It's fine to worship Lucifer

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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 1:18 am
In the story of Moses doesn't it suggest that the slaves were the Israelites, Yahweh's chosen people? It's generally assumed the Pharaoh made them build the pyramids as well.
Eh, it's generally assumed that the Exodus took place during the Hyksos period, long after the pyramid building period.

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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 19th, 2022, 1:51 pm
I agree with you @Tsar seeing these beings during spiritual experiences is far more empirical that the testimony of an old book.
So you are placing your own nitwit fantasies against prescriptions for building the most successful societies in recorded history. Pretty silly of you.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Cornfed wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 10:50 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 19th, 2022, 1:51 pm
I agree with you @Tsar seeing these beings during spiritual experiences is far more empirical that the testimony of an old book.
So you are placing your own nitwit fantasies against prescriptions for building the most successful societies in recorded history. Pretty silly of you.
Am I comparing what I've seen with my own eyes and experienced in real life to a dusty old book written by the Jews? Yes I am. I fully admit that what I've seen during spiritual psilocybin experiences could have been delusions or fantasies. I admit that I could be wrong.

The problem is though, that these kind of experiences are a global phenomena and not exclusive to my nitwit fantasies. I could just as easily dismiss Christianity and your beliefs as nitwit fantasies with the added exception that your nitwit fantasy is the fantasy of someone else and not your own. What basis is there to believe in Christianity other than the testimony of the Bible? It is a religion based entirely on faith and there is no reason why it should be believed over any other organised religion out there.

Are you suggesting Christianity is responsible for some of the greatest societies? Theocracies have always historically been bad for people. No such form of government with such radical views should ever be in positions of power.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 11:11 am
Are you suggesting Christianity is responsible for some of the greatest societies? Theocracies have always historically been bad for people.
Eh, science and technological progress flourished under very religious Christian societies. Even Calvinism is widely thought to have enabled economic progress, despite its flaws. Historically the most religious people have always been the most successful in every meaningful respect, at least where that religion was Christianity.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Cornfed wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 11:22 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 11:11 am
Are you suggesting Christianity is responsible for some of the greatest societies? Theocracies have always historically been bad for people.
Eh, science and technological progress flourished under very religious Christian societies. Even Calvinism is widely thought to have enabled economic progress, despite its flaws. Historically the most religious people have always been the most successful in every meaningful respect, at least where that religion was Christianity.
If you are such an anti-Semite then why do you believe in a Jewish religion?
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 12:50 pm
Cornfed wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 11:22 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 11:11 am
Are you suggesting Christianity is responsible for some of the greatest societies? Theocracies have always historically been bad for people.
Eh, science and technological progress flourished under very religious Christian societies. Even Calvinism is widely thought to have enabled economic progress, despite its flaws. Historically the most religious people have always been the most successful in every meaningful respect, at least where that religion was Christianity.
If you are such an anti-Semite then why do you believe in a Jewish religion?
The Jews were simply designed to give rise to Christianity. Surplus Jews really should have gone into the offal pit after that, similar to black slaves in America.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Tsar »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 1:15 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 19th, 2022, 2:51 pm
All the proof one needs of which spirit has our best interests at heart is to see what happens to countries that submit before God as opposed to countries that abandon God. Western liberal nations and communist nations chose Lucifer’s path over God’s path and we are paying for that mistake.

Trying to become a god yourself is one of the first steps toward a sinful lifestyle. If we submit ourselves before God he will take care of us. When people who don’t know any better try to rebel against their caretaker and falsely paint their caretaker as a tyrant, bad things happen. If God was such a tyrant then why did he give man the Garden of Eden?
I suppose you could say the Vatican City is successful, although whether you could say this is through the grace of God is debatable. Their fortune is hoarded and kept from the people they preach to. The priests of the Vatican stand there in their golden trim robes in a building of God adorned with golden tapestry and all the rest of it, preaching about how pious self sacrifice is whilst there are people just a few miles away who are starving to death.

