Why Polytheism is more natural and makes more sense than Monotheism

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Citizen »

Well according to Budge back before 3300 BC, the Ancient Egyptians had one God who was so great as to just be called God. In his book on the Gods of Ancient Egypt he says it can't have been Ra so it must have been Osiris. Even the earliest Egyptian dynasties, thus no Pharaohs, didn't start until 3100 BC at the very earliest. Wasn't until the starving Eastern thieves and parasites called the black smiths came a begging into Ancient Egypt that Ra and the fallen angels started to think they were gods as opposed to lesser beings. Far as I can see, those black smiths likely usurped and murdered Osiris so they could have a good old party consuming all the wealth created by Osiris and his people. Kind of a free people with the God Osiris vs an enslaved people with fallen angel Ra (West vs East, free men vs kings, free people vs the money lenders, the true Christ (NOT Jesus) vs Rome).
Look at the Indus Valley civilization. Indus leaves, massive drought, the civilization collapses and people die. If the others were Gods then why couldn't they keep the civilization from dying? ONE super freak, God, and a bunch of posers who pretend to be Gods by stealing from God. Stealing from God can't be a good idea. God is a vengeful kinda guy.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Of all the religions, Hinduism is the only one that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It features many deities, but all the deities are faces of the same God, Brahma. This signifies that God is very multi-faceted and multi-dimensional, possessing many different personalities. Why not? Isn't God supposed to be able to do anything, including that which is beyond human comprehension? If this is true, then God may be more complex than we can imagine. So it's possible that multiple deities may be aspects of one deity. Perhaps it doesn't really matter, because in the higher realms of existence, such numbers as "one vs many" have no significance the way it does in our 3 dimensional universe. It could be that in higher realms, different laws apply that we cannot fathom with our linear minds. After all, our minds were designed and adapted to understand things in the physical universe, not higher realms or dimensions. So we must be humble and not pretend that we can know everything there is to know, or assume that everything can be measured in a laboratory, including higher dimensions of reality.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Citizen »

Winston wrote:Of all the religions, Hinduism is the only one that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It features many deities, but all the deities are faces of the same God, Brahma. This signifies that God is very multi-faceted and multi-dimensional, possessing many different personalities. Why not? Isn't God supposed to be able to do anything, including that which is beyond human comprehension? If this is true, then God may be more complex than we can imagine. So it's possible that multiple deities may be aspects of one deity. Perhaps it doesn't really matter, because in the higher realms of existence, such numbers as "one vs many" have no significance the way it does in our 3 dimensional universe. It could be that in higher realms, different laws apply that we cannot fathom with our linear minds. After all, our minds were designed and adapted to understand things in the physical universe, not higher realms or dimensions. So we must be humble and not pretend that we can know everything there is to know, or assume that everything can be measured in a laboratory, including higher dimensions of reality.
"It features many deities, but all the deities are faces of the same God, Brahma." Just copied from Ancient Egypt.

Winston, you should read The Gods Of The Egyptians by E.A. Wallis Budge and I quote pg 111, "From the Papyrus of Ani, sheet 32 "The hair of Osiris Ani is the hair of Nu. The face of Osiris Ani is the face of Ra. The eyes of Osiris Ani are the eyes of Hathor. ......... on and on it goes. All the lesser creature pretending to be Gods after they were either gifted by or stole from Osiris.

Hinduism's early Vedic period was 1900-1400BCE. Osiris was worshiped as God before 3300BCE. 1500-2000 years earlier than Hinduism.

Read about the Indus Valley civilization. Read how the demons of India betrayed and attacked "the Gods". Yet, it only talks of Indra leaving and the resulting destruction of the Indus Valley civilization. Wonder why the other supposed "gods" had no power.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Of all the religions, Hinduism is the only one that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It features many deities, but all the deities are faces of the same God, Brahma. This signifies that God is very multi-faceted and multi-dimensional, possessing many different personalities. Why not? Isn't God supposed to be able to do anything, including that which is beyond human comprehension? If this is true, then God may be more complex than we can imagine. So it's possible that multiple deities may be aspects of one deity. Perhaps it doesn't really matter, because in the higher realms of existence, such numbers as "one vs many" have no significance the way it does in our 3 dimensional universe. It could be that in higher realms, different laws apply that we cannot fathom with our linear minds. After all, our minds were designed and adapted to understand things in the physical universe, not higher realms or dimensions. So we must be humble and not pretend that we can know everything there is to know, or assume that everything can be measured in a laboratory, including higher dimensions of reality.
That's freaking incredible...are you a hindu? :shock: :shock: ...man I'm blown away...

