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Augmentation of human intelligence (and WEF / global elite's plans)

Posted: February 6th, 2023, 2:07 pm
by WilliamSmith
fschmidt wrote:
November 25th, 2022, 5:50 pm
The only way to improve things is to raise intelligence. There is simply no other way. Once intelligence is raised, hopefully in a few centuries, then there will be opportunity to improve religion and politics. But we won't be alive then. So the only thing worthwhile for us to do is to work on some means of improving intelligence. This is what my Arkian project is about. So become Arkian or suggest an alternative approach to raising intelligence.

On a tangent to this thread's viewtopic.php?p=384163#p384163 original topic: Have any of you read up on what's been going on with both gene editing and cybernetics, biotech, etc?

You could argue that it'll take centuries to improve baseline intelligence with selective breeding, as well as a better cultural (or possibly religious) upbringing, but it seems to me that there's on oncoming train of high-tech human augmentations and gene editing that could take things in a way more scifi direction (including raising / augmenting human intelligence) a lot faster than through the same kind of gradual evolutionary processes if it were only done "the old-fashioned way."

The other twist is that the "global elite" is already all over this themselves, even though they are the ones who have promoted the mass "dumbing-down" of formerly comparatively healthy populations in existing nation states:
A lot of the nutcases (or you might say twisted evil geniuses in some cases) at the WEF openly talk about transhumanism and being able to essentially control the micro-chipped masses using biotech, AI, mass-surveillance and databased linked not only to apps but also ingestible biometric chips (which they are trying to also mandate, while attempting to criminalize anyone who points out what they themselves already openly admit, accusing people of being spreaders of "misinformation," etc.........)

Example: ... ah-harari/
(See the link for lots of embedded hyperlinks, but I highlighted a few things in bold as an example of what I was referring ti.)
The Outrageous Statements of Jewish Israeli Homosexual Transhumanist Vegan Yuval Noah Harari

In a recent The Occidental Observer essay titled “Life Without Jews: The Amazing Adventures of Israeli Trans-Pedophile and Tampon-Fetishist Jonathan Yaniv,” author Tobias Langdon recounts the grotesque and perverted—and typically Israeli Jewish—behavior of this being who had the “attention of millions of people around the world” for just one of his/her vile acts.

Inspired by the topic, here we will examine the outrageous behavior of another Israeli Jew who has attracted the attention of many millions around the world. Yuval Noah Harari is described as an “advisor” to the globalist transhumanist cult of power known as the World Economic Forum, whose Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has openly stated it is developing “a fusion of our physical, biological and digital identities” for all humankind. Amazingly, Harari’s public statements, many of them made from the main stage at the annual World Economic Forum conference where he has become a favorite keynote speaker, are far more outrageous and outraging than even Schwab’s. Almost half the age of Schwab, Harari at 46 is less likely to be an “advisor” than a spokesman for the sociopathic transhumanist futurology the World Economic Forum is not only envisioning, but increasingly imposing over today’s world through its many partners.

Harari’s popularity and influence is immense. From his About website:

Prof. Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher, and the bestselling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, and the series Sapiens: A Graphic History and Unstoppable Us. His books have sold 40 Million copies in 65 languages, and he is considered one of the world’s most influential public intellectuals today.

The World Economic Forum’s bio on Harari further boasts that he has published with the Guardian, Financial Times, the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Economist and Nature magazine. New York Times is of course by the Jewish Sulzberger family, the Economist is still 21% owned by the Rothschilds with Evelyn de Rothschild Chairman for over fifteen years until the late 80s, Nature magazine was co-founded by the early transhumanist Thomas Huxley (grandfather of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World), the Guardian “has continued its long-standing tradition of liberal [i.e., radical] politics” (primarily globalist), and the Atlantic is currently majority-owned by the Emerson Collective which promotes non-White immigration, works to “combat the achievement gap among students of color,” and engages in “philanthrocapitalism.” Harari has found suitable outlets for his transhumanist ranting, and/or they have found him.

Harari’s first popular book Sapiens is derived from lectures he gave to his undergraduate world history classes. He began his academic career in the program of the Israeli Defense Forces known as Atuda, which allows high school graduates to defer their mandatory conscription in the IDF to attend university, provided they study topics applicable to the military. Harari published such works as “Strategy and Supply in Fourteenth-Century Western European Invasion Campaigns” in the Journal of Military History, and “The Concept of ‘Decisive Battles’ in World History”, among many others. He was exempted from IDF service due to “an undisclosed health problem” but nothing “catastrophic.”

