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Posted: March 22nd, 2014, 2:23 am
by drealm
Winston wrote:I didn't design this forum that way. It's part of the phpbb template.

If you want to see the latest 100 topics, go here:


Everyone else has been doing that. Didn't you know about that page? It's linked at the top. You can't miss it.
The text on that page is Serifed Times so it's ugly to read. The reply count and name also isn't parsed into columns, it's run together in some lazy raw html fashion. Terrible page design.

I think you should dedicate the next month to making your site not look like an ugly woman.

If your current software can't be modified look for alternatives.

Posted: March 22nd, 2014, 2:33 am
by drealm
zboy1 wrote:LOL! You call Cornfed, MrDarcy and MyFirstTrueLove (both who are obvious self-hating Black men like ChampionKaji, and ThePrimeBait as "contributing members"? LOL

No wonder this site has gone to the dogs...

Anyway, I just banned ChampionKaji for breaking the warning Winston gave him, for constantly slamming Black men all the time and for racism against Indians.

But I guarantee you that I will receive complaints from 'whiners' from those that don't agree with the banning, even though this guy was clearly a troll. Considering this forum is filled with imbeciles, trolls, impersonators, conspiracy theorists, racists and losers, this tells you the kind of posters that frequent the forum nowadays...(and which I was trying to clean-up.)
There are trolls on our forum also. We deal with them by not paying attention to them. To date we have a 100% free speech record and have never banned anyone. If you want to ban people you should eliminate the "Warning: This forum operates on the principles of truth, free speech and freethought without politically correct censorship.". Either revoke this flashy title or live up to it. No one said it would be easy. Stop being hypocrites.

The technical solution is using an ignore feature. This allows everyone to effectively individually ban people. The ignore feature should not only hide posts nested within threads, it should also cancel thread bumps and creations by said poster poster ignoring.

Posted: March 22nd, 2014, 2:38 am
by zboy1
Posting porn in the General Discussions thread is strictly against the rules. And besides...who said anything about limiting free-speech when our forum is filled with non-politically correct musings and discussions ranging from conspiracy theories, to race-based articles and all kinds of crazy things in between; no other forum (except for CoAlpha) would allow even a smidgen of the kind of topics we discuss on HappierAbroad, so give me a break :roll:

Look at how well-run RooshV, ReturnOfKings and Niceguy forums are--and how well-moderated they are--but here...for some strange reason, people complain about that, smh...

Posted: March 22nd, 2014, 3:16 am
by drealm
zboy1 wrote:Posting p**n in the General Discussions thread is strictly against the rules. And besides...who said anything about limiting free-speech when our forum is filled with non-politically correct musings and discussions ranging from conspiracy theories, to race-based articles and all kinds of crazy things in between; no other forum (except for CoAlpha) would allow even a smidgen of the kind of topics we discuss on HappierAbroad, so give me a break :roll:

Look at how well-run RooshV, ReturnOfKings and Niceguy forums are--and how well-moderated they are--but here...for some strange reason, people complain about that, smh...
Your definition of free speech is relative. Not surprising. Most progressives think this way. Under your rubric anyone can hit a second offense quickly and be banned.

The way I see it Winston has two marketing options:

Live up to "Warning: This forum operates on the principles of truth, free speech and freethought without politically correct censorship." and gain readership off the fringe crowd. This isn't easy but is a niche.

Or make a go at cloning those other MGTOW sites. You'll need to compete for a more mainstream crowd that about 10 other sites are fighting for. His current user base doesn't reflect those forums, so the current member base will need to be purged. You'll lose about 50% of people in migration.

Your last option is to water down this website and get the worst of both worlds. A site that's neither mainstream nor niche.

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 1:11 am
by ElReyBoludo
zboy1 wrote:Posting p**n in the General Discussions thread is strictly against the rules. And besides...who said anything about limiting free-speech when our forum is filled with non-politically correct musings and discussions ranging from conspiracy theories, to race-based articles and all kinds of crazy things in between; no other forum (except for CoAlpha) would allow even a smidgen of the kind of topics we discuss on HappierAbroad, so give me a break :roll:

Look at how well-run RooshV, ReturnOfKings and Niceguy forums are--and how well-moderated they are--but here...for some strange reason, people complain about that, smh...