The Vatican is motivated by greed and profit and have an estimated networth of around $10 billion. Their bank has been subject to several scandals over the years and I don't believe they pay any form of tax. Even when I was Christian I always thought that the Vatican was an evil institution.

You say countries that abandon God are the most regressive, but a glance at the percentage of Christians in any given country reveals that America actually has the highest percentage of Christian followers and has degenerated anyway. The reason for the degeneration is an erosion of values.

I don't see how striving to become a god over a servile slave is immoral or sinful. If there are two gods whose ideologies are opposed when it comes to the fate of humanity, in this case Yahweh vs Lucifer, then surely the one who wants humanity to ascend as gods and reach their true potential is the one who wants what is best for us. For me, Yahweh sounds like a cosmic tyrant, a macrocosm of our current system of government. Strict mandates and statutes which are nothing other than an arbitrary use of power over other beings. The idea of dying and going to heaven to spend an eternity in church and giving praise to an absentee father figure sounds just as horrifying as the Christian conception of Hell.

Yahweh didn't give humanity the Garden of Eden. This is yet another plagiarism with an accusatory inversion. The Sumerian texts, which predate the biblical narrative, tell the story of Enki (Lucifer) building the city of Eridu (Eden) where he taught his human child Adapa (Adam) the secret of heaven and Earth. This angered the King of the pantheon Anu (Yahweh) who ordered Adapa be brought to him so he could demand to know why Enki had shared such knowledge with "unworthy" humans. Anu decreed Adapa be forbidden from serving at the temple of Eridu, removed their access to the tree of Life (which I imagine was some kind of elixir of life which was an artificial means of longevity.) This caused Adapa to eventually die, along with every human that followed. Yahweh condemned us to death and cursed humanity with diseases and other hardships as punishment for humanity seeking out this forbidden knowledge.
Western liberal nations and Marxist communist nations are following a Jewish path because they're slaves to the Talmudists. Same as American capitalism. Looking at history, we can see that communism, socialism, national socialism, and capitalism have been practiced without the labels or Jewish influence and all had functioning societies. Anytime a Jew (or Jewish influence) is behind the system is the reason it causes suffering.

The original economic system of humanity was agrarianism with pagan religions. There are religions that predate Judaism. If the Old Testament didn't exist then why does it claim to be the origin of which all other Abrahamic religions scion?

What about the stadium Megachurches? Those are mainly gathering the most believers into one single place, collecting tithes, and can make a minister very rich. Notice that it's many of those ministers who are very open to concepts like Judaism or pro-Israel. Christianity was strongest when it treated the Jews like devils, just like Pagans despised the Jews.

Good values are more important than God. Every successful civilization had a universal set of values that lead to it's success. The opposite set of conditions lead to most civilizations to collapse because of degeneracy.

If one of the common denominators for a successful society is the hatred of Jews, then it makes sense that acceptance or fatal error of trying to assimilate Jews is the common denominator for destroying your society. History has proven this concept.

Also, there are many traces of giant trees across the world. Why would there be clear evidence of giant trees having existed if we didn't have a secret history being concealed from us?

There's other stories in other ancient religions about humans eating fruit of the gods without permission and getting punishments. It's not a unique thing to the Abrahamic religions but in the other religions, all humanity wasn't punished for eating the fruit.

Another question: Humans were cast out the Garden of Eden and eternally punished while alive by disease, aging, and death. Why do animals suffer the exact same things? Did animals eat the fruit too and we're capable of understanding? Maybe suffering is just part of nature and achieving a journey to a greater existence, and has nothing to do with punishment? Maybe God has nothing to do with it.

There's also no conclusive evidence that Yahweh is only one single god, but a placeholder used by the Jews for any gods they
ever worshipped. God is just that, a god.

Jews have worshipped many gods and demons. The majority of Jews worship Moloch and have for many, many centuries. It makes more sense.

God is a effectively using the supernatural classification as a title.

