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Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 16th, 2021, 11:51 am
by Winston
Good points Outcast. Yes Christian family values can be a good thing. However other religions preach good morals too. Chinese Buddhism has the same moral code as Christianity does. However, the Bible contains many horrible things and immoral acts that it tries to justify. Especially in the Old Testament. So just because Christian values are good doesn't mean the Bible is.

Before the Bible was written, Egyptian tablets already contained the Ten Commandments. So much of the Bible is plagiarized.

The problem with secular women is that their culture is degenerate. Not that they need religion. A truly virtuous person is virtuous for its own sake, not for a reward. If u are good because religion teaches you to be good or u want a reward then that is fake. A higher consciousness person is good for the sake of being good only. Virtue is an inmate part of a higher being or divine soul.

Furthermore there are Jesus fans like my Venetian friend Alex who love Jesus but do not believe he is the only way to God and that God doesnt care what religion you are as long as you have a good heart.

So even if Christianity teaches good things that doesn't mean its the only way to God as dogmatists claim.

Moreover, no one who has an NDE and meets God or angels comes back claiming one religion is the right way only. They all lose the dogmas that the church told them and realize that God is not dogmatic at all. You can research this yourself at the NDE database below.


Posted: July 18th, 2021, 1:23 pm
by Winston
swincor wrote:
September 11th, 2011, 7:15 am
You're assuming there is even a God in the first place.

But if you believe in a God who created the earth and universe, then you have to ask, "who created God?" If no one did, then God must have come up with the idea of good and evil himself -- IOW good and evil are a direct result of God's fiat, which means that for God himself, conceptions of good and evil are arbitrary and quite meaningless. Which also means man alone is the final authority of what is good and evil, and is therefore in charge of his own destiny and of that of the universe.
Well of course I am assuming there is a God. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. It's a hypothetical question.

But just because religion has many problems and false assumptions, and the question "Who created God" cannot be answered, does not mean that Atheism must therefore be true. Truth is not on either extreme. Every genius from Einstein to Tesla to Newton to DaVinci said the same thing, that the truth did not lie with religion or Christian literalism or with Atheism. Both those systems are man made. Truth tends to be either in the middle or beyond both extremes. Likewise just because Atheism and Evolution have many problems and unproven assumptions does not mean that Christian literalism must be true either. Both dichotomies are false and man made.

As a computer programmer @swincor I'm sure you would know better than anyone, that a computer program cannot write itself. It requires an intelligent designer. How much more so for human DNA, which is a computer code and vastly more complex. So how can you believe that everything came from randomness like Atheism must assume? If everything was random like Atheists claim, the universe would be a swirling mass of atoms and particles with no form, structure, pattern or design. But we all know that's not true. So Atheism is impossible. Also life cannot come from non-life or dead matter. Only life can create life. We all know this. That alone makes Atheism impossible.

Think about all this and you will realize that your Atheism is impossible and 100 percent ridiculous. Therefore, you gotta find a new paradigm, one that lies beyond both extremes. Every genius in history has believed the same.

Btw I'm not trying to prove God or religion. Only that the universe had to come about by a higher divine intelligence. Einstein said this too, that he believes in the God of Spinoza. This means it could be a pantheistic God, a computer A.I. admin like in many Star Trek episodes, a group of ETs, a computer programmer like in the Matrix movies, etc. That's all I'm saying.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 20th, 2021, 2:20 am
by Winston
MrMan, Truthseeker, Neo,

You guys didn't answer my questions.

1. Why do you believe God must be perfect? What's the logic behind that belief or assumption? Isn't it because that's what everyone assumes, so you assume it too? Humans are pack animals, so you believe what others believe. And if you are Christian then you believe what other Christians believe. Right? Otherwise, there's no basis to it. If man was made in God's image, and man is both good and evil and imperfect, then the creator must be too. The logic follows. It's as simple as 2+2=4.

Also, the church has to claim God is perfect, in order for you to be compared to perfection so you can feel like a guilty sinner. Otherwise, if God or the Gods have the same personality flaws and imperfections that we do -- which is what all ancient people and cultures believed, that the gods were constantly at war and full of vices too -- then you will not feel like a guilty wicked sinner in need of a savior. Very simple. You also would not worship or respect an imperfect God too of course. So the church has to promote that. Not because it's true but because you can't be controlled and will not submit without it.