You just wrote like the top freaking layer of Hinduism itself...You spoke about Dharma in all its essence...I have no doubt you really are a man of god not Alien soul as i assumed. :mrgreen:

Not even 99.99% of Hindus get this...You just described God himself in all its glory.

Hinduism even in its present form with all infiltration by darkness is the only salvation for humanity.

Hinduism...dares you to ask ballsy questions and tries to answer it...We really as human beings cannot know the true glory of God. Dharma accepts this as well. God is so freaking Vast...

If god comes to us in his full glory...We will cease to exist, we will lose our minds and just become nothing.


Atheist are nothing but monotheist with their balls cut off :D

It takes real balls of brass to comprehend God. I found that on a human level...to understand God. We need a lot of testosterone...That is why so much gender mixing now a days by darkness, being gay, lesbian is really not the way but its being pushed down our throat to accept gender neutral bathroom, same sex marriage etc

You will loose the way to GOOD god, if you go gay, lesbian etc...because human beings cannot face the wrath of God. Again free will vs destiny thing...You are free to become Gay but can you then face the evil form of god when you change yourself is the question all Gays and Lesbians needs to ask?

If you want to be on the good side of God. You really need to be a MAN. I mean a man with balls with plenty of testosterone levels.

This is a sure thing guys. Make sure you do not loose your Man Hood. Be sexually active with one wife or multiple women....Many Indian gods has multiple wife for a reason, You really can Choose..How you want to reach God.

Be Gay, Lesbian...Its fine too..but don't complain when Evil F**cks you and when you cry ...God where art thou and he is no where to be found, because you already left the good form of god by choosing to become gay, lesbian...and now you cannot face the heat of being in a different dimension in this fractal universe...

DO NOT ALTER YOUR BODY GUYS. If you want DHARMA, always want to have pure bliss, happiness...Never ever change body, Protect your sexuality. NUMBER 1 THING.

Make sure your testosterone levels are optimum.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

An old BBC documentary about Hinduism's 330 million gods and deities. Very informative.

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:An old BBC documentary about Hinduism's 330 million gods and deities. Very informative.


But there were never 330 million gods in India. Its a LIE invented by the British Invaders who seek to destroy Indian spirituality and what we have now in India are fake gods and gurus.

BBC is pure freemasonic propaganda.

What a Number 33 .... :lol: :lol: ...33rd degree freemason...

These goat riding, butt f**king freemasons are the bane of humanity,,,,They really needs to go back to hell...There is NOT EVEN ONE SECOND OF TRUTH IN THAT VIDEO...Pure Propaganda.

Polytheism is true and good...but they expanded it to ridiculous level...like ohh look these filthy Indians praying to millions of gods...how can that be logical...one god jesus is the only truth not millions.

India had Polytheism but not to a ridiculous extent of millions ...Thats BS
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
Michael Tsarion claimed to be half Indian and half Irish. Does he look half white? Hard to say. But he does make some miscellaneous mistakes sometimes. An honest truth seeker would often say "I don't know", but these gurus act like they know too much, even about things they could not possibly be sure about.
And this doesn't make him a liar?

I have realized now. If you're falling into deep lies like this, then you are already in some serious trouble. You'd have to be deeply confused to buy into ANY of this nonsense.

By the way, if Sigmund Freud is in hell today and for eternity, and if you knew that for a fact, would you put any stock in anything he says? Would you still believe that someone who is in hell spoke and wrote the truth while on earth? Most of Sigmund Freud has been debunked even in the very field of psychobabble which he helped to invent! He was the inventor of a whole field of psychology, and yet even they discount him more than they revere him. And you respect him far more than them.

