Should I go after this guy who scammed $1000 from my aunt?

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Post by Winston »

Rock wrote:
Winston wrote:
Dragonboy is not a credible source. I've talked to him on the phone. He sounds like a braggart and BSer. The way he talks is fake. Not down to earth or genuine at all. But you seem to think that every guy you meet is for real for some reason. lol. He even said that in Dan Shui, a Taiwanese girl made eye contact with him and then started making out with him, just like that. Yeah right. What a crock of shit. Not a single person I showed that to believes him. A young female stranger in Taiwan is not gonna start making out with a male stranger on the street, no matter how good looking he is. Everyone knows that.
How would you know? Did you ever meet him? You have no idea who he is. But I do. I've hung out with him in Phils, Thailand, and Taiwan. I know some of his friends and have even met others independently here in Phils (foreign business people) who have known him for over 8 years.

I've never caught him lying, not even once. He's very credible. His businesses are very successful and I have first hand proof of this. When he was younger, he looked like a model. And he has a personal magnetism which seems to work well on some European and Taiwanese girls. I've seen proof of this too. Even a girl I've known for awhile felt attraction towards him. And I've witnessed him pick-up an a tall and cute girl in Taichung at a party who was like 15 years his junior (under 30) and get sex with her the same night and several times subsequent. Imagine what he was like in his younger days.

He's very calm and in touch with spiritual side. And he even has online groupies. He's not at all a braggart. Most of what I learned about him came from independent sources.

You like to project your own situation on others. That's not fair. There are even guys who can do well in USA. Just because we can't doesn't mean they can't. So why not reserve judgements until you have some real basis. In case of Dragonboy, you don't. Everything you say about him is based on your own subjective bias. You don't know the guy at all. So why talk crap about him? It makes you a lot harder to trust.

1. First, you are a horrible judge of character and no good when it comes to BS detection. NEVER ONCE have I seen you catch a guy who is BSing. Every guy you meet you claim is honest and genuine. LOL ::::: laughing uncontrollably :::::: Remember Simon? You claimed he was honest and genuine too. LOL. So you aren't credible when it comes to BS detection.

You even think that PUA gurus are for real too, which we all know is not true. Also, you claim to study PUA yet you never use any of their techniques. Why? Strange. For example, when you first meet a girl, you say things that make us both look bad. That's not part of PUA.

2. Second, if you are a BSer too, then perhaps you vibe with BSers well and will lie to defend them. Perhaps you live in a bizarro world, like the Illuminati, where up is down and down is up, where black is white and white is black, etc. So to you, BS = truth. You've shown some bizarro tendencies in the past indicating that you lean toward INVERSION. So who knows. Something in you seems to enjoy saying the opposite of everything. I've noticed the pattern. You admitted before that your views are an aberration remember?

3. How come Mr S is easily able within minutes to spot a BSer, but you can't. He could tell that Simon w was a fruit loop just from seeing his photos. But you couldn't. In your book, every guy is honest and geuine. LOL. Never once have I seen you detect BS. You aren't good at that sort of thing. Mr S is though. I would trust his judgment about BS far more than yours any day. Let Mr S meet Dragonboy. If he thinks Dragonboy is honest and genuine, then I'll believe it.

Dragonboy does not sound genuine. On the phone, he told me that the college girls around him were horny, as if they dreamed of f***ing him. He claims that a girl in Danshui saw him on the street and began making out with him.

Total bullshit. No one believes that. Yet you believe it for some reason, because in Rock's upside down book "Bullshit = Truth" right? LOL

Even if he's a ladies man, still, he sounds really fake in his voice.

I could be wrong. But you are not good when it comes to BS detection at all. It's not your forte at all. So you aren't a good source in that department.

Also, since you are not 100 percent honest and sometimes make up stuff to argue, how do I know when you're telling the truth and when you aren't? I can't know. You ever heard of the parable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
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Post by Rock »

You know what Winston, I think I'll leave it at that. Arguing with you is pretty fruitless. You seem to live in a whole different dimension than I do. I say A and you interpret B. So if you wanna feel you are right, so be it. I don't think much I say can change that. So often, I don't see what you see and vice versa.

You will figure things out in your own time if an when you want to. If you think I've back-stabbed you or something, that's ok too. I don't expect you to trust me. Just avoid people who back-stab you. That's what I do.

For the record, employer I referred to has initials SM and Indian was WTF.
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Post by Winston »

Wait a minute. I have a few more important questions for you.