2. Why do you believe the Bible is God's word when everyone knows it's written by men? You never answered this either. It doesn't say that and even if it did, it doesn't make it true. Two verses mention inspiration, however inspiration is NOT dictation. I can be inspired to paint a sunset but that doesn't mean the Sun painted the painting. I still am the one that painted it. Also words and text don't create truth either. I'm sure you know that. Anyone can write anything. I can say my posts are God's word too, but it doesn't make it true. Also, if Pantheism is true and we are all fragments of God, then everything everyone here writes is in a sense "God's word" right? lol

Let's get real here. You merely assume that the Bible is God's word because again, that's what other Christians believe, and since humans are pack animals, you follow what others in your religion believe. Also if it's not God's word, then your religion has no authority or strength. So you have to believe that. You need to.

The truth is, it's circular in that you believe that the Bible being God's word is a given, like 2+2=4. It's true because it's true, in other words. It's like this: The truth is the truth because it's the truth. Very circular of course, but that's how such religious beliefs work. It's true, therefore it just is and doesn't need to be proven or backed up. It simply is. That's how you see it right? You know that's circular reasoning, but it doesn't matter because if it's the truth, then it's the truth right? Because the truth is the truth. lol

You see how pointless it is to reason with you? lol

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 20th, 2021, 7:45 am
by TruthSeeker
@Winston Stop being so divisive. Stop being a male Karen.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 20th, 2021, 6:34 pm
by Outcast9428
Winston wrote:
July 16th, 2021, 11:51 am
Good points Outcast. Yes Christian family values can be a good thing. However other religions preach good morals too. Chinese Buddhism has the same moral code as Christianity does. However, the Bible contains many horrible things and immoral acts that it tries to justify. Especially in the Old Testament. So just because Christian values are good doesn't mean the Bible is.

Before the Bible was written, Egyptian tablets already contained the Ten Commandments. So much of the Bible is plagiarized.

The problem with secular women is that their culture is degenerate. Not that they need religion. A truly virtuous person is virtuous for its own sake, not for a reward. If u are good because religion teaches you to be good or u want a reward then that is fake. A higher consciousness person is good for the sake of being good only. Virtue is an inmate part of a higher being or divine soul.

Furthermore there are Jesus fans like my Venetian friend Alex who love Jesus but do not believe he is the only way to God and that God doesnt care what religion you are as long as you have a good heart.

So even if Christianity teaches good things that doesn't mean its the only way to God as dogmatists claim.

Moreover, no one who has an NDE and meets God or angels comes back claiming one religion is the right way only. They all lose the dogmas that the church told them and realize that God is not dogmatic at all. You can research this yourself at the NDE database below.
I think the Eastern religions teach good values too. It’s mostly secularism that is the problem. In the case of Western civilization though I feel like a return to Christian values is the best hope for it. For East Asia hopefully they keep their respective religious values in-tact.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 20th, 2021, 10:39 pm
by Winston
Depends what you mean by secularism. Secular means non-religious only. Secularism isn't the problem. It's materialism that's the problem, also selfishness, egoism, competition and other negative American values. It's many things. You don't need Christian values to have morals. Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Wicca, Stoicism, etc all teach good values and virtues. The problem is American universities and science establishment promote atheism and the teach that we are here by accident, therefore life has no meaning and you should live for yourself and focus on money and consumer pleasures. That's a bad teaching. Also the social disconnection and isolation is what makes America an unfriendly and lonely place. And Americans have learned to be paranoid and unsocial too. That's the big problem. Not just religious values.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 20th, 2021, 10:47 pm
by Outcast9428
Winston wrote:
July 20th, 2021, 10:39 pm
Depends what you mean by secularism. Secular means non-religious only. Secularism isn't the problem. It's materialism that's the problem, also selfishness, egoism, competition and other negative American values. It's many things. You don't need Christian values to have morals. Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Wicca, Stoicism, etc all teach good values and virtues. The problem is American universities and science establishment promote atheism and the teach that we are here by accident, therefore life has no meaning and you should live for yourself and focus on money and consumer pleasures. That's a bad teaching. Also the social disconnection and isolation is what makes America an unfriendly and lonely place. And Americans have learned to be paranoid and unsocial too. That's the big problem. Not just religious values.
A lot of free thinkers throughout history have disliked the religious indoctrination present in Christian culture or generally don’t have the most positive feelings towards it. The truth is though that Christianity gets unfairly blamed for “stifling free thought.” What many free thinkers in my experience don’t seem to understand is that free thinkers are born, they are not raised. The majority of the population will never be like us and we should stop attempting to make most of them like us. People who don’t get indoctrinated into religion just get indoctrinated into other, usually much more toxic ideologies/pursuits.