He lives with his husband on a moshav, an agricultural co-operative, outside Jerusalem. Being gay, he says, helped him to question received opinions. “Nothing should be taken for granted,” he has said, “even if everybody believes it.”

Harari’s husband is also his agent and manager, Itzik Yahav. “He likes to say, ‘You don’t understand—Yuval works for me!’” Yahav declined an invitation to have Harari participate in the World Economic Forum, at Davos, in 2017, because the proposed panels were “not good enough.” A year later, when Harari was offered the main stage, in a slot between Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, Yahav accepted.

At his 2018 addresses at the World Economic Forum, Harari’s outrageous statements found their greatest reach. He participated in four speaking events that year, including two panels titled “Questioning Our Human Future” and “Putting Jobs Out of Work.” It was Harari’s keynote lecture “Will the Future Be Human?” that should concern the rest of humanity most. This is Harari’s opening statement:

We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us than we are different from neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds.

Harari speaks with certainty and even excitement about processes for which humanity should have a choice. In his view however, this transhumanist future is inevitable.

“This will be decided by the people who own the data. Those that control the data control not just the future of humanity, but the future of life itself.”
“We have reached the point where we can hack… human beings and other organisms.”
“…the rise of machine learning and AI are giving us the necessary computing power. And at the same time, advances in … brain science are giving us the necessary biological understanding.”
“You can really summarize 150 years of biological research since Charles Darwin in three words: Organisms are algorithms.”
“When the infotech revolution merges with the biotech revolution, what you get is the ability to hack human beings.”
“You will not be able to hide from Amazon, Ali Baba and the Social Police.”
“Once we have algorithms that understand me better than I understand myself, they could predict my desires, manipulate my emotions, and even take decisions on my behalf. And if we are not careful, the outcome could be the rise of digital dictatorships.”
“If democracy cannot adapt to these new conditions, then humans will come to live under the rule of digital dictatorships. Already at present, we are seeing the formation of more and more sophisticated surveillance regimes throughout the world.”
“By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. … This will be the greatest revolution in biology since the beginning of life four billion years ago.”
“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds, but our intelligent design. … These are the new driving forces of evolution.”
“If we don’t’ regulate (data), a tiny elite may come to control not just the future of human societies, but the shape of life forms in the future.”
“As a historian I can tell you two things about the past: … it wasn’t fun … and it’s not coming back. So nostalgic fantasies are really not a solution.”
“We had better call upon our scientists, our philosophers, our lawyers and even our poets—or especially our poets—to turn their attention to this big question: how do you regulate the ownership of data? The future not just of humanity but the future of life itself, may depend on the answer to this question.”

Thus Harari ends his address to the WEF in 2018 with a big question. But there can be little question that the answer of who will regulate the data is those “elites” he appears to warn us about. They are the partners in the WEF, which include the world’s most powerful corporations, the governments of most current nations of the globe, globalist “think tanks” and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the world’s military and intelligence agencies, and above all, the most wealthy and powerful Jewish banking family dynasties that top the pyramid of power. These are the “elites” who will own and control the data, and from that, everything else. Harari must know this, since he is their spokesman. Knowing his people will dominate the elite, a digital dictatorship is a future he is looking forward to.

Looking through these key statements, we see that Harari dismisses God more thoroughly than Nietzsche, and replaces Him with the technocratic “elites” which include Harari himself. This is a distinctly Judaic concept. He impresses the inevitability of his technocratic future, and asserts that we cannot return to an unpleasant past to avoid the challenge. He ascribes an omnipotence in the future to those who own the data, and conveys a helplessness among the rest of humanity before this ultimate power over all of life. The god-like “elites” are watching, and there will be no escape.

