Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

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Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by dancilley »

Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic?

Answer: He was never diagnosed with schizophrenia, but rather, with "schizoaffective disorder with delusions," which is not very related to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia involves hallucinations, like if you perceive that demons are up in the sky and talking to you.

But Dan Cilley has never hallucinated.

And the "delusions" that he has are merely feelings that most people are adverse to him...but this is literally true in California, and especially in Downtown L.A. where he has lived for many years. People are disgusted at the sight of other people and avoid eye contact, conversation, etc. Men are assumed to be creeps by default, etc.

Normally, when people communicate to Dan enthusiastically, they say something like, "You got huge titties!" or some other hateful comment, due to their envy or jealousy.

So, his delusions actually are not delusions. He is perceiving reality accurately, as a person of a sound mind would.

Is Dan Cilley crazy? Especially because he desires to have sex with a 14-year-old?

Answer: No. To have sex with underage girls in the U.S.A. is not illegal if the couple is married. And to be sexually interested in sexually developed, underage girls is not unnatural nor abnormal, nor unreasonable. If a girl has completed puberty, she is sexually mature, and the U.S. government says that usually puberty lasts from ages 10 to 14 for girls. Puberty is the time when a person transitions from sexually immature to mature.

So, if a girl, usually by age 14, has a functioning reproductive system, with eggs ready and one being positioned every 28 days to be impregnated, and a regular menstrual period already taking place indicating the present period's egg has not been fertilized in time, and a new uterine lining is being shed and replaced to prepare for a new egg, the girl is more than ready for sexual intercourse and to receive sperm.

Also, Dan Cilley saying he wants to marry a 12-year-old does not mean the same thing as him saying he wants to have sex with a 12-year-old. His plan is to wait until the girl becomes sexually desirous; only then he will engage (after marrying her, of course).

Is Dan Cilley a predator?

Answer: No. Dan Cilley saying things like, "I will grab women soon," "I want to attack women sexually," "I want to strangle women," etc. must be analyzed while taking into account the context in which the statement was said.

Dan Cilley wants to grab women...but only if the women want to feel his hands around their waists, if they desire to be grabbed.

Dan Cilley wants to attack women sexually...but only if the girl is ovulating, so has an increase of sex hormones in her body due to the time being a particular time of her 28-day period, so is extremely desiring his body on top of, and inside of her. If she wants to be sexually attacked, then Dan Cilley will sexually attack her. And this will happen only after Dan Cilley has gotten to know the girl sufficiently and they have made a formal commitment to each other, in a polygamous, marriage-like union, where Dan can attract as many women as he wants. And in this relationship, the women come to him for sex whenever they want.

So, there is nothing predatory at all about Dan. Dan is all about being mutual and symbiotic.
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by TruthSeeker »

I think Dan Cilley’s is a freedom of speech issue. Let him say and write what he wants but if he breaks the laws in his state or country then let law enforcement step in and prosecute him accordingly.

I don’t think he should have been registered as a sex offender for merely videotaping and interacting with a 15 year old. If he had touched her, different story. I think he needs to get a good lawyer and appeal that.
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by Neo »

Sometimes it's really best to keep an extremely low profile; keep quiet and live your life. Don't broadcast any of it, because it can be used against you.

I would suggest that Dan Cilley keep a low profile: delete his YT channels and most of his internet presence for his own security. A man should almost never post under his real name, almost never post images of his face on the internet, and never post about girls of a certain age anywhere. Scrub all internet posts of the above - very important. Trying to change the world is not going to happen.
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by andrewfitzpatrick »

Dan schizoaffective literally means a combination of schizophrenia and a mood disorder. The mood disorder in your case is bipolar. It is very related to schizophrenia no matter how much you pretend otherwise. You don't need to have hallucinations to be schizophrenic. You need to have hallucinations or delusions. You have the delusions. You make yourself sick with your delusions of fake food allergies. You have delusions about the behaviors of other people since you impose your own experiences on to them. Hell you even have the delusion that schizoaffective isn't very related to schizophrenia. I guess I can't blame you considering how often you make a joke of Kim having schizophrenia. Do you want to talk about the time you talked on youtube about raping her and convincing her a demon did it since she has schizophrenia?