We need to give up on the idea that a society of free thinkers is even possible. It goes against human nature. For the natural conformists I’d respect them a lot more if the values they conformed to were at least good ones.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 21st, 2021, 10:32 pm
by Winston
TruthSeeker wrote:
July 20th, 2021, 7:45 am
@Winston Stop being so divisive. Stop being a male Karen.
Why didn't you answer my two questions? Because you can't right? You have no answers. To you, it's true because it's true. It doesn't need to be justified or explained. It simply is, like the sky is blue, right? lol. How do you know you haven't been fooled or brainwashed? So I was right, your beliefs are without basis. You believe what you want to believe. You can't prove anything or even provide logical arguments to support what you believe. So you lose. You have no case. Right?

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 21st, 2021, 10:36 pm
by Winston
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 20th, 2021, 10:47 pm
Winston wrote:
July 20th, 2021, 10:39 pm
Depends what you mean by secularism. Secular means non-religious only. Secularism isn't the problem. It's materialism that's the problem, also selfishness, egoism, competition and other negative American values. It's many things. You don't need Christian values to have morals. Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Wicca, Stoicism, etc all teach good values and virtues. The problem is American universities and science establishment promote atheism and the teach that we are here by accident, therefore life has no meaning and you should live for yourself and focus on money and consumer pleasures. That's a bad teaching. Also the social disconnection and isolation is what makes America an unfriendly and lonely place. And Americans have learned to be paranoid and unsocial too. That's the big problem. Not just religious values.
A lot of free thinkers throughout history have disliked the religious indoctrination present in Christian culture or generally don’t have the most positive feelings towards it. The truth is though that Christianity gets unfairly blamed for “stifling free thought.” What many free thinkers in my experience don’t seem to understand is that free thinkers are born, they are not raised. The majority of the population will never be like us and we should stop attempting to make most of them like us. People who don’t get indoctrinated into religion just get indoctrinated into other, usually much more toxic ideologies/pursuits.

We need to give up on the idea that a society of free thinkers is even possible. It goes against human nature. For the natural conformists I’d respect them a lot more if the values they conformed to were at least good ones.
Good point. Most people are conformists and always will be. Expecting everyone to "think for themselves" is not realistic. Only a small percentage of people will do that. Even hippies and counter culture crowds conform to the groupthink in their movement.

I do agree that religious values are good. However, you can have good religious or spiritual values without dogma. Look up the great comparative religion professor Huston Smith of UC Berkeley who was featured on the PBS series "The Wisdom of Faith" with Bill Moyers. He loved all religious faiths and worshipped all of them. Yet he did not ever believe that only one religion or one way was "the true way" or "the right one". That's the right way to go. Also look up Interfaith. The Dalai Lama also accepts that all religions are valid and different ways to God or enlightenment or spiritual rebirth. So yes you can have spiritual values and morals and virtues without believing that your way is the right way or that the Bible is infallible or that all non-Christians go to hell, etc. You just gotta broaden your mind a bit and not be narrow and fundamentalist and dogmatic. The great geniuses of comparative religion and mythology were like that, such as Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, Huston Smith, Manly P. Hall, etc.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 22nd, 2021, 8:12 am
by TruthSeeker
It's pointless to debate with you Winston. You are filled with endless questions. Even if you are given a reasonable and acceptable answer you want to debate more and come up with other questions. This is unprofitable and vain.

2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

All the answers have already been provided for you Winston in the Scriptures.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 22nd, 2021, 11:13 pm
by Winston
Not true. You never answered my questions. So basically the Bible is God's word because it says so and God is perfect because the Bible says so? Lol. Thats it? Thats like using Superman comics to prove the existence of Superman. lol. Theres a funny meme about that.