I'm always amazed by you people. This deeply fascinates me, how you each believe in this stuff that is obvious lies and makes no sense, because you can't believe the truth of God.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:
Winston wrote:Starchild,
Michael Tsarion claimed to be half Indian and half Irish. Does he look half white? Hard to say. But he does make some miscellaneous mistakes sometimes. An honest truth seeker would often say "I don't know", but these gurus act like they know too much, even about things they could not possibly be sure about.
And this doesn't make him a liar?

I have realized now. If you're falling into deep lies like this, then you are already in some serious trouble. You'd have to be deeply confused to buy into ANY of this nonsense.

By the way, if Sigmund Freud is in hell today and for eternity, and if you knew that for a fact, would you put any stock in anything he says? Would you still believe that someone who is in hell spoke and wrote the truth while on earth? Most of Sigmund Freud has been debunked even in the very field of psychobabble which he helped to invent! He was the inventor of a whole field of psychology, and yet even they discount him more than they revere him. And you respect him far more than them.

I'm always amazed by you people. This deeply fascinates me, how you each believe in this stuff that is obvious lies and makes no sense, because you can't believe the truth of God.
Can you prove tsarion lied? Maybe he just made a mistake. He also believes in matriarchy and that women are superior to men. So he is biased and ignores the many ways that men are superior to women.

As to freud, well can you prove that hes in hell? If an innocent person went to hell, it wouldn't prove him guilty. It may merely prove an unjust God or creator. Did you ever think of that?

Why do you have a need to believe your creator must be perfect? If a sims character believed its creator were perfect, does that make it true? If Frankenstein believed his creator was perfect, does that make it true?

Some new agers say hell is a temporary place or state of mind. Stop believing one religion has all the answers. Narrow mindedness is not truth.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Interesting comment I saw on YouTube about Michael Heiser's new book "Unseen Realms" about multiple gods in the Bible.


> Most of us do not read the Bible at home.
> Even less of us do deep studying of the Bible at home.
> Therefore 90% or more of what we "know" and believe from scripture actually came from what someone else told us the Bible says or means (Pastors, family, friends etc).
> When we read for ourselves, [and willing to believe what it says without asking someone what it means], it is SHOCKING! And AMAZING!


1: I was raised to "know" that there are no other gods...not even lesser gods with a small 'g'. BUT....

When I did a word search for "gods" in the KJV, it is mentioned 244 times! AND...The very first of the ten commandments is "...have no 'other gods' before me...."
The Bible actually makes a big big deal of "other gods" and I'm pretty sure God is not Jealous of something that does not exist.

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
December 1st, 2017, 4:58 am
Interesting comment I saw on YouTube about Michael Heiser's new book "Unseen Realms" about multiple gods in the Bible.

I get an error message.
> Most of us do not read the Bible at home.
> Even less of us do deep studying of the Bible at home.
> Therefore 90% or more of what we "know" and believe from scripture actually came from what someone else told us the Bible says or means (Pastors, family, friends etc).
> When we read for ourselves, [and willing to believe what it says without asking someone what it means], it is SHOCKING! And AMAZING!


1: I was raised to "know" that there are no other gods...not even lesser gods with a small 'g'. BUT....

When I did a word search for "gods" in the KJV, it is mentioned 244 times! AND...The very first of the ten commandments is "...have no 'other gods' before me...."
The Bible actually makes a big big deal of "other gods" and I'm pretty sure God is not Jealous of something that does not exist.
Those of us who do read the Bible know that the word 'gods' are used to refer to the false gods of the other nations. The Bible teaches that those who sacrifice to idols sacrifice to demons. Paul says that though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, there is but one God.

There are other entities out there, who aren't gods, who may like to be worshipped through idolatry.

The Bible also teaches that God created the heavens and the earth. God spoke and created the world through His Word. The universe is carefully designed and balanced. It's a work of unspeakable mathematical genius, not the work of a bunch of warring lesser beings.

