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Re: water fasting

Posted: July 30th, 2016, 10:17 am
by Shemp
@livefreeordie: a lot of people recommend enemas to clean out the colon while fasting. I had no bowel movements until day 6, then a huge bowel movement on day 7 after breaking the fast (last meal tuesday lunch, next meal a week later Tuesday lunch, big dump right afterwards, in other words). I'm not sure what to think. My main goal is to stress and thus rejuvenate the system, secondary goal is to scavenge junk cells, especially pre-cancerous cells. Not to worried about toxins. Maybe I'll try enemas next year.

I don't think too highly of juice fastng. Juice is just a more nutritious version of sugar water, so the body is still being flooded with sugar and thus insulin. Ditto for bone broths, etc. If there are calories from protein or carbs, you get an insulin response. Drinking/eating pure fat is metabolism neutral, but who wants to eat or drink pure fat and why? The body has plenty of fat unless you're extremely lean to start. So that leaves things with no calories, like tea and coffee. I had a cup or two of green tea each day while fasting, mainly to cope with boredom. I didn't notice a bigger than ordinary boost from the caffeine.

Re: water fasting

Posted: July 31st, 2016, 8:28 am
by livefreeordie
I don't like to do pure juice fasting either, at the moment im doing fruit shakes with some vegies like carrot, and on day 2/3 i feel pretty good physically. I take little gulps of coconut oil, as ive read its good to train your body to burn fat vs blood sugar. I like the idea of rejuvenating the system, not sure how much i can detox in polluted manila lol. There are colonics you can do cheaply in manila, i might do one tomorrow and next few days. I think its more important for me to do it due to recent IBS flare up symptoms, so im giving digestive tract chance to heal up. Im also supplementing with malungay/moringa powder, flax meal organic, barley grass powder and vit D and libido herbs.

Re: water fasting

Posted: September 22nd, 2016, 10:31 pm
by mattiebrown7777
Fasting is a sacred honored tradition in many religious and cultural circles. In short, fasting is the abstinence from food or drink, or both. In the past, fasting is usually accompanied by inner soul searching and reflection - it helps to get in touch with your spiritual self. With the right direction, fasting can also aid our body's natural detoxification process and cleanse away all the toxins in our body. During fasting, resting adequately is essential in order to enhance the recovery of the body.

Re: water fasting

Posted: September 22nd, 2016, 10:43 pm
by fschmidt
I now fast about 3 days a week. What I do is to fast each week until I reach my target weight. I love to eat and I am getting older, so I would become fat if I didn't do this. Since I am used to fasting now, this is very easy and I don't change anything during my fasting time. I do my regular workouts during this time too. If anyone wants a simple guaranteed way to maintain a reasonable weight, this is it.

Re: water fasting

Posted: September 23rd, 2016, 9:36 am
by Adama
fschmidt wrote:I now fast about 3 days a week. What I do is to fast each week until I reach my target weight. I love to eat and I am getting older, so I would become fat if I didn't do this. Since I am used to fasting now, this is very easy and I don't change anything during my fasting time. I do my regular workouts during this time too. If anyone wants a simple guaranteed way to maintain a reasonable weight, this is it.
This is the best way to lose weight. Now that I am aware of this, I have absolutely zero motivation to work out. Well now I just workout for my muscles and for my heart, but not for weight loss or maintenance.

FSchmidt, three days a week is admirable. For how many weeks have you done this? I can only manage a few days every few months.

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: November 26th, 2016, 10:57 am
by Winston
How do you guys do this? I fasted one day and it was excruciating. I started having hunger pains and began being obsessed about eating something. Not everyone can skip meals. I felt like crap when I fasted one day, not because of toxins being released from my fat cells, but because of hunger pains and being deprived of food.

Btw, check out this video about Breatharians, those who claim to be able to live permanently without food or water. You believe it? lol


Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: November 26th, 2016, 11:52 am
by fschmidt
Winston wrote:How do you guys do this? I fasted one day and it was excruciating. I started having hunger pains and began being obsessed about eating something. Not everyone can skip meals. I felt like crap when I fasted one day, not because of toxins being released from my fat cells, but because of hunger pains and being deprived of food.
You are a food addict who experienced withdrawal symptoms. If you break the addiction, fasting becomes easy.

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: November 26th, 2016, 12:03 pm
by Winston
fschmidt wrote:
Winston wrote:How do you guys do this? I fasted one day and it was excruciating. I started having hunger pains and began being obsessed about eating something. Not everyone can skip meals. I felt like crap when I fasted one day, not because of toxins being released from my fat cells, but because of hunger pains and being deprived of food.
You are a food addict who experienced withdrawal symptoms. If you break the addiction, fasting becomes easy.
Isn't everyone a food addict since we all love food and need it? What's the difference between a food addict and a non food addict?

