Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Really good movie from 1972 called "Siddhartha", based on a novel by Herman Hesse. It's about an Indian monk's search for meaning in life and his struggles. Contains some funny lines that are beautiful in its simplicity, like "If I can live on nothing, then I don't need to work." lol. The last scene is one of the most meaningful in any film and sums up Hindu Vedic wisdom perfectly. Very wise, profound, and life changing. You will never forget the final lesson in it. It captures the essence of enlightenment as best as possible with words. If you are a philosopher or seeker of truth or enlightenment, this is a must see for you. Full movie below. Turn on subtitles if you have trouble understanding the accent.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Some inspiring meaningful films worth checking out.

Fearless (1993)

Starring Jeff Bridges. After surviving a plane crash, a man is transformed and becomes enlightened and loses all sense of fear. Shows that sometimes you have to lose life to gain it.

Dead Poets Society (1989)

Starring Robin Williams. A teacher inspires students to be nonconformist and live life to the fullest.

Anti-conformity at its most inspiring.
Do not go where society tells you to. Find the things you love and pursue them with every fibre of your being until the day you die. That's the message I took from Dead Poets Society. Weird, inspiring and heartbreaking, DPS is a one of a kind film and one of the reasons Robin Williams is so renowned worldwide as not just a comedian, but a remarkable actor as well. After watching this movie you'll want to change the world. Amazing!
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

A Happier Abroad related movie worth checking out. Starring Harrison Ford. A man uproots his family to Central America to build a utopia. Trailer below.

The Mosquito Coast (1986)

An inventor spurns his city life and moves his family into the jungles of Central America to make a utopia.

New TV series with same theme. But this one involves a family of fugitives.

The Mosquito Coast (2021) ... ims_tt_t_3

An idealist uproots his family and moves them to Latin America.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Interesting movie plot where a man tries to sue Satan and Satan shows up to defend himself. Malcolm McDowell sure knows how to portray Satan. He did so in another movie "American Satan" too. It has a Christian theme so @MrMan and @Neo may like it.

Luke O'Brien, a washed-up salesman turned night law student, decides to sue Satan for $8 trillion dollars. On the last day before Luke files a default judgment, Satan appears to defend himself. On Satan's legal team are 10 of the country's best trial lawyers. The entire world watches on Legal TV to see who will win the Trial of the Century.

Download link:


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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Have any of u seen the movie Basic Instinct? Wasnt it so rad? They dont make them like that anymore. Sharon Stone was so sexy and seductive and mysterious.

Basic Instinct 1992

In the sequel movie she goes to London and this British psychologist tries to help her but gets played like a fool even though he is logical and rational. Lol. Just goes to show that even the most logical rational men can get taken in and seduced by calculating shrewd manipulative women. Lol

Basic Instinct 2 ... ims_tt_t_2

Im sure you guys would have easily succumbed to Sharon Stone's seductive charm. Lol

The soundtrack to Basic Instinct is also very mysterious and melancholy like a Noir film.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

If any of u like game of thrones u might like this series about the ancient Romans vs the Druids and Celts and their magic in ancient Britain. Sounds rad. Lol



In 43 AD, the Roman Army - determined and terrified in equal measure - returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia - a mysterious land ruled by warrior women and powerful druids who can channel the powerful forces of the underworld. Or so they say.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Check out this 1983 movie called "Brainstorm" starring Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood. It was her last film before she died in a drowning accident. It's about a machine that lets people live other people's memories. Very interesting plot. There is an afterlife scene too.


Full Film

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Just saw Basic Instinct again. Wow a true masterpiece. If anyone wants to see a masterpiece movie about a female sociopath(s), that is the one. Not garbage flicks like "Gone Girl" which is trash. Basic Instinct is a real work of art and brilliant. They don't make them like that anymore. Keeps you guessing. I don't know who the killer really was, probably both Catherine and Beth it seems. But there are multiple possibilities. It keeps it open. What do you think?

Here's a summary of the movie. Love the music soundtrack too. Very spooky and melancholy.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

These explanations show you how complex and brilliant the plot of Basic Instinct is. Wow.

Born Free
10 months ago (edited)
Nope, Catherine was the ice pick killer and Beth was the shooter. This was a psychological chess game between two diabolical minds. Catherine was intrigued with Beth since college just as she was with the other female killers that she nurtured relationships with. Beth proved to be the only one that was a worthy opponent in feeding Catherine's nature to script the obscene. In the end, Catherine kills Hoss - with an icepick of course, knowing that the detective will now replace the shooter (Beth) by shooting Beth which makes him truly incarnate the role of the shooter ( the name of the new book and his character) until Catherine gets bored with him and kills him like she told him on the car ride to the police station .... lol! ) After all, the detective is truly no match for her. Hint: the detective tells Beth that she is better than Catherine at playing mind games because she is a practicing psychologist" +++ Remember how Beth was acting (faking) when she lied for the detective when the IA ( Internal Affairs) agent was shot? LOL! Because she was the one that shot him! LOL! Two murderers. Watch the film again. It was brilliant!