That's similar to if I were to begin identifying myself as Human. Not a human, but Human. It's not entirely accurate or completely true, but it's also not a lie and not completely false. That's another discrepancy. Any being who identified itself or themselves in every other religion has been named.

Looking at the stories and human history, by applying modern warfare theory, human nature, and Machiavellianism:
1. Jews are the most evil and degenerate ethnic group
2. Jews were surrounded by others more powerful. They lacked resources and have always been human parasites leeching off all other civilizations
3. They slowly absorbed stories and religious elements from all other societies, rebranding it as their own, with Jewish twists on the stories
4. Later, Jesus tries to get the Jews to reform and the turn the other cheek and become spiritual is for the Jews. The Jews decide he's a threat and get people to turn on him. Roman census records do show a man called Jesus existed. The governor is pressured into crucifying Jesus because he fears a Jewish uprising, which happened every so often. He wasn't prepared for an unexpected uprising so he crucifies Jesus
5. Later, it's eventually used as a Fifth Column to Culturally Conquer the Pagans
6. It's beginning to be too successful and the Jews are afraid it could be a threat, so they create Islam as a counter ideology, similar enough to Judaism as well but completely different in other areas. This allows them to divide and conquer, so Christians and Muslims will fight each other, because Jews love to divide and conquer
7. Pagans are exterminated and all the spiritual knowledge of the pagans is either kept secret for a few secret cults or erased. I believe it's kept secret.
8. To destroy the stability in Europe, Jews undermined Western Christianity with Protestantism and used Bolshevism to weaken Eastern Christianity. Marxism to destroy the West
9. Jews can't be trusted. Why should a religion be accepted purely on faith when it can't be proven? Concepts can be accepted because there's evidence.
10. Why do the Abrahamic religions seek to prevent alternative spiritual practices by saying everything must only be through God? If sorcery, astrology, fortune-telling, tarot, runes, palmistry, and other practices exist, it's not "Because of the Devil and evil" because apparently, if God did create everything, he created all that too. To deny it or blame it on the Devil is an easy excuse.

All religious movements: Popes, Cardinals, Archbishops in the Catholic Church, top Patriarchs in the Orthodox Church, top Protestant Ministers, Muslim Ayatollahs and Imams, Jewish Rabbis, Buddhist monks in the Western nations, Indian Gurus, New Age authors can all live better lives because they collect income from their believers.

A 10% tithe is a very profitable business, especially because it only required the people to convince others of belief.

The easiest way to prevent competition is to demonize anything spiritual that is not accepted or explainable by the religion.

The pharmaceutical industry and Western governments demonized marijuana and still seeks to. One of humanity's oldest medicines and they denied it had any medicinal value. Most continue to deny it despite evidence that proves it's better than anything else for almost all illnesses. The only reason is they wanted to have centralized control of medicine and sell their own products to collect money. The traditional medicines were pushed out of society because there was no profits for the few Elites who could make fortunes.

Why wouldn't organized religions be the same? Pagans were told to convert and had their temples disbanded and others were genocide.

Governments have been trying to destroy cannabis, coca, and opium plants across the world led of course by the United States which is the nation that first started the ban and the War on Drugs. The ban on Cannabis was the first thing that followed the Federal Reserve which was effectively giving the Jews total control of the financial and economic system. Makes sense they would seek to ban and destroy a threat to them controlling society and making money.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Outcast9428 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 20th, 2022, 11:11 am

Are you suggesting Christianity is responsible for some of the greatest societies? Theocracies have always historically been bad for people. No such form of government with such radical views should ever be in positions of power.
You’re damn right Christian theocracy created the best society on Earth. In the 1400s and 1500s, marriage was universal and a man could provide for a family of 6 on 132 days of work, everything after that was extra disposable income. Most people only worked 200 days out of the year back then. The average hours worked was 1300 a year.

Violent deaths per 100,000 from warfare was lower in the 1400s and 1500s then it is today. Also peasants bathed daily contrary to what popular culture tells you about the time period and the church provided food for the poor in society.

