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Is it true East Coast Americans & NYers are more Real and Sociable?

Posted: May 9th, 2023, 3:25 pm
by Winston
I got a question. Is it true that East Coast Americans and New Yorkers are more real, sociable and friendly than the Americans on the West Coast? Some of my friends said I would like NYC and East Coast USA better. One girl told me that NYers don't flake on you and if they say they want to hang out, then they will, and they aren't passive aggressive like people in Seattle are. Is that true? If so, then wouldn't they be easier to connect with and relate with? If so, why haven't you guys told me that before? You guys say that the whole USA sucks. Is that true? If so then NYers are like Russians right? More blunt and honest and direct. That's my style. Why didn't any of you tell me that before?

Even in the movies, they show characters saying that New Yorkers are more real than LA people. Therefore, I'm sure the people in NY will also say that they are more real than people in LA right?

Re: Is it true East Coast Americans & NYers are more Real and Sociable?

Posted: May 9th, 2023, 4:28 pm
by Natural_Born_Cynic
Nope. New Yorkers are just as anti social, stuck up, cold, cliquish, backstabbing as your West Coast counterpart.
East Coast Americans it depends on your locale. North Jersey is same as New Yorkers, Central Jersey is full of Indians from India and they are alright, nothing to rave about... South Jersey lives on the farms. South Jersey people are nicer and laid back than their northern counterparts. West Jersey is just countrysides and mountains, hillbilly valley. Not lot of ppl live there.

Virginians are reserved.. Washington DC is full of government drones. Boston is less crowded and more friendly than New Yorkers. Pennsylvania is full of white trash hicks, the Amish, and farmers. Georgia is full of Southern black people and they are more sociable than the Yankees up North.
Floridians are Extroverted and some of them are crazy as sh*t.

I know, because I live in the East Coast.