Dan you believing that you are going to have 50 wives pumping out children for you all living in your LTBLP magical mansion or skyscraper is just as disconnected from reality as someone that thinks they see demons.

The stuff you just wrote about marrying a 12 year old is precisely why you should be forcibly placed in a mental institution. You are a threat to children without the mental faculties to know to avoid someone like you at all costs. If you met a child with an IQ as low as yours you are a threat.

Your behavior was absolutely predatory. You would go up and ask out a 14 year old when with her mother. You wouldn't do that to one with her father though. Predatory behavior.

From the Mayo Clinic site: Note Dan that is says it may run a unique course in each person so not having hallucinations is just that:

Schizoaffective disorder is a mental health disorder that is marked by a combination of schizophrenia symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions, and mood disorder symptoms, such as depression or mania.

The two types of schizoaffective disorder — both of which include some symptoms of schizophrenia — are:

Bipolar type, which includes episodes of mania and sometimes major depression
Depressive type, which includes only major depressive episodes
Schizoaffective disorder may run a unique course in each affected person.

Untreated schizoaffective disorder may lead to problems functioning at work, at school and in social situations, causing loneliness and trouble holding down a job or attending school. People with schizoaffective disorder may need assistance and support with daily functioning. Treatment can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Schizoaffective disorder symptoms may vary from person to person. People with the condition experience psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions, as well as symptoms of a mood disorder — either bipolar type (episodes of mania and sometimes depression) or depressive type (episodes of depression).

Although the development and course of schizoaffective disorder may vary, defining features include a major mood episode (depressed or manic mood) and at least a two-week period of psychotic symptoms when a major mood episode is not present.

Signs and symptoms of schizoaffective disorder depend on the type — bipolar or depressive type — and may include, among others:

Delusions — having false, fixed beliefs, despite evidence to the contrary
Hallucinations, such as hearing voices or seeing things that aren't there
Impaired communication and speech, such as being incoherent
Bizarre or unusual behavior
Symptoms of depression, such as feeling empty, sad or worthless
Periods of manic mood, with an increase in energy and a decreased need for sleep over several days, and behaviors that are out of character
Impaired occupational, academic and social functioning
Problems with managing personal care, including cleanliness and physical appearance

That all applies to you except for the hallucinations.
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by Shemp »


I suggest Dan beg the government for psychiatric help. Even if they don't provide such help, due to lack of resources, it will look good in court when Dan eventually gets in trouble again, and may cause the judge to show some mercy in sentencing.
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by andrewfitzpatrick »

Shemp wrote:
January 19th, 2020, 1:36 pm

I suggest Dan beg the government for psychiatric help. Even if they don't provide such help, due to lack of resources, it will look good in court when Dan eventually gets in trouble again, and may cause the judge to show some mercy in sentencing.
He is forced to go to therapy from his case. He made a ridiculous video saying the therapist raped him by asking Dan what objects he puts in his ass when he masturabates. Even though he talks freely about this on youtube and even posted a video once of him doing it with a bottle and drinking out of the bottle afterwards.

Dan this is for you answering the question in the thread title. These GIFS from the exercise video you posted says it all.


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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by yick »

He has a nice ass though! :lol:
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by Johnny1975 »

yick wrote:
January 7th, 2020, 8:07 pm
My mother is a fat transsexual with a profile on pinalove ( and I'm a faggot retard.
We are all aware of this.
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Re: Is Dan Cilley Schizophrenic/Crazy?

Post by Johnny1975 »

Also, you're a loser twat and your mother sucks dicks and eats shit.
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