Born Free
8 months ago (edited)
@House of Matrix Beth and Catherine had a love/hate relationship. They were both brilliant psychopaths. Remember that Catherine told Nick that he was the inspiration for her new book, "Shooter"? She had been studying him long before the murder of her rock star boyfriend. She knew about his reputation for shooting perps ( which is why he was in analysis with Beth) She knew that he was trying to stop smoking ... and that he had a coke habit. Why? Glad that you asked ..... because of his relationship with Beth! This was a diabolical chess game between her and Beth. She knew that Beth shot and killed her husband, and Beth knew that Catherine was attempting to replace her ( the original shooter) with Nick. Think about it, they BOTH were seducing Nick at the same time ... Catherine showed up at his apartment to get him steamed up , then Beth showed up to follow through. Poor Nick was slamming Beth against the wall ..... this was Beth and Catherine's sick way of sleeping with each other! Nick was really just a pawn used for them to flex on each other. That is why he is NOT in Basic Instinct 2. Catherine had to challenge herself with another victim - another psychologist - just like Beth was. I rest my case! This film is soooo underrated, again, I say ..... it is BRILLIANT!

Sewe Jonathan Sewe
7 months ago
Beth and Catherine were in a LOVE 💋 /HATE 🖕 / JEALOUSY 😤 and RIVALRY 🤬relationship.
LOVE ❤️💝 👄 ?
Beth was the shooter, Catherine was the ice pick killer and they both knew about the killings of one another. Catherine kills her parents as she says herself “to see if she could get away with it”. Then in college she meets Beth and becomes intimate with her. Catherine tells Beth about how she murdered her parents and got away with it. Then Beth wanting to prove her ability to get away with murder, Beth also kills her husband and gets away with it. This is the love part because Beth kills her husband for the love of Catherine. which she doesn’t get because of the unfaithfulness of Catherine. Catherine doesn’t care and she even says it. The death of the recent girlfriend of Catherine proves that Catherine does care about anything but something talked about below.

HATE 🖕🤬😡?
As we know from the movie Beth is a very fragile person emotionally. She clings to people, even if she breaks up with them she is still loving them. Like how she broke up with Hoss but went to bed with him after the burst in the bar. So after, Proving herself to her then girlfriend Catherine she expects Catherine to be faithful to her. But we all know that’s something that will never happen. So the Love that Beth had for Catherine becomes hatred. Catherine is chasing thrills because she has the money to afford it all but Beth is chasing love. And Beth hates Catherine because Catherine has the possibility to have real love but despises it. That’s the hatred part.

Time passed and Catherine developed a keen desire to kill using ice picks. While she is having fun doing so. She notices that Beth is finding Love. So out of jealousy she sets her eyes on the man that Beth loves. So she plans the killing of the ex rock star to fall on the laps of the detective Hoss. Then, piece by piece she feeds him the past of Beth, which she knows very well. Because Beth loves Hoss, the detective, she doesn’t tell him the truth about her and her past. That’s why she said that her mariage was short. Beth changed name to get away from that past life and start brand new life. That’s why she lied to Hoss, just to be loved. And remember she is fragile. Catherine, bribed and used police officer Neilson to receive personal information about the detective Hoss. Catherine knew that Hoss will know about how Neilson gave her information because she would infer it to him. Once she told Hoss, he attacked Neilson. WHEN Beth saw that Hoss was going to hate her for giving Personnal information and she also knew that Neilson will be troublesome for the detective Hoss, she decides to kill Neilson. That’s why that murder was done by gun not by ice pick. And the proof is that when Hoss apologizes to her she smiles but the second he leave she stops smiling and later that day Neilson dies. Beth killed Neilson to save Hoss so that he could still love her.

The rivalry is between Beth and Catherine to see which one can outdo the other. Beth is chasing love and Catherine is chasing thrills. So Beth wins she have Hoss still love her and if Catherine wins then Hoss will love her instead. Hoss is the piece of value. So Catherine picks the lock of Beth and comes into her apartment and places her books there. Beth can’t be the person that committed the murders of the rock star because at the beginning we see the tits and the hair of Catherine, Beth wouldn’t have need to wear the wig while having with someone if was bout to kill. So the idea that Beth followed the book to the letter is wrong. It’s even more wrong when we thing about how Catherine wrote about the killing of her parents, how have Beth did it if they hadn’t met yet. So it’s clear that Beth never committed the murders described in the book. Now, keep in mind that Catherine knew that Beth’s killing method was the gun. Because that’s how Beth killed her husband. And Catherine also knew that Beth kept the same gun she used to kill her husband and to kill Neilson.