Furthermore the Bible says many things Christians don't agree with, such as the earth being flat and there are 3 verses where Paul says it is not God's word.

Re: Why must God be perfect and blameless? Why can't he be both good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 22nd, 2021, 11:18 pm
by Winston

Re: How do you know God is all good and perfect? Why can't he be good and evil like everyone else?

Posted: July 24th, 2021, 8:01 am
by Winston
Is this true? Whoa! lol. Are there any other former Christians here?

Christianity is like living in an abusive relationship: Kemetic Spiritual Science

Christianity left most of us with no choice but to accept what they taught us or risk going to hell for questioning or doubting it. Fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame were emotions so many of us felt. But there is something different that can help you unlearn the negative programming and empower you. Check out this video to learn more.

Re: Why can't God be both Good and Evil like everyone else? Why does he have to be perfect and all good?

Posted: August 3rd, 2021, 2:55 am
by Winston
Great posts from @starchild5 about how God is both good and evil, something only a small number of people will ever get, not the masses.

But, Winston....GOD is pretty much useless in these times. There is a matter how much you pray...god never answers your prayers or where are you god. God, don't you see my pain and suffering line of thoughts we have from time to time...

God supports Evil and good guys EQUALLY....This is the most difficult point to understand.

Right now, it does not matter single god or multiple god or monotheism or polytheism...We can all feel it...WE ARE F**Ked :D :D

What we need is UNDERSTANDING GOD Not Praying to him.

Jesus was really a bad hacked version of real GOD. Jesus was also Jewish...How convenient ..I doubt if he ever existed because of so much complexities, general bs'ness. Even present hindu, buddhist, islam are hacked version of true god.

The problem for all our suffering is really not UNDERSTANDING GOD.

God never works the way we are being told aka only GOOD SIDE.

I repeat...GOD is really NOT THE WAY YOU THINK HE IS......

The below would be very very hard for western folks to understand. This is only for old souls ...DO NOT READ BELOW...if you do not feel like an old soul.

God is an a**hole, son of a b*tch, motherf**cker because I know he works with the richest evil Indians...He works with Rothchilds as well...He works with Illuminati, he guides them as well...He has raped many women, he killed many humans as well. He is really a f**cker...The most evil person you will ever see...F**ck you god.


God is the greatest giver i have seen .....He helps a lot, he got murdered too, he was raped as well, he helps the poor to no end...he is always on your side...he is your greatest friend ever...the best of the best...The only one you ever had is god.

The point is...

The real God treats Evil and Good Equally. For western folks, this will be very very hard to understand, because most of your life is on the positive side...You only know, pray to GOOD god Jesus.... In India, the balance of evil and good is equal. If you in India, you can feel Gods evil and good side. There is a reason why India is land of spirituality. Here, you can understand God.

Not only Good and Evil side of God....God has 1000+ more FORMS. We humans can only FEEL his good and evil FORM.

Our minds are not capable of seeing Gods true form. That is why, he comes in different different forms to us which is why Polytheism is the way to understand god. There is only one God but we cannot comprehend him. We must need Polytheistic gods to progress in life.


This is the real GOD folks...You cannot comprehend god when he works with the most evil person on earth...I have suffered a lot because I could not believe this...Now, I'm coming to terms with I UNDERSTAND HIM.
If you don't believe it..I dare anyone in this forum to call God...Son of a b**tch, d*ckhead, c**t.....

Can anyone in here...CURSE GOD....????

Adama...Will you take the challenge :lol:

Winston ..Will you...? since you mentioned the broadness, open mindedness of god. Then go ahead and call god son of a b*tch for not listening to your prayers...where was he, when you suffered in America and then Murphy law screwed your life....

If you can't curse god. You really have not understood god. Everything else is mere RalphSmart and Osteen :D ....You have only understood gods one form, one side that we know as GOOD.

His forms are very complex...Good and Evil are mere two forms out of millions...

The more you understand god..The more you lose your mind. If you a sane human being..You have really not understood god.

This Ralph Smart, Infinite waters kinds will never ever understand real god just one form of it The goodness that we see in God is really his ONE SIDE.

Almost, all our problems will vanish if we truly UNDERSTAND GOD. This phase of what we know as suffering is really " His another form"....