True Christian societies blow every other society out of the water.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Winston »

Keep in mind that everything in our culture pays homage to Lucifer or Prometheus. Lucy, Luke, and Luca or Lucas are used everywhere.

- The Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" must be an homage to Lucifer. Lucy cannot be there by coincidence because it's used too often, more than any other name.
- When you have good LUCK or get LUCKY, it means Lucifer is on your side, that's why LUC is in the word.
- Star Wars has Luke Skywalker and George Lucas. Two names of Lucifer.
- The TV show "I Love Lucy" is considered a hit classic.
- The movie "LUCY" with Scarlett Johansson about a woman who becomes all powerful like a God, is obvious reference to the God Lucifer.
- In the movie "Universal Soldier", Jean Claude Van Damme's named is "Luc".
- The 80s pop song "My name is Luka. I live on the second floor. I live upstairs from you..."
- One of the fossils used to prove the missing link in evolution was also named Lucy, as we all know.
- In the movie "Tron Legacy" the ruler of the grid is named CLU, which is an anagram of LUC.

So you see, there are too many references to Lucifer for it to be coincidence, more than any other name. That means our culture must be built on Lucifer worship. So he must be the God of this world if the elites all worship him and pay homage to him.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Pixel--Dude »


Thought I'd reply to you both in one about your view on a Christian theocracy.

The best form of government? Really? You mean like back when herbalists were accused of witchcraft and burnt at stake? In 1692 Christianity was on the stage and it did absolutely nothing for society. Burning books which held medical knowledge and accusing those who used this information as witchcraft.

Even neighbours who were slightly paranoid of their neighbours accused them of witchcraft. Over 200 people were accused of being a witch by Christian fanatics who saw what they did as God's will.

Quite a few countries benefited from the intervention of the Roman Empire and the implementation. After the initial conquest and subsequent murders, that is. But the Roman Empire was predominantly Pagan until Constantine introduced an edict which made the Empire Christian. More so he could use the faith as political propaganda, believing it to be the best belief system to fit the imperial cult. Sol Invictus!

Christianity was a contributing factor to the downfall of the Roman Empire and conflicted with the pantheon of gods the Romans worshipped and their values.

The only Christian theocracy we have now, as far as I am aware, is the Vatican City, where the Pope is a king in his own right. The Vatican has been subject of many scandals involving its networth. I think the net worth of the Vatican is estimated to be well into the billions. Yet, there is still poverty in Italy. So a Christian theocracy, although isolated to a concentrated area does absolutely nothing to help others or adhere to Christian values. The Pope and his cardinals or whatever preaching about the sanctity of self sacrifice and passing around their collection plates whilst they are in their gold trimmed robes with billions horded away and there is literally someone starving to death a few miles away.

There has been no examples of a GOOD or beneficial Christian theocracy. Not one. The theocracies today such as Saudi Arabia show just how dangerous a theocracy can be for people who don't adopt the faith. I don't see how a Christian theocracy would be any different. Particularly when these "moralist" Christians want to impose their morality on everyone else. A theocratic government will only use Christianity to justify its own actions, claiming it is the will of God. And who can argue with that?
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

So a couple of questions: 1) Do you think Lucifer created flies, mosquitoes, & snakes? No Christian Bible Jesus Smeeshus references....I am looking for a tad more scientific and mathematical explanation please; thanks in advance. :-)
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 26th, 2022, 2:49 am
The best form of government? Really? You mean like back when herbalists were accused of witchcraft and burnt at stake? In 1692 Christianity was on the stage and it did absolutely nothing for society. Burning books which held medical knowledge and accusing those who used this information as witchcraft.
You could look an Ed Dutton's videos on hanging witches. Basically they rid themselves of ugly feminist SJW types, which was great. The Roman Empire was in demographic decline from its inception and Christianity laid the foundations for a future moral society supporting scientific investigation when it inevitably collapsed. It should be obvious that the Jews/Jesuits have long since taken over the Catholic Church.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Outcast9428 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 26th, 2022, 2:49 am

Thought I'd reply to you both in one about your view on a Christian theocracy.