The problem is that you moderate responses to those articles selectively- very selectively. Increasingly, you are coming down harder and harder on anyone who says one unflattering word about the black group, while letting just about everything else slide. This isn't true free speech; it's favoritism. Hell, even you have joined in on it at times.

Speaking of nuisance-posters, what are people like Public Duende and Danielle Nguyen even doing here?

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 4:21 am
by Yohan
Well, compared to any feminist-friendly forum, WinstonWu is really very much into free speech. Try to post some male-friendly comments into feminist forums and even if written perfectly in polite language, they will be deleted and the user banned within a few hours.

In the MGTOW-related forum where I am moderator, we also had this situation in the past and our solution was to create 2 additional sectors, called 'opposing views' and 'trolleville'.

People who are deliberately disruptive will be restricted to these 2 sectors, they can read everything on the forum, but they can reply only in these 2 special sectors.

This forum of WinstonWu was created by him for men (but female reasonable posters are welcome too) who are looking for a different life-style, away from political correctness in USA, for men who consider interracial and international marriage, for men considering relocation outside of USA, UK and similar Western countries. This is the purpose of this forum and men posting here should be protected against persistently belittled and ridiculed by feminist-friendly follow-up comments.

Since we introduced this form of moderation, troll postings and hate-mail became rare within a week or so. Surprisingly effective!
Trolls and aggressive feminists like to make troubles with their comments, but as they fail to post them anywhere else except in the 'trash bin section' they feel bored and move on by themselves.

Open for any dialog, but if getting disruptive or abusive, the user will be confined to write comments only within a small section of the forum, but not be banned. Maybe this could be considered as a possible solution for HappierAbroad?

Sorry, but I cannot vote, as there are only 2 choices, either in or out. I am more for something 'between the door'. Do not enter my house, but look through the window...

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 11:03 am
by fschmidt
Yohan wrote:In the MGTOW-related forum where I am moderator, we also had this situation in the past and our solution was to create 2 additional sectors, called 'opposing views' and 'trolleville'.
I assume that's the "NiceGuys" forum where I was banned.


MGTOW are as bad and intolerant as feminists. Happier Abroad should not follow any MGTOW example.

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 1:27 pm
by steve55
Winston, I can't vote on your poll because it depends. You need to clarify or define the "type" of trolls you are talking about. About trolls, as long as they are contributing half the time, then I guess it's not so bad to keep them. But, the type of trolls who only insult and attack people or offend people (without logical argument to back it up), should be banned because yes, they can deter from the quality and desireability of your forum. Kai is a good example of how you can lose participation if you let the forum degrade too far with trolls, as he told me that he no longer visits here because of the degradation of the forum caused by these trolls. And just look at how the big boys handle their forums, (i.e. Plenty of fish) they will bann you if you are just a troll trying to offend people.

So, overall, I say yes, bann the idiots who are just being stupid and insulting people. However, in the name of free speech, you may not want to ban those who are making sincere attempts to back up their posts even if they are controversial or offensive to some as long as they are backing up their offensive claims with logic and sound reasoning. I guess what I mean is that just because a post is offensive to some , doesn't mean that person needs to be banned.

Perfect example is like how I posted stats and expert quotes about American women at plenty of fish. I got banned for it because it was offensive to the ladies. But was I a troll? Hell no I wasn't because 1) I backed it up proof! 2) I posted about other topics also. So, ya see, they thought I was a troll based solely off the fact that my posts were offending people. But to say I was a just a troll is untrue.

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 5:39 pm
by ElReyBoludo
fschmidt wrote:
Yohan wrote:In the MGTOW-related forum where I am moderator, we also had this situation in the past and our solution was to create 2 additional sectors, called 'opposing views' and 'trolleville'.
I assume that's the "NiceGuys" forum where I was banned.


MGTOW are as bad and intolerant feminists. Happier Abroad should not follow any MGTOW example.
It seems, from what I've seen around, that many to most of those "MGTOW" dudes are guys who got jacked in divorce proceedings, and who are going through a really hardcore angry phase in the aftermath. I think that that's their basic deal.