Harari allows for no glitches in the programs, no side effects from the technologic hacking of humanity, no machine failures, no problems except “digital dictatorships.” Critiques of his books however are more scathing. Canadian Professor of Anthropology Christopher Robert Hallpike stated in a review of Sapiens that:

…one has often had to point out how surprisingly little he seems to have read on quite a number of essential topics. It would be fair to say that whenever his facts are broadly correct they are not new, and whenever he tries to strike out on his own he often gets things wrong, sometimes seriously. … [W]e should not judge Sapiens as a serious contribution to knowledge but as ‘infotainment’, a publishing event to titillate its readers by a wild intellectual ride across the landscape of history, dotted with sensational displays of speculation, and ending with blood-curdling predictions about human destiny.

This past summer, Current Affairs magazine published “The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari,” which stated: “The best-selling author is a gifted storyteller and popular speaker. But he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and his work is riddled with errors.”

Last month the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called Harari a “brand” created by his partner to sell everything from comic books and children’s stories to videos (a distinctly Jewish approach), and that his fans treat Harari like a “pop star” despite his grim message that humans are obsolete and machines will replace us.

Harari was back as a featured speaker at the World Economic Forum in 2020. He was introduced by the IDF-trained Israeli Jew Orit Gadiesh, who calls herself the “chairman” of Bain Capital (once headed by Mitt Romney), and as I reported in this TOO essay, is on the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Harari spoke along with the long-time Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, on the topic “How to Survive the 21st Century.” He may have surpassed his 2018 address in outrageous quotes.

“…three problems pose existential challenges to our species … nuclear war, ecological collapse and technological disruption.”
“…technology may also disrupt human society and the very meaning of human life in numerous ways, ranging from the creation of the global useless class to the rise of data colonialism and of digital dictatorships.”
“…automation will eliminate millions upon millions of jobs.”
“…the automation revolution … will be a cascade of ever bigger disruptions.”
“In the past, humans had to struggle against exploitation. In the 21st century, the really big struggle will be against irrelevance. And it’s much worse to be irrelevant than to be exploited. Those who fail in the struggle against irrelevance will constitute a new useless class. People who are useless, not from the viewpoint of their friends and family of course, but useless from the viewpoint of the economic and political system (sic). And this useless class will be separated by an ever growing gap from the ever more powerful elite.”
“…AI will likely create immense wealth in a few high tech hubs, while other countries will either go bankrupt, or become exploited data colonies.”
“…the other major danger we face is the rise of digital dictatorships, which will monitor everybody, all the time.”
“We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals.”
“If this power (to hack human beings) falls into the hands of a 21st century Stalin, the result will be the worst totalitarian regime in human history.”
“If we allow the emergence of such total surveillance regimes, don’t think that the rich and powerful in places like Davos will be safe.”
“…the ability to hack humans might still undermine the very meaning of human freedom.”
“…humans will simply not be able to understand the computers’ decisions … [H]umans are likely to lose control over our own lives, and also lose the ability to understand public policy.”
“What will be the meaning of human life when most decisions are taken by algorithms?”
“If we fail to conceptualize the new hell quickly enough, we might find ourselves entrapped there with no way out.”
“…AI and biotechnology will give us god-like abilities to re-engineer life, and even to create completely new life forms.”
“Our intelligent design is going to be the new driving force of the evolution of life. In using our new divine powers of creation, we might make mistakes on a cosmic scale. ”
“Of course this is not a prophecy. These are just possibilities. Technology is never deterministic.”
“To do something effective, we need global cooperation. All the three existential challenges [nuclear war, ecological collapse and technological disruption] that we face are global challenges that demand global solutions.”
“If we allow such an arms race to develop in fields like AI and bio-engineering, it doesn’t really matter who wins the arms race. The loser will be humanity.”
“In the 21st century, good nationalists must also be globalists.”
“If we return there now (the jungle of constant war), our species will probably annihilate itself.”
“I very much hope that we can rely on the leaders assembled here, and not on the rats.”
Some of this—even quite a bit of it—may come to be true. We are already seeing increasing gaps between elites and everyone else, surveillance is continually being refined, and already there are powerful forces that seek a dictatorship, digital or otherwise and are eager to rid the public square of traditional freedoms such as free speech. But Harari’s is certainly a dystopian vision that should be resisted at all costs.