The best form of government? Really? You mean like back when herbalists were accused of witchcraft and burnt at stake? In 1692 Christianity was on the stage and it did absolutely nothing for society. Burning books which held medical knowledge and accusing those who used this information as witchcraft.

Even neighbours who were slightly paranoid of their neighbours accused them of witchcraft. Over 200 people were accused of being a witch by Christian fanatics who saw what they did as God's will.

Quite a few countries benefited from the intervention of the Roman Empire and the implementation. After the initial conquest and subsequent murders, that is. But the Roman Empire was predominantly Pagan until Constantine introduced an edict which made the Empire Christian. More so he could use the faith as political propaganda, believing it to be the best belief system to fit the imperial cult. Sol Invictus!

Christianity was a contributing factor to the downfall of the Roman Empire and conflicted with the pantheon of gods the Romans worshipped and their values.

The only Christian theocracy we have now, as far as I am aware, is the Vatican City, where the Pope is a king in his own right. The Vatican has been subject of many scandals involving its networth. I think the net worth of the Vatican is estimated to be well into the billions. Yet, there is still poverty in Italy. So a Christian theocracy, although isolated to a concentrated area does absolutely nothing to help others or adhere to Christian values. The Pope and his cardinals or whatever preaching about the sanctity of self sacrifice and passing around their collection plates whilst they are in their gold trimmed robes with billions horded away and there is literally someone starving to death a few miles away.

There has been no examples of a GOOD or beneficial Christian theocracy. Not one. The theocracies today such as Saudi Arabia show just how dangerous a theocracy can be for people who don't adopt the faith. I don't see how a Christian theocracy would be any different. Particularly when these "moralist" Christians want to impose their morality on everyone else. A theocratic government will only use Christianity to justify its own actions, claiming it is the will of God. And who can argue with that?
So you talk about the Salem Witch Trials where some dozen people died or so is your best example for why theocracy is so bad and then you proceed to defend Ancient Rome?

You realize that Julius Caesar alone killed 1.2 million innocent Gaelic civilians? After the Punic Wars, the Romans slaughtered 500,000 civilians at Carthage alone. At Jerusalem they slaughtered one million people and destroyed the entire city.

Ancient Rome had a brutal system of slavery that makes the American slave trade look like a cakewalk. 25% of the population approximately were slaves and they could be beaten by their masters who could even order the state to execute them with no consequences. One slave master ordered for 500 of his slaves to be executed in one day.

I went to the Roman Coliseum in Italy myself and was shocked when I read a placard stating that 500,000 people and millions of animals died in the Coliseum over the course of 500 years.

Meanwhile, people’s best example of why theocracy is so terrible is the Inquisition which took 60 years to kill a grand total of 2,000 people.

Ancient Rome was under trial it’s entire 500 years of existence and despite having the most developed civilization the world had seen up to that point, the development of their civilization did nothing to curb the unbelievable levels of bloodshed that occurred in their society. ... nd_revolts

Read “Infamy: Crimes of Ancient Rome” and another book by the same author “Popular Culture in Ancient Rome” and then come back and try whining about how Christianity ruined poor Ancient Rome.

Also I already showed you what Christian theocracy built in the 1400s and 1500s and you didn’t even bother to address any of that.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 26th, 2022, 9:09 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 26th, 2022, 2:49 am

Thought I'd reply to you both in one about your view on a Christian theocracy.

The best form of government? Really? You mean like back when herbalists were accused of witchcraft and burnt at stake? In 1692 Christianity was on the stage and it did absolutely nothing for society. Burning books which held medical knowledge and accusing those who used this information as witchcraft.

Even neighbours who were slightly paranoid of their neighbours accused them of witchcraft. Over 200 people were accused of being a witch by Christian fanatics who saw what they did as God's will.