We are not able to handle his EVIL form...then how are we suppose to know his entire millions of forms...That is why polytheism is needed. We need parts to understand the whole.

Otherwise...Adama ...should have cursed god long time ago...but he will never do it...because he is just seeing the good side of god.
Winston wrote:Starchild,
Yes yes! That makes perfect sense. I postulated long ago that God must have a good and evil side. Its the only explanation that makes sense. He seems to support both good and evil. And maybe everything between too. This is probably one of the great divine secrets that the western world isnt ready for. Its too advanced for them.

It also finally answers the age old dilemma that westerners have asked throughout the ages, "why does a good God allow evil to exist?"

So God is like the illuminati then in that he supports both sides of a war and reaps the benefit from whoever wins? Why does he do that? Does God thrive on conflict? So this means that the illuminati may work for God after all?

Interestingly, Hinduism is the only religion that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It has many gods but all the gods are different faces of the same God, Brahma. So your point is illustrated in Hinduism theology too.

Do most Hindus believe that god is both good and evil? Does Hinduism have any dogmas or canons? Or hierarchical authority?

Why is it that there are very few documentaries about Hinduism on YouTube? The ones that are there arent that good.

Btw yes i have cursed God many times before. Even at the top of my lungs with righteous anger and fury. Ive even done so in the forum when i was yelling and venting, which you can check and see in my posting history. Yet i have not been struck down by lightning.

I dont know if others here have dared to do the same. Perhaps they have but wont admit it. But guys like adama would be afraid though. They would be afraid of being struck by lightning. Lol. They live in fear of God and his punishment.

However, if you think about it, if God was really that quick to anger that he would strike down anyone that cursed him, he would probably have ended this world long ago. And i mean the world after Noah.
Wow...You are the only guy who gets it....I'm really impressed because you have not been in India but you are an old soul and suffered a lot. This is really really like the TOP LEVEL of understanding even in india may be 100 people understands this concept. For you to get this concept was simply incredible. It takes close to a million life..literally to understand this concept.

Either you are an Alien or simply the Chosen One..The Man of God himself. Only the chosen few in this universe understands this concept I have been told this by a guy who is like incredibly beyond...The closest to God you will ever see. I got this information from that guy...Its not my information..Its not written in books ...It has to come from the Divine himself and he chooses who understands him in all its glory.

I think you are protected for this reason. Even if you walk drunk and show all your money in Angeles City, :D no one will touch you, because there is the reason you are protected. You have a Divine Protection because you are a man of god.


Western World is not ready...They should be, else they will just decay and die...No growth is just death...At least some part of our life should be dedicated to understanding God. If there is no progress in life, society.. will just decay. There is no middle path for humanity...Either you die and get consumed by darkness or you progress and reach God. This is called Dharma.

Its extremely urgent for western world to understand deeper concepts of God not BS called Higgs Bosom, Mars and moon water and Christian teaching of one good side of god...


Very True...All western people since ages ask the same question and there is no answer in bible for that..Why Evil exist?

Because its God himself. Its all a Gods play. God has millions of Forms ..Good and Evil is just one of it...That is why it is extremely important to be on the GOOD side of God ALWAYS. You MUST DO DHARMA...aka guidelines to be on the good side of GOD. The Evil side is extremely nasty form of God. Humans do not have capability to feel the nasty side..only some can in India..I have seen it.

Also, You are in Every Form as well...Its fractal Multi dimensional thingy....You can change your life but at the same time...your destiny is fixed as well

Only various forms of God can explain the million year western dilemma of Free Will and Destiny...How can both be?

You can have both free will and destiny in fractal universe..where you are in every part of it. You can experience many forms of God that's free will but all these forms at the same time have a destiny set by god. Everything is destined for this reason and you have free will at the same time for this very reason.

I will explain it further below.
So God is like the illuminati then in that he supports both sides of a war and reaps the benefit from whoever wins? Why does he do that? Does God thrive on conflict? So this means that the illuminati may work for God after all?
God does not play good cop bad how Rothchilds supports both sides of the war and gets the benefit no matter who wins. :lol: ..God does not seek profit or energy from the war etc...

All Wars are due to Dharma Problem. Again..Its free will vs destiny thingy. You can have war at the very moment you do not have to have a war. You can choose to walk away or fight.

