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Posted: December 29th, 2012, 3:28 am
by Jester
ladislav wrote:
Pogroms have been widespread everywhere and against many groups.
You make your point well. And thanks.

Some of these things I knew about, some I didn't, and some I doubted.
ladislav wrote: In most of those cases, pogroms were against people who were citizens and /or who were born and raised in the country.
This is what is most chilling. Like in Azerbaijan, in Sumgait and Baku. People had lived together, as neighbors, for at least 100 years. Then butchery, not over a local offense, but over a territorial issue in another area.

ladislav wrote: There were places/time periods in those countries where/when massacres did not happen and where/when everyone lived in peace. Tesla for one, was Serbian by blood but he was born in Croatia. If you ask him about pogroms, he would say- "nothing like that ever happened to me". And he would probably look to Croatia as his motherland/homeland.....

So, just because these pogroms happened, it does not mean that they happened in every place in that country and that they happened to every single hated minority person who lived in that country. Some places were spared and nothing happened there....

.....Some people were in some other place where things were going OK. So, if you meet them, they will say:

"Nothing like that ever happened to me".
Interesting, and educational. Thanks again.

Posted: December 29th, 2012, 5:42 am
by Winston
Believe it or not, some Russian women didn't believe them when I told them that American girls were stuck up and not as approachable as Russian girls are. I think their logic was this:

1. Hollywood movies show American girls as very open, friendly and easy.
2. Winston Wu says the opposite and claims it's all a lie.

Who is more credible: The American media or some dorky Asian guy like Winston Wu? More likely the media. Why should I believe one unknown guy over what I see on TV?

Stupid isn't it? lol

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 12:14 am
by ladislav
Winston wrote:Believe it or not, some Russian women didn't believe them when I told them that American girls were stuck up and not as approachable as Russian girls are. I think their logic was this:

1. Hollywood movies show American girls as very open, friendly and easy.
2. Winston Wu says the opposite and claims it's all a lie.

Who is more credible: The American media or some dorky Asian guy like Winston Wu? More likely the media. Why should I believe one unknown guy over what I see on TV?

Stupid isn't it? lol
Russian authorities note spikes in childbirths every time after a sexy American movie is imported and hundreds of thousands besiege theaters to see how those Americans live and make love and then they go back home to make babies- just like Americans.
Thank you.
Sure. Oh, by the way, Jester, I have known Chinese people from Malaysia and Indonesia. All were cocky, confident with a spring in their steps and considered those countries their homelands.

Not everyone was as lucky as them.

* graphic disturbing images removed

Posted: October 24th, 2013, 5:24 pm
by Winston
I took that great summary you wrote about the biggest culture shock that immigrants experience in America and turned it into a pamphlet. Check it out here:

See my other pamphlets for distribution here:

Come on guys. You need to print these out and hand it out to those with a potential interest to help spread the word. Why am I the only one doing this?

If any of you would like to design a pamphlet of your own (under two pages) to post on there, let me know.

Re: Americans in Movies vs. Real Life

Posted: April 30th, 2022, 12:57 pm
by ArchibaultNew
This is very interesting topic. Do you guys have some movie recommendations.

Re: Americans in Movies vs. Real Life

Posted: May 1st, 2022, 10:18 pm
by jamesbond
Americans in movies are seen as friendly and open (especially women in American movies). In real life, we know the exact opposite is true.

Re: Americans in Movies vs. Real Life

Posted: May 5th, 2022, 12:17 pm
by ArchibaultNew
Could you guys give examples!