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Why don't black Americans go to Africa to find a woman?

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 2:37 pm
by lavezzi
On Asian dating sites, it's common for women to state: 'No Africans' or 'not attracted to dark skin guys' and I've heard many south American women also share these same preferences. Also it seems in every football match hosted in Eastern Europe the supporters shout racist chants and throw bananas onto the pitch at black players.

Why do African-Americans seem to only be going to Eastern Europe, South America and Asia where they might have somewhat of a disadvantage? Why don't they consider going to Africa where they are guaranteed to be accepted for their race? It just seems worth wondering because West Africa for example has many cheap yet civilized places where a majority of people speak good English.

I figured maybe it's due to how African females are thought to be physically unappealing, but surely that's only seen as true by other races as men tend to be attracted to women of their own ethnicity. Are negative past experiences with African-American women putting you off black women full stop?

We are

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 3:15 pm
by ErikHeaven
Christianized and brainwashed to think that Africans are savages that is why. We have the minds of white people. It takes years of deprogramming to get this nonsense out of our minds. I have seen a few videos that show modern African cities that look like America. Africans that drive BMW and other expensive cars. I have seen it in my family how some of them who have traveled have only gone to France, Italy etc.
Its easy to be this way when you have White Jesus, White Jehovah, White Santa Claus, White Prophets and Angels. White Politicians. Etc.
The one's who do embrace anything of Africa (Clothes, Languages etc) are derided as being corny.
I have to fight this myself. I find Ethiopian women and Black women from Africa to be very appealing. I cannot stand African American women.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 3:19 pm
by ErikHeaven
That is something i really would like to look into as i would like 2 wives and depending on where you are looking many African women have no problem with that. In fact its widely accepted. They the women love to start businesses and work hard.

Re: Why don't black Americans go to Africa to find a woman?

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 3:19 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 4:07 pm
by Fenix
I made a post in this thread months ago but decided to delete it. I am going to say this. This is just me. I am not attracted to black women, so I am not wasting my time going to Africa. As a black man, I do believe I should visit just to see where my ancestors came from and to go on a safari. I always wanted to do a safari.

I agree with Contrarian...I have had the most success in countries like Canada, Australia, UK, Slovakia, Russia, and all of Scandinavia. Black women have never been attracted to me and I don't find them attractive looks and personality wise, so why should I bother?


Posted: October 18th, 2011, 7:56 pm
by Iawesome60
Africa is one of my possible places to find a woman. Even though I mentioned other places, Africa is still a possibility. I do want to go there to see what it is like. Like Phoenix Sosa says, to see where his ancestors came from. I also want the opportunity to do that too. I mentioned somewhere that I do not have a ethnic preference for women.

Members, including African American members; have continents of preference. Some would prefer Africa and other continents. Others would prefer other continents not including Africa.

Re: Why don't black Americans go to Africa to find a woman?

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 8:17 pm
by AmericanInMexico
lavezzi wrote:Are negative past experiences with African-American women putting you off black women full stop?
Just a quick note lavezzi. In the United States we do not use the term "full stop" so if you're speaking to Americans (which you are in this case, to black Americans), say "period" instead, otherwise the users will have no idea what you're talking about. For some reason British and Irish people know all the American words but Americans don't know British/Irish terms.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 8:19 pm
by Taco
Phoenix Sosa wrote: I agree with Contrarian...I have had the most success in countries like Canada, Australia, UK, Slovakia, Russia, and all of Scandinavia. Black women have never been attracted to me and I don't find them attractive looks and personality wise, so why should I bother?
Yeah, I think your right. You'll have the biggest advantage in countries where your a minority, the same thing happens to white guys in Asia. Women can see you walking down the street a mile away so you peek their interest because they see you as a "novelty item" or a "fashion accessory". In a way, its kind of demeaning, but it gets you what you want.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 8:32 pm
by Fenix
I don't think it's a novelty if the only women I have dated 90% of my life have been of European descent. I understand your post, but it is not novelty or luck when I constantly get attention from these women. I was in 1st grade and this white girl named Jamie would do all types of things to get my attention like rub her hair on my desk. She was really trying hard.

Do I make sense? White women are attracted to me like I am a white guy (but I am not), which means they are the first to approach, flirt, etc. with me. It is so normal for me, but many don't understand. I don;t know, but it is just the way this has always been. Can't really explain it, but I love it!

Its a great idea to go to English-speaking African countries

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 9:56 pm
by polya
Its a great idea to go to English-speaking African countries - especially richer countries like South Africa. I think black men do go to Africa for wives, but don't want to announce it to the world.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 10:06 pm
by C.J.
Well let's put it this way.

If people in Ireland considered your body parts valuable in some way, or even heard prevalent rumors of such behavior, would you REALLY want to stay in Ireland?

Yeah. f**k Africa. =p I aint goin'. Not at least until I get a bodyguard. A super saiyan bodyguard.

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 1:58 am
by DaRick
Phoenix Sosa wrote:I don't think it's a novelty if the only women I have dated 90% of my life have been of European descent. I understand your post, but it is not novelty or luck when I constantly get attention from these women. I was in 1st grade and this white girl named Jamie would do all types of things to get my attention like rub her hair on my desk. She was really trying hard.

Do I make sense? White women are attracted to me like I am a white guy (but I am not), which means they are the first to approach, flirt, etc. with me. It is so normal for me, but many don't understand. I don;t know, but it is just the way this has always been. Can't really explain it, but I love it!
You know, it's the darnedest thing; I'm white, but more Asian and black women have been attracted to me than white women (even in Europe).

It must be said though that many white women are quite secular; I am not. Maybe that is part of the reason. I've noticed that I tend to do much better among non-secular women (even Muslim women).

Unfortunately, I rarely find black women all that attractive.

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 4:31 am
by ladislav
Many if not most Black Americans consider Africans subhuman and going to Africa as a step down. They think people there live in trees like apes and that there is nothing but savages eating bananas, each other and still starving to death. And it's all because of the media showing images like this.

African people


African cities


African women


African cars


When African students come to the US, most American blacks do not even want to talk to them. They treat them like shit. Questions like- do you live in houses there? where did you buy clothes- you are supposed to be naked with a spear and a snake around your neck- are common.

Modern African Cities and Billionaires

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 5:33 am
by ErikHeaven

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 8:49 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
At the end of the day facts are facts. Africa is the least developed part of the world where a simple mosquito bite could be a death sentence due to malaria and substandard medical care.

African countries have the least educated populations and backwardness thrives there. Currently, the backwardness crisis of the moment is albino Africans being snatched off the street, hacked up, and body parts added to "potions" due to the belief in their medicinal powers. See the below video:

Then you have the notion of some Africans believing that having sex with virgins cures HIV. Could you imagine?

And for those of you who claim Black Americans mistreat Africans, why don't you read Keith Richburg's account of how Africans treated him as a Black American while he was the Africa Bureau Chief for Reuters: ... 069&sr=8-1

So until you have traveled around Africa, read black American accounts of their experiences there, and have some modicum of understanding of what goes on in Africa, SHUT THE F.CK UP!!!!!