The main pattern of Harari’s discourse is fear requiring globalism as a solution. This is the old Hegelian dialectic we have seen many times before, most recently with the Covid pandemic virus as the fear (another invisible menace), and lockdowns and vaccines as the solutions. Harari here admits the possibility of mistakes, but never suggests that his technocratic near future is anything but inevitable. Machines will take over human jobs, and the “useless class” will grow. This is by no means inevitable however, as National Socialist Germany showed with its program of restricting mechanical labor and promoting manual labor in the building of the Autobahn, in order to improve and eventually all but eliminate unemployment. Harari’s techno-future could be heaven, or it could be hell, and even the “rich and powerful” and the “leaders” in Davos could be subject to the hellscape. The closer they are to the peak of the global hierarchy, the more closely they will be watched. That’s how Stalin did it.

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) also had his Jewish “advisors,” and, as the Darling of Davos, Harari will excel among the technocratic elites beside Klaus Schwab, who also was mentored by Jews such as Henry Kissinger and Hermann Kahn, and who also incited fears of global catastrophe. Schwab cites Jewish author Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, who wrote The American Challenge, as a great influence, and Harari cites Jewish author Jared Diamond of Guns, Germs and Steel as his literary influence. As a spokesman for instilling and normalizing the 4th Industrial Revolution that will make humans “hackable animals,” Harari will never become useless like so many of the rest of us. His mad ravings are worshiped among the WEF power elites as revelations straight from the master Machine. But among the rest of us normal humans, Harari must appear a sickly vegan degenerate homosexual Israeli Jew holding dangerous sociopathic delusions of dystopian grandeur.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)

Re: Augmentation of human intelligence (and WEF / global elite's plans)

Posted: February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
by fschmidt
Since I assume that I can't do gene editing in my kitchen, I see little point to read about it. It isn't something that I can use.

Improve baseline intelligence? Which baseline? Any group that intentionally selects for intelligence is going to be far about the average from the start. But if improving the baseline means improving the average, I just don't care about that. I selfishly just want my genes to be in a good gene pool.

Gene editing will be controlled by the elite, the same folks who brought us covid and the covid vax. Yes they are reasonably intelligent, but their intelligence is focused on the acquisition of power, so none of them can actually create anything. And I seriously doubt that they would genetically engineer creators since creators are the personality types most fundamentally incompatible with the elite. They may engineer the kind of people who designed the covid vax, technically competent but with no real insight. In the end, the elite will fail and we will enter another medieval period of an aristocratic elite ruling over serfs. In this system, technology will only decay. So the elite can continue spouting their trans-humanist bullshit while those of us in the real world know that the simplest things in our lives fail with increasing frequency due to increasing human incompetence. This is the reality.

As a programmer, I know that the simplest things work best and are the most robust. This is why my software doesn't fail. The Arkian idea is designed on the same principle. It is so simple that a small group of people could implement it. We don't need high-tech, we don't need broad support. Of course the challenge is whether such a small group exists. Are the 10 non-moronic non-scum out of the 8 billion pieces of moronic human shit infesting this world? That is the real question.

Re: Augmentation of human intelligence (and WEF / global elite's plans)

