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Virginity never existed

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 7:13 pm
by Tezcatlipoca

So those wishing for the "good old days" to come back.. keep wishing.

Posted: June 7th, 2014, 4:21 am
by Ogie
When I was younger I thought the world changed with the 60's and society was so moral prior to that.

As life went on, I learned otherwise. People start dying off, you go to funerals and you hear the "stories".

There's nothing new under the sun. They just covered things up better in the old days.

Re: Virginity never existed

Posted: June 12th, 2018, 10:30 am
by fdiv
Do you see the trick the MSM played on you? I bet not because you lack perspective and you bought into their spin. Their fake study (which consists of what?) stated that it went back to women born in 1950. So basically everybody in this "study" was around after birth control, specifically "the pill", was around. Do you know how DRASTICALLY different sexual attitudes were BEFORE that was available and after? I do because I know people that lived during that era -- right before birth control was introduced. There's a reason why there's this HUGE change between the early 60's and the late 60's, and it wasn't about drugs, LOL. A friend told me that practically NOBODY had sex proper before birth control, and it was all oral or hand jobs IF (and it was a big IF) you got that. Oh yeah, this was before abortion too. Try not to be so hoodwinked by the media next time. I mean it's NBC for christ sakes.

Re: Virginity never existed

Posted: June 12th, 2018, 10:32 pm
by flowerthief00
^ Birth control was a huge game-changer. Birth control is arguably more responsible for the current state of relations between men and women than feminism is.

But though virgins hardly exists any more there are still good reasons for men to think twice before choosing any woman who isn't one.

Re: Virginity never existed

Posted: June 23rd, 2018, 12:14 pm
by mand38
Thanks for interesting article :)