Quite a few countries benefited from the intervention of the Roman Empire and the implementation. After the initial conquest and subsequent murders, that is. But the Roman Empire was predominantly Pagan until Constantine introduced an edict which made the Empire Christian. More so he could use the faith as political propaganda, believing it to be the best belief system to fit the imperial cult. Sol Invictus!

Christianity was a contributing factor to the downfall of the Roman Empire and conflicted with the pantheon of gods the Romans worshipped and their values.

The only Christian theocracy we have now, as far as I am aware, is the Vatican City, where the Pope is a king in his own right. The Vatican has been subject of many scandals involving its networth. I think the net worth of the Vatican is estimated to be well into the billions. Yet, there is still poverty in Italy. So a Christian theocracy, although isolated to a concentrated area does absolutely nothing to help others or adhere to Christian values. The Pope and his cardinals or whatever preaching about the sanctity of self sacrifice and passing around their collection plates whilst they are in their gold trimmed robes with billions horded away and there is literally someone starving to death a few miles away.

There has been no examples of a GOOD or beneficial Christian theocracy. Not one. The theocracies today such as Saudi Arabia show just how dangerous a theocracy can be for people who don't adopt the faith. I don't see how a Christian theocracy would be any different. Particularly when these "moralist" Christians want to impose their morality on everyone else. A theocratic government will only use Christianity to justify its own actions, claiming it is the will of God. And who can argue with that?
So you talk about the Salem Witch Trials where some dozen people died or so is your best example for why theocracy is so bad and then you proceed to defend Ancient Rome?

You realize that Julius Caesar alone killed 1.2 million innocent Gaelic civilians? After the Punic Wars, the Romans slaughtered 500,000 civilians at Carthage alone. At Jerusalem they slaughtered one million people and destroyed the entire city.

Ancient Rome had a brutal system of slavery that makes the American slave trade look like a cakewalk. 25% of the population approximately were slaves and they could be beaten by their masters who could even order the state to execute them with no consequences. One slave master ordered for 500 of his slaves to be executed in one day.

I went to the Roman Coliseum in Italy myself and was shocked when I read a placard stating that 500,000 people and millions of animals died in the Coliseum over the course of 500 years.

Meanwhile, people’s best example of why theocracy is so terrible is the Inquisition which took 60 years to kill a grand total of 2,000 people.

Ancient Rome was under trial it’s entire 500 years of existence and despite having the most developed civilization the world had seen up to that point, the development of their civilization did nothing to curb the unbelievable levels of bloodshed that occurred in their society. ... nd_revolts

Read “Infamy: Crimes of Ancient Rome” and another book by the same author “Popular Culture in Ancient Rome” and then come back and try whining about how Christianity ruined poor Ancient Rome.

Also I already showed you what Christian theocracy built in the 1400s and 1500s and you didn’t even bother to address any of that.
That isn't the best reason for why a Christian theocracy is bad. How many people died during the Inquisition? It wasn't 2000 it was way more than that and it lasted hundreds of years.

What exactly did a Christian theocracy build in the 1400s and 1500s? It is a slave morality which indoctrinates people with an obedience to authority. It is not a compass for morality. People don't need the bible to instill a sense of right or wrong in people. People know what is right and wrong.

A form of governance shouldn't subscribe to ideologies such as Christianity or Islam. Otherwise there is the risk of religious persecution for those who do not subscribe. Saudi Arabia is a theocracy and carries out beheadings regularly. 80 in a day in some cases. Christians in power are no better. Christianity has just been declawed and doesn't have the same power and influence that it once had.

The best form of government is one which is solely focused on the welfare of its citizens. An aristocracy comprised of people with wisdom and noble values.
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Re: It's fine to worship Lucifer

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 26th, 2022, 6:36 pm
How many people died during the Inquisition? It wasn't 2000 it was way more than that and it lasted hundreds of years.
Probably less than 10k over those hundreds of years so not really worth mentioning except that it rooted out a lot of evil Jews pretending to be Christian. It was a great shame that they didn't keep it up.
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