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Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 15th, 2015, 9:02 am
by pandabear

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 15th, 2015, 11:41 am
by Adama
MarcosZeitola wrote:Not only does Sandman have one of the most grating, annoying voices I have ever heard, he is also a very negative person and comes across as very arrogant with his aura of "all knowing MGTOW prophet". I pity the poor fools who listen to his gibberish and treat it as the gospel truth, dissuaded from pursuing love and happiness abroad because of the intensely cynical nature of his videos.

By telling men that women everywhere are the same, calculating, trying to take you to the cleaners, leech off of you and use you, he is doing the bidding of the feminist movement because it essentially drives the men to do nothing and wither away in a pool of their own filth and believing there is nothing they can do about it. Sandman has, time and time again, outed himself as a feminist shill and I am disappointed in people giving him any more views and credibility.


That's why I am no longer MGTOW. MGTOW is just feminism by another name; the goal is the same: separation of the sexes, decrease the birth rate, isolate people and make them loners. Of the men who actually like women, they are undercover manginas, putting women on a pedestal. And of the ones who hate women period, they take pleasure in the destruction of other men by the hands of women.

What they do not realize, is that just like when a woman posts a feminist poster or utters feminist nonsense, this sort of belief system just makes them seem like a radical freak to normal people who do not share such philosophies. It is an abnormal ideology to hang on to, and just like with feminists with their posters, it shows that there may be a psychological problem with that person. If a feminist posts an anti rape poster, you would either assume she is a nutcase feminist or she has been the victim of an assault. Likewise with men who share this MGTOW philosophy. You stop to wonder what kind of wicked trauma has happened that this man can not let go of, or why does he truly hate women that much?

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 15th, 2015, 11:49 am
by Adama
Sandman brings up a wonderful point, however. Just because the woman is foreign, it doesnt make her a gem. However, his conclusions are wrong. That doesnt mean you need to give up on women. That just means you need to open your eyes. Be discriminating. Don't go with the first woman that says yes just because you're lonely and have one-itis. Listen to what she says. Most women will openly transmit their intentions. Just listen to what she says, her value system, etc. If she is a gold digger, she may even talk about how she took money from other men before you. When you hear that, you ought to realize, that is her plan for you as well.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 15th, 2015, 11:55 am
by Adama
I used this fear this Americanization of the entire world thing; that US style laws would be enacted worldwide. But now that no longer concerns me. There are women who want to be women. Then there are women who are beasts. Feminism appeals to the beasts. Real women still follow their biology and their hearts. They can not overcome nature's programming in every woman, just the majority of them. Not every woman wants to be a beast. Some women enjoy being women.

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 2:06 am
by Ghost

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 7:19 am
by jamesbond
Sandman just put up this video today regarding women from southern Asia. His flaw is that he believes All women are horrible no matter what country they come from.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 10:42 am
by aozora13
I used to like Sandman because he would say things that related well to how western women think. I think that most men do want to find a decent woman to spend their life with and possibly have children. Most women are a product of their culture. In the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and many western European countries you have women who have more rights than before and men who are rewarding bad behavior. You can still find decent women to have a good relationship with but maybe not in the western world.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 11:05 am
by Adama
Keep in mind that some of these men, who are the cultural leaders of MGTOW, could be intelligence plants, similar to how Gloria Steinem operated and fooled millions of young women. In other words, it is hard to prove, but I do suspect that all those men who recommend against marriage and procreation are planted shills there to keep the miserably lonely young men miserable and lonely.

Don;t trust everyone simply because they are popular. Popularity doesnt mean much of anything.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 11:29 am
by cdnFA
I didn't see the video but something came to mind just this morning.

Western women are hypergamous shit because they seek wealth, looks, status and charm and if you have an abundance of even one of these things they will overlook the other three.

Second world women are wonderful when they pick some ugly socially awkward guy who is twice their age and from a different culture over some local steady eddie their own age because he has fuckloads of money by local standards. However this is totally different.

It seems to me that the only real difference between a second or third world girl and a first worlder is that there are guys who are garbage in the first world [like me] who in poorer places suddenly become top dogs.

Sure loyality because these girls never ever drop a guy when they come over to the first world once they get residency. They never ever rake over hubby to enrich their parents siblings and cousins. They certainly never scammed over their husbands leaning him broke and stuck in Thailand taking care of her sprog. They never cheat on their husbands with locals. Doesn't ever happen.
It also seems to be a running theme that you can't bring them to the first world because when they realize that they have better options among wealhy westerners they will often drop your ass... I mean pick up feminism.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 5:26 pm
by MrMan
I wonder if this Sandman guy uses this whiney upspeak announcer tone of voice when he's carrying on a normal conversation, or if he just uses it while reading a script.

The MGTOW movement is based on a very negative, worst-case-scenario way of viewing things. Just because a woman could divorce you or nag you, they think it will definitely happen. If a man really wants to be single, go out to eat and go to the movies by himself and live alone, that's up to him. But a man who wants to have a wife and family who doesn't because of MGTOW arguments has allowed himself to be scared out of a more fulfilling life. That's pretty foolish.

I think it makes more sense to examine the risks and try to mitigate them. I wanted to get married. I wanted to have a wife, a partner, a sex partner, a mother for my children. I go home and eat gourmet Indonesian meals or other types of meals. It's hard for my wife and I to be satisfied at a restaurant because she cooks better. I've got someone to talk to at night, not just someone, but people, because we have kids.

What good is it to store up all your money and then die, and who does it go to, and you didn't even enjoy your life for fear over cultural and legal issues? It makes no sense. If these guys just want to be single, that's fine. If they are single because they are afraid, that's sad.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 5:36 pm
by MrMan
jamesbond wrote:Sandman just put up this video today regarding women from southern Asia. His flaw is that he believes All women are horrible no matter what country they come from.

In this video, it seems like he might be softening up on his MGTOW stance at least when it comes to South Asian women.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 9:24 pm
by Blue Murder
Hi everyone. Sandman here. Today's video is brought to you by 'Anonymous', and here is what he had to say.

So enjoy the rest of your day, and, cheers.

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 3:50 pm
by MrMan

I don't have a donation, but I've got a request-- do a video without the singing-song upspeak style voice used by some TV and radio announcers stuck at the small local TV station level. Do you know the tone I'm talking about?

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 8:59 pm
by Ghost

Re: Sandman on Foreign Brides

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 9:17 pm
by Blue Murder
MGTOW have cricticised Sandman for his daily red pill focus (a video every day) and optimising search engine results to bring top MGTOW searches. Since I do not consume MGTOW content I'm neutral, however, logically yes, you're going to stagnate when you deliver content daily. How many ways can you dissect the same topic and say the same message? Plus, I don't like the John Galt desolate future outlook MGTOW carry.

1) John Galt (from the series Atlas Shrugged) had value. These men? Not so much. How does one who does nothing productive "go Galt" (or "ghost")? I've been on their forums and we literally have men who act like women are trying to jump their bones at work. Really? "How to ghost at work?" Newsflash: You aren't that important, guy. Of course, I was post-modded for not lining up with the dogma. Sounds familiar. Moving on . . .

2) Societal collapse. It doesn't take a mastermind to realise how dark and twisted a real-life Fallout would be. Just seeing the nuclear ending video for Splinter Cell: Double Agent is creepy, but these folks want to live it. Keep in mind only 3% of Americans "prep" or have the skills to survive. All this "go Galt and watch it burn" rhetoric borders on the sickening. At some point, we have to reel in our own negativity and sickness. It's not always just women. They aren't responsible for your mental states so come off it with that "Galt" stuff.