Russell Brunson Exposed: Stupidest Scam Tactics!

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Russell Brunson Exposed: Stupidest Scam Tactics!

Post by Winston »

Hey check this out. This is the youngest looking internet marketing guru I've ever seen. He looks like he should be getting drunk in college frat parties. LOL

His name is Russell Brunson. Check out his photo here:

He calls his club the "DotCom Illuminati", to bank off the image of an all powerful elite claimed by the conspiracy movement. lol

* Image removed due to copyright infringement claims by owner. But you can view it offsite below: ... teBckd.jpg

Here is him doing seminars and claiming to have his own private jet.


Does this jet really have "dotcom secrets air" on it, or did he photoshop that in? lol

* Image removed due to copyright infringement claims by owner. But you can view it offsite below: ... s-air1.jpg

Here is the income he claims you can make if you join his club:


Check out the wording in his Illuminati ad. Doesn't it sound like it's trying to prey on the dumbest wannabees? lol


Check out his over the top promo video about the benefits of joining his elite exclusive club, which he is opening the door and offering membership to, if you act now. lol It's hilarious. You gotta see it.

He claims that once you join his elite club, you will become a receiver at the top of the pyramid, which all the online millionaires belong to and owe their success to, due to their secret connections, and secret methods that the public doesn't have. lol Once you're in, you will be privy to their secrets. lol He says he is opening the membership doors for you, just this once. lol

You guys gotta see that promo video above. It's very entertaining and over the top. lol

What the hell is all this? Is this a scam? How does it work? What is he selling or offering exactly? How is he making money?

Amazingly, he's done interviews with the major news networks, such as NBC, ABC and Fox. See the clips below. Does that mean he's not a scam? Why would they interview him?
Last edited by Winston on July 16th, 2014, 11:17 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

Btw, Russell Brunson charges $97 a month to be part of his secret society of elite online millionaires, which he says is measly and only a measure to weed out non-serious trolls, because he says in the promo video, that he is so rich that he doesn't even need your money. lol

What's odd is if you go to Google and type in "Russell Brunson scam" you get a bunch of shill sites created to refute the notion that he is a scam. lol WTF? I guess he must be really good at dominating search engines. lol Now anyone who types that in will see only sites that he controls. lol

Wow, what a winner huh? lol Try it and you'll see what I mean. A lot of internet marketing gurus do that - they create tons of shill sites with their name in it, followed by the word "scam", to refute any suspicions that they are a scam. Isn't that brilliant? lol I guess he knows how to cover his bases. lol

You gotta admire such ingenuity right? lol

Doesn't it sound tempting to you, to join his "online millionaires club"? lol


Isn't that ad above so tempting and enticing to you? lol

Btw, how did he get on the mainstream media? Does that mean he's legit?

He claims, I think, to have become a millionaire when he was still a senior in high school. lol. Do you believe that? lol Has that ever happened before, where a high school punk starts a business and becomes a millionaire while still in high school? lol
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Post by Winston »

Hey check this out. LOL

Russell Brunson says in his over the top recruitment video that you don't need to have a lot of traffic on your website to make good money. All you have to do is use the secrets that the elite online millionaires use to put themselves at the top of the "cash flow pyramid", where they reap all the benefits of easy passive cash flow. Once you are part of his club, you are no longer one of the "sheep" who need traffic to make money. LOL All you have to do to be in on these secrets of the elite millionaires, is to join his club and pay $97 a month (which he doesn't need, but wants you to pay to show that you're serious LOL). But you only have 24 minutes to decide if you want in or not. LOL (not 23 or 25 minutes, but exactly 24 minutes LOL) Gee, is that a good sell or what? LOL I'm sure anyone with a great IQ and critical thinking skills will fall for it. LOL

Isn't that so titillating to you guys? LOL Aren't you about to have an orgasm from this? LOLOLOL

Btw, is that really his jet in the photo above, or did he photoshop his company name on it? LOL
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Post by Winston »

Oh wait, there's more! Look at this. LOL

Even the federal government endorses Russell Brunson and recommends his business opportunity! Look! LOL

Look at the logo and header on that site. LOL. It looks like it's part of the US government doesn't it? LOL Or at least, that's what Russell Brunson wants you to THINK! LOL

Gee. If this guy is not a scam, like all the shill sites claim, then why doesn't he use more honest genuine tactics, rather than deceptive ones like pretending to be endorsed by a government agency with a misleading website? LOL Is that what an honest legit person does? LOL Doesn't that do more harm to him than good? You gotta wonder. LOL

If he's such a successful multi-millionaire, why would he need to use such deceptive and cheap tactics?
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Post by Winston »

Ned Zeppelin wrote:If it isn't a .gov website, it isn't the govt. This guy is a scammer. If he has about 50 people a month sign up for it, he will get about 5 grand, which is more than enough to live off of. There is loads of these kind of people on the internet. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Yeah but this guy uses the most hilariously obvious scam tactics. It's so funny. Like watching a comedian. I can't believe so many people take him seriously.

Even if he could get 50 people to sign up and pay $97 a month, he still has to work hard to retain them, or else they will unsubscribe from his "exclusive club" and he will lose that income. So he must be under enormous pressure. He has to constantly teach them at seminars and stuff. So I wouldn't call that passive income since he has to constantly work hard to get new recruits and retain them.

But man, look at his home page. It's an obvious scam. He uses the most misleading low down cheap marketing strategies. He calls his club the Illuminati, and promises to put you at the top of the cash flow pyramid for $97 a month, and tells you that you have 24 minutes to decide if you want to join his secret society of internet millionaires, etc. LOL Sounds like a cheap infomercial.

He even fakes a site called TheFederalWatch to try to make it look like the US government endorses him. That is so deceptive and cheap. If he were authentic, why would he use deception and try to impersonate the federal government, and use such cheap marketing tactics that any intelligent person can see through?

On his home page, he calls himself "The Overnight Success Maker". What an insult to your intelligence. Everyone knows there is no such thing as an overnight success maker. He is preying upon the most stupid people with the most stupid tactics.

He even put up a ton of shill sites to try to refute the suspicion that he may be a scam. LOL. Why would a legit person create so many shill sites about himself? LOL
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Post by Winston »

A friend of mine recently Googled Russell Brunson and DotcomSecrets, and was shocked to find similar results. He wrote me:
Hi Winston,

This is funny.

A friend here, a Swedish man, is a member of this dotcomsecrets pyramid. Totally believes in it, asked me to sign up.

I watched the video (very well done, I have to admit), but could see immediately that it's a pyramid scheme. I then did some research and found out exactly what you did: search for "dotcomsecrets scam" and get dozens upon dozens of fake sites and fake reviews. Amazing! Wow!

So I tried an unusual search... "dotcomsecrets pyramid"... and what are the only two negative reviews I have found so far? Yours! ... php?t=2109 ... -scam.html (your comment at the bottom of yet another fake review!)

Wow! It kind of looks like we live in a world of brainless zombies who believe this crap, and we are the only ones to see it for what it is: A (brilliant, I must admit) pyramid scheme. His disclaimer even recommends that people DON'T sign up so I guess no one can claim he is doing anything illegal! The guy's a genius, gotta hand it to him.

Well done for doing your part to expose this worthless shit. Jesus, is this all that we have left in this world? Fakery?
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Post by Winston »

I had to remove some of the images in this thread due to trademark copyright infringement claims filed with my ISP by the owner of DotComSecrets. I don't know why. It was really stupid. Those images didn't really contain any real trademarks. It sounds like a pathetic attempt to take this thread down because it ranks high in Google search engines for "Russell Brunson" and exposes their scam. lol
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