic (controlled behind the scenes) no matter how bad things get things won't change because even if the president resigned another puppet would take his place, there will never be enough people to gain enough willpower for a revolution, and all chance at revolutions are crushed.

The Illuminati in America now have complete control:
-The government
-All powerful institutions
-The media
-The power to print money
-Much of the food supply
-The military
-All powerful corporations
-The television
-Most entertainment companies
-The largest banks
-The stock market
-Most forms of education
-Artificially manipulate the price of commodities
-The minds of a majority of the American population. Most will only see the illusions and never see the truth

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws". ~ Amschel Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838

The spread of democracy is just a code for gaining more control, installing more puppet regimes, and then putting their agents into power.
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Re: The end of monarchies worldwide - A century long conspiracy

Post by Winston »

For those who love monarchies, here is some great monarchy music and coronation music for European royals. They sound very great and glorious.

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Re: The end of monarchies worldwide - A century long conspiracy

Post by Winston »

Napoleon's coronation music in 1804.

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Re: The end of monarchies worldwide - A century long conspiracy

Post by Winston »

There's something about Illuminati history that I don't get and can't find an answer to. This should be a common question, but I can't find the answer to it on any conspiracy website, podcast or lecture. I can't believe no conspiracy/truther podcast host has asked it yet, because it deals with a major discrepancy. So someone should address it. Here is the question.

Conspiracy experts such as Fritz Springmeier and David Icke have written a lot about how the royal monarchy are Illuminati bloodlines. Yet they also say that the Illuminati infiltrated the Freemasons, Jewish banking Cabal (Rothschilds), Vatican, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and started all the world revolutions of the past 250 years to overthrow the monarchies of the world, and establish democracies and communist regimes (which is tyranny in the guise of equality) to pave the way for their New World Order and globalist agenda. And they have a lot of documented evidence to back all this up.

However, there is an obvious inherent contradiction here, and I'm surprised no one has brought it up yet. If the monarchies were Illuminati bloodlines, why would they agree to participate in revolutionary movements and conspiracies to overthrow themselves from power? If I were a monarch I certainly wouldn't be part of a plot to overthrow myself. That makes no sense and is a self-contradiction. Why does no one ask them to explain this? Is there something I'm missing? Are there two branches of the Illuminati that compete for power? If so how can that be, I thought the Illuminati were unified in purpose and agenda? This ought to be a common question but I can't find any interviewer who has asked this question. Anybody have any explanation for this?
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