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Prediction about Brittney Griner

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 4:26 pm
by Cornfed
Just to make myself look good when it turns out to be true, I thought I would predict what sort of tranny sportsball freak Brittney Griner will turn out to be.

Probably she has Swyer syndrome, where the person has the male XY chromosomes but the testis determining region on the Y chromosome is defective, leading to the person developing the default female genitals. Usually when this is discovered, estrogen is administered to make the person an outwardly normal female, but with Brittney they seem to have gone the route of adding testosterone, presumably with the idea of making her a competitive athlete. Thus she is to all intents and purposes a normal man, except with female genitals. Maybe they added growth hormone to make her very tall as well.