First, just because you can't answer my questions when I nail you on BSing me, you give up huh? Ok. Well at least it's obvious that you did BS me on some things. When you are caught, you just avoid the topic. Typical avoidance of guilt.

I hope this teaches you a lesson not to make up stuff next time. It's obvious to everyone that you didn't take any tae kwon do or martial arts. You should learn to be honest next time. Read the parable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" for a basic moral lesson.

I know who the employer was. I didn't say I didn't. I asked about the Indian guy. Well I didn't backstab WTF. I merely put up a blog post about him and his enemies posted a lot of negative stuff about him in the comments section. I never posted any bad stuff about him. I only met him once. So he was not a friend exactly. Just a guy I met once.

I later took it down. I felt that he had already experienced his karma enough.

Did you think that maybe your paranoia is mostly in your own mind, and not in reality?

I forgot to mention a double standard that you made earlier. How come you say that I can't judge dragonboy because I never met him. Yet you cite him as a source against me, even though he's never met me? Since he never met me, he can't judge me either. It goes both ways. That was a double standard on your part. You had no right to cite him as a source against me.

Also, why is it that when other people BS, you can call them out on it. But when you BS, no one is allowed to call you out on it? Are you somehow above criticism? Isn't that a double standard?

Question for you:

You know I have your photos right? If I'm not trustworthy, then how come I didn't post them against your will here yet? lol

If I don't post your photos, why would I post your real name? lol

What if I posted your photos in this thread here right now? What difference would it make anyway? If I did it, it would only prove that you were right about me, right? lol

But think about it. What difference would it make? If I were to post your photos in this thread, you would say that I'm untrustworthy. But if I didn't post your photos, you would say that I am untrustworthy anyway! LOL


Don't you think it's unfair for you to put me in a no win situation?

Did you ever consider that MAYBE your paranoia is mostly in your head? Think about it.

Honest genuine people with nothing to hide need have no fear of me. Only shady people with something to hide do. Do you have a guilty conscience? Are you a shady character? Do you have a lot of dark secrets? Only people like that would fear exposure. Brave courageous men of honor with nothing to hide would NEVER fear me.

How come my buddy Steve Neese does not fear me? How come he trusts me? He knows that even if we got into an argument, we would resolve our differences and make it up. It would not get dirty. He knows that that's the worst that can happen. Real friends do that. They trust each other and trust each other to resolve their disputes.

You should too. You seem to have a serious problem with trust.

Suppose I knew your name, and one day we have a big argument and dispute. You think I'd just post your name online in anger just like that? lol. Dang.

No of course not. We would resolve it, apologize to each other, and settle what happened. That's what real friends do.

Why don't you know that? Is it because you are not a real friend and do not know the meaning of the term?

There seems to be something wrong with you. Something seems out of place.

Can you come clean with something? Your super paranoia must have a cause. I don't think you were born with it. Who betrayed you in the past that caused this? What traumatized you into not trusting others?

Btw, I have no trouble keeping secrets. When someone tells me to keep a secret, I have ALWAYS kept it. I have never squealed or broken a promise. You ought to give me credit for that.

Your paranoia is like a disease that's not based in reality or rationality. Think about it. Do some meditation. You probably have demons in your own mind too. We all do.
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Post by Winston »

I don't mean to continue a trivial debate, but there are a few more important things I forgot to mention that should be taken into account here.

1. I have demonstrated good judgment. Remember that I was the first one to discover that Ginger and Jboy were the same person? I figured that out BEFORE you did. Then when I showed you the evidence why, you gradually began to agree. So I showed good judgment and analysis in that.

2. I would not say you have the best judgment exactly. Remember that in the threads about banning people, you suggested that I ban Zboy just for the hell of it, and make Odbo a moderator just for fun? Obviously those are unsound and irrational suggestions. A person with good rational judgment would not make such recommendations.

You even asked if Taco could be banned for posting too much gloom and doom stuff. That would not have been a good idea either. It would have violated the free speech policy here and would have been case of banning just because you didn't like them.

All this indicates that if you were a forum moderator, you'd be highly biased and would not make good decisions, especially when you ban people "just for fun".

3. Also, I do not believe that your scam detection is so good that you rarely get scammed, as you claim. Here's why:

First, never once have you been able to tell that a guy we met in person was bullshitting or not. You gave everyone the benefit of the doubt and claimed that they were genuine and honest. I do not see that you are able to sniff out lies and bullshit. Angeles City is full of low quality weirdo expats who are liars and BSers.