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: November 26th, 2016, 2:58 pm
by fschmidt
Winston wrote:Isn't everyone a food addict since we all love food and need it? What's the difference between a food addict and a non food addict?
A food addict wants food because his body is used to always having excess glucose. His body cannot easily switch over to burning fat, so he is addicted to carbs. So he is hungry even when he has excess fat reserves. A non food addict can easily stop eating for a while (a few days) and his body just switches over to burning fat.

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: November 28th, 2016, 3:11 pm
by Shemp
@Winston: the solution to your food addiction is to prolong the water fast until the withdrawal symptoms go away. Takes maybe 4 days at most, probably less. You are a grown man, not a baby. Grown men can tolerate hunger pains.

Once the food addiction is broken, you can keep from becoming re-addicted by fasting one day per week, or eating one meal per day most days. There is no pain with intermittent fasting like this, assuming you are not food addicted.

Fasting must be water only (plus unsweetened coffee or tea if you are caffeine addicted). Juice fasting is just a different form of eating.

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: November 28th, 2016, 3:22 pm
by fschmidt
retiredfrank wrote:@Winston: the solution to your food addiction is to prolong the water fast until the withdrawal symptoms go away. Takes maybe 4 days at most, probably less. You are a grown man, not a baby. Grown men can tolerate hunger pains.

Once the food addiction is broken, you can keep from becoming re-addicted by fasting one day per week, or eating one meal per day most days. There is no pain with intermittent fasting like this, assuming you are not food addicted.

Fasting must be water only (plus unsweetened coffee or tea if you are caffeine addicted). Juice fasting is just a different form of eating.
Yes, exactly right.

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: April 12th, 2017, 11:59 am
by Winston
What do you all think of this lemon juice fast? An expat friend of mine recommended it to me. It consists of drinking concoctions of lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. And a daily flush using it unionized sea salt too. I dont know why though. Hows this better than water fasting? ... -s/146.htm

Re: water fasting

Posted: April 12th, 2017, 12:29 pm
by Winston
w.p.o. wrote:Juice fasting is much better. Perfect for detoxing (works better if you have access to a sauna). Loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, not to mention tastes good (depending on the fruits and veggies you use). Water has absolutely no nutritional value. Water fasting is an excellent way to starve yourself. Nutritionists, doctors and physicians argue against it.... for good reason. You're neglecting your body of vital nutrients. When you go back to eating, your body goes into defense mode: Pack on the pounds in case that $hit happens again!! It happens all the time to professional bodybuilders. They dehydrate themselves to the point where posing on stage can result into severe cramping. Their glycogen stores are dangerously low. At the end of the contest, they eat a couple slices of pizza or pasta to replenish some seriously needed gylcogen. ONE slice of pizza could result into a 5 pound gain!!! Again, the body goes into defense mode.
If fasting is bad for you, then why did Jesus do it? Why do hindus do it? Why do major religions advocate it for spiritual and physical cleansing? There must be a good reason for that. If it was harmful then people would have figured that out thousands of years ago and not recommend it.

Re: water fasting

Posted: April 12th, 2017, 12:32 pm
by Winston
fschmidt wrote:I now fast about 3 days a week. What I do is to fast each week until I reach my target weight. I love to eat and I am getting older, so I would become fat if I didn't do this. Since I am used to fasting now, this is very easy and I don't change anything during my fasting time. I do my regular workouts during this time too. If anyone wants a simple guaranteed way to maintain a reasonable weight, this is it.
After you stop the fast, does your metabolism slow down to the point where you gain more weight from food than before? As critics claim?

Didnt you tell me you did an egg fast before too, where you eat only hard boiled eggs all day and you lose a pound a day? Why dont you just do that? That sounds like a less painful route where at least you get to eat.

Re: I just completed a 7 day water fast

Posted: April 12th, 2017, 12:35 pm
by Winston
fschmidt wrote:
Winston wrote:Isn't everyone a food addict since we all love food and need it? What's the difference between a food addict and a non food addict?
A food addict wants food because his body is used to always having excess glucose. His body cannot easily switch over to burning fat, so he is addicted to carbs. So he is hungry even when he has excess fat reserves. A non food addict can easily stop eating for a while (a few days) and his body just switches over to burning fat.
Are you saying that if i wasnt a good addict, that i would not get hungry and my body would just derive food and nutrients from my pot belly and excess fat? I never heard that one before. Thats a new one. Can you cite any health experts that say that fat people shouldn't be hungry unless they are food addicts?