Posted: February 8th, 2023, 3:41 am
by WilliamSmith
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
Since I assume that I can't do gene editing in my kitchen, I see little point to read about it. It isn't something that I can use.
Don't be so sure we won't be able to use it! Even if you're not one of the innovators in the incoming wave of technology, it's not out of the question it could become available. (Like with most new innovations, I'd personally sit back and observe the initial wave of true believers trying it out to observe how much goes horribly wrong when they try it 1st, but still...)
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
Improve baseline intelligence? Which baseline? Any group that intentionally selects for intelligence is going to be far about the average from the start. But if improving the baseline means improving the average, I just don't care about that. I selfishly just want my genes to be in a good gene pool.
No argument there, I am actually the same even if we have different "preferences" and personal guidelines about who we're compatible with. :)
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
Gene editing will be controlled by the elite, the same folks who brought us covid and the covid vax.
I'm not trying to be insulting, but I consider this statement to be the logical equivalent to "gunpowder and firearms will be controlled by the elite." I don't think so!
In the old days, the "elite" weren't able to stop even early cannons and firearms bringing down castle walls and blasting through heavily armored cavalry and so on.
And I'd say it's not a coincidence that TPTB are obsessed with disarming us even of modest automatic and semi-automatic weapons, modest as they may be vs the very most elite military technology and weaponry.
As for gene editing and modifications, I'm wary of it out of obvious prudential caution, but I don't agree that it's a foregone conclusion that only elites will control it.
You haven't watched enough cyberpunk films! :D
Go watch Johnny Mnemonic or play some retro Shadowrun video games or something and get inspired, LOL. (That was a joke, but I do think the defeatism regarding the sexually perverted whacko nerd "elite" supposedly having 100% of everything in the bag is overly pessimistic.)
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
Yes they are reasonably intelligent, but their intelligence is focused on the acquisition of power, so none of them can actually create anything. And I seriously doubt that they would genetically engineer creators since creators are the personality types most fundamentally incompatible with the elite. They may engineer the kind of people who designed the covid vax, technically competent but with no real insight.
Now that is very interesting! I don't disagree based on what I've observed them do (and it definitely does fixate sociopathically on subversion, control, criminality, vs creation and innovation), but can you point me in the direction of where you became so convinced about how you understand their mentality? :?
(I have been around since the 80s and when early internet came in I started reading THEIR own websites where they basically admitted everything they were trying to do, while simultaneously smearing it as "conspiracy theories" in the mainstream press, even when it was openly admitted on their own public web sites even since the mid-to-late 1990s.)
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
In the end, the elite will fail and we will enter another medieval period of an aristocratic elite ruling over serfs. In this system, technology will only decay. So the elite can continue spouting their trans-humanist bullshit while those of us in the real world know that the simplest things in our lives fail with increasing frequency due to increasing human incompetence. This is the reality.
Can you point me toward how you drew this conclusion? (I've read a fair amount of your stuff and am working on responding to some of it, but maybe there's more I haven't seen yet explaining why you are convinced this new medieval period will take place?)
Why are you so sure that is the case, and that technology will only decay? I know you think everyone is turning into "compete morons" (you mentioned that a few times), but the "elite" is already a very small group of people vs the overall population. I agree they're mentally twisted and wildly unpopular with most of the rest of humanity once people actually get redpilled enough about what they're trying to do, but don't understand yet why you're so sure this technological decay phase is supposedly inevitable...
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
As a programmer, I know that the simplest things work best and are the most robust. This is why my software doesn't fail. The Arkian idea is designed on the same principle. It is so simple that a small group of people could implement it. We don't need high-tech, we don't need broad support.
While I am obviously not a suitable match for your own Arkian internal network, I agree on the overall principle, which is why I myself have got intensely "clannish" in recent years, even though I'm not convinced that small bands of clannish people can't seize and make use of some new developing technologies in defiance of the "elite," which you yourself seem to think is so twisted that their grand "globalist" ambitions are going to fail.....
fschmidt wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 10:44 pm
Of course the challenge is whether such a small group exists. Are the 10 non-moronic non-scum out of the 8 billion pieces of moronic human shit infesting this world? That is the real question.
Classic @fschmidt stuff here, LOL!! Please do keep it up, if you have the inclination. :lol:

Re: Augmentation of human intelligence (and WEF / global elite's plans)

Posted: February 8th, 2023, 1:26 pm
by fschmidt
Regarding personal gene editing, maybe it will be possible someday but not in my lifetime, so for me personally it still isn't relevant. And since I think technology will decline, I think it will be about 1000 years before idiocracy is reversed and there is real technological progress again.

Regarding the elite, my opinions are mostly from my experience raising venture capital in Silicon Valley and then sitting in board of directors meetings of the company. I dealt with a fair number of elite which I would say is generally people worth at least $100M. Before Silicon Valley, I worked on Wall St which was different because financial traders can actually make money without manipulating people, so traders are actually much better than most of the elite. The primary skill of most of the elite is manipulating people. But they aren't stupid and they can understand business reality. But the idea of generally seeking truth or quality is completely alien to them. And they view all non-elite as basically like farm animals to be exploited.

Regarding technological decay, I see this based on my knowledge of history. When a civilization collapses, it loses much of its technology. This happened to Rome, Athens, the Bronze Age, and many others. The current civilization of modern culture is on the verge of collapse based on comparing it to historical examples.

Regarding who can become Arkian, I intentionally designed it so that people with radically different beliefs can become members. I really don't care about beliefs and whether other people agree with me on everything. I only care that people aren't morons and have enough knowledge of religion to be able judge it.