I don't disagree with all of it; in fact, due to my own occupational, medical, ethnic and personality factors, I could be described as a "ghost" here in the US, too. It's not like I can't see their point.

They do, however, throw around a lot of weird jargon, almost to the point of speaking their own dialect ("The Hamster rides the c0ck-carousel until The Cupcake hits The Wall"...huh?!?) :shock: ; and for a group with such evangelical zeal about "saving men" whereever possible, they kinda shoot their feet by locking up all of their forums and refusing to allow anyone to join most of the time.

Another thing that I see as kind of self-defeating is: If they're so much happier and better-off with the radical self-isolation thing, why sit around spewing absolute venom against all women, 24 hours a day, in place of some constructive activity IRL? Genuinely happy loners don't walk around screaming for all c----s and wh---s and "gashes" to be burned at the stake; we take up hiking or mead-brewing or building model planes.

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 6:02 pm
by Yohan
fschmidt wrote: I assume that's the "NiceGuys" forum where I was banned.

MGTOW are as bad and intolerant feminists. Happier Abroad should not follow any MGTOW example.
That's correct, but you are also banned at '' as far as I know.

To upset the admin (Solaris) of the NiceGuyForum is not easy, openly said.
Your case was discussed many times, over years, and you were often asked to refrain from promoting violence, rape and some other questionable activities. You were warned for at least 6 months before you were banned and you were asked to stop with abusive comments about the NiceGuyForum. You were not banned suddenly out of 'nothing'.

However I agree with you that HappierAbroad with WinstonWu is even more tolerant regarding free speech than the NiceGuyForum.

This is maybe because the way of administration is different, the NiceGuy is free of advertisements, paid out of money from donations of its members only, it does not depend on traffic. The NiceGuyForum is not into business related to dating websites etc. like the HappierAbroadForum.

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 6:13 pm
by fschmidt
Yohan wrote:That's correct, but you are also banned at '' as far as I can see.

To upset the admin (Solaris) of the NiceGuy Forum is not easy, openly said.
Your case was discussed many times, over years, and you were often asked to refrain from promoting violence, rape and some other questionable issues. You were warned for at least 6 months before you were banned and you were asked to stop with abusive comments about the NiceGuyForum. You were not banned suddenly out of 'nothing'.

However I agree with you that HappierAbroad with WinstonWu is even more tolerant regarding free speech than the NiceGuyForum.

This is maybe because the way of administration is different, the NiceGuy is free of advertisements, paid out of money from donations of its members only, it does not depend on traffic. The NiceGuyForum is not into business related to dating websites etc. like the HappierAbroadForum.
Yohan, here you won't get away with this bullshit, with your lies. This is a (relatively) free speech forum, so I can speak the truth here. I explained what actually happened here:


I never promoted violence or rape. I was banned for a post that discussed rape made 6 years earlier. I hadn't discussed rape since then. I challenge you to find any abusive comments I posted on the NiceGuyForum in the year before I was banned (unless you think expressing a different opinion is an abusive comment). The real abusive comments were personal insults directed against me by the regular posters on that forum.

Of course I was banned from ''. Anyone who thinks for themselves will get banned just as quickly on any MGTOW forum as they would on a feminist forum. MGTOW is no better than feminism in any way.

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 12:16 am
by Yohan

A permanent ban by the admin (Solaris) is very rare in the NiceguyForum.

As one of our members of the NiceGuyForum said, one guy gets banned here, and there's a whole thread with 50+ responses....

Members of the NiceGuyForum are allowed to edit their postings anytime. You had time to correct or delete some of your controversial comments. You failed however to do so and got in trouble with several members.

You were calling them 'rationalizing morons' who are members in a forum which is 'riding right along with modern culture into the toilet'. You were also telling them 'Get the F*ck Out' and were claiming the MGTOW-movement is as bad as feminism.

Your postings were rather confusing, openly said, somehow like promoting something like an idiotic cult, religiously and politically misguided. - I never understood what you really want.

I wonder why did you sign up with the NiceguyForum - if you think so negatively about it?

Reading back the thread created because of your ban by the admin, I can only say, most members were very supportive to your immediate and final departure.
I have no doubt that lack of sex can lead to insanity. That sounds like an emergency situation to me.