Illuminati has every right to kill humans, Satan is not being punished for like millions of years by God for a reason...because you are being ADHARMIC....

This is VERY VERY like VERY important for humans to understand right now. Follow the guidelines to be on the GOOD side of GOD ALWAYS. The keyword IS ALWAYS. If you don't Illuminati, darkness, Evil has every right to snatch you away....because its just another form of God.

God Cannot Will NOT HELP Humans unless you follow the Guidelines aka Dharma. Its impossible for God to help you unless you follow Dharma aka guidelines to be on the Good side of god in this Fractal Multidimensional Universe. You need to understand..You are EVERYWHERE...

The moment you stop doing Dharma...You slip into other forms of God and you suffer in pain. That is the reason...Just being a good guy ..does not help you. You have to do DHARMA.

This is also the reason for Polytheism...You follow Dharma based on your vibe and Aura...You can be in Angeles City/Pattaya and Follow Dharma but make sure you get the right God for it aka right guidelines...Demi-Gods are nothing but guidelines to follow based on your vibe...

For example...If you frequent nightlife places...Follow Shiva...He is cool with it, also if you into marijuana, etc can follow him...

BUT then you cannot follow Krishna if you into nightlife but Shiva is Fine with Vices as defined by society.

NOW. If you follow Shiva..You cannot expect to be a billionaire and have million dollar yacht...Its not the vibe of that god. He is kinda hermit...He shuns all don't expect you gonna get it as well...because his guidelines does not offer that but offer sex with many women...Its kinda trade off...YOU CHOOSE...You cannot have both.

Now, if you choose Krishna..He wants you to get married, have one wife and live a life of luxury, have billion dollars but you have to be in your home by 8 more night life for you.

Now, this Evil side of god has it own Satan etc...Demonic Race has its own set of rules to get things done.

No Illuminati, No Rothschild, No Freemason, No Demi-God, Demons...CAN VIOLATE YOUR DHARMA. As long as you do your Dharma...God will STOP Evil from attacking you. Guaranteed. Guaranteed like set in the universal stone of the one and only GOD himself. As long as you do your Dharma...No Evil can touch you on earth or in heaven or hell.
Interestingly, Hinduism is the only religion that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It has many gods but all the gods are different faces of the same God, Brahma. So your point is illustrated in Hinduism theology too.

Do most Hindus believe that god is both good and evil? Does Hinduism have any dogmas or canons? Or hierarchical authority?

Why is it that there are very few documentaries about Hinduism on YouTube? The ones that are there arent that good.
The present day Hinduism is nothing but Infiltrated Jewish darkness religion. but we have kept some guidelines from original form so we have many gods. There is no Dharma in present day Hindu Religion...I dug this from ancient texts plus had some help...The present religion is all fake drama to mislead people. In 100 people understands this concept of God being both evil and good...That is the reason...I'm amazed at your grasping power to understand this.

Its incredible that you got this so fast. It takes multiple life times to understand this even if you are born in India.

There are no documentaries on youtube because the Crypto Jews aka Darkness controls India. People stopped doing Dharma so darkness had every right to screw our life. God will stop evil only when Indians start doing Dharma. Again Free Will vs Destiny thing :idea:

Only Dharma can free you from Free Will vs Destiny confusion that every western kid faces in his life.

Re: Why can't God be both Good and Evil like everyone else? Why does he have to be perfect and all good?

Posted: August 3rd, 2021, 4:25 am
by Winston
Wow this is one of the most enlightening videos on YouTube. I've seen it multiple times and have downloaded an mp3 version of it on my phone too. It's by the Real Merkabah and is called "Saturn, Satan, God, and the Nature of Reality, Part 1". He is one of the most aware YouTubers. In this video he explains very well why God and Satan have to be two sides of the same coin and the same person, the same source playing both sides of the chess board, black and white. This means he supports evil and the bad guys as well as the good guys. Most people can never accept this of course. But it makes sense if you think about it deeply with higher consciousness. The average person is foolish for thinking that evil can be eliminated forever. They don't get it. Probably at the highest levels of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism and secret societies, they let their adepts and initiates in on this too.

The other parts after Part 1 are good and worth watching too, but Part 1 is the most important one.