Now the JUICY part 💀💀💀🩸🩸🩸🌡🌡🌡🪓🪓🪓
Catherine is the one that killed Gus because Beth doesn’t use ice picks as killing method only Catherine does. The second proof is that Beth didn’t know that Catherine was writing a book nor did she know that a detective dies at the end. SO if Beth was the maniac that followed the books of Catherine at the letter, how could kill Gus if the Book isn’t even out yet? She couldn’t. But there one question left, why was she at the death scene of Gus? And why were there a police uniform jacket in the stairs? And why was there a blonde wig and the ice pick with the jacket? She was there because Catherine told her to come. She couldn’t tell Hoss that Catherine told her to come because if she did then she would have to tell him the whole story and he won’t love her anymore. That’s why she lied to him and told him that she received a message from her machine. Catherine knew that Beth will lie because Beth needs love desperately. Catherine killed Gus because this is the one death scene with an ice pick that leave any evidence behind. At the death of the boxer or of the ex Rock 🤘 Star, there was nothing left behind all of a sudden, when Beth is there and Hoss is panicked. There an ocean of evidence? Really? And secondly, in such a short period of time how could Beth have washed her hands and face to be so clean that there wasn’t even a drop of blood. Now remember, Gus was stabbed at close range. Therefore there must have been a lot of blood on the face of the murderer. The third and last reason why Catherine is the one that killed Gus is the naïvity of Beth. When Hoss told her to put her hands up she did the opposite and sinker her hand into her pocket because she believed that Hoss loved her so much that he won’t shoot. That’s why, her last breath was “I love you” because she did all of this just to be loved by him and seeing him taking away from her was worse than death.

Catherine was very intelligent and masterminded but it’s she ruses that made her win. It’s the predictable lies of Beth. This movie is teaching us to never lie and to look for love but not be desperate for it. Otherwise, Just like in Romeo and Juliette, lying for love is DEADLY
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Guhji »

Winston wrote:
September 26th, 2021, 12:27 am
Have any of u seen the movie Basic Instinct? Wasnt it so rad? They dont make them like that anymore. Sharon Stone was so sexy and seductive and mysterious.

Basic Instinct 1992

In the sequel movie she goes to London and this British psychologist tries to help her but gets played like a fool even though he is logical and rational. Lol. Just goes to show that even the most logical rational men can get taken in and seduced by calculating shrewd manipulative women. Lol

Basic Instinct 2 ... ims_tt_t_2

Im sure you guys would have easily succumbed to Sharon Stone's seductive charm. Lol

The soundtrack to Basic Instinct is also very mysterious and melancholy like a Noir film.

"Just goes to show that even the most logical rational men can get taken in and seduced by calculating shrewd manipulative women"

Well, I know you were taken in by at least a few women at the Bunny Ranch.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Do any of you remember this awesome fun flick from the 80s called "Remo Williams - The Adventure Begins"? It was really rad and memorable. If you've seen it, you will remember it for sure. One of the best and funniest action films of the 80s, one that stays with you, totally underrated. See trailer below.

@Moretorque and @gsjackson you must remember this one right? It was so friggin awesome. That Korean martial arts master who could dodge bullets was so friggin hilarious. And the scene at the Statue of Liberty was very memorable.

Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985) ... ims_tt_t_1

"An officially "dead" cop is trained to become an extraordinary unique assassin in service of the US President."


The same actor was also in the movie "Timerider" about a motorcycle champ who travels back in time to the 1800s. Also looks good. The girl in it was so hot and played the beautiful woman in the Airwolf pilot movie too.

Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann (1982) ... ims_tt_t_3

"A maverick motorbike racer wanders into a top-secret time-travel research test site which unintentionally teleports him to the mid-1800s and ends up having to fight violent outlaws for his survival."

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »


You will love this movie called "Looker" from 1981. The models at the beginning look perfect and flawless and will blow you away. It's a thriller by Michael Crichton about fashion models being mysterious murdered by some deep dark corporation. Very original plot. Here's the trailer.

Here's the intro and theme song from the beginning of the movie. It shows a perfect model saying she's imperfect and needs plastic surgery. Then it features a cool 80s song. You will love this song.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Moretorque »

It has James Coburn of Our Man Flint, now that was a movie and it stars him by the way. TOTAL STUD!
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Moretorque wrote:
October 7th, 2021, 4:27 pm
It has James Coburn of Our Man Flint, now that was a movie and it stars him by the way. TOTAL STUD!
Yeah James Coburn plays the villain in that movie. Have you seen it? It's a forgotten gem and is pretty good and interesting. The stun gun in it that Albert Finney uses is a trip. And the models look perfect. Jamesbond will like it too.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Moretorque »

I have not, the women do look good.
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