Second, remember when I showed you some card tricks? You could not figure out a single one of them, not even the simplest trick where I bent the corners of the cards to see what they were as I picked them up. I did that one many times in front of you. I couldn't believe that you couldn't figure it out. Most Chinese people are able to figure out my card tricks. Asians tend to be good at figuring out how amateur magic tricks are done. But most white people are not good at figuring out magic tricks for some reason.

Anyway, you obviously are not good at detecting basic sleight of hand trickery. So I doubt you are good at detecting fraud or scams.

4. I just realized something about your refusal to give out your name. Other forum members told me that when they met you, you did not tell them your real name either. So it's not just me. And you told me before that it was your usual policy not to tell people you meet, what your real name is.

So if that's your standard policy, why then did you try to pit the blame on me and claim that it was because I was untrustworthy? Wasn't that an attempt to shift the blame onto me, when it was your usual policy all along with everyone? That seems a bit dishonest doesn't it?

Even before you knew about my cyber war with Stefan, you did not tell me your real name. So your excuse that you feared what I would do with your name, did not really hold water, since you would not have told me your real name either way, not even before you knew about my cyber wars.

Thus, my trustworthiness was NEVER the real reason and was never really an issue all along. So why did you make that an issue in order to deflect the blame from you? That was kind of dishonest don't you think?

When I was thinking about this a few days ago, all of a sudden in the movie I was watching called "Goodfellas (1990)" with Robert DeNiro about life in the mafia, there was a scene where a woman who married into the mafia met all the family members. As she did, she remarked that every guy she met in "the family" introduced himself as Peter or Paul, and their wives were always named Marie.

That was an interesting synchronicity. I don't know if the universe was trying to tell me that you belonged to some type of mafia group, or secret covert group, or not. lol. But if you were, you wouldn't tell us anyway right? lol

Either way, there's no doubt that you're hiding something. I can sense it strongly.

A friend of mine told me that if a guy like you refuses to trust me with his real name, then I cannot really call him a real friend, only an acquaintance. Is that true? If so, it's kind of sad that you led me to believe all these years that we were friends.

What I don't get is: Why didn't you just give me a fake name and pretend that it was your real name, rather than tell me that you don't want to tell me your real name? Wouldn't that have been less suspicious?

Also, just because a guy says that he's totally honest and never lies doesn't make it so. George Bush and Donalds Rumsfeld claim to be honest and never lie. But that doesn't make it so. Car salesman claim to be all honest too. But that doesn't mean it's true. Claiming to be honest doesn't make one so.

Most people are not 100 percent honest all the time you know. Even good people aren't. They will lie sometimes when they feel the need to. That's how most people are. Very few people are always honest about everything.

5. Finally, just because you can't win an argument or get nailed on something, doesn't mean that you should start calling me "mentally ill". That's using ad hominem attacks and doesn't prove anything. It's not very nice either. We all have personality flaws. Even you do. But you pretend to be a toughass with no flaws. When you act like that, it's kind of fake you know. Not authentic at all.

For sure, one of your personality flaws is that sometimes you will argue just for the sake of arguing, even when you have no valid point or legitimate argument. One time I said that I read that 50 percent of people report results from acupuncture treatment, and you went on to argue with me about it for a long time, calling me a "liar who makes up stuff". It was a silly waste of time and energy. I know you do that with others as well, cause they've told me. You play devil's advocate to the extreme of arguing even when you have no argument or valid point to make. You can't deny that that is one of your personality flaws. It definitely is without a doubt. Whenever I ask you why you do that, you have no explanation.

So you can't claim to have no personality flaws. You do. We all do. I wish you would act more real.

Hope you understand my points. Thanks.
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Post by Bitch_Slapper »

Winston wrote:Remember that in the threads about banning people, you suggested that I ban Zboy just for the hell of it, and make Odbo a moderator just for fun? Obviously those are unsound and irrational suggestions.
I second that suggestion!
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Post by Cornfed »

Bitch_Slapper wrote:
Winston wrote:Remember that in the threads about banning people, you suggested that I ban Zboy just for the hell of it, and make Odbo a moderator just for fun? Obviously those are unsound and irrational suggestions.
I second that suggestion!
Yeah, sounds like a good idea to me.
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Post by Winston »

Bitch_Slapper wrote:
Winston wrote:Remember that in the threads about banning people, you suggested that I ban Zboy just for the hell of it, and make Odbo a moderator just for fun? Obviously those are unsound and irrational suggestions.
I second that suggestion!
On what basis? Why would you endorse a suggestion to ban a legit moderator and make moderator a person who is highly erratic, unstable and racist like Odbo? Can you give a rational reason for that?
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