Monotheism makes more sense from a philosophical point of view as Aristotle pointed out. If everything has a cause, it makes sense that it is all the result of an uncaused Cause, Who Aristotle called the Prime Mover.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
December 1st, 2017, 4:58 am
Interesting comment I saw on YouTube about Michael Heiser's new book "Unseen Realms" about multiple gods in the Bible.


> Most of us do not read the Bible at home.
> Even less of us do deep studying of the Bible at home.
> Therefore 90% or more of what we "know" and believe from scripture actually came from what someone else told us the Bible says or means (Pastors, family, friends etc).
> When we read for ourselves, [and willing to believe what it says without asking someone what it means], it is SHOCKING! And AMAZING!


1: I was raised to "know" that there are no other gods...not even lesser gods with a small 'g'. BUT....

When I did a word search for "gods" in the KJV, it is mentioned 244 times! AND...The very first of the ten commandments is "...have no 'other gods' before me...."
The Bible actually makes a big big deal of "other gods" and I'm pretty sure God is not Jealous of something that does not exist.


Really? God was saying He doesn't want people worshiping other gods.

Have you heard of the fallen angels?

Did you know that some people used to carve out golden statues and call those things gods, and then bow down to them? This is why it is against the ten commandments to make an engraven image. It is idolatry.

The Bible says those are gods that are no gods. They are gods that can't save. They are false gods, in other words.

Winston, don't fall for every lie.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Here is something that will blow your mind. Did you know that the Old Testament describes God as PLURAL? Yes, that means it is saying that there are multiple Gods, even under the name of Jehovah! The Hebrew word is Elohim, and it is plural for deities. It is used many times in the Bible, even in Genesis when God says "Let us make man in OUR image" and "Behold man has become like one of US" etc. So yes the original Hebrews and Judaism was POLYTHEISTIC! So the fundamentalists were WRONG! Even Wikipedia acknowledges this.

Elohim is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deity" in Biblical Hebrew. In Modern Hebrew, it is often referred to in the singular despite the -im ending that denotes plural masculine nouns in Hebrew.[3][4]
It also occurs 2500 times in the Bible!
The word Elohim occurs more than 2500 times in the Hebrew Bible, with meanings ranging from "gods" in a general sense (as in Exodus 12:12, where it describes "the gods of Egypt"), to specific gods (e.g., 1 Kings 11:33, where it describes Chemosh "the god of Moab", or the frequent references to Yahweh as the "elohim" of Israel), to demons, seraphim, and other supernatural beings, to the spirits of the dead brought up at the behest of King Saul in 1 Samuel 28:13, and even to kings and prophets (e.g., Exodus 4:16).[5] The phrase bene elohim, translated "sons of the Gods", has an exact parallel in Ugaritic and Phoenician texts, referring to the council of the gods.[5]
It appears that there was also a "divine council of Gods", which makes sense, since there's more than one of everything else in the universe, so why can't there be more than one God? See below.



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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Dr. Michael Heiser explains in his lecture below why the Bible NEVER says that no other Gods exist, but acknowledges that other Gods do in fact exist. Thus fundamentalists are WRONG yet again!

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Some introduction videos to the "Divine Council" taught in the Bible. Wow!

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Re: Why Polytheism is more natural and makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Btw did u know monotheism is only 1500 years old? It's not original at all. The ancient Jews in the Old Testament were not monotheist. They were henotheist. Henotheist means u believe in many gods but u choose one god as your favorite to make a contract with. Its in the encyclopedia Britannica. Bible scholars know this too. But they are told in seminary school not to tell their congregation about it lest they confuse the church followers. So its a myth that the ancient jews were monotheist. Scholars and encyclopedias know its not true. Pastors in seminary know a lot of incriminating things they are told not to tell their church.

All original religions are polytheist. Thats well documented and obvious. because monotheism is not natural. It was created to centralize power and control. Because one central deity is better if u want to centralize control and power. Multiple deities dont allow you to unify an empire as well. Its all about political and social control. Not truth.

Also Christianity came from Zoroastrianism and Mithraism. Not Judaism. Pharaoh Akhenaten was the first to force Egyptians to worship one god. Thats why he got kicked out. But he never said other gods didn't exist. He just favorited one. Like the ancient Jews did. Henotheism is not monotheism.
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