An American woman who dresses provocatively and opposes legal prostitution is a cause of sexual starvation among single men in America, and therefore, not only is her rape justified, but she deserves to be raped.

I used the word "rape" in its true meaning, "forcibly f***ed"

Edited by fschmidt, 06 May 2011 - 05:16 AM
Moderation of HappierAbroad-Forum and the Niceguy-Forum are quite different from each other.

HappierAbroad is much more into US-related problems of men and more business-like, while the Niceguy Forum is not administrated by US-citizens and is operating solely out of the donations of its members.

I hope you are lucky now with WinstonWu and his HappierAbroad Forum.
MGTOW is no better than feminism in any way.
Again my question, why do you sign up with MGTOW-Forums?

Feminism is very different from MGTOW. Feminism is about pressing money out from others, usually men (ex-husbands and fathers) but also claiming benefits from governments and special rights and demanding unjustified payouts accusing employers. Feminism is basically a system made for very lazy people.

The NiceGuy Forum is paying for its expenses out of donations from its members, all is paid out of our own wallet.
You might also ask WinstonWu, who is more into business-like administration, if he gets something for free...

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 12:40 am
by Cornfed
Yohan wrote:@fschmidt

A permanent ban by the admin (Solaris) is very rare in the NiceguyForum.

As one of our members of the NiceGuyForum said, one guy gets banned here, and there's a whole thread with 50+ responses....

Members of the NiceGuyForum are allowed to edit their postings anytime. You had time to correct or delete some of your controversial comments. You failed however to do so and got in trouble with several members.

You were calling them 'rationalizing morons' who are members in a forum which is 'riding right along with modern culture into the toilet'. You were also telling them 'Get the F*ck Out' and were claiming the MGTOW-movement is as bad as feminism.
Yohan, this makes you look just as bad as scum like Patrick Shaw. It is clear that fschimidt was banned for objecting to the party line and you are justifying his banning on that basis.

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 1:21 am
by Yohan
Not at all, just my opinion. OrientExpat is a broken-down forum, nobody is posting there anymore except a few followers of 'Jonathan'.

You and me, and also WinstonWu himself and many others who were banned from OrientExpat by clown Jonathan cannot be compared with the dispute between Fschmidt and the admin Solaris of the Niceguy Forum.

Clown Jonathan, the OrientExpat owner is, as WinstonWu correctly said, a delusional idiot. I would however not say the same about Solaris, who rarely is banning a member permanently.

Even WinstonWu, who is for free speech in this HappierAbroad website is considering sometimes banning in his forum as the last way to clean up disputes if nothing else works out anymore. He recently made threads about banning/deleting racist remarks.

One thing is for sure, any forum without moderation at all is ending in a chaos. So what to do? Well, the decision how to moderate and what is the purpose of the forum is with the site owner/administrator only.

For the banned user it's not a big deal anyway, I am with Niceguy-Forum and don't care about OrientExpat anymore. You and Fschmidt are with HappierAbroad. - The internet is wide and if one site does not fit you, the only way is to leave and signing up with another site.

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 10:21 am
by fschmidt
Yohan wrote:
I have no doubt that lack of sex can lead to insanity. That sounds like an emergency situation to me.

An American woman who dresses provocatively and opposes legal p4p is a cause of sexual starvation among single men in America, and therefore, not only is her rape justified, but she deserves to be raped.

I used the word "rape" in its true meaning, "forcibly f***ed"

Edited by fschmidt, 06 May 2011 - 05:16 AM
It sounds like I wasn't discussing rape but was rather explaining the meaning of my post from 6 years before. The second sentence above is just a quote from that earlier post. I probably had it in quotes which you removed. And I am sure I would have only explained this in response to a query from one of your members. Maybe you can post a link to this post of mine so what someone here with access to your forum can actually see it and give the full story.
Again my question, why do you sign up with MGTOW-Forums?
When I signed up, it was actually a good forum. In fact there was civilized discussion about my "Rape and Adultery" post when I made it 6 years before I was banned. But over those 6 years, your forum gradually deteriorated into the shit hole it is now.